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Posts posted by Vann

  1. UPDATE!!!!

    My baby just texted me! She told me her final interview is scheduled after lunchbreak.

    I guess she was put through more than one interview but she wasn't specific. She told me she would text me again when she's completely finished and that she was going back inside.

    She sounded happy so I guess it's going well! Whew! :)

  2. My fiance's Visa appointment time at Manila, Philippines Embassy was scheduled for 7:30 today. It is around noon Manila time now and I still haven't received word from her, which I think is safe to assume she's still inside, as I heard that cell phones are confiscated at the entrance.

    My question is--how long can these embassy visits possibly take? I mean--it said her appointment was 7:30 on the letter yet she's obviously still there. Is this normal? If so--what could cause her to still be inside, waiting?

    Pretty much normal time at the interview.

    USEM doesn't confiscate the cell phones any more and store them for you.

    They make you go put them somewhere on your own now.

    So, then she still can't take the phone inside with her, correct? I've texted her phone multiple times now with no response.

    My fiance's Visa appointment time at Manila, Philippines Embassy was scheduled for 7:30 today. It is around noon Manila time now and I still haven't received word from her, which I think is safe to assume she's still inside, as I heard that cell phones are confiscated at the entrance.

    My question is--how long can these embassy visits possibly take? I mean--it said her appointment was 7:30 on the letter yet she's obviously still there. Is this normal? If so--what could cause her to still be inside, waiting?

    My 2 sisters and my brother are still in US Embassy Manila, and still, no news from them.I am waiting for the outcome of there interview.

    What time was their visa appointment?

    Best of luck to them!

    7:30 am also.

    Thank you.

    Let's keep praying

    The irony of this is I'm the most impatient person alive and yet I've come this far! LOL! We can make it! :)

    I just hope to hear from her soon.

    I will post my updates here! You be sure to do the same!

  3. My fiance's Visa appointment time at Manila, Philippines Embassy was scheduled for 7:30 today. It is around noon Manila time now and I still haven't received word from her, which I think is safe to assume she's still inside, as I heard that cell phones are confiscated at the entrance.

    My question is--how long can these embassy visits possibly take? I mean--it said her appointment was 7:30 on the letter yet she's obviously still there. Is this normal? If so--what could cause her to still be inside, waiting?

    Pretty much normal time at the interview.

    USEM doesn't confiscate the cell phones any more and store them for you.

    They make you go put them somewhere on your own now.

    So, then she still can't take the phone inside with her, correct? I've texted her phone multiple times now with no response.

    My fiance's Visa appointment time at Manila, Philippines Embassy was scheduled for 7:30 today. It is around noon Manila time now and I still haven't received word from her, which I think is safe to assume she's still inside, as I heard that cell phones are confiscated at the entrance.

    My question is--how long can these embassy visits possibly take? I mean--it said her appointment was 7:30 on the letter yet she's obviously still there. Is this normal? If so--what could cause her to still be inside, waiting?

    My 2 sisters and my brother are still in US Embassy Manila, and still, no news from them.I am waiting for the outcome of there interview.

    What time was their visa appointment?

    Best of luck to them!

  4. still no word from my fiance. Her appointment was set at 7:30. She's been there four hours now. How long could the wait times possibly be?


    Claudeth's letter was for 7:00am and she was done at 11:15 so you have to be right there....any minute now

    I sure hope so. What causes such a long time in the embassy, anyway? I heard there are multiple "Windows" for the interviews. Basically just long lines?

    I heard that most of the interviews are no longer than 30 minutes in length. Others have said as little as 3 minutes.

    It is probably a good thing they added additional interview days. It was taking several months to get an interview once the petition reached Manila. When we went through it took two months from the NVC letter until the interview.

    Heh! Heh! It took me three months. :P

    I was actually grateful for that much lead time as she and I weren't financially or otherwise prepared for the interview. We were told it would take six months from the approval date for an interview to be scheduled. Needless to say, she and I were both shocked by the packet 4 which arrived to her On August 4 last month. I then had to frantically save, borrow, and ration money and hurry and gather up all my necessary documents. It was the most tedious month of both of our lives. It was a hardship so stressful we even had some of our first real arguments as a couple. LOL! Best to get practice now before marriage, I guess. :P

  5. Claudeth was in the embassy for four hours and fifteen minutes. There has been an increase in visa applications so the embassy has added additional days. When we went through they were only doing the K visas on Friday.

