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Posts posted by Ukrainek1

  1. 3 hours ago, HP+IC said:

    This is the story as old as the world. Evading army service has nothing to do with the 'current' situation as those actually involved in military actions are all in contract service, not drafted. They are trained, paid, equipped and protected. And yes, it should result in trouble because it is something not meant to happen, like anywhere in the world, it's breaking the law.

    Moreover, I think that this website's policy definitely prohibits calling for or looking to facilitate corrupt practices anywhere. 

    When you are forced to do something it seems to me it’s more of a “draft” then it is a contract.  A contract is an agreement and there is no mutual agreement in this situation.


    Furrthermore, she is already had to bury one brother from this “situation” and this is her only sibling left. She doesn’t want to have to go through that again so she will do whatever she has to do. 


    Thank you very much.


    Ps - he did already serve 2 years in the military when he was 18

  2. Is anyone here familiar with the laws in Ukraine regarding being drafted into the military?  My wife got a phone call from her mother that the military came to their house in the village area and was looking for her brother who is 31 years old.  The brother has all of his mail and registration documents sent to this house but he lives elsewhere.  THe father answered the door and told them they didn't know where her brother was, didn't know when he would be home and they wanted the son to get in contact with the military as they wanted him to complete medical service and he was being drafted.  THe parents have no intention of telling their son this as they dont want him to go to military and they think if he finds out he will go.  


    My wife obviously doesn't want him to go but is worried he could get into trouble if they find him?  She assumes as the least he wont be able to leave the country.  But again he doesn't know this is taking place.  He has unofficial work so there is no way they will be able to lcoate him.


    Also, is it possible for one to bribe their way out of this situation?  Seems like there is alot of corruption in Ukraine so Id imagine this could be an option to make it go away.


    Also, what about the age - their was limited information I could find on the internet and I found something that said its only for males up to 27 years old. However, my wife said with the current situation they are taking people much older.

  3. 19 hours ago, jdaveh said:

    Congrats )))

    The embassy in Kyiv has good days and bad days. My now wife was asked to get a new police certificate and pass it through the guards outside, completely wrong and no way it would work. I had to send a very carefully worded email to the embassy asking for the proper paperwork to get it delivered by a courier. All worked out but she was completely upset and confused and I was in the air on my way back from Kyiv.

    Thank you!


    and Yes, there is no way that would work by giving it to the guard.  Security at the embassy to get into the interview section is like Fort Knox.   


  4. 6 minutes ago, HP+IC said:

    Hopefully so. Fair adjudication sounds great

    Over the last 40 days I did a ton of research and haven’t seen one person denied from kyiv on vj. 6 total cases on vj (including the recent 3) for people in admin processing and all but 1 were approved. The only one not approved was withdrawn by petitioner in ap and he found out fiancé had criminal record and he caught her in many lies. So all In all if it’s a true relationship and you have your paperwork ready you will be approved.

  5. 7 hours ago, Greenbaum said:

    When the Embassy is ready to issue a visa, it will change to "Nonimmigrant Visa Application"; at that time, you will know that you are a few days away from getting the visa. It will go from "Immigrant Visa Application" to "Nonimmigrant Visa Application" status and then your visa changes to "Ready" ==> "Administrative Processing" ==>> "Issued" status as well. These steps sometimes transpire over a day or even a few days. Some smaller Embassy's it happens within hours.


    Sometimes, it might skip "Administrative Processing" and go from "Ready" to "Issued".

    THank you it turned to Issued today. So visa is approved. What a process

  6. k-1 visa Had interivew 10/16 - was in AP in Kiev but case status stayed on Ready. no updates to case except on 10/31 when i inquired with emabssy.

    wake up this morning - check status - case was ready but case was updated today

    Check an hour later - in Adminstrative Processing

    1 hour after that  - new case created date  to today and it changed from Immigrant to Non Immigrant visa. Still says in Admin Processing



  7. 7 minutes ago, Khallaf said:

    I would have the petitioner send an email to the embassy to check the official status of the application.


    I know with my CRI that the NVC was able to look at the notes that the US Embassy in Cario placed on the visa application.


    that is the two spots I would start first.

    Thanks for the advice. I am going to wait a week or so and see if there are any more updates

  8. 1 minute ago, Khallaf said:

    I can't say I have ever seen the case creating date change before.


    I know that in the case with my husband his interview date was 8/26 it updated 9/4 when they responded back to an email I sent, and then not again until they called him to send in the passport back to us embassy.


    it took almost 60 days, and with the update means they are reviewing the papers again.


    Did they keep the passport or give it back?

    The kept the passport.

    Yes, the case creation date change is very odd.

    Oh well nothing I can do but speculate and try not to overthink it. Its just a blackhole 

    Just now, Apelcina said:

    are you applying for a K1 or CR1?


  9. 1 minute ago, Khallaf said:

    looks like they are looking into your case, sometimes it will go from READY to AP and most times goes into READY and then into Issued.


    have you been checking each day?


    what happened at interview?

    i check it each and every day and this is the first time it has changed at all.


    ALso, i just checked again and the case created date just changed again to today.


    Application ID or Case Number:  xxxxxx
    Case Created: 20-Nov-2018
    Case Last Updated: 20-Nov-2018


    they gave us a 221g and said they needed more time and didn't request any documents.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Alabamak1 said:

    i was at my then fiancees interview and like any other couples, we had concerns, but your story seem very close to me for approval. That is my opinion, not the CO's apparently.  There was an older couple the day we went there that had also a k-1 approved.  A young guy from Ukraine also with CR-1. My wife now, has friends doing the same K-1 process on their way and nobody had or is having issues so far. 


