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Posts posted by Itsmeitsmeitsree!

  1. That's a funny question.......if you were truly in love then you would still be together with that person I would think.

    In a sense, everything in the past could not have been real love.

    I was married once before, and I WAS truly in love. However, you can't stay together if only one of the pair truly feels it. We split up even though I was truly in love, he impregnated a teenager when we had been married 10 years.


    Now is the second time I've been in love, and there is nothing like it. Seems like before was just a trial run. I think that sometimes you have to experience heartache to really appreciate the fabulous things to come.

  2. This is an important topic, thanks for posting it. It's a vital health issue for all of us women, and checking your breasts regulary could possibly save your life, or at least save you some pain from other infections. Again, thanks for posting this. I do hope your problem is cleared up soon.

    Now let's hope that this topic doesn't get turned into something that it was totally not meant to be, and something that won't be helpful to women.

  3. I find it funny how some christians (minority) always claim to be persecuted. it's like they look for any excuse to be persecuted and almost love doing it.

    Come on now. Just look at the Davinci Code.. How about people like Madonna?

    Christianity has been under attack for years in the US. At least in Australia there are laws protecting ones beliefs. This means no one has a right to criticise or slander someone else’s beliefs. Be it religious or atheist. 'Most' Christians are sane and normal. We don't go around burning down buildings to make a point.

    To the contrary, I dare the davinci code to make a movie ‘challenging’ Islam or for big bad Madonna to slander Islam the way she does Christianity.


  4. I am bothered by the number of posts that spend time trying to pick apart the origins of Christian, who did or didn't write and assemble the Bible, and so forth. This thread started as a discussion on whether these teens had the right to assemble and speak about their beliefs. That's what it should've remained, not a tribunal against those of us who have a personal relationship with a loving and accepting God. Those who think they have all the answers to disprove the existence of my God have done nothing to prove that those who march in a St. Patrick's Day Parade (for example) have any more right to do so than these kids did. What if I don't believe in St. Patrick?

    Here is something I found when looking for exactly what the First Amendment states:

    "The right to assemble allows people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes. Implicit within this right is the right to association and belief. The Supreme Court has expressly recognized that a right to freedom of association and belief is implicit in the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments (http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.table.html#amendments). This implicit right is limited to the right to associate for First Amendment purposes. It does not include a right of social association. The government may prohibit people from knowingly associating in groups that engage and promote illegal activities. The right to associate also prohibits the government from requiring a group to register or disclose its members or from denying government benefits on the basis of an individuals current or past membership in a particular group."

    Where in this does it say that those of us who believe in one omnipotent and holy God do not have this right to march and state our beliefs? For those who contend that these teens were trying to "shove it down our throats" of their lifestyle and belief systems...I ask you, why is it different and worse what they did than a gay rights parade (and I've seen one in a larger city) where the people are shouting things like "we're here, we're #######, get used to it!"...and that is just one of the more innocent things I heard. Weren't they trying to shove their beliefs down my throat?

    And as for the one who said that we Christians can't say that we're not persecuted...please look again. Some of what happens to us doesn't get the media attention that others who complain do. My own daughterm, as I stated before, got in trouble because she asked, "When is Easter break?" She also wore a t-shirt to school one day that had a Bible verse on it, and I was called at work to bring her different clothes. Yet another child can wear a necklace with the star of David, and still yet others can wear their head scarves (excuse my ignorance for not knowing the proper term)? And my oldest daughter bowed her head, and silently prayed, and lost a recess because of this. This may not seem like persecution to an adult, but to an 8 year old, it clearly is!

    All this being said, I am not against anyone showing pride in their beliefs. I believe everyone must be respected for who they are. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with and embrace wholeheartedly those differences. I just ask that I be aceepted as a faithful Christian who has compassion and respect for all races, religions, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, etc. As such, I have earned respect for myself.

    Jesus Christ is my savior. It make me feel good to pray for everyone. If it helps you, I'm very pleased. If not, at least I have done what God wants me to do. If I'm persecuted for it, that's ok too. My reward is in Heaven!!

