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Posts posted by GamericaC

  1. Thank you so much everyone for your help, advice and experience! It is an absolute mess of a system, you’d think after going through the chaos of the Visa process, I’d be used to this by now! I’m going to walk into the local DMV tomorrow (I checked and they do licenses! Thanks for the heads up though!) and just wait in line. It’s a lot easier than waiting the 2 months! I’m still applying for work so I’m not desperate for a car yet and I’m within walking distance of the shops etc, so I’ll make sure I get everything right as I don’t want to land up in any trouble for something that is totally avoidable once made clear! I wish there was clearer communication between USCIS and the DMV!

  2. Yes but other forums and comments have said that when people have tried to go to the DMV to get a license, they turn them away because they didn’t have a GC or EAD. It just all seems to contradict each other and nobody makes any sense! 

    I really do appreciate your help though. It’s just a frustrating experience and the earliest date to book an appointment in my local DMV office is mid November, so I’m gonna have to go and queue for hours just to get some info (And hopefully a license, as I’ll take everything with me!)

  3. Ok so I’m gonna have to stop you all there, these are exactly the comments that confused me in the first place!

    Firstly, from reading the information on the USCIS website, I’m not a resident until I receive my green card, just flying in on a K1 visa doesn’t automatically make me a resident (Even though I’ve been ‘residing’ here). It’s impossible to obtain a license without proper documentation and that includes wither an EAD or Green card. I can, if I wanted to, drive on my UK license. I wouldn’t have been fined or been in trouble, anyone else reading these comments will be just as scared and confused as I was before I did some research.

    I was hoping someone who was in the same situation as me would be able to reply. So please, before you comment, I would appreciate advice from someone who really knows what they’re saying and not just someone’s opinion.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply, but it is detrimental if it isn’t based in fact. There are endless threads about this that contain contradictory views, I just wish someone could be clear about this and not just spread confusion based on opinion!

  4. Hi all!

    Firstly, apologies if I am in the wrong forum or if this has been answered elsewhere, it can be a bit of a maze trying to find the answers I’m looking for so I thought I’d just straight up ask!

    I received my Green Card today (YAY!!) and I’ve heard lots of different chat about applying for a drivers license and various different rules etc. When I had my interview, I actually asked the woman who interviewed us about applying for drivers license and she said once I have my card, to use it to apply for a license. I did hear that, once a resident, if I didn’t apply for a license, I could be fined, which I obviously want to avoid. I’ve been driving since 2001 and have a full UK Drivers license, but when I went to book an appointment on the DMV, the closest date I could find was in the middle of October in a town miles away! 

    So, my question is, should I book an appointment and if asked, take a screenshot of my booking to prove that I’m waiting to get my license? Also, do I need to take a driving test? So I guess that’s two questions, really. I’m just so confused about the whole situation and also a bit giddy that I’ve finally got my Green Card! 

    Thank you all so much in advance!

  5. Ooh I don’t really know I’m sorry! All I know is in the UK it will take a few weeks (depending on the doctors) to transfer patient records. I don’t know about transfers to different countries. Best for him to contact his doctors and see what options he has! It sounds like you’re planning ahead which is the best thing to do as it’ll save any potential future problems! Good luck!

  6. Apparently I posted this in the wrong forum so here it is again!


    Hey everyone! Not sure if this is on the right forum topic but I’ve only just joined here and still finding my way around!


    I had my medical today at Knightsbridge for our K-1 Visa. I kept a log of my time there in case anyone thought it useful. If you don’t want to read it all, the main points are: 


    They're adamant they need the patient summary and won’t send the report to the embassy until they have it. 


    Take a book!


    If you haven’t had all the vaccinations, you only really need 2 (£90 if done there)


    Everyone is really lovely! 


    I was really nervous last night and didn’t really sleep at all and couldn’t really find any personal experiences that put me at ease. I needn’t have worried, it was all fine! 


    Anyway, here’s the detailed version if you’re interested:



    Arrived and told to sit in the waiting room and come back at the reception at 10.50. (My appointment time) About 10 other people in here waiting too. I want to chat to them but they all look nervous!


    A girl sat opposite me has a bandage on her arm from bloods so I’m assuming we have to come back in-between tests. 


    They’ve got Christmas decorations up on the mini chandelier. Either someone’s very eager or they’ve been there for years. 


    I wasn’t sure what to wear so I just put a shirt and jeans on. Smart cas. I didn’t want to overdo it but I also wanted them to know I’m taking this seriously. 


    I really want to chat to everyone and ask what their stories are, but I need to remind myself that this isn’t an audition and they might want to keep things private. Totally understand. I won’t be ‘that’ guy. 