    I am dying to hear of your success before I have to go to bed :P

    LOL! Can you tell I'm ready for this to be over with? :P

    Yes, I heard about the increase in days. Is there a chance she may not even get to her interview today and may have to go back tomorrow? I hope not. :/

  6. still no word from my fiance. Her appointment was set at 7:30. She's been there four hours now. How long could the wait times possibly be?


    Claudeth's letter was for 7:00am and she was done at 11:15 so you have to be right there....any minute now

    I sure hope so. What causes such a long time in the embassy, anyway? I heard there are multiple "Windows" for the interviews. Basically just long lines?

    I heard that most of the interviews are no longer than 30 minutes in length. Others have said as little as 3 minutes.

  7. My fiance's Visa appointment time at Manila, Philippines Embassy was scheduled for 7:30 today. It is around noon Manila time now and I still haven't received word from her, which I think is safe to assume she's still inside, as I heard that cell phones are confiscated at the entrance.

    My question is--how long can these embassy visits possibly take? I mean--it said her appointment was 7:30 on the letter yet she's obviously still there. Is this normal? If so--what could cause her to still be inside, waiting?

  8. oops, my wife just called. better log off now. you'll make it. looking forward to the approval you'll be posting. :thumbs:

    Well, thank you very much for all of your support. :) I'm truly happy for you and your wife and look forward to celebrating here soon.

    It is 10:19 there right now so she must be getting close to being done. Hopefully you will receive a very pleasent phone call really soon. :thumbs:

    Thanks! :)

    Well, LOL! It will more more of a phone TEXT than anything as she can't afford to load her phone for more than a minute's worth of call, heh heh. Maybe I'll call her, though! :)

    Text will work :thumbs: I think Claudeth got done about 11:15am Manila time so hopefully it is almost over.

    Forgive my blunt questioning but what time was her interview scheduled?

    My fiance's was scheduled at 7:30.

  9. To VANN.......

    You may be having money problems but you cant tell me everyone here is having money problems. I saw only 3 out of 200 gals that were there with their men. Are all 197 men having money problems? Maybe you should not be getting married if you are having such severe money problems. That will put a huge strain on your relationship. Lack of money is the number 1 cause of divorce. Maybe your extreme anger is coming from within and your lack of money and not from my post. Maybe you should seek some emotional health treatment.


    i dont know but i tend to disagree. sorry

    If Vanns gal is having health problems and needs medicine maybe we can all pitch in and buy her the medicine?

    I am here in Manila now and can make sure the hospital gets paid. Anyone else want to pitch in?

    Vann how much is your gals medicine?

    You're unbelievable...

    Again--I'm through talking to you.

  10. oops, my wife just called. better log off now. you'll make it. looking forward to the approval you'll be posting. :thumbs:

    Well, thank you very much for all of your support. :) I'm truly happy for you and your wife and look forward to celebrating here soon.

    It is 10:19 there right now so she must be getting close to being done. Hopefully you will receive a very pleasent phone call really soon. :thumbs:

    Thanks! :)

    Well, LOL! It will more more of a phone TEXT than anything as she can't afford to load her phone for more than a minute's worth of call, heh heh. Maybe I'll call her, though! :)

  11. I have to agree about not stressing out. You can search through here and see where most people dont have any problems as long as all the paperwork is in order. The only time that any one has a problem is when there is something wrong in the paperwork or something makes the consul suspicious. Then they will get tough. Im sure if anyone had any problems with this particular CO it would have been posted before. There must have been something that caught that CO's attention or maybe he or she just had a bad day. As far as being afraid that the CO might see what u write on here and take some type of action, let me say I work for the Government and its illegal for us to take action in a official capacity for what someone writes about us. If u not going to discuss what happened just keep it to yourself instead of getting everyone worried for nothing.

