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Forever Young

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Posts posted by Forever Young

  1. I think it is way past the time to bump up the thread about how to answer that dreaded question "If you have ever smoked Ganja before".... Anyone from the yardie group know where it is??? I am beating it into my hubby's head....NEVER NEVER NEVER admit to EVER EVER EVER smoking weed. The Jamaican embassy doesn't play!!!! We need to advise any new people going through the process that being honest unfortunately in this situation doesn't win.

    Oh and another thing....at my husbands physical..they didn't even ask him anything about if or when was the last time he smoked....hmmmmm

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!! This is one time where honesty is NOT the best policy! Such a shame. To me it's like they are looking for any excuse to delay or pre-empt the process!

  2. Bwoy, I really don't understand this ATALL!! To be honest the USC has more right to be in their home Embassy then the bloody Beneficiary! I have to tell you if I traveled all the way to JA & went to MY Embassy only to be told I couldn't come in...I woulddah guh MAD!! At the very least...Senator, Congressman, PRESIDENT would get a call from me requesting a detailed explanation as to why I, as a US Citizen in a foreign nation was not permitted inside my own Embassy!! I mean even if dem sey 'You can't go into the Interview room.', that's one thing...but to deny entry to the Embassy all together is ridiculous. I am really sorry to hear this news. I find it to be very unfair to all new filers.

    Take care,


  3. any yardie in here every renew they passport while in the states if yes. how long did it take for you to get back the new passport from the jamaica consulate general??

    Hi GC,

    Yes, We renewed my Hubby, Ken's passport in 2009 via the J'can Consulate in NYC. (We wanted to make sure they accepted his passport pics, b/c they have a bad habit of rejecting the passport app due to poor quality pics. We went mid-May (they told us 3-4 weeks). Ok, we started getting crazy b/c we had a trip planned to JA in the beginning of August & it was mid July & no passport yet! So I called the Consulate & this Sweet guy who worked there bent over backwards to get it expedited & shipped up here from JA TWO days before we left! I would say to be safe... expect 12-16 weeks for the passport, b/c we done know how Yard stay wid time! LOL

    Good luck & blessings,


  4. Hi Sonshyne, Forever Young, JenandDan, IrieCat, 1luv (((waving)))

    Hi Chiquitia-nista!!! How are tings? Feeling better since we last spoke I hope! :devil::lol:


    Hey Gilly I love the nickname Chiquitia-nista!

    LOL yeah yeah yeah You are the Champions blah blah blah haaaaaaaa. No seriously it wasa great series but we will be back next year Philly is a beast! :luv: ((( hugs)))

    Kikikikiki! :lol: The funny thing is I'm not even a Yankees fan! Just a NY fan! :lol: And yes...the Phillies are beastly! :P(L) -Gill

  5. I know when she would come on I would so want to congratulate her but knew no announcement was made so I would just smile to myself, I am so happy for Shem its such a blessing! :D

    Thanks. I had to cuss out my doctor today because he would not refer me to a high risk doctor. I wanted to consult with one due of a miscarriage at 20 weeks and I had my daughter at 26 weeks. I need to know if I have an incompetent cervix or not. Needless to say, I got what I wanted and have an appointment on the 28th.

    Good Looking Shemmy! :thumbs: Good Luck Mama!! :luv:

  6. Morning Ladies!

    So sorry Philly for your loss. I am sure your friend understands that you cannot be there.

    Blessed… thank goodness you are ok, that sounds pretty scary. Hope you are feeling better…

    Jess … hope your foot is feeling better and don't work to hard!

    Hope the ladies with their men fresh on arrival continued to have a great weekend!!

    We finally got snow this weekend in Maine. It was just enough to make everything look really pretty. Tierra and I headed to LL Bean for new snow pants and boots. She looks cute in dark purple and brown. I steered her clear of PINK this year… LOL

    I was so excited to sleep in this Saturday.. Louis didn’t have to work Friday night so no reason to get up early… Well 5AM!! the neighbors upstairs had their grandson and he was running back and forth the length of the apartment for HOURS!!! Now I can understand the child getting up early… but c'mon! Can you not let him run around WITH SHOES ON at 5am? Oh man Louis was so mad. He finally called the landlord yesterday after it sounded like they were rearranging furniture ALL DAY! The landlord just called (after speaking to the people upstairs) and told Louis they were being "effing aholes"… landlords exact words!!! haha… he is such a "Mainah".

