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Posts posted by 1point3

  1. Just as a follow up with everyone. Today, October 05, 2019. I received in the mail my noa2. No text message, email, nor either site updated. What we did was a more heart filled intent to marry letter from the each of us. I also included a copy of my engagement ring  receipt and the two original letters that was initially sent. They received my response on September 12, 2019 as per the site. Thank you all for the input and encouragement. I appreciate you all. Now I need to get on with what's next while awaiting mcn(?) Number. 

  2. Just and update guys, I've finished my new letter of intent, printed it out and signed it. My question is, my fiancee is more comfortable hand writing it, sign it, and send it. I've checked dhl and it's pretty reasonable to ship a document from the Philippines to the United States. Do you all feel that all this necessary?


    We are scared that if she were type it, print it, sign it, scan it, and than email it. They might not take accept it again cause itll just be a print out that is submitted. No wet ink. Or how about a scan of her hand written letter? Sorry but my paranoia is eating me away. 

  3. very unfortunate indeed. it sucks because we met in september last year in person during my first vacation over there with my parents. things started off well we just messaged each other. one thing led to another and in december when i went back i proposed to her. we didnt really talk about our marriage over chat because we mostly do video calls. we talked about it more when i went back there this past june. so since our first encounter, we have seen each other a total of 3 separate occurrences each lasting more then 14 days each. in my original petition i included about 8 pictures with dates and popular landmarks over there. would it raise some flags if we were to start chatting about it right after we get an RFE. should i write a letter explaining all these things? i dont know why im nuking this... i appreciate all your responces.

    as of right now i plan to write a more personal letter of intent. she will write another one as well. both will be signed and dated. im just getting paranoid that with whatever i send in my petition could either get declined or get another RFE. Its just crazy that there was a problem with her letter of intent and no problem with mine. they were exactly the same....

    again thanks guys. i have a few days to work on this cause the post offices are closed due to the holiday and sunday. hopefully i can gain some more confidence and send in the revised letters of intent from the both of us on tuesday


    14 minutes ago, Jorgedig said:

    What country is your fiance from?


    Yours is the second recent RFE I've seen for this type of information.  Historically, it seems that RFEs for intent were just asking for the letter (even if it had been submitted initially with the petition).


    Is there something you can think of that would make them question her intent?


    Kind of disturbing really, as how can most people plan such specifics without even knowing when they might get the visa?

    Shes in the Philippines
    I cant think of any reason off the top of my head as to why they would question it.
    I totally agree how can you plan a ceremony like that without having a solid date yet

    14 minutes ago, wingman23 said:

    provide them your plans for the small civil wedding - reception reservations, catering reservations, party reservations. you can also attach receipts of the dress that you bought or pictures of the intended dress. invites will also be a good proof that you are going to marry each other.

    yes, the intent to marry letter needs to be updated.

    Alright, I'll go ahead and make another new and updated of letter of intent as will she. Should we both include those small details in both of ours? I hope it'll be okay since the RFE just states they need one from her. just a random question, if it were missing, would the RFE say missing docs?

  5. As the title states, i received an RFE yesterday. I'm a bit confused because I made 2 exact copies of my petition that I sent in. I double and triple checked everything before I made the copies. Anyways the RFE states that they need additional evidence of her letter of intent to marry. I've attached the one that we sent. Was it not good enough perhaps? We only plan on having a small civil wedding. To prove that would be difficult because the courthouse here where I live doesnt do pre registrations.


    Also does this mean I need to redo mine with a more current date? Even if the RFE just states hers? Another thing that confuses me is, both our letters of intent were exactly the same in our original petition. Only difference are the names, dates signed, and signature. 



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