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Posts posted by montanaman

  1. 10 hours ago, Hank_ said:

    Why? :unsure:     


    You are going to be there standing beside her ...  ?   CO may ask you to sit down for the actual interview 



    Ok, I didn't know they would allow me to be with her during the interview, other than being able to wait for her inside. What kind of questions could they possibly ask me?

  2. In a twist to this, how about since I'm going to be there for her interview, I give her my passport to show the CO as part of the ongoing evidence and state that I'm here right now to be with her for the process? I think that would show our commitment to each other and help strengthen the case, no? Would they even care to look at it?

  3. We're kind of in the same boat on this due to financial and travel logistics involved. She's in Mindanao and will fly to Manila on Monday, have SLEC Tues & Wednesday and interview on Thursday. I'll arrive Wednesday night to be with her for the interview in the morning. CFO scheduled for Friday. A very tight timeline, but it had to be that way, unfortunately. I don't like cutting things that close.....

  4. I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I think it's still relevant to the topic and I haven't received a response to my original post since 2/9, so I'm hoping someone can help me as our interview is next month. 


    I was once married to a Brazilian and we went through the IR-1 process. She was approved and entered the US in 2015. I, of course, had to submit an Affidavit Of Support for her at that time. I understand that as the petitioner, we're "on the hook" for 10 years unless they get citizenship or leave the country so her "clock" is 4 years into the 10.


    Fast forward to today. I'm filing out the I-134 as part of the K1 for my fiance and am wondering about a couple of things on there. The bold print is from the form...


    1. Dependent's Information

    Do I need to list my ex-wife here even though we're obviously divorced, live apart and she's working? Our divorce decree had no spousal support requirements/obligations and I do not support her financially.


    2. I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following person(s)

    I assume I need to list the ex-wife here?


    3. I have submitted a visa petition to USCIS on behalf of the following persons.

    Once again, I need to list the ex here? As well as my current fiance?


    4. Part 3, #38 - I intend/do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person named in Part 2. 

    Part 2 is naming my beneficiary fiance, so I'm confused about this question.


    One other thing...


    I requested my prior 3 years of tax transcripts online. Once I downloaded them and printed it, something odd stands out and I hope it's not an issue when they are submitted at the interview....


    On all three of them, where it states: NAME(S) SHOWN ON RETURN: XXXX (First 4 letters of ex-wife's last name, which is different from mine because she kept her maiden name). But it doesn't have my name on there anywhere. It does show my SS# above that, along with hers below mine as well as mine for SSN Provided. I am the person that filed the taxes (married, filing jointly) so why itsn't my name anywhere on it? Any ideas on this? Thanks!


    I hope my questions make sense, and if they don't please let me know so I can help clarify. Any help is appreciated!

  5. That's odd that they'd size them as 2x3. I go to Costco and get them cheaper than anywhere else and they're the correct size and good quality. Second best option is Walmart. I used to get them free with my AAA membership at the local office but they've started charging for them so I now go to Costco because it's cheaper.

  6. 1 hour ago, theafons said:

    When you scroll up the history in Whatsapp it actually shows the date which dissapears quickly, but gives enough time to make a screenshot. This is what we did. Looks like this:




    I've done the same thing with our WA screenshots. It's tricky at first to get the date to stay there long enough for you to get the screenshot but you can get it after some trial and error.

  7. One other thing...


    I requested my prior 3 years of tax transcripts online. Once I downloaded them and printed it, something odd stands out and I hope it's not an issue when they are submitted at the interview....


    On all three of them, where it states: NAME(S) SHOWN ON RETURN: XXXX (First 4 letters of ex-wife's last name, which is different from mine because she kept her maiden name). But it doesn't have my name on there anywhere. It does show my SS# above that, along with hers below mine as well as mine for SSN Provided. I am the person that filed the taxes (married, filing jointly) so why itsn't my name anywhere on it? Any ideas on this? Thanks!

  8. Hello, all!

    I've been a lurker here since I started the K-1 process for my fiance in the Philippines and we're at the point where we now have our interview date (3/28/19) and I'll be flying there on the 26th to be with her to support her (really each other) over the last hurdle. So, I have a couple of questions but first a quick background:

    I was once married to a Brazilian and we went through the IR-1 process. She was approved and entered the US in 2015. I, of course, had to submit an Affidavit Of Support for her at that time. I understand that as the petitioner, we're "on the hook" for 10 years unless they get citizenship or leave the country.


    Fast forward to today. I'm filing out the I-134 and am wondering about a couple of things on there...


    1. Dependent's Information

    Do I need to list my ex-wife here even though we're obviously divorced, live apart and she's working? Our divorce decree had no spousal support requirements/obligations and I do not support her financially.


    2. I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following person(s)

    I assume I need to list the ex-wife here?


    3. I have submitted a visa petition to USCIS on behalf of the following persons.

    Once again, I need to list the ex here?


    4. Part 3, #38 - I intend/do not intend to make specific contributions to the support of the person named in Part 2. 

    Part 2 is naming my beneficiary fiance, so I'm confused about this question.


    I hope my questions make sense, and if they don't please let me know so I can help clarify. Any help is appreciated!  :)

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