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Posts posted by GabachaYucateca

  1. My husband didn't want to come here at all, but came for me. I have gotten the GC comment, but generally just blow it off. In fact, the last person whjo made that comment was born in Cape Verde and naturalized (or his parents did) 15 years ago.

    Hubby thinks people look at him a lot, and feels like he notices the difference in looks when we go shopping in say, the suburban town where I grew up as opposed to the city that we live in now. But I'm surrounded by people in interracial marriages.

    And where I live and work, if you say "oh, she's the white girl" everyone knows who you're talking about.

    What I have felt is tension from other women, white or Latina, who seem to think that just because I'm chatting with their men then I'm someone bad. We went to a party full of Central and South Americans, and at the beginning some of the older Colombian women were not too friendly, but by the end they had invited me to Medellin for vacation. I think it was partly feeling me out because they might not interact with non-Hispanic people too much. I don't know, but I'm pretty used to women needing time to warm up.

    But what i hadn't expected was absolute bitchiness and coldness from one younger woman...she came late with her hubby...she was Panamanian and he from Trinidad but i think she grew up here. Anyway her hubby sat right next to me, and she on the other side of him. So I was friendly and introduced myself and started chatting...he was fine at first, but then I saw how she was looking at me, and then he clammed up and got pretty rude and cold.

    Nice, huh? And with my husband sitting on the other side of me!

  2. Remember that snow storm on December 13th? Did I tell you about that one?

    Homeboy was all the way down in Coventry with the temp agency, and my father had to drive me (he's got a 4 wheel drive) from downtown Pawtucket to Smith Street to pick him up. It took us 2.5 HOURS!!!!!

    He was not happy, but he was pleased once we were home and spent some time looking out the window next to the dog.

    He has stopped answering the question "How are you" by saying "I'm cold" though. It's a step, but he's even taking this cold snap in stride.

  3. Gracias, Len!

    Panamania: solo fuimos a Westerley para su examen de manejar. Pero FedEx esta en Warren, y no nos queda muy lejos...solo como 20 minutos.

    Un nino que adopte tenia que haber hecho su drivers test en Westerly,yo me hice la loca y no lo lleve.Eso queda como un ahora de Providence.Despues lo hizo en West Warwick.Warren es bien bonito,si yo tuviera plata viviria alla.

    Yo tambien, pero asi que no tenemos lana, estamos en el Bucket!

    No fueron tan mala onda en Westerley, pero en Pawtucket son bien culer0s. No le dejaron presentar su examen la semana pasada porque el carro no tenia espejo de la mano derecha y nos toco una cita en el sur.

  4. It's sad that most of you see this issue as one that's based on race.......

    It's not but it's clear that the only ones that do see it that way are the real racist. They're just ignorant of their own reverse-racism.

    Once again, you hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head.

    And once again.... you guys have no idea what we are talking about in the thread now, do you? Here's a recap:

    1. Super Bowl

    2. Cold beer and cold pizza

    3. Argentinian recipes for chimichurri

    3. Gabacha's husband got a new job

    4. Whether the mate they sell in coffee houses is any good.

    5. Vernacular differences in Latin American spanish according to region -- with emphasis on the sexiness of some accents

    6. Pedroh's need for partying

    So please, before going on a "this is about race" rant, why not ask what the thread has been discussing? Or is that wrong?

    Peace, L.

    Cualquiera cosa que se dice en espanol es una amenaza, verdad?

    Gracias por corregirme, Len_Bren...nunca habia visto como se escribe esta palabra.

    El esposo va a entrar en FedEx, ojala que pasado manana, pero de madrugada asi que es muy importante que consiga su licencia manana!

  5. weyyyy

    deberiamos juntarnos todos los latinos.. aunque, vivimos medio lejos jejeje..

    Y yo? Espero que puedan invitar a una gabacha. Pero yo soy casi vecina con la panamania!

    Creo que por fin encontro chamba mi viejo....que alivio.

    Que bueno.Pero cuidado con esas agencias destafadoras.

