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Posts posted by Ty/Ir

  1. 1 hour ago, C90 said:

    Did you get a record? You don't have to include traffic tickets etc in your K1, so if this is just a ticket and you weren't arrested, didn't get a record, didn't get a DUI or anything I don't think it's a problem. Can you call the station that gave you the ticket back then to check if it gave you a record?

    Well there is a record of the ticket, if that's what you mean. The record only lists the public intoxication charge and the date it happened. It doesn't say anything about a plea or if I'm guilty or not (I don't even remember if it worked that way). It says "dockette closed" so I can't look further into it. I do know that it is in the same bracket of offence as a traffic ticket, which is a C-Misdemeanor. 


    1 hour ago, Limey said:

    You're the petitioner, ie the US citizen?


    You're here already, its not an issue. USCIS are largely interested in the offenses the non-US citizen has committed. There are only a limited number of offenses that might affect your ability to petition for someone (related to domestic abuse etc).

    Thanks, I was hoping this was the case, it just bothers me they ask about it. These tickets did happen but they are so long ago and such low level offences that my state government doesn't pick up on them. I guess the federal government check can find them immediately though.

  2. I, the US petitioner, had to pay a citation 9 years ago for public intoxication. Because I was 17 (still technically an adult in my state) at the time any amount of alcohol qualified me for this crime. I don't remember details such as how much money I had to pay, or if I paid anything at all, but I am in a panic that this could ruin my chances to successfully petition for my fiance. I have taken multiple background checks in the past and this never came up because, I suppose, the records of this are in a municipal court in a tiny city that I never lived. My state also doesn't check this far back for jobs but maybe the USCIS is much more rigorous? This would have been a class C misdemeanor, the same level of offense as traffic tickets that don't involve alcohol. I also vaguely remember having to pay a fine for saying an inappropriate word in school high school around 9 years ago, but there are no records of this so perhaps my fine was paid to the school and not the court, I'm not sure. Should I claim this on the application and if I do is there a possibility of been refused over this? Thank you.

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