    I am the 1st one to empathize and say… well its their grandson, they don’t have him all the time, or… the guy is HUGE and walks heavy. But I think it is beyond that now. I really think they don’t care, or don't like us. Louis even wrote them a note once explaining he works nights and just would like a few hours sleep in the mornings.

    Its so weird how they can just not care. I would feel so bad if I were upstairs making all that noise. Now I feel all uncomfortable when I run into them outside. UGH…

    Ahhhh Cat, that just straight SUCKS!!! I really can't stand inconsiderate people! Not to mention they are now raising an inconsiderate grandchild! Oooh man, I can't stand when parents, grandparents whomever do not put limits on their children! There has to be boundaries! I don't blame Louis for being vex! If I finally get a night off & get to sleep in & fi 'ear some racket inna mi head @ FIVE inna deh mawning!! Mi woulddah raise HOLY 'ELL tuh!!!!! :angry:


  7. Hi Yardies...

    Always Blessed I'mj so glad you are ok. God is great and he kept you safe.

    Friday: Well Garfield came into JFK @ 9:25pm (Air J was actually on time) it took him about 45 min to get out. When I say him I was jumping up & down waving my arms so he cane see me. He gave me a kiss and said see I made it. Well I put on his coat but did not zip it up. When he step outside and felt the NY cold air he FROZE...me and my sister fell out laughing at him. I zipped his coat up and gave him a kiss. The reunion was off the chains......

    Saturday: We got up ate breakfast and then went to see my sister, aunt, dad and a few friends all the time it was raining in NY then we headed home around 3:15pm. When the rain changed to SNOW his mouth fell open. I said baby its snowing. He call JA and told his mom he looked like a big kid. We got home after 9pm (after we went to see my daughter at her college, pick up another daughter, went to see my friend and did grocery). We finally went to sleep after midnight and did not wake up until 10:30am.

    Sunday: we went to the laundry and then I took him to the mall...when he saw the inside of Arundel Mills Mall he was floored. I have never walked the entie mall but I did today. The man wanted to buy everything but I talked some sense into him. Now we are home and he is cooking us a late dinner.

    I sooooooooo LOVE my Hubby (L)

    I found you Lady C!!!! Hi I miss you! :)

    Hi girlie whats up? I went looking for your Rum Cream on Friday but could not find any...Sorry

    Good times! :thumbs: Congrats Lady C! :luv:

  8. Gill :luv:

    Hey Gurl!!! :luv: ,

    How are you!!

    I know what am I doing round these parts! LOL! Just came back to see what's new! It just amazes me ow dis likkle thread just keeps going! It's a nice to see VJ sistren generation pon vj generation supporting one anoddah through this process!

    Many a time I didn't think I would have made it without dis thread & my sistrens to lean pon!

    Good luck & G-d Bless you all!


  9. so she sat down and goes into her speel about her job to protect the us citizen (here we go)

    she explained 2 kinds of fraud... one where the person knowingly usually for money enters into a marriage to assist the foreigner and another, not so recognizable when the us citizen is tricked.. she said this is the worst cuz blah blah blah.. we have ALL heard this before..

    i sat quietly as if she was a friend telling me about her job, smiling, even commenting WOW sometimes.. she tells me that either way the punishment is severe and is only on the us citizen which she wishes there were more penalties on the foreigner. she explained penalites saying something about losing benefits and your children losing benefits (????) she said after it passes her desk, there is no going back that a person who has ANY thoughts that there marriage may not be real has a chance to turn back w/ her without any fear of retaliation from the foreign spouse..

    i thanked her for sharing that information and explained that i have seen that fraud first hand which is why it took me so long to accept roger into my life, that i did not want to show my children another messed up relationship and as their example i wanted to show them a marriage they would want to pattern their own after..

    so she tells me that many times that is the case, but she has seen it over and over again. and she believes that HE is out to have his family come after he has been married to me for 2 years..

    my mouth dropped, all this time she was speaking generally altho i knew what was implied, but now she has called my husband out.. i said, "ROGER??????"