    I read some crazy fact and I find it particulary hard to believe and if true very sad that some 70% of old E. Germans are atheist. Is that really possible? How dark and how sad. I pray for them.

    oh dear me... :no: Why doesn't it occur to you that atheists are perfectly fine the way they are? Do you REALLY believe that atheists are the root of all evil or something?

    I'll never get this idea of well they must need me to pray for them, to save them, when they don't even believe in it. It's like the post the other day where someone said atheists must hold a grudge against God. WHAT???? :huh: They don't believe in God. So just as they don't believe in God, I'm sure they would agree that they don't need your prayers of salvation.

    Frances, I totally understand what you're saying. But at the same time, I think believers tend to feel so blessed that they have faith and want others to feel that as well. I don't see anything wrong with that.

    As for me, a lowly non-believer. Go ahead and pray for me. I, of course, don't feel that it will do any good. But if you do think it will do good, then go ahead by all means. I'd much rather you pray for me than preach to me. If you're right about God, the praying might help. If you're not right about God, then no harm done! Preaching is just gonna P### me off! :lol:

    Exactly right and thank you. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes upon you. It is then up to you :thumbs:

    That's exactly the kind of comment that irritates me. How arrogant.......you can think it all you want but there is no reason to say it other than pure arrogance. As a Christian, I'm embarassed by your comments.

    And as a PRACTICING Christian, I too, am embarrassed by YOUR comments.

    ITSMEITSMEITSME, Sorry you are embarrassed by me? or mercury road? I honestly stand by my comment and I wish the same for all man kind.

    I'm sorry for the misunderstanding ace. I meant that I was embarrassed by what Mercuryroad said, though I support his right to say it. I also wholeheartedly agree with everything you've posted!

  5. I read some crazy fact and I find it particulary hard to believe and if true very sad that some 70% of old E. Germans are atheist. Is that really possible? How dark and how sad. I pray for them.

    oh dear me... :no: Why doesn't it occur to you that atheists are perfectly fine the way they are? Do you REALLY believe that atheists are the root of all evil or something?

    I'll never get this idea of well they must need me to pray for them, to save them, when they don't even believe in it. It's like the post the other day where someone said atheists must hold a grudge against God. WHAT???? :huh: They don't believe in God. So just as they don't believe in God, I'm sure they would agree that they don't need your prayers of salvation.

    Frances, I totally understand what you're saying. But at the same time, I think believers tend to feel so blessed that they have faith and want others to feel that as well. I don't see anything wrong with that.

    As for me, a lowly non-believer. Go ahead and pray for me. I, of course, don't feel that it will do any good. But if you do think it will do good, then go ahead by all means. I'd much rather you pray for me than preach to me. If you're right about God, the praying might help. If you're not right about God, then no harm done! Preaching is just gonna P### me off! :lol:

    Exactly right and thank you. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes upon you. It is then up to you :thumbs:

    That's exactly the kind of comment that irritates me. How arrogant.......you can think it all you want but there is no reason to say it other than pure arrogance. As a Christian, I'm embarassed by your comments.

    And as a PRACTICING Christian, I too, am embarrassed by YOUR comments.

  6. I think a large difference is that between demonstrating FOR your own rights versus AGAINST the rights of somebody else.

    Gay Pride marches are not asking that Christians no longer be allowed to practise their religion. These Christian protests are about infringing upon the rights of others to live in the way that they choose within the balance of the law.

    I think my point MAY have been misunderstood. I wasn't saying that I am against gay pride marches, or that I am pro anything that infringes upon the rights of others. However, the First Amendment gives me the right to be part of a "Christian pride" parade if I so choose. I just want the same rights for my beliefs that others want extended to them.

    My children have been brought up within our church also. They have been given many sides of the story so that when it comes to making a choice of their own, they can have lots of information. But when it comes to school, it pains me to see that so many other belief systems are respected, but ours aren't. My children learn about Judaism, Hinduism, and several others, (and I was happy about this) but my youngest got in trouble when she asked when "Easter break" was! She meant to say Spring break, but she came home in tears because she got in trouble for saying Easter. She (at 9) said, "Mommy, if I can't say Easter, why can Jeremy say Hannukah, and why do we have to learn about Kwanzaa?" I honestly didn't have an answer for her.

