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lucy 242

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Posts posted by lucy 242

  1. I am very nervous about my interview and feel like I don't have enough relationship evidence, I don't come from a high fraud country but I am still worried. (I literally dream at night about them denying me)

    We don't have photos with family and friends, that worries me the most (honestly we don't really have a lot of close friends or friends in general, hard core introverts) so we only sent photos of us.

    and as for family he only has his mom, hasn't spoken with his dad in 15 years and I haven't met him.

    My husband suggested that his mom writes a letter but she doesn't know english very well, she lived in the US for 50 years but her english is still not good at all.

    Can my husband write the letter and let her sign? are there samples of such letter somewhere? 

  2. 10 minutes ago, John & Rose said:

    Again, I NEVER said they can't use houses.  My experience comes from years of listening to stories about different Embassies.  If she has 5 empty houses and get professional licensed appraisals and turns in all loan and lien paperwork and she signed that she is willing to lose all those for you and the Embassy accepts them you are golden.  No problem at all.


    You haven't mentioned what embassy you are using.  If you do that you will get specific answers for that particular embassy.  If Philippines, they do not and have not ever accepted assets.


    Also, assets must be 5X the poverty level.  


    I am not arguing with you.  I am trying too help you.  What might seem as unfair to you might be perfectly logical to others.  Forcing someone to leave a home because of a third party debt is something that the COs have to take into consideration.


    It's Sweden, and every house is worth more that 1 million no loans, that's way more than 5X

  3. 4 minutes ago, John & Rose said:

    Next time read the link first please.  I didn't say you can't use houses.  I said they had to be liquid and cannot cause financial difficulties.  Having to sell a house for cash in under a year would be considered a financial difficulty unless they are extra empty properties...


    Only assets that can be converted into cash within one year and without considerable hardship or financial loss to the owner may be included. The owner of the asset must include a description of the asset, proof of ownership, and the basis for the owner’s claim of its net cash value.

    You may include the net value of your home as an asset. The net value of the home is the appraised value of the home, minus the sum of any and all loans secured by a mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on the home. If you wish to include the net value of your home, then you must include documentation demonstrating that you own it, a recent appraisal by a licensed appraiser, and evidence of the amount of any and all loans secured by a mortgage, trust deed, or other lien on the home. You may not include the net value of an automobile unless you show that you have more than one automobile, and at least one automobile is not included as an asset.


    Take the I-864 seriously.  The government WILL come after the joint sponsor.  This isn't the I-134 form.  This one is legally enforceable.  The joint sponsor needs to realize that.


    So nowhere it says that you can't use houses, you clearly said "Some Embassies do not accept assets" where did you get this information? 

    If his mother has 5 houses, I doubt it if anyone will say that this is unacceptable.   

  4. 2 hours ago, John & Rose said:

    Where are you interviewing?  Some Embassies do not accept assets.  The assets have to be liquid (able to turn into cash within 12 months without causing and difficulties for the owner).  Houses are VERY rarely allowed even in embassies that do allow assets.


    If they filed taxes together the main breadwinner files the I-864 and the other person file the I-864A.  Both will be required.


    Where did you get your information? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Kerege said:

    I sent 6 months worth of conversation first middle and last page of those months. Pictures of course call log. Its not much you can have in the us with no social security number I had to file married filling separately too because again the foreigner doesnt have a SSN you can't be added to his bank so those types of evidence are limited you're just proving the marriage I dont believe they read all the messages as long as you sent I 10lb a vopy of the marriage license and photos of the wedding and y'all other times any financial support like if he sends you money or you him. You can always take new photos with you at the interview imcase they ask to see some. 

    The question is should I upload more things to CEAC or just bring them with me, because I heard the don't even look at stuff you bring. I don't want them to make up their minds about me even before talking to me. (if it's a negative opinion) 

  6. 5 minutes ago, RCable said:

    It's very hard to do this if they don't have a social security number. I can't make my husband the beneficiary of anything because of that. I have to get an executor of the estate instead and then have him listed in there. 

    I also cannot have him added to any of my bank accounts because he doesn't have a social security number. 


