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HAL 9000

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Posts posted by HAL 9000

  1. Absolutely not

    Where in what I wrote gives a free pass to someone discriminating against another?

    Simply stated that there are as many minorities whinning in an effort to gain more than equality as there is white people griping about being discriminated against becasue they are white.

    Absolutely not in what?

    I'm not sure if you didn't notice, but I'm not accusing you of anything. Just your logic, which we tend to see a lot of when some racists (again, not identifying you) use the double standards slant to hide their racism. Just that.

  2. I will not say there is not some white dude doing what you say.

    but the perception is this IF EVERY D&&%% law provides equal rights to every one regardless of what minority group they belong too or not, then why must we continue to pad test scores, have hiring quotas etc.

    Any Minority group going around all day crying that they need more rights when every law of the land provides equal rights to all USC, if not more to those minority groups; To those USC minotrities crying for more that is truly WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :crying:

    If you are descriminated against in some way come talk to me and I will fight by your side for your rights to be protected and for you to be treated equally as an American.

    And those carrying out the discrimination are given yet another free pass by this logic.

  3. there's plenty it seems that are not pleased with his performance, and that's the far either side of the spectrum. hannah (a vj member) is royally peeved at him for not being liberal enough, if i recall correctly.

    i suspect he'll be facing an uphill battle in 2012 due to a highly fractured left that is highly displeased with his performance.

    IMO, many that voted for him on reason alone in 2008 will likely reason he's the lessor of two evils. Of course, from now and then lots can happen, and usually does... and first term presidents that really, really, really want to be reelected will do what they have to do to secure sufficient votes via the policies they push for. Lets see how it plays out from November of this year on out. The GOP may win a majority of the Legislative branch and that *may* end up being a blessing for Obama in 2012.

  4. Maybe it's the loud part and not the Spanish part ;)


    It doesn't bother me when people speak other languages in public. It does bother me when they speak loudly in any language -foreign or English - as that feels intrusive on my personal space, especially if I am somewhere that I can't avoid them or get out of the way :) . That may be why you are getting some of the scowls, at any rate.

    Xenophobia is not in my vocabulary. I think its cool when I hear other languages... it reminds me Earth does not end at a US point of exit.

    Ken lives in Riverside A.K.A. Vally of The Dirt....... things happen there that defy logic.

    I'll be updating my Surf thread soon.

  5. Yes true but unfortunatly there are way too many people out there that believe only the left gives a dam or its mostly just the left.

    I agree. I also think we shouldnt act like we know more than we do.

    A bit too generalized IMO.

    Maybe contextualizing that thing about giving a 'damn' about the environment will help you see who (politicians and ideologies) is doing what.

  6. No no no, I get your line of reasoning. Its just that Im not buying it. Imam was doing more than saying if we had not helped Obama then maybe 9/11 wouldnt have happened and that we should be careful of who we aid. The mans not happy with our foreign policies and partly blames the US.

    You claim this is my line of reasoning:

    I know what doing, your trying to say he meant something other than what he said and I call BS on that line of reasoning. Because if it was as innocent as that then why even mention it.

    When you can't understand exactly what it is he said (or wont, I'll leave that up to you)... can you judge someone else's perspective?

    My reasoning (just to spell it out for you):

    Imam is not proven to be an extremist based on his comments stating that 'when you play out a certain foreign policy in a certain part of the world, you have to consider that if extremists from that part of the world target you, then you have some cause in that effect.'

    Blame is a bit strong, and it implies something wrong was done to begin with... and before you misread this, no, I am not claiming the US has done anything wrong in the Middle East, although our foreign policy history there is far from a shiny example of being favorable to the Muslim world.

  7. So what it should of been mentioned that not all people that attended the inauguration were environmental wacko's?

    I think most people are educated when it comes to this topic, unfortunately some people just dont give a dam. And I think what this thread points out is that it isnt just people on the right.

    Correct, as not all people on the 'left' are what you would call environmentally-conscious.

    We should avoid political labels when it comes to the environment, although certain ideologies prefer, statistically speaking, to not be educated about that same topic.