    yes.. i believe if they are not already here, they are coming and that is the plan, the childrens mother may already be here married to someone else and when they finish their 2 years married to you and her petitioner, then they will marry each other.. if they are not already married..

    i laughed and told her that the only phone we have is mine and i answer it, they are calling from Jamaica.. 876 area code.. their relationship is a rocky one and has been since i met him 2 years ago, but they get along for their children

    she said, does he speak another language while on the phone..

    i told her not normally, but yes he does speak patois and i am very knowledgeable about the language, enough to understand the jist of a conversation,

    i told her i know i sound like all the other women that come thru her office and are mistaken about their husbands intentions but i have not gone into this blindly..

    she said it is her job to watch body language, thats why the seats are so far away.. she said roger was very nervous..

    i said, most ppl are in this situation..

    she said he was shaking as he gave her documents, even demonstated LOL (roger still says he wasn't and i dont' recall that) he was unusually anxious

    she said she is only saying all this cuz its her job and i have children and sometimes the children are overshawdowed ..

    i told her again, that i thank her for her words.. she said she will let him sit out there and sweat a lil more and started to ask me ssa questions.. i gave her better answers that i give the ppl i deal w/ everyday LOL

    she gave some advice about the kids getting along w/ roger and i talked w/ her about my kids and their bipolar dad LOL.. and she said she guess she have let him sweat enough..

    she said she would scare him and say, she asking are u cooking dinner tonight.. i told her.. oh he cooks everyday so thats not a good one.. she said oh he does..

    so she brought him in and said... so ur wife says ur a good cook.. he said, EXCELLENT lol.. i said tell her bout thanksgiving baby..

    so he told her that he made curry chicken and rice and peas, and it was all gone before all the rest of the food..

    she said curry chicken was her favorite dont' get her started.. she said she loves ELAINES..this jamaican food restaurant..

    it was such a coincedence cuz we were going there right after the interview!!! and told her and that we could bring her a plate.. she laughed and hit our paperwork and said APPROVED LOL..

    we talked bout the restaurant a bit moren and then she said that she was approving our i130 and our i485 and that we had to file for LOC in 2 yrs.. we shook her hand and left

    roger said that he wished she would have asked him stuff after he sat out, cuz all the stuff came flooding to him, i told him don't worry about it.. we will get them at LOC.

    i am happy, but i wanted her to walk away believing in us, in our marriage.. i wanted to convince her and we didn't she tacked us as another fraud case.. if she approved us, dyam who do they deny???? LOL

    roger said if she had denied us, it would have been like going to jail and you know you didnt do the crime.. their goes that eloquence?? where was it 10 min ago??? LOL

    oh well, Praise the Lord anyhow!!!

    WOW Quans, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! You handled yourself perfectly! Yowser, afta hearing dat deh story mi kindda happy our was at the Kingston embassy! Like dem seh...don't mess w/Texas! :lol: Good job Chica! :thumbs: GREAT STORY!! Mi alwehs love story wid happy endings!



  10. good morning everybody!

    congrats bunz..FINALLY a date, it will be here before you know it!

    congrats to my2 also, and her first trip to JA as well, how special that must have been..

    well our approval was quite bittersweet both roger and I agree.. we feel happy that we got approved, but kind of not happy because we feel the interview could have went a little better. We prepared for a onslaught of questions, had quizzed each other quite often, but our interviewer only asked a few questions to open up a dialogue.. I, making a living talking to people plus im a bit longwinded anyway, picked up on tha cue, I talked and talked and gave exampes... but Roger being so nervous and he's not much of a talker anyway, the words would not just come out! LOL i saw hum struggling and i wanted to help so bad but i didn't know if that would make things worse. i didnt want to look like i was coaching him.. will give more details in a bit..

    Thanks be to God who has our end prepared for us despite our lack of wisdom, strength, charm or intellect.. I know for sure what he had put together no man shall separate.