    Esta vez consiguio chhamba en FedEx...pues, mas bien si pasa su prueba para su licencia manana en Westerley.

  6. todos deberiamos de usar nuestro slang.. estaria cagado ver como ni entre nosotros nos podemos entender jajajaj..

    fierro pues plebes, empiezen a abrir el oceano con sus propias palabras..

    Y no se dice "slang" camarada, se dice caló. :thumbs:

    Calo esta nuevo para mi...yo (o sho, si fuera de argentina...pero no voy a decir lo que los mexicanos dicen de los de alla, porque Caro es super buena onda, y no la quiero ofender) solo he escuchado jerga o modismo.

    Lo sospeche desde un principio! Leni, Pedroh, seguro que se juntan con el marido de la gabachayucateca y hablan mal de mi! tomen esto :bonk: ....y esto! :bonk:



    Ay, como crees Caro...eres lindisima, asi como la mayoria de los argentinos que he conocido. Simplemente en la parte de mexico donde vivia, hay mucha tension entre los paisanos y los de argentina.

  7. todos deberiamos de usar nuestro slang.. estaria cagado ver como ni entre nosotros nos podemos entender jajajaj..

    fierro pues plebes, empiezen a abrir el oceano con sus propias palabras..

    Y no se dice "slang" camarada, se dice caló. :thumbs:

    Calo esta nuevo para mi...yo (o sho, si fuera de argentina...pero no voy a decir lo que los mexicanos dicen de los de alla, porque Caro es super buena onda, y no la quiero ofender) solo he escuchado jerga o modismo.


    panamania no tenemos que entrar en detalles...

    Yo se.Solo queria decirte que ese acento de ellos es sexy.

    A mi no me laten, pero los mexicanos!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hijole. ;) Y los colombianos.

  8. Diana, we actually had that very same discussion last night, just in case the driver's test doesn't go well. But I heard nothing from you!

    The supervisor at FedEx called me yesterday to say that they really want him, but that they need to verify his ss# as they often have to do with new hires (immigrants and people getting their first jobs). He was funny...actually a bit pushy, encouraging me to start the process ASAP as he couldn't wait forever. I was like, "Don't worry, I'll get right on it."

    You can bet I'll be calling him soon if I don't hear back from the company that does the verfifications!

  9. So, we've got some news round these parts.

    Hubby interviewed for a graveyard shift part-time package handler at FedEx and just had his interview this morning. Looks pretty good, especially because I inadvertently ingratiated myself with the big gun at FedEx when I called back the number from a missed call.

    It's only part time and from 2am to 6am-ish, but if he gets into FedEx, I won't complain.

    This was the first time he felt really comfortable at an interview and was able to do it all by himself.

    Only problem...if he doesn't get his DL this Tuesday, there's no way in hell that I can take him there and pick him up at those hours. He couldn't take his test last Tuesday because I don't have a mirror on the passenger's side...even though I've always passed inspection with it.

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  10. I've had several friends get arrested for teeny tiny amounts of pot. Almost invariably, they are non-white people who live in poorer neighborhoods. None of my seemingly squeaky clean white friends have ever had issues, even though many are also stoners.

    Hate to plug a page, but I literally just this morning wrote a blog post about a conversation I had at work with a kid about pot smoking. Link in siggie if you're interested.

  11. I figure our best bet will be to find a job that way...through spreading the word to everyone and their mother that he's looking.

    I know that Monoke got several callbacks from online applications (at least I think I remember seeing that), but I wonder if anyone else has.

    And those awful questions that pbgirl mentioned are used to knock most of the candidates out of consideration immediately.

    I've wanted to get my husband into CVS's distribution center for ages now, and they have one of those apps...not to mention that rumor has it that you only get in there if you know someone. Argh.

  12. I won't be posting in this forum on behalf of hubby for quite a few years, but I do have a question from a client at work.

    His GC expired in November, and he hadn't submitted his papers and $$ for naturlaization beforehand,

    I imagine that he is now considered out of status, but I'm wondering if that would be forgiven if he does get his papers in for naturalization.


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