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Posts posted by Lucas&Thao

  1. 1 hour ago, WillieT1986 said:

    Hahaha, she worries so much she almost had us involved in an accident because a guy ran a light and she freaked out and hit her brakes and the guy stopped in enough time to where his tire rubbed my shoes. Told her that is why I will not ride wearing sandals. lol When we flew over to Da Nang for a week or so she had me practice riding motorbike on a not so busy road along the beach heading towards a pretty cool looking Temple that overlooked the beach and man o man. I could barely drive a straight line. lol I do find it very fascinating though how their traffic works though compared to here in the states... -_-

    Married to a Vietnamese woman you will be visiting Vietnam plenty during your lifetime and if you don’t ever ride a motorbike when you visit I think you are truly limiting your experience when you go so get on a motorbike,  another thing about HCMC driving is it does seem chaotic but you can trust the Vietnamese motorbike drivers with your life, they are very very careful drivers because they have to be, just don’t make any sudden moves when you ride,  it’s only the busses and trucks you need to worry about and in HCMC that’s not much of an issue 

  2. 8 hours ago, brener69 said:

    Haven't been to HCMC. My fiancee is from Hai Phong and I was there for about 10 days back in May. This will be her first trip to HCMC as well. I am only there for 3 days. We are going to take a dinner cruise on Friday night then just kinda hang out together on Saturday. Not really wanting to try and cram a lot of stuff into a really short visit. 

    I just looked Hai Phong is way up north,  you two will have a great time in HCMC I really enjoyed my time there,  I have been 3 times for a total of over 7 weeks this year, and I had a motorbike the entire time for easy travel around the city and rode as far as Phan Thiet

  3. 6 hours ago, WillieT1986 said:

    This will be my 2nd going time to HCMC. HCMC is nice in a sense. I have only driven cars and told her there was no way in hell I was gonna practice riding a motorbike for her and risk getting injured haha. This time around I told her I may attempt to ride one since we plan on spending some time out in the countryside with her family for an engagement party. How about yourself?

    She knows how to ride a motorbike just ride pillon for a while and observe how the traffic moves and you will get a feel for it.  I would ride just for fun, I find it fascinating because it is basically spontaneous order and it truly is amazing to see how smoothly the Vietnamese can negotiate a traffic jam

  4. 5 hours ago, WillieT1986 said:

    This will be my 2nd going time to HCMC. HCMC is nice in a sense. I have only driven cars and told her there was no way in hell I was gonna practice riding a motorbike for her and risk getting injured haha. This time around I told her I may attempt to ride one since we plan on spending some time out in the countryside with her family for an engagement party. How about yourself?

    One of my favorite things about HCMC is riding motorbikes in the city,  it is actually very safe in my opinion because the speed is so slow,  and truly it is like a game of Tetris,  you know the old game boy game where you have to organize the blocks before they land, so don’t be afraid of riding in HCMC, if you are nervous about riding I wouldn’t travel much on the highway because there are so many buses and big trucks, I rode all over the city and on the highway and only bumped and rubbed a few other motorbikes nothing major.  

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