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Forever Young

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Status Updates posted by Forever Young

  1. Happy Belated Wedding Anniversary!!!




  2. Hello & welcome to Visa Journey! It's a great place to meet and speak people going through the same process as yourself! Please feel free to link me, if you need to!


    Gill (Deyoungting)

  3. Hello & WELCOME to Visajourney! This is a great place to get tips and support as you go through the process. Please feel free to shout me if you need anything. Take care and have a pleasant journey!

    -Gill :-)


  4. Kimmy,

    You're daughter is ADORABLE!! Nuh worry yuhself chile, when rebel salute cyatch mi...mi a guh 'avi drink fi yuh, mi, he...especially if the blinking interview bizniz hova wid by den!! Mi all wouldda drink 2 fi yuh! ;-)

  5. Cute Picture!! Hang in there Girl...it's a coming!!! Keep the faith!!

  6. Hey Dazzler, Welcome to VJ!!! I hope you have a quick & easy (LOL) journey!!



  7. Greetings,

    Welcome to VJ!! Good luck in your journey!


    Deyoungting (Gill)

  8. Update your Siggy..update your siggy!!!! Let the whole of VJ know...U GOTTA DATE!!!!

  9. K., That's GRRRRREAT news!!!! Congrats!! Both of my closest VJ buddies have gotten through this week !! You & JAlove!!! I'm am thrilled for you guys!!

  10. Congratulations Donna & Jay!!

    I hope all went well and you two are together now!

    Enjoy it!



  11. Hello Jonesie,

    Congrats on the Baby!! You have chosen an excellent month...Sagittarians are good people (and yes I speak from personal experience...I'm a Sadge!) Good luck!!

  12. Hello & Welcome!! This site is great for meeting people going through exactly what you are experiencing! Feel Free to send me a message if you need anything!

    My name is Gill btw!

  13. Hi Wendy,

    Welcome to VJ! Glad that your here!

  14. Hi and Welcome..we are all here to help each other!! Good to have you here!!

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