    Baby girl, it doesn't matter HOW you got approved...just that you did! :D The interview process is not an easy thing to prep for. We had been testing questions for 11 months before our interview & Ken actually froze for a few seconds after her 1st question. :o I kindda nougged him & he clicked on & started answering appropriately! But it was nerve wracking nevertheless

    :luv:CONGRATS AGAIN MAMA!! Wishing you both nothing but the best! :luv:

  11. Greetings All,

    Old timer here just looking to wish Jess & Quans a very hearty CONGRATS!!! :D:luv::thumbs:

    Jess, you were so patient and the Father rewarded you for your patience! I'm so happy for you!! Quans, you journey has been such a long one...I am overjoyed that this chapter has finally ended and a new one begun!


    Bless-ed (L) always,


  12. Greetings & Good Afternoon Ladies!!

    I hope everyone is well!

    :thumbs: CONGRATS on the approvals, Mrs. Palmer & Ms.Tee!!! :thumbs:LANNNNNNNGTIME OVADUE MRS. P!! LANNNNNGGGGGG TIME!!!!!! Many blessings & a speedy arrival to you both!

    Have a bless-ed day!



    Ohhhh...thank you so much Gill! (L)Now I can go out on "dates" w/ my husband like you and Ken! :lol:

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :rofl::rofl: Hehehehe ...It's funny b/c Ken helwehs ah hask mi if ..."Heverywan pon FB, VJ, CIA, FBI, USCIS, DEA & deh Secret Service knoa seh wi ave a 'Date night' tuhnight? Cause em doan knoa ow mi love chat arready!" Mi usually kiss mi teet han tell em 'No tuhnight mi hongly inform deh DEA & FB...suh em good fi guh!!' CHO!! :angry::lol: ...I hope when yuh Hubby reach yuh Full-joy yuh Date nights mi Dear...they were HARD EARNED!!!! :luv:

    Bles-ed (L),


  13. I guess it sounds easy to just eat less and work out more....lol!!!!

    Some women at work are doing weight watcher...but when I have a lot of work I like to eat whatever I have a taste for.

    Afternoon Everyone,

    KK, that's what I LOVE about WW...you can eat whatever you have a taste for...just in moderation. I started a WW@ work program in June 2009. I am proud to say I've lost 20lbs since I started. (That's even with my vacation to JA!!) I did WW about 20 years ago and it didn't work for me...so up until this June I just kept writing it off! However, my co-workers kept raving...so I tried it and it actually works! I pretty much killed my poor thyroid from years of fad diets and yo-yoing weight. I can see myself sticking to WW b/c I never really feel deprived of having something I'm craving. Anyway just my $.02...but for anyone looking for a healthy way to lose weight...I would HIGHLY recommend it! :D

    Congrats Gill :dance: I've joined WW a few times but never commit ......love the program though.

    Tonks Shems! It's the tracking part that gets me! But at the end of the day I realize I like knowing everything I put in my mouth!

  14. I like reading you say..mi husband :thumbs:

    i like saying it!!!

    what do ur child/children call ur SO, what will his kids call u??

    we talked about this when we first got serious and we both agreed we didn't want anything too formal so we agreed the first name would be fine.. the judge that officiated our ceremony talked w/ us at length b4 marrying us and that was one of the topics.. he said that the children if they are not callling him daddy YET (he insisted they would eventually, which ive seen kids do, but i don't think mine will)

    then they should call him mr roger or mr g.. he says it is respectful and i woudn't want mykids to call me myfirst name.. HECK NO!!!

    i enjoyed the judge's talk, but we still have them call him roger, i could be mama quana? but that still sound silly.. we just like the informal way. i think he get respect from his actions not his name :blush: ???


    I agree that was a tricky one. My boys call Ken...'Ken' or 'Steppy' (although I hear them call him 'Dad' to their friends :luv: and KJ calls me 'Mama too or two'...whatever...you get the drift! :lol:



    I think "steppy" is so cute! If I could get it to stick Tierra would call Louis that! I saw you wrote that somewhere before and told Tierra about it... she used it like twice and forgot about it :(

    Yeah Catty,

    I know the boys go back and forth! However, I always TRY to refer to Ken as Steppy. "Where's Steppy? What did Steppy say...." It's tough though b/c who knew he was going to be their Stepdad when we first started dating???