    What I included was:

    1.) 1 sample of conversation from every month we've been together (context didn't matter,  just that we're contact)

    2.) A few photos from our wedding with family
    3.) A few photos of us with friends
    4.) Receipts from trips taken together

    5.) Plane ticket stubs from visits
    6.) Marriage certificate (obviously)

    7.) Some vendor contracts from our wedding

    8.) Honeymoon trip receipts

    I probably sent off way more than needed, but I was edging on the side of playing it safe. 

    If you made it through the first part, I would just plan on bringing some good evidence in a binder to the interview. If they want to see more proof, they'll ask and you'll be prepared. 

    I was married to an English man years back and I went through this process before. The couple in front of us were unprepared and got taken into another room for long questioning. My ex was very prepared and said that they briefly looked through the "proof" and approved. 

    Don't create any new evidence, just bring what you have. They know and understand that if you don't live in the US yet, you won't have some things. That's why you're getting a CR and not an IR. 

    Good luck, but try not to lose sleep over it! 

    I definitely lose sleep over it, haven't slept in 3 days  

  7. 3 minutes ago, Ben&Zian said:

    As to chat logs, they tend to skim them a bit. The CO did look through our chats anywhere as he asked my husband about them. but dark humor or sarcasm is hardly an issue.

    The question is do they prepare for the interview and read everything before we arrive or they just look at it when we are there...? 

    I kinda find it hard to believe that they sit for hours and read everything.. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Daphne K said:

    My packet to bring to my interview has the following (only regarding the additional proof btw..):

    • Pictures of the wedding. About 10 pictures and these are pictures of just us but also pictures with all the family members and guests.

    • FB screenshots regarding the wedding and I included the part where it shows how many ‘likes’ it had in an attempt to show that many people support us. If it doesn’t help, it doesn’t harm either..

    • Pictures of us on different trips together

    • Screenshots of FB regarding those trips (because they show the date and location)

    • Flight reservations of a trip we made together to see my brother in the UK last Christmas (it has both our names on it)

    • Pictures of us with the family in the UK to actually prove that we went (a flight confirmation alone does not prove that you actually went 😉)

    • My passport stamps of all the trips I made to see my husband (which they could also see in my passport of course)

    • A few e-mails (about 2 for every year to show continuous relationship)

    • A few screenshots of random text messages up until now (the decent ones.. 😊)

    • A screenshot of an overview of our FT calls up until now

    • I even added a screenshot that shows how long we have been FB friends and how many friends we have in common. Again, if it doesn’t help it will not hurt either..



    My lawyer also sent me all the copies of our wedding cards and the statements of our family members (we have 5). I will bring those too but I’m not sure if they will carry a lot of weight..


    By no means am I saying that my packet of proof is the perfect packet, I just tried to use common sense when I assembled it and I am confident that it could be good proof if the CO wants to see it.

    You have a lot of proof, we don't have all that unfortunately, we don't even use facebook, I think I have an old account that has 10 friends that I haven't seen or talked to in 15 years

  9. 3 minutes ago, Daphne K said:

    In my opinion that would be the sort of proof that would be needed/used for when you have to do ROC to remove the conditions of your 2 year green card (same as the mingling of finances, joint bank accounts, taxes, utility bills etc.) because that would be ‘normal’ for a married couple that lives together. 


    At this point, you have been married and apart (as many of us) and the CO wil know that there will not be a lot of proof in terms of the ones mentioned above since you don’t live in the same country. 


    Not sure what other members think, but ‘creating’ proof in the form of adding a name to a CC all of a sudden without any history would not be considered really good proof I think? 

    Will our honeymoon hotel reservation be better? and more pics?

  10. 1 minute ago, Going through said:

    Also...the above is not an issue.  Nor does it sound terrible.

    Many bonafide couples choose to not have children, or cannot have children.

    Many people love their pets more than most other people, too.

    I wasn't worried at all until I started reading it and started thinking that maybe they won't understand it correctly, also there are gaps because we also talked on the phone, I didn't send call logs because I could not find how to export it, maybe I should add screenshots of calls? show that we talk on the phone for hours? I'm trying to see if I can add stuff before the interview  

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