    And I want to clarify also that I'm not a Christian who goes around with some sort of sanctimonious, holier-than-thou attitude. I'm the first to admit my faults (to God), and the first to admit that I've fallen WAAAYYYY short, and that I would be the LAAASSTT person to thrown any stones. But I must tell God of my sins and ask for His forgiveness. My own shortcomings have enabled me to be much more compassionate and accepting of others. I just wish that the Golden Rule would be something other people would use with respect to me, and not just EXPECT if of me toward them.

  7. I was debating about answering in here and now here I am. I may and or probally will get flamed somewhat for what I say but I guess that all comes with the territory of the topic. First of all, I am a christian and I just want to state that in my own beliefs I don't even belief that in itself is a religion. Religion is man made and based upon rituals and rules set before us by man. My beliefs are soley based upon my personal relationship with my Lord. Christianity is a personal relationship (well it should be) in every christian believer. I do believe that there have been many people who give the christians a bad name and a bad rap but i can say i've never met any christian who believed they were ever better than anyone else. We are no better than anyone else. We are just as human as a non believer. We struggle just as much as a non believer. Like I said we are all human. The difference is is that "I" myself have recognized my faults and my sinful nature and I have asked God to forgive me. Can a person live a moral life without religion? Yes I believe so. But just because you go to church, or just because you are a good person, do you believe thats good enough to get you on Gods good side? I am not here to make that judgement, I dont' make up the rules, but all I know is that Jesus said he was the only way. No one can come to the Father accept through me. God has given us all free choice. The choice is to choose him or not to choose him. He doesn't send anyone to hell. We send ourselves if we choose to live a life without him. Again, I don't make up the rules, and I am not here to judge.

    Also these protestors were not infringing their beliefs on anyone. They were just standing up for a belief that they wanted to be heard by others. They weren't saying you had to convert or that you had to be like them. Jesus in his time as well taught and proclaimed his beliefs in front of thousands of people at a time. Did everyone agree then? most certainly not.... the people of the church at that time were the one who turned him in!

    "Does the world hate you? Remember that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you like one of its own. But you do not belong to the world. I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." -- John 15:18-19

    It's only gonna get worse for christians as time goes on, I wish I could not say so. But God states that we all will be hated and a time may come where we have to stand. He came to die for me so that he could give me life. Not just eternal life but life now in the world. He is my way, my truth, and my life. I can't deny a bit of that. If that means that sometimes I have to stand up and state that I don't agree with something and be blasted down for it so be it. Jesus didn't call me to be a benchsitter. Do I hate those who do not agree with me? Of course not, and I respect all of you and all your oppions. We all have the "Freedom of Choice" and if thats what you choose than thats what you choose. But we all as human beings have the want to be heard and in this country we have the right to a voice. These kids werent being rude, or damning anyone. They just wanted to be heard. Just like everyone else. If that offends people, maybe we should really look deep inside and ask ourselves why? Is what their stating really true? Maybe it's hitting to close to home and there's just stuff in our own live we don't want to deal with? Thats called conviction my friends

    I couldn't have said it better myself...and I TRIED!!!


  8. I have read this and many other threads where ALL Christians are thought to be fanatics, short-sighted, and devoid of compassion for anyone except those with similar beliefs. I've often been left fuming and hurt because others crude comments. The people who are so vehemntly anti-Christian or any other religion aren't extending the same sort of understanding they want for themselves. If it's really about being accepted for being gay, Muslim, whatever...and these guys are not just allowed, but encouraged to demonstrate for their beliefs...why aren't Christians extended the same right??

