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HAL 9000

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Posts posted by HAL 9000

  1. My company had an all-hands meeting last week to discuss year end topics. It was announced that our cost for insurance premiums will not change; however, no bonuses this year and only minimal raises. I am not sure how I feel about this. I am still thinking about it. No bonus yet my monthly out of pocket will not change. Also....no Christmas party this year.

    My wife's costs stay the same this year too- with a 10% raise in her salary. Administration is absorbing the increase in her premiums, so her raise is even more than 10%.

  2. I agree with your opinion here.

    So much of weight is mental that it's not even funny.

    People find it easy to 'blame' fatty foods for them getting far, but ultimately you have a choice in what you eat. - If you're getting fast food every day and not excercising at all, then yeah, you're going to get fat.

    I've been up and down with my weight because I choose to workout or not.

    Right now, I workout some, and I eat what I want. I have a steady diet though that's relatively healthy. I do drink a lot of beer though. Don't have the gut to go with it however because of the way I eat in conjunction with that and the fact that I workout here and there.

    It's all about the way you take care of yourself. You can't sit here and eat salty/fatty foods, drink beer, sit on the couch all day, and expect not to get fat.

    Stress causes a lot of people to eat i know, but find another outlet... Eating is easy because it's 'there' a lot of times. If you keep your pantry bare and not a lot of ####### around to eat, then you don't have this problem. I know I 'eat' if it's around, but it's why I never buy snack foods, cakes, candy, etc... That and I don't even like it all that much either... but if it's not there to tempt me, I cannot eat it.

    Choice and hedonistic tendencies are hard-wired in our brains. Coincidentally, the feeding location (satiety) in the brain is also responsive to stress, and there are anatomical connections between the feeding centers and the stress response centers known to endocrinologists for nearly a century now.

    Once you push your brain to a certain point, its almost physiologically impossible to right yourself. But it can still happen if you are constant. Now tell me what hedonistic society can unlearn the modern conveniences that make choice of the unhealthy the winning choice most of the time.

  3. The idea of mobile X-Ray scanners capable of producing reliable scans is shoddy. You'd need a really big van really close to the subject. I am not sure as to how much radiation you'd pick up from one of these unlikely scans, even at close distance, so I can't comment on how that could affect your health in the long term.

    Something about this coming from the blogosphere rather than a veritable news outlet smells... odd.

  4. Ok, before I called you a partsan hack just to show my displeasure at being called Gary again. Now I mean it. If a candidate says something, gives conditions for being able to do it and then doesn't even try when given all he asked for then I would say he and his own party failed. If you can't accept the fact that the dems were given a golden chance to make good on Obama's promise without any need for rep participation then you truly are a political hack.

    Doesn't even try? Now I now you haven't been paying attention to objective news outlets. And that's being a partisan hack? :lol: Sorry about that, Gary John. Nothing in common indeed! :lol:

    I never said I was satisfied with Obama's handling of the health care legislation- but I've also stated Washington has a way of doing things, that even Republicans have stated and sort of tried proposing, although most rational minds would classify those attempts as more obstructionism than being constructive politicians. Partisan hacks all of us then. :lol:

  5. Oh I get it. I'm just saying - This is a Mosque 2 blocks away from Ground Zero. This Mosque is being headed up by a guy who has anti-American sentiments and has made a bunch off off the cusp remarks in blaming the United States for things. He's not exactly the poster child that you'd want representing the Muslim Community in this situation. Unless that is, the Muslim community agrees with him (which many do not) and then that would make it even worse and the 'American' outrage would be quite justified.

    We won't get into how I 'really' feel about 9/11. Been there, done that. It's never pretty.

    I would be 'fried' for a lot more than what I say on here, trust me. Of course I have more of a disdain for humanity than most people do as well. It's never anything personal, it's just I 'get' people. Which is actually quite annoying.

    Where's that list of horrible Anti-American sentiments?

    Also feel free to share your disdain of humanity in as many details as possible.

    Mental health has nice definitions for people that hate everyone on general grounds.

  6. Heart disease is a disease caused by unhealthy lifestyles, for the most part.

    I'll take your word for it that you aren't fat, but you sure seem to have issues with overweight people. Is "fat f*cks" really necessary? Why the hostility?

    More shock outrage from the crazy brigade perhaps? This only deserves a complete ignore for the crazy to quiet down, cause that's all the crazy wants, probably. Try it man!

