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Posts posted by Jashley820

  1. Emily, does your stomach churn everytime you think about the interview? Mine does and anxiety is starting to set in! I'm going to be a f***ing wreck the night before and the morning of the interview!

    My interview is next Wednesday and I am a wreck already. Good luck to you guys!!

  2. I agree on the advice to use Vancouver. Time the request right and it could shave MONTHS off your wait time once NVC approves your petition. Where will you be filing btw? What office?

    Also - before you decide to do K1 and not K3 - double check wherever you are getting married that it is not considered legal. If the embassy even THINKS that you are legally married, you will be denied.

    I don't mean to scare you - just give you some info that I have learned.


    There's no way we can swing a trip to Vancouver. On the I-129F it asks which embassy or consulate will your fiancé be filing, I put Toronto, as that's the closest consulate, but I'm getting the impression from here, that it's either the embassy Vancouver or the embassy at Montreal, and not at any consulates.

    How would I check the legality of the marriage? If I just have a family friend preside over it, there's no way that would be legal, right?


    You could have anyone preside over it. Just don't sign ANY certificates (don't even apply for a marriage certificate) and don't have the person pronounce you Husband and Wife. We didn't even say the word marriage in our ceremony- we said 'union' instead. There's no way it's legal if you don't sign any paperwork.

  3. I agree on the advice to use Vancouver. Time the request right and it could shave MONTHS off your wait time once NVC approves your petition. Where will you be filing btw? What office?

    Also - before you decide to do K1 and not K3 - double check wherever you are getting married that it is not considered legal. If the embassy even THINKS that you are legally married, you will be denied.

    I don't mean to scare you - just give you some info that I have learned.



    I did a celebration and did NOT sign anything legal, and I also had the minister write a letter saying the social ceremony was not legal. Do you think that I will have a problem in my interview?

    Any info you could provide on your experience and learning would be great!



  4. Yes, that's definitely a danger.

    I was crossing with my Fiance and they pulled us aside and ultimately did not allow entry because I didn't have strong enough ties to show I was coming back to Canada. I've visited other family in the U.S. as well as the Fiance since then, but I've gone over with parents/siblings instead as a precaution.

    I find it's best NOT to cross together. If she lacks ties, they may think you're bringing her permanently and won't let you enter. Also, bringing strong evidence that she has ties to Canada (i.e. paystubs, letter of current employment, other obligations) will increase the liklihood that they'll believe you and will let her in as a visitor.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    OK, I'm taking the day off of work to take care of this now. I'm going to file for the K-1, and cross my fingers. If we don't get it in time, then we won't have the legal ceremony and then do that when she does get it. From what I can tell that leaves me with.

    Scenario #1:

    -File for K-1/2 and everything goes quickly.

    Scenario #2:

    -File for K-1/2 and don't get it in time.

    -Proceed with non-legally binding wedding/reception

    -Get visa hopefully shortly after and marry at courthouse

    -Kailey starts school in Canada, and switches schools

    -DANGER: Kristy may not be able to enter US for visits and/or the "wedding"

    That last part in #2 is what scares me the most.

  5. I like the 2 wedding option!! If I forget the 1st one, I can always have the 2nd one to fall back on!! As we get older and our memory fails, I can just state "no, no dear, we already celebrated, don't u remember?" lol

    Hahahaha! I am excited about the 2 anniversary thing too....more reasons to go out and do something special! We also celebrate our engagement anniversary :)

  6. Totally agree...I quit my Marketing job back in June '06 (thinking my K1 would be through in July...I am STILL waiting!!) and so I've been feeling very ineffective lately...but it's all for love!! My Fiance doesn't like Toronto, so I made the choice to move down to the US. I am not there officially, but I visit often, and it's hard to be away from Friends and Family. Thank goodness my future in-laws are so great!

    Well I'm not going to speak for the other Canadians here but the only reason why I'm moving is to be with my husband as it makes more sense for his career to stay there for now. If the marriage ended, I'd come back to Canada in a heartbeat.