    If you think its for nothing then have a nice day. I posted what I saw with my own eyes and ears. Im not going to be bullied into talking unitil she is in America.

    Tell me how would you prove that someone lost your paperwork or worse?

    And your statement makes no sense if you read my post. This did NOT just happen to us alone. I could hear the girls and the consol talking back and forth from the chairs. The last girl was in line at the finish window asking about her "problems" in front of us. She did not get approved.

    Dude, Im not trying to argue with you. Im sure your case and even the girls in front of you that got denied may have had some reason. We don't know from the information. All Im saying is there is no reason to get our spouses/fiances stressed out and worried by making blanket statements without giving any info. You are not being bullied. Its good that u did approved but for those still waiting, there is enough stress without being worried that the consul is going to be a jerk to them when they get to the interview. Most people have good experiences during their interview. If there are some instances where the interview went badly, then there is usually something behind it. If everything is prepared and ready it usually goes smoothly, and yes u cant prove that they lost something you just have to prove to them whatever they want. I hope everything goes well with you in your new life, and for all others there is nothing stress about. Just be prepared, relax and if something does come up, deal with it then. That's all you can do.


    This message is for OT:

    I can understand how you care so much about your fiance and don't want to risk anything but you also have to understand that all of us are in the same exact boat as you and have the same exact feelings as you do.

    I agree with everyone else--posting blanket commets about a horrid experience without backing it up is not a good tactic here. For people like me who had neither the time or money to make an emergency trip to be there during the interview like myself, I really don't need this added stress right now.

    I appreciate what you were attempting to do in this post but you did many of us more harm than good, and I'm sorry but your comment about "Don't be all sad if you weren't even there with her" is rather insentive and rude. I'm in a dire situation right now. My fiance lost her job months ago, hasn't been able to find a new one, and I've been sending her money each month to be sure she can EAT, so sorry, but I can't afford a trip to be there on her interview.

    You should really take other's feelings into consideration before you throw off comments like this because you have NO idea how stressful my life has been these past few months. Having a fiance to constantly worry about whether or not she eats every day isn't an easy thing to process let alone the fact she also has a thyroid condition she can barely afford to medicate herself for.

    I'm sorry, but your post was VERY offensive and I feel quite angry right now.

    Don't make assumptions and don't presume to say that those of us who weren't with our fiances at their interview shouldn't "cry about it" because some of us DO have extenuating circumstances, you know.

    Unless your fiance has been suddenly fired from her job and has a sickness I must have treated the minute she gets to the US then you have NO idea what I'm going through nor do you have any right to make those claims about those of us who CAN'T be with our fiances during their interviews.

    To VANN.......

    You may be having money problems but you cant tell me everyone here is having money problems. I saw only 3 out of 200 gals that were there with their men. Are all 197 men having money problems? Maybe you should not be getting married if you are having such severe money problems. That will put a huge strain on your relationship. Lack of money is the number 1 cause of divorce. Maybe your extreme anger is coming from within and your lack of money and not from my post. Maybe you should seek some emotional health treatment.

    EXCUSE me? First of all, where do you get off telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing in the interest of MY relationship? Second of all--it's not as if everyone can just throw off $1,500 or more for a roundtrip plane ticket to spend an indeterminate amount of time in a foreign country waiting for results.

    Furthermore, it's an issue of time more than money. These appointments were sprung on us suddenly as was the loss of her job. I'm setting aside the money for preparations for her arrival here, including her plane ticket. I don't know who you are but I'm done talking to you.

    Emotional health treatment? Try this--you come on with a snotty attitude, insinuating people are getting what they deserve if they're not with their fiance and they are denied, instilling all sorts of added fear and worry into many people other than myself and I'm not supposed to be angry or offended. Sir, you don't have a clue what I'm going through.

    Not everyone is as fortunate as you were to be with their fiance and you have no right to sit there and basically say: "you're getting what you deserve if you're not there with them" as if it's some sort of set-in-stone fact.

  12. then you're good i believe :thumbs: ... we followed the NOA1 date since thats the official receipt... she'll be fine. let's just hope for the best and more prayers

    Well, that's good to know! :yes:

    I appreciate the prayers. :)

    Still no word from my fiance. Of course, she's only been in the embassy for 2 1/2 hours so far, so hopefully she'll be finished soon.