    Obesity is a serious health problem... both genetic and behavioral... people that have personality problems that lead them to belittle others in this situation are most certainly extremely insecure in their own state of health. Even though IMO, this is something more psychological than physiological.

  7. Your 'nut' has also put blame on the United States for 9/11.

    He's also put blame on Muslims dying in Iraq thanks to the United States' sanctions, etc.

    Taken a few opportunities to blast the US for things. Doesn't exactly sound like he always means what he says when playing 'nice.'

    Some people say that our government's role in meddling in the Middle East is a causal factor in 9/11. As a libertarian you should be well aware of this. Those terrorists didn't just pick out the US as a target for no apparent reason.

    No country is perfect, and when a country is due for criticism, its due. If we were to judge people for their intent when having a dialogue, then people here on VJ, you included, would likely be fried.

  8. meaningful employment legislation???

    This isn't China of yesterday. It's not the government's job to create jobs. It's their job to create an environment that's good for jobs. Of course they've done plenty to cluster-#### that environment.

    Back to the topic at hand....

    Is it smart to have a guy who has obvious anti-American sentiment leading this thing?


    I said legislation, not direct employment creation. You can claim the government can't legislate jobs without creating them to be government employment- so that should also leave out tax breaks that only benefit profits for major corporations.

    Please keep posting these supposed anti-American sentiments to show how polarized you really are.

  9. I took the man at his word. His word? This is his word:

    We gave him the white house, the senate and the house. What excuse does he have?

    Excuses, and the notion that things in Washington don't happen overnight.

    In other words, compromise, as I stated before you dug your heels in a very unrealistic interpretation of what Washington, the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and special interest groups, all do.

    And 2003 isn't 2008, 2009, or 2010. Things in Washington do change overnight when it comes to votes and the acquisition thereof.

    This is the same Breitbart that used old footage to purposely create a storm in a bathtub. Like I said, use better, objective sources.

  10. Any Democrat that would actually like to keep public attention on the NYC Muslim//anti-Muslim/Community Center/Mosque/Bigot/Sensitivity/Bad Taste/Etc issue instead of urging the President to show the American Public exactly how obstructionism is impeding progress towards meaningful employement legislation that benefits them, not shareholders- would like to thank you for keeping that campfire going.

  11. Do you realize your stuck in your opinions as well? When will you admitt that the reps could have stayed home the last 18 months and nothing would have changed? What part of "they had all the votes they needed and didn't need a single rep vote" don't you understand? Don't get me wrong, I wanted the dems to give us real health care reform. That is why I voted for Obama and a dem senator. I wanted sing payer. That is what the people wanted. We gave them the chance, they could have done it without any help from the reps and they blew it fighting among themselves. So partisan hack Hal, why won't you admitt it?

    I certainly am stuck in my opinions. The same argument that has claimed that Obama has done nothing also turns on itself and claims Obama is doing way too much. Classical political schizophrenia.

    I've already claimed that Obama should have been more aggressive in getting all Democrats involved, doing so in public and with complete transparency as during the campaign season. If he loses in 2012, then he loses in 2012 for more reasons than you care to admit- and that's fine. Call me a partisan hack all you want, I prefer to stick to fact and a more complete story than hiding in your politically polarized glass house.

    You can say you voted for Obama all you want- if you are not paying attention to his stated goals (his platform), not paying attention to how the legislative process works, then you can delude yourself all you want.

  12. So you can't then? Just as I expected. Sigh.....

    Is that what I said? Gary John, you do realize you're stuck in your opinions right?

    I see the history revisionists have started. Of course it is the only harbor they have this fall, blame the failures on the reps. The "blame the other guy" mentality isn't going to fly this fall. People may be dumb but not that dumb.

    And I didn't claim it was only the Republicans at fault either. Take a coffee break or something... the caffeine will help you focus better.

  13. Come on now, your being obtuse. The reps could do nothing to slow down, fillibuster or stop any part of any bill the dems wanted to put out. Just the threat of a fillibuster was all it took. The dems had 60 votes in the senate. That is enough to stop any procedural games the reps wanted to play. The only reason the reps were able to do anything is because not all dems were on board. The blue dogs were the ones being catered to and compromised with, not the reps. Your call for "context" is nothing but an attempt to deflect what really happened, the dems blew it without any help from the reps.

    You might want to check the timeline for the legislative body every time a bill didn't get voted on... Yes, that's called context, not Gary Johnlogic. Like I said, Blue Dogs are a part of the equation only. Quit the black and white drama- reality ain't like that.

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