  8. yet, you didn't ignore this one, when it paints a negative picture.....

    it looks like we're in violent agreement then about his performance. :)

    Would it make you feel better if I did not participate in this one thread? :P

    I am also somewhat not satisfied with his overall performance for not doing enough in the manner he promised on the campaign trail. Although does that make him unelectable for 2012? Not sure about that. I prefer to put things into the proper context.

  9. And what if the scientific polls also show Obama sucks? (They do)



    Then you can open the floor for logical discussion, which includes reasons for such responses, using the methodology for said responses. Context, context, context.

    Just be careful with that, since we all know certain methodologies can be directed.

    sure, the poll in the op could be skewed. i'm also sure that the results could be skewed in either direction too, which makes me wonder if it was painting a rosy picture, would you be so quick to attack it? in essence, just because the results are not what one would like to see, should it be dismissed so easily?

    i btw gave obama good marks in some areas, bad in others, and a C overall. pretty much a middle of the road average.

    Personally, such a scenario I'd likely ignore like all other polls when people's minds are fickle, independent on partisan loyalties that are not taken into account on those polls.

  10. People who cram environmental friendly attitudes down our throat should be held at a higher standard.

    Indeed, and if the people that create unwarranted, incongruous, fake critiques on those people, are doing so- they should also be expected to follow suit.

    Then again, I don't ram things down your throat- its better you learn these things for yourself by becoming a little more educated as to what's behind the reasoning and what isn't.

  11. Actually I was doing the right thing. I havent been here for a few days and I was getting back to a comment you had directed towards me. Most people would be grateful. ;)

    Spin it how you will Hal but there is just no valid argument for the US being a accessory to the crime. Your naive to believe he doesnt partly blame America.


    Yes, I was also gone for a few days. We should thank each other then.

    Drama much?

    I am not blaming the US, and if you paid attention to the miscontextualized words that exist, you, in a more rational mind, would also notice that accessory does not equal blame all of the time.

  12. pretty much every poll could be called unscientific.....

    i'm not saying this one is any better, or worse, than any other polls out there.

    Sure could be called unscientific... but it doesn't take away from the methodology, which is scientific. Sometimes you have to look beyond the results.

    And webpolls, are not scientific in results and much less in methodology.

  13. No Simpson is not. Is Hal seeing only what Hal wants to see?

    I disagree, if he is leader he claims to be he would condemn Hamas.

    I get the cause and effect. We did somethings in the middle east that made irrational thinking men do irrational things. This in no way makes us a accessory to the crime. Your kidding yourself if you dont think he partly blames the US because of our policies in the middle east.

    5 days ago... Simpson.. give it a rest. If you're having problems reading things correctly, try reading them again, particularly where question signs are placed and where contextual clues are written.

    I wonder what the next issue, irrational or not, will be that will be 'used' to attack the building of this Center. :lol:

  14. Along with the hilarious "it's about the policies!" meme, the other thing I notice is the habit of dropping snide little dismissals instead of constructing thoughtful arguments or responding to clear points of debate. This behavior is the purview of those who either don't have thoughtful arguments to back up their positions, or don't have the chops to make those arguments.

    And FYI: the once-novel tactic of accusing people who call out racism as the True racists--You said it first!! Racist!!!--is going to lose any mojo it ever had in about three...two...no wait--it's over. I suggest you go dig up the next pithy and dishonest method of counterattack with a quickness, as this one is officially a limp rag translating roughly as "I know you are but what am I."

    So come with it or drop it.

    Good luck with that. At least this is another case (you) of someone else pointing out the obvious!

    Danno fools very few people here.

  15. "Moderate drinking, which is defined as one to three drinks per day, is associated with the lowest mortality rates in alcohol studies."

    Lets add to that that ethyl alcohol also has a beneficial effect on cleaning out one's circulation of some parasitic organisms when consumed in moderate amounts.

  16. Rob has a major point that Charles is maybe missing on purpose??

    I hardly would label that attacking the messenger since he is focusing on something quite contextual behind how all those polls are- even by the admission of those that create them, UNSCIENTIFIC.

    But its more of the same hackery that prevents science from standing in the way of ignorance.

    The question is... why? :unsure:

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