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Everything posted by SamNadia

  1. Hey Everyone, My wife (GC Holder) and I would like to sponsor our niece (18yrs) to come live with us to ultimately experience something new. There are many ways for our Niece to come to the US (Student, Tourist, Nanny, etc.) but we were wondering what the best route was to get her here, with the potential of her staying the longest. I hesitate a student visa, because she does not know what she wants to study, and I do not want to put that debt on her. Tourist visa is only 6 months, and we would like to see her longer than that. From my understanding being a nanny, you could live here for two years, but not sure how that logistically works, and if we could have family be our nanny through a visa process. Hoping for some insight into our options with the maximum amount of time for her stay. Thank you!
  2. Its not, this is the first time we've had to renew or remove conditions... we are inside of the first two years of the green card.
  3. She entered the US and then we got married... I have a feeling that the money is down the drain unfortunately. Definitely will still complete the timeline... Thank you
  4. Okay, so my wife is closing in on her green card expiring in November. We knew that action was needed, so we went ahead renewed the green card, which costs $535.. We've already gone to the biometrics and it should be here in a couple of months. A couple of weeks ago we received a call to action to fill out the I-751, which is to remove conditions... Now I feel like we should of waited to receive this call to action because the I-751 costs $595... What I fear is that we applied to renew her green card, when we should of waited to receive a call to action and remove the conditions... Can someone verify that we made a mistake? And can we rectify the mistake by contacting USCIS with the mix up? Or is the I-90 & I-751 necessary to stay in the country... Anything information would help. Thank you!
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