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Jovia Rose

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Posts posted by Jovia Rose

  1. Please have a doctor talk to your fiancé to make sure there are no chances of them developing a clot or have any cardiac issues. The doctors think my fiancé developed a clot during his flight. When I picked him up from the airport he complained of being exhausted, fatigued, stomach pains he thought from the airline food. He took something for the stomach pain and insisted that he just needed rest. He slept until about 3am and felt better and said the stomachache had gone. We talked for a while and planned the next day and went back to sleep. When he awoke the next morning he complained that maybe he had malaria because he felt really weak and his chest felt tight. I took him to the ER and his heart stopped moments after we arrived. He wasn’t here for a full day and he was gone. They were unable to revive him. The preliminary for autopsy revealed a clot had formed and had traveled to his heart.This is a nightmare and we are just devastated by his passing. All the time wasted in waiting for this process to end. All the plans we had made together and the life we wanted to share, just gone. I can’t let this happen to anyone else, so please please please make sure that you have your fiancé checked out thoroughly and educated about flight safety. I would have left everything here to be with him, but he wanted to ask my father for my hand in marriage. He was my world. I just thought you all should know if there’s a chance it could help someone else. It should really be a part of the P3 to educate first time flights

  2. Our case was ready to schedule an interview back in November, but we kept getting the same message that there were no dates available. We were finally able to get a date scheduled for February in December. Unfortunately, Lagos is a very busy Embassy you just have to keep checking. Best of luck to you!

  3. Hello everyone! Our case has been ready at the Nigerian embassy in Lagos for weeks now, and there are still “no interview dates available.” I have the auto refresh on my browser, but there has been no change, no calendar, just nothing. Is it possible to move the case from Lagos to another embassy in Nigeria? Or are we just stuck waiting with no real end in site lol. I just need a date, any date will do. There just needs to be an end in site lol.😣 

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