    Patriotism is all fine and dandy except when it single-handedly dismisses critiques in a STFU kind of way. That doesn't sit well with me.

    I'm agreeing with you too. The only reason I'm here is because of my husband as well :)

    Don't care one bit about patriotism or "the American Dream" (sorry, Ant, I had a career going on for me back in Canada and didn't need to move here to fulfill any dreams... my "dream" is to be well-travelled and a citizen of the world, and the term "patriotism" actually sends a shiver down my back).

    I agree. I too am here for my husband. I had a well established career back in Canada, and family and friends. But made the choice to come here for him. Grant it I will make the best of a life here I can for us and our family. But should something change or happen to him I would also move back without a second thought.

  7. Hey!

    See below- that's what we did. We couldn't predict when the K1 would come through, and my family couldn't travel to the US to attend a wedding anyway (and Fiance's family is from Canada too). It just made sense for us to do a "celebration" ceremony in Canada that honoured our commitment to each other and made our union public, but we did not sign a marriage license or do anything legal of the sort. Good thing we did- you can NEVER count on when you'll get the K1. It's been a year for me and I still don't have it.

    Good luck!

    My fiancé, Kristy, lives 15 minutes away from me, as I live right on the border. My conundrum is this: I don't think we have time to file for a K-1 as the wedding is scheduled for September 1st, 2007. I'd like her and her daughter to live with me after some point this summer, before we get married. The honeymoon is booked for the US, too.

    What exactly would you guys think my options are? Being a visa waiver country are there things I'm overlooking? Am I fretting too much? Should I just file for the K-1 ASAP and cross my fingers that it will be done in time?


    I agree with misa: file for K1 asap and continue with the wedding plans. If the visa doesn't arrive by Sept 1st (reality is that you're cutting it extremely close and have left no room for errors or wait time), have your wedding ceremony, just not a legal one.

    Alternatively, you could just get married, then file for the spousal visa... but then you'd be lying to the USCIS because Kristy would be crossing the border with the intent of getting married, which is illegal without the K1 visa. I'd not recommend this route at all because it's morally wrong, and because of the possible repercussions from this action... so DON'T DO THIS even though some people take this chance!!

  8. Okay- I applied for a K1 and here's my timeline for MTL:

    March 30, 2006 - I-129F Received at Nebraska Service Centre

    June 1, 2006 - NOA- Transferred to California Service Centre (not sure why!!)

    June 14, 2006 - Received in California

    June 23, 2006- RFE notice sent out

    July 25, 2006- Response to RFE received by California

    September 5, 2006- NOA- Case was approved and sent to Montreal

    * Not sure when Montreal Received the case*

    Late October- Packet 3 received

    November 22, 2006- packet 3 sent to Montreal

    ***March 21, 2006*** Interview date

    * Something to note- I e-mailed MTL in early March asking when my interview would be, and they said it would be another 4 - 16 weeks before it would be assigned. I called the congress representative for my USC Fiance's region, and she made a calll. Voila, interview letter was received less than a week later.

    Montreal seems to have some issues at the moment.

    action: ADDED: Kipster

    Member Name----------Visa Type-----NOA2-------Sent to MTL-------Packet 3------Interview Date


    Jersey Girl-------------K3---------07/27/06---08/04/06----------08/28/06------



    James and Daniela-------K3---------08/10/06---08/18/06----------08/30/06------11/06/2006 (Got trf’d to Vancouver)

    Ljs---------------------K1---------08/18/06---09/06/06----------09/18/06------11/14/06 (exp due to child age out)



    Officer’s Fiance--------K1---------09/07/06---09/15/06----------10/02/06------







    Jimmy the American------K1---------

  9. I actually got an interview date for March...it was strange though, I received the letter this past Tuesday and my interview is on March 21st. 1 week notice! I am so glad I had my medical and everything else done in advance!