    After being called to the desk (while I was walking to it) at 10.50, I handed over all my paperwork required. I don’t have my patient summary or vaccination history, but she didn’t seem to mind. She took my passport photos. Passport. And acro to photocopy. Then gave me another questionnaire to fill out as well as a permission form. I was also given a pot to give a urine sample in. 


    I filled out the questionnaire which was pretty personal and I felt a little awkward as I was back in the small waiting room, wish I sat with my back against the wall! 


    After handing it in, I went to the toilet behind me and filled the pot. 


    Now waiting to be called by the nurse. 



    Just had my x-ray. Had a lovely chat with the radiologist as we mostly talked about acting! I had to strip down to my waist and stand in front of a black plate. After a few adjustments, she took my x-ray as I took a breath in and out. We waited until it appeared on the screen. I’ve never had an x-ray before so it was fascinating seeing my skeleton and lungs! 


    Back in the waiting room now for the next step. 




    Just had my vaccinations! I spoke to a nurse who said she couldn’t find any records and I told her that’s because my doctor couldn’t find any! As I’m on a K Visa, I don’t need it for the visa, but would need it when I do my AOS in America. I could either have my tb and mmr jab now, which totals £90 or have bloods taken (again £90) to show antibodies or wait until I’m there to have them. I told her I’d rather have them done in the UK so she gave me both MMR and TB in both arms and I’ll need to top up at my doctors in 4 weeks time. Phew! That’s one thing I was worried about out of the way! I was given a sheet with info on my jabs and to give to my doctor for the booster in 4 weeks time and will have the sheet in my visa pack confirming I’ve had the required jabs. I’ve got a copy too. 


    Now back in the waiting room. One hour has gone by. I guess the next stage is bloods!




    Still waiting. Had a chat with another actor which broke the silence nicely. I’m guessing the wait is because they’re seeing everyone else who was in here earlier! Lots of waiting here though. I’m glad I’ve got my iPad to do work on, word of warnng: bring a book or something to do! 




    I’ve been in for my check up, the nurse applogised for the wait but it’s fine. I then had to sign my photo to confirm it’s me, and so did she. We then went through the medical questionnaire and I had to strip to my boxers and wear a gown. 


    She checked my lungs and blood pressure, took my pulse and took blood and my temperature. We then had a quick chat and I asked for a sticker for being a brave boy. Pleased to say, I’m now wearing said sticker. 




    With regards to the patient summary, they definitely need it. If you’re going to the medical thinking “I’m fit and healthy and haven’t been to the doctors in years, the summary won’t say anything so what’s the point!” like I thought, then you’ll be wrong. They need it to prove you’re not lying. Luckily, my interview isn’t for another 5 weeks, so I’ve got plenty of time to get it. They said I can either email a scanned copy or fax it to them. As long as it’s legible and prints onto A4 paper. 


    I’m now just waiting to get my passport back and then pay the small fortune and I’ll be all done!




    Finished! I was given my passport back and all proof of vaccinations. In all, it cost me £420 including vaccinations. But it was worth it for the sticker. I even asked if they took clubcard points. 


    Well that’s it for my experience at the visa medical at Knightsbridge. It took a little bit longer than thought but that’s probably because of the vaccinations. Everyone was lovely and I had a good laugh with them. Good luck for when you go! It’s not as bad as you think! Remember, fear only exists in the mind! Once you’re done, you’re closer to living a whole new life!


  7. No need for a check-up as that’s what they’ll do in the actual medical. The summary will just say any medication, hospitalisations, surgery’s he’s had etc. If he hasn’t had any and is fine, then I’m assuming it’ll just say something like ‘no medication etc’ just to prove he’s not lying! They just need something official in writing. 


    He just needs to contact his doctor and ask for a summary, not a full medical record, just the basics. It might take them a few days to get it and they might charge him a few pounds but nothing extortionate, they can’t withhold details and by law, they can’t charge more than £50. 


    I need to to get mine next week so when I receive it I’ll post an update. 



  8. Haha glad you like the sticker! It’s firmly attached to my medical folder now! 


    I’d say yes get vaccinations as soon as he can as he’ll need a booster 4 weeks later at his doctors. It’s not vital to have them for the K visa, but when he changes status in the states, he’ll need them by then. I chose to have them done here so I don’t have to worry about it later. Also, TB is once a lifetime in the UK but in the states it’s once every 10 years, so he’ll need it done anyway! 


    Also make sure he’s got his patient summary from his doctors. They won’t pass on the results of his medical without it so it’s pretty vital! 


    Good luck!

  9. Hey everyone! Not sure if this is on the right forum topic but I’ve only just joined here and still finding my way around!