    I do not condone nor accept Pastor Phelps and his freakish beliefs. I have read several articles about him and can only hope that no more people fall under his spell. It's just sad that he's still allowed to get away with pouring salt into the wounds of dead soldiers' families. This man, and those who kill abortion doctors in the name of being "pro-life" just perpetuate the myth that Christians are the most unaccepting lot on the planet. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Now, I want to make some things perfectly clear:

    1. I believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God.

    2. I believe that God is the creator of all things.

    3. I believe that God is sovereign over my life.

    4. I believe that Jesus is God's son.

    5. I believe that Jesus died and rose again.

    6. I believe that Jesus' blood saves me from the damnation of the sin I created.

    I believe in many more things, but I will leave it at that because you get my point, I'm sure. While I believe that the things I just wrote will be highly unpopular, I don't care. My beliefs have kept me going in some very, very dark times in my life. Christians have supported me finanacially, given to me of their time and attention, and taken care of my children when need be. They didnt' do this to get attention, they did it because they are kind people who just want to do what they feel is right. I've been in churches all my life, and became a believer at age 15. Though my life has wildly veered off course at times, I feel that it is God who brought me through this and who allows me to be as blessed as I am today.

    It's the few fanatics who give we Christians a bad name. There are plenty of missions in churches that help and accept people without shoving our philosophies down peoples throats. In my own church, we have an unwed mother group, and every day we give support to those in need (clothes, food, money for bills) and don't ask anything of them in return. This is not shoving doctrine down someone's throat...this is showing God'd love through actions. People who demonstrate at soldiers funerals (soldiers who died in a senseless war) have no place in Christianity. People who kill abortion doctors in the name of being pro-life simply don't make much sense. Those who commit these and many more acts because "God told them so" must be talking to some sort of psycho-God, because my God is a God of unconditional love.

    Take these words as you will, they are what I believe. I know I'm in the minority, and people will have a great time picking apart what I've said. Go ahead, same as I cannot convince those who are so passionately non-believers that God is real and loving...you'll not EVER convince me otherwise either. I am just as passionate about my God as the majority is about proving me wrong.

    There, I believe I've said enough to get myself in a huge controversy. I didn't start this, but I wasn't about to let it get by. (And I rarely post on something serious. I am usually on those games and questions and stuff....guess I got a little sidetracked!)

  9. Happy Birthday Corey!!!!

    My oldest will be 15 in August, and my youngest will be 10 in October. They were babies just yesterday, and I blinked my eyes and they're practically grown up!! My little brother (nephew by birth) graduated from high school Saturday and I bawled the ENTIRE time, cause just last week (it seems) he was crying because he dropped the Reese's pieces I bought him.

    Anyway, just wanted to wish Corey a happy birthday!!!

  10. I've been on VJ for a long time. Usually I just lurk around and read things, and sometimes I post on something innocent or entertaining...mostly things that are trivia questions, word games, songs games, etc. I've disagreed with what some people say about things, I've ardently supported others, been angry at some people, sad for others, and just didn't give a flying fig about some things. But I feel that I must say something here.

    Michelle did say in the original post that she had stated before all this happened that he was coming home, and had gotten a few nice PM's. Well, when one is in a state such as she must've been in, it is much easier to write one post about what happened than to sit down and write a zillion answers of the same depressing thing. She did kindly request for everyone to refrain from negativity and withhold any "Craig bashing" comments. Why can't some people honor this request? Do they feel so terrible about themselves and their own situations that they need to tear other people down only to make themselves feel better??

    Whether you agree with Michelle or not, or think she's lied or not, you must certainly concede that she is usually always supportive of others in their joy, and has a very consoling way with people who aren't having such good things happen to them. It is the only decent thing to do to repay this with every bit as much compassion as she's shown. She's earned that from ALL of us, and we'd be doing all of VJ an injustice if we didn't give it to her. Isn't that what VJ is all about...being a supportive community???

    There, now maybe I can concentrate on trivial things again...

  11. I also like Venezia jeans, but my favorite is Just My Size jeans which are sold at Wal-Mart. They don't cost much (and are CHEAP on eBay) and last forever. They are also kind to those of us who have more junk in the trunk, and have relatively normalish waists.

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