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Posts posted by AcrossDaMiles

  1. 1 minute ago, Emily and Youssef said:

    I've seen that online, as well, but I've also seen some people receive interviews much sooner than 5-6 months. I am hoping to be persistent enough with the consulate that we can get approved sooner. Has anyone had any luck with that?

    A couple on here recently had an interview and they got their appointment about a month after the consulate received their file; but I think they were either denied or put in administrative processing right after the interview. This is one of the reasons why we stopped emailing them constantly and just waiting our turn in line. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Emily and Youssef said:

    My fiance and I are waiting for notification from the consulate in Casablanca that they have received our paperwork. We have submitted the DS-160, and my fiance has gathered all other necessary documents except for the physical--since he is unable to do that before scheduling an interview. We would like to get this scheduled ASAP, as our wedding date is less than 3 months away on April 25. Any help or advice for getting through to the consulate in order to schedule?

    Casablanca is behind around 5 months in scheduling interviews from the date the consulate received your file. They are now scheduling March appointments for the files they received in September; going by your posted timeline don’t expect an interview notice till around April or May. It’s frustrating trying to plan a wedding blindly with no real time frame. We have emailed them and called them consistently; but nothing has changed and we are still waiting for an interview date. 

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