  13. hey, dont worry so much. We had our interview on August 13. We were one of the last to be interviewed close to 11:30. I would say that most got approved. Out of the many we saw only 2 seemed upset. Most were giving thumbs up and were smiling when they came out of the interview.

    Anyhow our interview was very quick about 3 minutes. If your paperwork is in order, I think you are ok.

    Hang in there...

    LOL! I'm literally looking for "Philippines" on everyone's profiles, LOL! I'll admit that it reassures me most to hear these comments from those who went through the Manila Embassy as I'm always hearing that Manila seems to be the toughest of all the embassies when it comes to these issues.

    Well, I'm worried because I might have screwed a date up on my affidavit of support and I just barely meet the 125% poverty level requirement.

    I'm the sir of Roy and Yazi. try not to let that get you stressed right now. hopefully everything will be fine :thumbs:

    Well, then thank you, sir! :)

    I keep trying to tell her and myself "We made it this far so why wouldn't we make it the rest of the way?"

    I'll keep the faith and thank you!

  14. that's sweet VANN lol... you're both lucky

    as for your questions, i couldnt really confirm that, coz we never had the affidavit of support when we submitted the petition. we had it 2 months before the interview coz back then they say the recent the better so we dated it oct. from the day we notarized it (im not sure if that's what you're implying. just correct me if im wrong). we submitted the petition around march of 06 and had the AS oct. and interview dec. so the date never really matter i guess (as long as its still valid)

    OH! About the date--the affidavit was asking the date my petition was submitted and I put down February 2007. The thing is, though--I had actually mailed it in near the end of December 2006 but it was sent back to me rejected in January due to my check being signed incorrectly. However, the petition was stamped as December 26, 2006. However, I turned the petition back in in early February and received the NOA#1 confirming my petition had been received and was to begin processing. So, I put in February as my submission date as that was the date of my OFFICIAL NOA#1 and the officially month it began processing.

    I'm asking if this should pose a problem since the petition was stamped December 2006. I just felt at the time that it would be wiser to be put February rather than my rejection date of December on the affidavit of support form.

    BTW, I filled out my affidavit a month ago so it's pretty recent! :)

    Also, for annual income I put the income of my 2006 tax return as it was a definite and official income number. As of this year, doing calculations, there MAY be a $800-$1,000 difference, depending on my work hours and christmas bonus. I also work two jobs and made sure to include a few recent check stubs from both jobs with the package I sent her a couple weeks ago.

    These are the reasons I've been worried, mostly.

  15. hey, dont worry so much. We had our interview on August 13. We were one of the last to be interviewed close to 11:30. I would say that most got approved. Out of the many we saw only 2 seemed upset. Most were giving thumbs up and were smiling when they came out of the interview.

    Anyhow our interview was very quick about 3 minutes. If your paperwork is in order, I think you are ok.

    Hang in there...

    LOL! I'm literally looking for "Philippines" on everyone's profiles, LOL! I'll admit that it reassures me most to hear these comments from those who went through the Manila Embassy as I'm always hearing that Manila seems to be the toughest of all the embassies when it comes to these issues.

    Well, I'm worried because I might have screwed a date up on my affidavit of support and I just barely meet the 125% poverty level requirement.

  16. Vann: try to relax.

    i called my fiance's sister today (USC living in OKC). she has many friends that have gone through the embassy alone in the last 18 months. she told me "its better she go alone, coz the CO may think the American is being pushy. they give the filipina bad time if he disrespect" (not being a smart azz, thats how she talks & what she said). i can see it, if someone comes in w/ a chip on their shoulder... thinking they should get special treatment because they are there. try not to worry, & just remember all the positive post about the Manilla embassy experience...(((((good vibes))))).

    and as far as losing your cool....i do it all the time :devil: its cool :lol:

    Thank you for that information! :) My fiance mentioned being nervous a couple days ago but when I last spoke to her very early this morning she seemed just fine. She's still in her interview now as I haven't received a text from her. I hope she's doing OK. She had SUCH a nightmarish experience at St. Luke's last week. She had to wait SEVEN hours the first day for exams and five hours the next day just to get the results. She even got sick from all the waiting, which is ironic.

