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Posts posted by heyyou

  1. 8 hours ago, Roel said:

    Also gotta correct your timeline. 

    K1 approval takes about 8 to 10 months. 

    After the wedding in the US you do AOS and it takes 12 or more months to get a green card. Not 4 months. Just for the work and travel permit you might have to wait 3 to 6 months. 


    Overall cr1 is better if you want to start working in the US asap.  Takes about 10 to 12 months for approval. 

    I misinterpreted the websites I read apperantly. Good to know about correct timeline to get green card and work/travel permit. Cr1 looks the smartest way to go after reading comments here 👍

  2. 5 hours ago, Pennycat said:

    And just to chime in on the corrected timelines, even though it is completely out, the B1/B2 option is 12 months to a green card (5 or 6 to a work permit) so this lawyer is wrong on yet another front.


    Avoid this person. They are either very, very badly informed or are steering you in a direction to make more money for themselves (make you think the B1/B2 to adjustment of status option is the best/fastest so  you'll choose it, knowing that you'll be denied the B1/B2 visa anyway, then you need to come back and pay them for more advice and more paperwork assistance for the visa you were supposed to go for in the first place). 


    You'll meet people who have adjusted from B1/B2 visas. They were either already here and had a sudden change in circumstances that made them decide to stay or  (more likely) did not know that this wasn't legal and weren't caught or decided to take the risk and weren't caught. No one here can or will advise you to follow in those footsteps and anyone who does advise you to do that does not have your best interest at heart right now (there is an approximately 0% chance you'll get another B1/B2 visa at this point). 

    I agree with that. As all people here who warned us about the attorney and  her suggestions, we will not work with her or won't follow her suggestions.

    We appreciate the help we got from the forum 🙂Such an amazing community 👍

  3. 1 hour ago, databit said:

    Can your girlfriend support you financially for sponsorship? Her 2 children will be counted as her household even if she receives child support. With you, that makes a household of 3 (or more if she has relatives to support). Her income needs to be at least $25, 975 for 3 people for 2018, may be higher for 2019. Plus she will need to pay for your health insurance and other expenses.

    Thank you for this information. Yes we checked it. She can support me financially for sponsorship. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Jorgedig said:

    For CR-1, you actually need to make a life together.  Not just APPEAR to have a life together.  It may mean your GF needs to come to your country to live for awhile, rather than just to marry.  


    Do not do the B-2 fraudulent route.   You can get a permanent bar from the US for that.


    None of the options will be quick, or cheap.  I suggest you read ad infinitum on these forums.  Best of luck!  🙂

    Thank you for such valuable suggestions 🙂


    Loke you said, We will read more about cr1 on the forum. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Cyberfx1024 said:

    A lot of proof such as pictures together, tickets and hotel receipts from spending time together. If you do the CR1 route then you will need to start trying to comingle finances. 


    I am disturbing you with more  questions.I appreciate your help. 👍


    Does traditional or big or small wedding matters for cr1? 

    For financial proof of our commitment, would these be enough?: Flat rent agreement in both of our names, joint bank account in my country.

    Any more tips for cr1 aside from pics, tickets, hotel bookings, financial docs, wedding docs?

  6. 3 minutes ago, Cyberfx1024 said:

    Go to your profile and click on Edit Profile, then where it says Country move the tab down to your country. This is to help give you better advice because some regions and/or countries vary information wise. 

    Done. Thank you.


    Do we have to have traditional big wedding for cr1? Or simple wedding is enough? Do we need to bring her parents to wedding in my country? Any other tips making sure that we have enough proof?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Ontarkie said:

    ~~Moved to What Visa Do I Need, from IR1/CR1 P&P - The OP is trying to find out his options.~~



    Your B1/B2  AOS thoughts ends now. This is clear visa fraud.  Not likely you will get another visa so soon. There is a record of you trying to enter with intent to adjust. If and a Big if you ever get another visitor visa you would have a very hard time proving doing this was not planned.  


    The comments are eye opener. Any suggestion for cr1 or k1?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Cyberfx1024 said:

    The first option you gave in regards to the B1/B2 visa is considered visa fraud and no one will help you with that option here. Also after your removal I doubt that you would receive one anyway to be honest. 


    K1 visa is the quickest option but also the more costly one overall. You have timeline wrong though in regards to this though. The current timeline is about 9-12 months to point of entry, you get married, file for AOS and get the Green card in about another 9-12 months. You can file for Advance Parole(AP) to travel abroad and the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to work during the AOS process, those timeline are about 4-5 months after filing for AOS


    CR1 visa is when you get married in your country and then she files for the visa for you. The current timeline is about 12-18 months overall. 