    I had my medical today at Knightsbridge for our K-1 Visa. I kept a log of my time there in case anyone thought it useful. If you don’t want to read it all, the main points are: 


    They're adamant they need the patient summary and won’t send the report to the embassy until they have it. 


    Take a book!


    If you haven’t had all the vaccinations, you only really need 2 (£90 if done there)


    Everyone is really lovely! 


    I was really nervous last night and didn’t really sleep at all and couldn’t really find any personal experiences that put me at ease. I needn’t have worried, it was all fine! 


    Anyway, here’s the detailed version if you’re interested:



    Arrived and told to sit in the waiting room and come back at the reception at 10.50. (My appointment time) About 10 other people in here waiting too. I want to chat to them but they all look nervous!


    A girl sat opposite me has a bandage on her arm from bloods so I’m assuming we have to come back in-between tests. 


    They’ve got Christmas decorations up on the mini chandelier. Either someone’s very eager or they’ve been there for years. 


    I wasn’t sure what to wear so I just put a shirt and jeans on. Smart cas. I didn’t want to overdo it but I also wanted them to know I’m taking this seriously. 


    I really want to chat to everyone and ask what their stories are, but I need to remind myself that this isn’t an audition and they might want to keep things private. Totally understand. I won’t be ‘that’ guy. 



    After being called to the desk (while I was walking to it) at 10.50, I handed over all my paperwork required. I don’t have my patient summary or vaccination history, but she didn’t seem to mind. She took my passport photos. Passport. And acro to photocopy. Then gave me another questionnaire to fill out as well as a permission form. I was also given a pot to give a urine sample in. 


    I filled out the questionnaire which was pretty personal and I felt a little awkward as I was back in the small waiting room, wish I sat with my back against the wall! 


    After handing it in, I went to the toilet behind me and filled the pot. 


    Now waiting to be called by the nurse. 



    Just had my x-ray. Had a lovely chat with the radiologist as we mostly talked about acting! I had to strip down to my waist and stand in front of a black plate. After a few adjustments, she took my x-ray as I took a breath in and out. We waited until it appeared on the screen. I’ve never had an x-ray before so it was fascinating seeing my skeleton and lungs! 


    Back in the waiting room now for the next step. 




    Just had my vaccinations! I spoke to a nurse who said she couldn’t find any records and I told her that’s because my doctor couldn’t find any! As I’m on a K Visa, I don’t need it for the visa, but would need it when I do my AOS in America. I could either have my tb and mmr jab now, which totals £90 or have bloods taken (again £90) to show antibodies or wait until I’m there to have them. I told her I’d rather have them done in the UK so she gave me both MMR and TB in both arms and I’ll need to top up at my doctors in 4 weeks time. Phew! That’s one thing I was worried about out of the way! I was given a sheet with info on my jabs and to give to my doctor for the booster in 4 weeks time and will have the sheet in my visa pack confirming I’ve had the required jabs. I’ve got a copy too. 


    Now back in the waiting room. One hour has gone by. I guess the next stage is bloods!




    Still waiting. Had a chat with another actor which broke the silence nicely. I’m guessing the wait is because they’re seeing everyone else who was in here earlier! Lots of waiting here though. I’m glad I’ve got my iPad to do work on, word of warnng: bring a book or something to do! 




    I’ve been in for my check up, the nurse applogised for the wait but it’s fine. I then had to sign my photo to confirm it’s me, and so did she. We then went through the medical questionnaire and I had to strip to my boxers and wear a gown. 


    She checked my lungs and blood pressure, took my pulse and took blood and my temperature. We then had a quick chat and I asked for a sticker for being a brave boy. Pleased to say, I’m now wearing said sticker. 




    With regards to the patient summary, they definitely need it. If you’re going to the medical thinking “I’m fit and healthy and haven’t been to the doctors in years, the summary won’t say anything so what’s the point!” like I thought, then you’ll be wrong. They need it to prove you’re not lying. Luckily, my interview isn’t for another 5 weeks, so I’ve got plenty of time to get it. They said I can either email a scanned copy or fax it to them. As long as it’s legible and prints onto A4 paper. 


    I’m now just waiting to get my passport back and then pay the small fortune and I’ll be all done!




    Finished! I was given my passport back and all proof of vaccinations. In all, it cost me £420 including vaccinations. But it was worth it for the sticker. I even asked if they took clubcard points. 


    Well that’s it for my experience at the visa medical at Knightsbridge. It took a little bit longer than thought but that’s probably because of the vaccinations. Everyone was lovely and I had a good laugh with them. Good luck for when you go! It’s not as bad as you think! Remember, fear only exists in the mind! Once you’re done, you’re closer to living a whole new life!




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