    Thank you for understanding. I never lose my cool with anyone unless they've done something I consider to be VERY offensive, believe me.

    I also lost my cool because I feel incredibly guilty that I can't be there with her right now.

    I also proud to admit that she happens to be my first and only love. My first girlfriend, first kiss. The same goes for her. I was her first boyfriend/kiss/love as well. We're each other's one and only, as rare as that seems to be these days. :)

  17. this post has become a bit "heated" but of course i do understand each side... when i had my interview, gosh no words can explain how i was going thru. even before then or at least the night before my interview i couldnt sleep (ladies if you could, then hail to you! lol)... ive read so many experiences good and bad, left and right and it could add a lot of stress, that i have to think every scenario, every question, every detail in every word that ive said or will going to say, non-stop praying (i was still praying while the CO was asking some questions)... i waited almost 2 hrs before somebody called my name and less than 20 minutes after that, i was out of the embassy... wow i could almost cant believe that was it... of all the heck ive been thru. lol... i know it sound so easy by saying this but i honestly believe that it wasnt that horrible (for most of us) of an experience. preparing your docs properly and complete is one of the most important thing. have the presence of mind to answer to very details like dates, names, and facts (like read what you and your behalf have wrote/answered on the docs coz it really helps)... i know some of us are nervous and scared but never flinch or dont make it that obvious coz by then they can smell you lol... eye to eye contact is one thing (although the CO never look at me in the eye coz she was so busy looking at my papers but follow what she's doing incase she will ask what's in the paper)... smile is the key too... i could say more and more but i really wish the ladies luck for the upcoming interview and congrats to epiphany for being approved and for making it to the interview for your girl... :thumbs:

    Well, concerning details, the Affidavit of Support form asked me the date I submitted my K1 Visa Petition to USCIS. Now, I first mailed it off in December but it came back to me in January rejected because I put the incorrect balance on the check (I know, stupid), and I resubmitted it in early february and my receipt notice said it was received in February....so I put "february" under the "date petition submitted" section. Should this pose a problem?

    The petition had a stamp on it saying the received date was December 26, 2006, but I put the official date of February as my submission date on the Affidavit as February was the date the Petition was officially received to process.

    It's understandable Vann. It's unfortunate what the OP experience, but also didn't feel he should have made those blanket statements. this is a long and stressful process, no need to add to it.

    at least you visa process is coming to an end.

    Thanks for your kind support this evening, ma'am or sir.

    Yes, I'm relieved to know this drawn-out process has about ended. My fiance and I have been excited and wanted to marry on our two-year anniversary this January.

  18. they do not allow cell phones in the Embassy. hopefully you'll hear something by noon to 1pm Manila time. it's now

    7:48 there. your wait is close to an end. best of luck :thumbs:

    Wow! It could really take a possible five-six hours? Well, it's no worse than the wait times my sweetheart had to endure at St. Luke's last week. :/

    I texted her yesterday and recommdend she take a snack along this time.

    just depends on what time the interview is taking place. maybe she's being interviewed right now. do you have any fingernails left? :lol:

    As of now? Not after just reading a very disturbing post about a person whose fiance was grilled very hard by this one CO in the Manila Embassy. I'm not sure if you've read the thread but the man was saying things like: "The CO was denying girls left and right and if I wasn't there with my gal she wouldn't have been approved".

    Now I'm even more nervous. :unsure:

    Relax, don't always believe every post you read :thumbs:

    OK, I'll try. :thumbs:

  19. I have to agree about not stressing out. You can search through here and see where most people dont have any problems as long as all the paperwork is in order. The only time that any one has a problem is when there is something wrong in the paperwork or something makes the consul suspicious. Then they will get tough. Im sure if anyone had any problems with this particular CO it would have been posted before. There must have been something that caught that CO's attention or maybe he or she just had a bad day. As far as being afraid that the CO might see what u write on here and take some type of action, let me say I work for the Government and its illegal for us to take action in a official capacity for what someone writes about us. If u not going to discuss what happened just keep it to yourself instead of getting everyone worried for nothing.