    Personally I would do the CR1 visa if I were you. 

    Wow :) I wasn't expecting such a helpful reply this quickly. Thank you so much. 


    About b1/b2, my gf had a meeting with one attorney (her friend's mom). The attorney suggested this option that is why we included. Also, she said that we can't get b1/b2 after we file k1 or cr1 so we should try b1/b2 first.


    However, we think she is probably wrong. your comment is really helpful. Is there any suggestion to make our case stronger when applying for cr1?


  9. Hi,


    I and my gf are having difficulty to decide which visa to apply in current state of our situation. Could you please tell us your suggestions according to our case described below:


    My gf is a US citizen, living in the US and has 2 kids. We have met 3.5 years ago online, we have been talking since then without break. However, since my heart is broken badly by my ex, I have commitment issues, i am afraid of being in relationship by thinking my heart would be broken again. For this reason, we have been kidding ourselves by saying we are not in a romantic relationship until recently. 


    She came to visit me first time in Aug-2018. In September, I went to go to visit her and see the culture and life in the US before starting a romantic relationship with her. In passport control, I stated that I will stay with her and travel in the country as well to experience the culture. They took me to a room for further questioning. I have been traveling a lot (20 countries so far) and never experienced serious questioning so I assumed it will be few regular questions then they will let me in the country. However, they asked many questions it took more than an hour:


    They: after checking her address written on  my CBP declaration form they asked me who is she, how do I know her etc.

    Me: I explained that we are friends which we know each other 3.5 years and she came to visit my country so I helped her. Now, I am coming to visit her country. They: asked if I am in a romantic relationship with her, 

    Me: I said no, since I am afraid of commitment which is the truth until then we had never said that we are bf and gf, we were just acting like friends. 

    They: tell us about your job, education, owned property, ties to your country, etc

    Me: I am an engineer, I quit my job abroad in apr-2017 to finish master in my country. Finished my master in Feb-2018. At the time of questioning, I wasn't working in any company, just making little money on my website. I have a flat but under construction, currently living with my family.

    They: why are you coming to the US now after getting visa 4 years ago and why didn't you get your visa in your country

    Me: I came to experience life and the culture (Halloween, etc.) and I didn't have time before due to busy work life. About visa, I didn't stay in my country more than 2 weeks when I was working abroad so I didn't have any chance to apply and get the visa in my country

    (I got my b1/b2 visa when I was working abroad in that country 4 years ago)

    They: asked her exact name including maiden name I told them but they didn't understand so I showed it on my phone, they took my phone and started checking my chat history with my gf (not gf at that time)

    Me: that it is personal, can I get my phone

    They: you are coming to our country we want to see the proof if you are saying the truth


    Eventually they told me that "you don't have strong ties to your country, your education is over, you aren't working in any company and you are coming to the US to stay with your gf permanently". They said that they won't let me in so I have to sign "withdrawal of application admission" and "questioning record printout" and  go back to my country that day. I won't be barred from the country. Since I had no other choice, I signed it and flew back to my country. It was such a traumatizing experience to be questioned long time and to go back to my country. 


    I was crushed, I had felt down for days. I had realized that I have been missing her a lot more than before and in love with her as I felt strong pain that I couldn't see her. In October 2018, she came to visit me in my country. We have decided to be in a romantic relationship as bf and gf after 3.5 years. We are such a slow movers, I think :( Now, we are rushing to be with each other all the time.


    We want to start living together however she cant move to my country since her kids are in school and she has shared custody of kids with her ex. As we researched, we learned that we have 3 options, from the fastest to the slowest:


    B1/B2 visa: 4 months to get the visa + 4 months to green card. (4 months until start living together.) I started working abroad this month so I have stronger ties now. I can apply for this visa few months later to show that I am committed to my job. If I can get the visa, I can go to the US and get married there and apply for status change in the US. This I might need to say that I am no longer in contact with her, which will be a lie. When I tell this lie, can I get approval for green card after getting married in the US?


    K1 visa: as I read on this forum that for my country this visa takes around 8 months until approval + 4 months until green card in the US (8 months until start living together)


    CR1: 18 months until approval. This seems like the safest way to go but the slowest. (18 months until start living together)


    Sorry that it took this long to express myself. I don't want to screw this one up I wanted to point every detail so that you can give better suggestions. 


    Could you please let us know which option is the best in our condition and why? How likely can we get approval for that option?


    Thank you in advance.




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