    Yee haw!

    ####### happened with March though? Barely anyone got a date in March for Montreal.

    I dont know? All I know is that when I 'accidentally' called them on Feb 13 to see what's going on (my husband received 2 letters, 1 saying that we didn't pay the $380 and one saying that we're missing some form), they told me our case was actually COMPLETE on Feb 13. So I asked the guy what's gonna happen now and he said, well, on the 15th of each month, we give out Montreal interview dates to people. HOWEVER, (as of Feb 13), all the dates have been given out for March. So he said for me to call around the 15th of next month (March) to see if I've been assigned with a date. I guess there were a bunch of people that got interview dates for March but they're just not on Visajourney.com???

    Thank you everyone for their warm wishes! Once I get my medical done, I'll post a review too! And of course, when I go interview in April, I"ll do the same! I hope the weather's nice so there will be no flight delays or anything like that!! I'm planning to fly in on April 12 and leaving on the 14th! :D

  10. Kraft peanut butter (has to be in 1L container)

    Tim Hortons...so what if they've expanded into Michigan and parts of Ohio...still ONLY Canadian in my heart!

    I am going to venture off the Grocery List and go with HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA!!

    Hahaha...too much fun!

    While I'm not the Canadian in the relationship, I do know that butter tarts are from up north, thanks to wikipedia. Oh, Canadian Bacon, which you all call ham. ;)

    actually, we call it back bacon, or peameal bacon. Ham is something else entirely.

    Shreddies! uniquely Canadian.

    Bits 'n' Bites

    Kraft Dinner (different from the US version Mac & Cheese)

    Cinnamon Spread :thumbs:

    crumpets are British too, and I can get them now at Ingles grocery store here in town. Frozen, but its better than nothing! And I found perogies the other day too, which I'd been looking for forever!

  11. Oh my gosh you guys are outstanding. Thank you for all of your help! I am going to double (triple!) read all of Montreal's instructions to make sure I've done everything correctly. I am going to get the tax paperwork and other support documents from my Fiance just in case! I am sure glad I have been a good girl and have no criminal record, hahaha!

    Just wanted to add that my fiance had been denied entry to the U.S. He was asked about that in his interview in Vancouver and was honest. The officer there said that it was good that he was honest and that lots of people have been denied entry before. Just tell the truth and you have nothing to worry about :)
  12. Thanks so much for the reassurance!

    Hi jenash and welcome

    being turned away isnt an uncommon thing , be honest when/if asked and all should be fine.

    if bringing tax returns makes you feel you can better substantiate your finacial case... then by all means bring them ....although they are not a requirement.

    you're right on about the instructions for the police check and it would be my guess that as long as thats where you have lived straight time since you were 16 and you have never been arrested anywhere , then you should be good.

    be glad you only have 1 week to fret and stress, check and recheck, obsess over details and drive your fiance nuts

    all the best to you for your interview


  13. Hi Everyone! I just found this site today and it's fantastic. Thank you everyone for sharing your incredible stories, advice and support.

    I found out yesterday via a letter from Montreal that my interview is in 1 week. They didn't give me very much notice!!

    I have a couple of questions based on what I've read on the threads today, hopefully some of you have advice for me!

    1) I was denied entry into the U.S. in August due to lack of ties. Do you know if they will ask about this and whether my visa will be compromised because of this? If you've had experience with this please share, thanks!

    2) I read that people are bringing prior tax returns for thier USC Fiance...my packet/checklist only asked for the Notarized Affidavit, Bank letter, and letter from employer. Should I bring additional information i.e. pay stubs?? Have the rules changed?

    3) I am also reading that people got their background check from the RCMP. My checklist said to get the background check from the regions that I have lived in since age 16. Therefore, I got it from Peel Regional Police. Did I do this wrong???

    Any other information you can provide i.e. sample questions, potential areas of trouble, etc, would be great. I am an absolute wreck right now!!!

    Thanks again!


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