    If you think its for nothing then have a nice day. I posted what I saw with my own eyes and ears. Im not going to be bullied into talking unitil she is in America.

    Tell me how would you prove that someone lost your paperwork or worse?

    And your statement makes no sense if you read my post. This did NOT just happen to us alone. I could hear the girls and the consol talking back and forth from the chairs. The last girl was in line at the finish window asking about her "problems" in front of us. She did not get approved.

    Dude, Im not trying to argue with you. Im sure your case and even the girls in front of you that got denied may have had some reason. We don't know from the information. All Im saying is there is no reason to get our spouses/fiances stressed out and worried by making blanket statements without giving any info. You are not being bullied. Its good that u did approved but for those still waiting, there is enough stress without being worried that the consul is going to be a jerk to them when they get to the interview. Most people have good experiences during their interview. If there are some instances where the interview went badly, then there is usually something behind it. If everything is prepared and ready it usually goes smoothly, and yes u cant prove that they lost something you just have to prove to them whatever they want. I hope everything goes well with you in your new life, and for all others there is nothing stress about. Just be prepared, relax and if something does come up, deal with it then. That's all you can do.


    This message is for OT:

    I can understand how you care so much about your fiance and don't want to risk anything but you also have to understand that all of us are in the same exact boat as you and have the same exact feelings as you do.

    I agree with everyone else--posting blanket commets about a horrid experience without backing it up is not a good tactic here. For people like me who had neither the time or money to make an emergency trip to be there during the interview like myself, I really don't need this added stress right now.

    I appreciate what you were attempting to do in this post but you did many of us more harm than good, and I'm sorry but your comment about "Don't be all sad if you weren't even there with her" is rather insentive and rude. I'm in a dire situation right now. My fiance lost her job months ago, hasn't been able to find a new one, and I've been sending her money each month to be sure she can EAT, so sorry, but I can't afford a trip to be there on her interview.

    You should really take other's feelings into consideration before you throw off comments like this because you have NO idea how stressful my life has been these past few months. Having a fiance to constantly worry about whether or not she eats every day isn't an easy thing to process let alone the fact she also has a thyroid condition she can barely afford to medicate herself for.

    I'm sorry, but your post was VERY offensive and I feel quite angry right now.

    Don't make assumptions and don't presume to say that those of us who weren't with our fiances at their interview shouldn't "cry about it" because some of us DO have extenuating circumstances, you know.

    Unless your fiance has been suddenly fired from her job and has a sickness I must have treated the minute she gets to the US then you have NO idea what I'm going through nor do you have any right to make those claims about those of us who CAN'T be with our fiances during their interviews.

    :thumbs: let's get some positive vibes going here.

    I apologise for my attitude.

    I just took a great amount of offense to this man's post. I love my fiance more than anything in the world, just like anyone else around here, and given my very VERY stressful situation with my fiance in and out of this visa situation I was very angered by his rather insentive tone about those of us who can't attend the interviews with our fiances.

    *Sigh* I'm just stressed. My fiance is literally in her interview RIGHT NOW. :unsure:

    I apologise to everyone for my attitude but I'm just under a lot of stress right now, as you can imagine, and I'm rather angry with the poster of this thread.

    I've never lost my cool on this site before. :/

  20. they do not allow cell phones in the Embassy. hopefully you'll hear something by noon to 1pm Manila time. it's now

    7:48 there. your wait is close to an end. best of luck :thumbs:

    Wow! It could really take a possible five-six hours? Well, it's no worse than the wait times my sweetheart had to endure at St. Luke's last week. :/

    I texted her yesterday and recommdend she take a snack along this time.

    just depends on what time the interview is taking place. maybe she's being interviewed right now. do you have any fingernails left? :lol:

    As of now? Not after just reading a very disturbing post about a person whose fiance was grilled very hard by this one CO in the Manila Embassy. I'm not sure if you've read the thread but the man was saying things like: "The CO was denying girls left and right and if I wasn't there with my gal she wouldn't have been approved".