  15. I like reading you say..mi husband :thumbs:

    i like saying it!!!

    what do ur child/children call ur SO, what will his kids call u??

    we talked about this when we first got serious and we both agreed we didn't want anything too formal so we agreed the first name would be fine.. the judge that officiated our ceremony talked w/ us at length b4 marrying us and that was one of the topics.. he said that the children if they are not callling him daddy YET (he insisted they would eventually, which ive seen kids do, but i don't think mine will)

    then they should call him mr roger or mr g.. he says it is respectful and i woudn't want mykids to call me myfirst name.. HECK NO!!!

    i enjoyed the judge's talk, but we still have them call him roger, i could be mama quana? but that still sound silly.. we just like the informal way. i think he get respect from his actions not his name :blush: ???


    I agree that was a tricky one. My boys call Ken...'Ken' or 'Steppy' (although I hear them call him 'Dad' to their friends :luv: and KJ calls me 'Mama too or two'...whatever...you get the drift! :lol:



  16. I guess it sounds easy to just eat less and work out more....lol!!!!

    Some women at work are doing weight watcher...but when I have a lot of work I like to eat whatever I have a taste for.

    Afternoon Everyone,

    KK, that's what I LOVE about WW...you can eat whatever you have a taste for...just in moderation. I started a WW@ work program in June 2009. I am proud to say I've lost 20lbs since I started. (That's even with my vacation to JA!!) I did WW about 20 years ago and it didn't work for me...so up until this June I just kept writing it off! However, my co-workers kept raving...so I tried it and it actually works! I pretty much killed my poor thyroid from years of fad diets and yo-yoing weight. I can see myself sticking to WW b/c I never really feel deprived of having something I'm craving. Anyway just my $.02...but for anyone looking for a healthy way to lose weight...I would HIGHLY recommend it! :D

  17. Howdy doo Ladies,

    Lawd I hate being away from this thread for a few days cause it means Law book type reading fuh cyatch hup!! :lol: LOL!! Hope all is well with everyone! CONGRATS to all that have been blessed with good news since my last pop-in & love and blessings to the rest of deh VJ Yardie Fam!! Alright, mek mi gwaan back han duh mi reading!

    Days??? :no: Seems like you vanish for WEEKS at a time, if not MONTHS! :lol:

    Oh Hush Nat!! I've been trying to stay a likkle more in the loop these days!! :P

  18. HEY MS. NELLY !!! ( Waving) ..i was just thinking about you...i ordered my textbooks today from that site u told me about..i saved about $200..thank you so much..i didnt even know about chegg. THANKS AGAIN !! (F)

    Good Stuff :thumbs:

    And this is why we don't just talk about immigration :lol:

    I might be a likkle slow but CONGRATS JAPrincess on the NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Yes Gurl, that's what I'm gunning for. It just bothers me because anyone who knows me knows Education is a HUGE part of my life! To see the wonderfully smart little boy not have his little brain filled with numbers & letters at this ideal age is KILLING ME!!! You don't even have to send a child to school to teach him his ABC's & numbers...it just takes some time to sit down & teach him!! :angry::angry:

    I agree with you, Gill - I had the same fight about DJ's son - one trip, he knew all his multiplication (he's 6) = next trip, he had been at his other grandmothers - he couldn't remember them! She would not feel well = which meant she didn't send him to school = Hell, if I didn't feel well I would make sure they were in school - so I had peace and quiet! He didn't go back there :angry:

    Sus, I so feel you on that! Of course she is now starting to see the light that if Ken's Sister takes him...her $$ will be done! So she called last night telling Ken that he has forgotten his roots and now things that Melbourne (where she lives) is not good enough for his son! I was like...Chick we NEVER thought Melbourne was good enough for him, but I'm glad you're catching on!! It has nothing to do with thinking we're better! It has to do with wanting better for your shild! Which any real Mother would want! Usually, we're cool...but when it comes to this ish...it just sets me OFF!! :angry:

    hubby has heard this one a time or two.....juss one big rass guilt trip people try fi pull..

    It pissed me off yuh see!!! Cause we could have gone ANYWHERE for our vaca...but we really struggled to guh back ah Yard so Ken could see his son! Only to be told that he has 'forgotten his roots' a week after coming back!! Suuuurrrrrrppppssss *lang dutty kissteet*

    Hey Forever Young, Bunz, JA O,1 Luv , Irie, JG, SG, Ms Tee ((( Waving) ))

    Hey Philfash,

    How yuh duh?

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