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Posts posted by ~~~water~~~

  1. Sparrow I hope your grandmas ok.... I lost my grandpa in March and it was devastating. I know no words can help in a situation like this. Your really kind and have a great attitude. Keep me posted ok. Im really hoping the surgery goes well....

    About the visa I truly am happy for you,,,, at the same time I feel so angry at Cairo for how unfair they are. Your visa coming so fast is just such a blatant reminder of how unfair a system is and leaves the one's stuck in "ap" to feel truly helpless. But thats not you.... I always feel like your an angel very kind and you just were blessed and I am happy for that.

    It will all work out... Im sure your grandma will be happy just to hear the news your love is coming....

  2. Well pity party daty two my baby dog lucy is deathly ill. The vet has been no help We think its meningitis but without a 2000 dollar spinal tap we can't confirm. She has been on massive antibiotics for 3 days and is only getting worse. I swear I feel I will come home from lunch to mu horror. I really care about her so much she has kept me sane during this long hellish process. Anoyone have experience with menigitis in humans or animals?

  3. My dog, Lucy (baby girl) is very ill since fri. we think its spinal menigits .. I wrote about it 3 weeks ago I thought it was whiplash cause it went away. now its back with a vegence I spent 400.. yesterday tests and e-xrays... and the only thing certain is there is infecton. The diagnosis for menegitis is a spinal tap which is like 1000. in itself. So we went ahead and treated it as if it is since she has a lot of the symptoms. high fever , spinal pi

    ......Please everybody send her good energy..........

    Its a really hard time these days

    my stomach hurts

    I feel so worried

    I am sorry about Lucy. It makes me think about the TP commercial with the little puppy and the song "I'm sorry. So sorry."

    Sending doggie hugs to your baby girl:



    Thanks soo much ... came home at lunch she's walking around and has quit shaking ,, I think shes improving, she still has a fever though ...

  4. My dog, Lucy (baby girl) is very ill since fri. we think its spinal menigits .. I wrote about it 3 weeks ago I thought it was whiplash cause it went away. now its back with a vegence I spent 400.. yesterday tests and e-xrays... and the only thing certain is there is infecton. The diagnosis for menegitis is a spinal tap which is like 1000. in itself. So we went ahead and treated it as if it is since she has a lot of the symptoms. high fever , spinal pi

    ......Please everybody send her good energy..........

    Its a really hard time these days

    my stomach hurts

    I feel so worried

  5. good luck Allusa.I hope today is your day. That apt. by the pyramids looks amazing.

    Called DOS back to the line no security checks pending in Washingto the case is in Cairo :crying: I really have no idea what to think.

    ????When those of you who had case at dos undergoing clearances did the embassy tell you "clearences are completed" or "your case is under AP at the embassy" when DOS was done? Did they ever confirm clearences had been done in washington?

    Have a good day all.. I'll try ti just let go and be patient

  6. i called dos today and now they say again the case has never had security checks in Washington and she has no idea why the visa has not been issued cause the case looks fine :crying:

    betcha it's right around the corner then ;)

    I called again. Now the woman says the case has been going back and forth between Cairo.Its in Cairo now. I made her promise it has been to Washington and she said yes she promises but his clearances are not complete but its not there. She told me not to focus on where its at as it can go back and forth ... i feel obsessed I just can't believe this is the way things are. This system needs a major overhaul without a doubt! She kept teasing me aren't you the little detective. and I said what else do I have in my hand to do ... its been so long and I want my fiance with me. :blink:

  7. I really wonder what has caused egypt to pretty much stop issuing visas. There has only been 1 in 2 months and on average in the past it seemed like 2-3 a month :crying: I hope everyone is back from vacation soon or whatever has happened changes for the better. #######

    I feel like im trapped in suspended animation.

  8. We've heard nothing as of yet neither. Our's in 10 months of AP. Contacting the governor/sendator so far has given us no help. How much longer do we wait????

    Im so sorry to hear that... your AP started on my b-day ..... I hope things start moving there soon . it seems that nothing is going on there its a near standstill for everybody. Don't give up it will all work out.

  9. Life is not easy.... It sounds like you did what is best for the situation. I don't think it is wrong or right the kids are involved, it just IS... kids are amazing and they are very resilient , just follow your heart and give yourself time.. Everything will fall into place

  10. Hey Doodle I hope for your sanity they were right on that last call for once!

    I always hateeeeeee calling DOS. And emailing the embassy. I just emailed them asking how to fix my name but I'm sooooooooooooooo worried sick it will just tack on a year of AR ALL BECAUSE NVC effed up!!

    I had them do a change of address and it was surpisingly easy and well executed. It only took one email..

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