    Good luck 

    Thank you I do as well. My fiance said the second interview was very conversational and not confrontational.  She never felt like they were questioning her integrity, they just wanted to know the story - and it all makes sense as to why when you take a step back and look at it.   She answered their questions and now the ball is in their court.


    She did mention that they other individual who had a second interview - that interview was very confrontational.  The interviewer was raising her voice - really demanding to know why she didn't have any pictures and why she waited 15 years to say yes to a proposal.   So that part makes me feel a little bit better.


    Also, the CO did come back and speak to me upon my request.  Something she wasn't obliged to do - and she was very pleasant.  I view this as a positive sign.  So fingers crossed. I am sure they are doing their checks and only time will tell.



  11. 15 minutes ago, Alabamak1 said:

    I am sure it is not her looks that was the reason for not being approved. At this point it's much of speculation. Your age is not the factor either. What I would agree, is the fact that you mentioned her not being employed in the Netherlands and being there so many times. That could be seen as somekinda lie to their eyes.  That is a little hard to swallow even if it was true. 

    Well its the truth and she provided them with his first name/last name and city where he lives.  I told the CO when she came back after the second itnerview that i know all about the ex bf.  WHen I asked her any reason as to why we wouldn't be approved she said "No. as long as noone here is already in a relationship".  TShe also mentioned that they have to be careful because people have "professional girlfriends". I  take that as prostitution.

    I have pictures with myself and family and she told them she talked to my family on whatsapp/viber.  


    I am sure they have access to Holland's immigration records and can check her entry there and since she provided them with his first name/last name and city of residence they will check to see if he entered ukraine.  They also asked her if she has a second passport - she still has the OLD one - where you have to get a visa to travel to Europe -she is superstitious and for some reason will not get the new passport until the current one expires.  SO i am sure they are checking to make sure she doesn't have an ID passport.


    I have a friend who works for the FBI who does interviews for security clearances for people with access to nuclear weapons  - nothing with immigration - but I told her what happened and she said they aren't hiring private PI's to investigate each other's lives - they are doing nothing more than quick searches in their databases and running it past their supervisors and then move onto the next case. THey dont have the time/resources/money to do a full on investigation but I welcome it because they wont find anything.



  12. Just now, Jorgedig said:

    Why has she never had to work, at 27?   That seems very odd indeed.....

    It never came up in the interview but when she graduated college she met her ex bf. He said I want to see you to come live with me in holland. She legally couldn’t work there as she was on a tourist visa. He and her family helped her out with bills. She lived at home the remaining time. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, HP+IC said:

    Your fiancee must be quite young and very beautiful. My fiance told me once that beautiful girls are frowned at by immigrations

    I am 41 and she is 27. I don’t want to sound arrogant but she is drop dead gorgeous and she is frequently approached/hit  by guys (sometimes while I am next to her). I am secure enough in our relationship that it doesn’t bother me. 


    but I really don’t think they frown upon beautiful girls.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Shiran said:

    My plan it to be there for interview. Ideally, we would travel back together assuming things go well. But as with all things dealing with government bureaucracy, no plans can be made in stone. To be honest, this story worries me quite a bit, because I was under impression Kyiv was pretty laid back embassy. 

    I really wouldn’t worry. On paper our story doesn’t make sense but she did fine in her second interview and it makes perfect sense once they have all the information.


    when I take a step back and look at it and see she has the travel to holland/Amsterdam and doesn’t work it’s normal for them to question that. They did and she provided them her reasons and her storyS  They are going to do whatever searches they want and they aren’t going to find a reason to deny us. The good news is she hasn’t been back to Amsterdam since she met me and she provided them with all of his information and told me I knew about him. I told the co that as well .  I have photos with her family. So really there is nothing they will find but I understand their position as to why they have to do additional checks. 

  15. 11 minutes ago, HP+IC said:

    I wish my fiance could come to join me at the interview. At least I asked him to, but it is not yet clear whether it will be possible. My idea is, that him coming is the ultimate demonstration of support and commitment and whatever happens, good or bad, we will stand together. You the OP have done everything you could and while your fiancee must be grateful to you, you may rest assured you've done it properly. So just hope for the better

    Yes i almost didn’t come to the interview  and didn’t want to but my fiancé really wanted me there so I made it happen and am glad I went because I was able to get the co to come back and ask her the additional questions. 


    That day there were a combo of 15 marriage/fiancé interviews that day and 1 individual was there for a green card lottery interview. All the interviews went well except ours and one other.


    the other lady who had a second interview had met her fiancé 27 years ago. He proposed to her 15 years ago and she said yes last year after thinking about it for 15 years. They didn’t have any photos together (I guess they would have had to for uscis but my fiancé said the second interviewer was being very strong in her questioning to this lady). She said the language was much stronger then it was for her interview. 


  16. 6 minutes ago, HP+IC said:

    Having a (Dutch?) ex BF, travelling extensively, not ever working, living on support and hanging out in clubs not even knowing English enough to maintain a social conversation is perfectly legal but may not look good. This is not something average Ukrainian girl does and they know it. Is there any age gap or other red flags, like a short courtship, quick engagement, one visit etc? Isn't a 'pink slip' a request for more evidence? Apparently they have doubt about your relationship and would probably want some more information, other than perform more background checks. Did they request anything at all? IMO, an attempt to contact the CO directly will not be of any help. They proceed strictly as per their manuals and personal contact, if not requested and/or authorised, is not welcome.

    Thank for youe response @HP+ICYes I agree it doesn’t look good but we have followed the letter of the law to a t.



    They gave a pink slip but they did not ask for any additional information and they said we have everything we need we just need more time and can’t make a decision today.


    14 year age difference and enagaged after my second trip and have visited her a total of 8 times as of the interview date and I let them know that. 


    Any other insight?

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