    Now I'm even more nervous. :unsure:

  21. I have to agree about not stressing out. You can search through here and see where most people dont have any problems as long as all the paperwork is in order. The only time that any one has a problem is when there is something wrong in the paperwork or something makes the consul suspicious. Then they will get tough. Im sure if anyone had any problems with this particular CO it would have been posted before. There must have been something that caught that CO's attention or maybe he or she just had a bad day. As far as being afraid that the CO might see what u write on here and take some type of action, let me say I work for the Government and its illegal for us to take action in a official capacity for what someone writes about us. If u not going to discuss what happened just keep it to yourself instead of getting everyone worried for nothing.

    If you think its for nothing then have a nice day. I posted what I saw with my own eyes and ears. Im not going to be bullied into talking unitil she is in America.

    Tell me how would you prove that someone lost your paperwork or worse?

    And your statement makes no sense if you read my post. This did NOT just happen to us alone. I could hear the girls and the consol talking back and forth from the chairs. The last girl was in line at the finish window asking about her "problems" in front of us. She did not get approved.

    Dude, Im not trying to argue with you. Im sure your case and even the girls in front of you that got denied may have had some reason. We don't know from the information. All Im saying is there is no reason to get our spouses/fiances stressed out and worried by making blanket statements without giving any info. You are not being bullied. Its good that u did approved but for those still waiting, there is enough stress without being worried that the consul is going to be a jerk to them when they get to the interview. Most people have good experiences during their interview. If there are some instances where the interview went badly, then there is usually something behind it. If everything is prepared and ready it usually goes smoothly, and yes u cant prove that they lost something you just have to prove to them whatever they want. I hope everything goes well with you in your new life, and for all others there is nothing stress about. Just be prepared, relax and if something does come up, deal with it then. That's all you can do.


    This message is for OT:

    I can understand how you care so much about your fiance and don't want to risk anything but you also have to understand that all of us are in the same exact boat as you and have the same exact feelings as you do.

    I agree with everyone else--posting blanket commets about a horrid experience without backing it up is not a good tactic here. For people like me who had neither the time or money to make an emergency trip to be there during the interview like myself, I really don't need this added stress right now.

    I appreciate what you were attempting to do in this post but you did many of us more harm than good, and I'm sorry but your comment about "Don't be all sad if you weren't even there with her" is rather insentive and rude. I'm in a dire situation right now. My fiance lost her job months ago, hasn't been able to find a new one, and I've been sending her money each month to be sure she can EAT, so sorry, but I can't afford a trip to be there on her interview.

    You should really take other's feelings into consideration before you throw off comments like this because you have NO idea how stressful my life has been these past few months. Having a fiance to constantly worry about whether or not she eats every day isn't an easy thing to process let alone the fact she also has a thyroid condition she can barely afford to medicate herself for.

    I'm sorry, but your post was VERY offensive and I feel quite angry right now.

    Don't make assumptions and don't presume to say that those of us who weren't with our fiances at their interview shouldn't "cry about it" because some of us DO have extenuating circumstances, you know.

    Unless your fiance has been suddenly fired from her job and has a sickness I must have treated the minute she gets to the US then you have NO idea what I'm going through nor do you have any right to make those claims about those of us who CAN'T be with our fiances during their interviews.

  22. first- congrats on the approval.

    cmon dude that is not cool. stressing everyone out about the interview & not giving up any info. :angry:everyone else has said if your relationship is genuine you should have no problems. just stay calm & answer the questions honestly. the Philippine gov't & US embassy do not monitor VJ. what happened? what was the mistake on your paperwork? please explain very tough & grilled. what is different in your case than the "nothing to worry about crowd"? you have me & several others stressing about this now.

    Ditto! My fiance is in her interview right now and now I'm sitting here, massively stressed!

    I could use some information desperately.

  23. It's almost a sureal feeling that the interview is today. After months and months and months of waiting, it's almost hard to believe it's finally here!

    I've visited my fiance in her country twice now and even saw the outside of the embassy on my last trip. That building gave me the chills, LOL! The can only imagine what she's going through right now but I know her well and she's a very intelligent, resourceful, and strong woman. If anyone can handle it, I know she can. :)

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