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Posts posted by Miamifilerrr

  1. Hey guys,

    this questioned popped out of my head out of nowhere to see if anyone else ever felt like me that after taking the oath


    after taking the oath, I started feel more connected to this country and it actually did started to feel like home... 

    i am not saying I never did before. Of course after living here for number of years, you attach here more and more and it becomes your home. However, after oath I started to feel like more on the patriotic side.

    Hope there are much more people like me feeling the same thing. I feel like I belong to one more big family...

  2. From what I understood from my interview ( looking at a big picture perspective), unless you don’t have any extraordinary or unacceptable situations, it is all about showing  your interviewer that you will care and love this country, respect and obey the laws at any level , know this country, it’s government, basic history(as much as average national should know) and language. He wants to see if you can call this place home. If he sees that in your eyes, the rest of the interview will go easy.

  3. Also, now most of the n-400 process takes more than i year. I personally waited more than 1.5 years and multiple things had to updated with my initial n-400. I brought the changes as they come up at my interview and the person didn’t really gave me hard time on it ever. 


    Even though they expect that you give some  thoughts on your n-400 application and be accurate and professional at it since it’s a life changing and very serious application in your life, they understand that typing errors and date confusion may occur as long as you correct them at the interview. 


    To be honest, the person who interviewed me kinda liked it, before we started the actually interview I said I would like to update and change couple things due to time difference between filing and the interview and some errors I made on my part when filing, I probably gave him the impression that I do really care and take this process very serious as it is my duty to present the only truth in my answers which they were. One thing they will dislike for sure is lying or misinformation on your application. If they see you that you really care about the information you put there and care about the accuracy of it, your moral character point in their mind will get extra points ;) 

  4. It’s usually recommended to copy your filled N-400 form to review before the interview for the accuracy of the information you have, if not accurate , it will help you to correct those at the time of the interview. 

    If you are not sure, try to get your CBP records I believe you can get it online and present it at the interview. 

    For any other issues , I would say fill out n400 again (for your record and reference) and make sure it’s all accurate and pretty much try to memorize all the dates and etc. when the interview comes, they go over with the application... as you have memorized your n400, you can correct it there if it doesn’t sound correct to your reference n-400 in your hand. ;))

    dont fear and be practical

  5. Just got an e-mail from DoS that my passport has been printed and sent out. Should expect it on 9/5 ... this is pretty amazing that I didn’t even expediate it and sent with regular mail.. the whole process is about 15 days with routine service. 

    I actually wasn’t sure if I should be done it expediate processing just in case but now i am glad i didnt waste extra $60 and some more for faster delivery.. 

    i believe it’s useless to ask for expediate processing during slow season unless you need your passport really really quick. 


    I am not used to this fast service after dealing with us visa, permanent residency and n-400 processing that taking forever. This service was beyond my expectations ;) now I feel like a US Citizen ahaahah a VIP class of citizenship lol

  6. Hi Guys, 


    just wondered where usps post office send DS-11 applications to... is it one national center for all states or each USPS sends those applications to the nearest passport agency that they are located in ??

    i asked it because I applied at USPS on Tuesday 8/21 with regular service with non-expediate mail and today which is 8/24 I got an e-mail from DoS with application number and etc.

    I believe that’s pretty quick.. If I don’t count Tuesday when I applied in person in late afternoon, pretty much it got delivered and started to be processed in 2 days..

    does it have to do with the end of summer season so passport applications decline dramatically ?? Btw I live in Miami Beach

  7. Hey @sunshinestate2013

    It went fantastic. The process was very quick and easy.also the gentleman who interviewed me was very cooperative. I seriously didn’t think it was going to go that smooth. 

    I believe every interviewer’s attitude is different and thank god my experience was great.

    he only asked proof of my selective service registration. No passport , pictures or any other documentation needed. 

    But when I stated that I owed taxes, I presented him my installment agreement and proof my payments. He kept that also. 

    When all finished , he told me to wait outside for my oath letter. After 10 mins I got my oath letter for this coming Friday. 

    I am very  happy that I will be over this within the same week.


    thanks everyone here for your positive and helpful attitudes in this forum



  8. 18 hours ago, kiris said:

    Hi everyone! Just want to share my experience. I applied May 2017 Oakland Park and had my interview yesterday.

    The officer was super nice and friendly at the beginning...but when I mentioned that we owe taxes for 2017 she became very weird like we owe them her personally:unsure:

    We have a payment plan arranged with the IRS and I showed the letter from IRS where it was all explained, but it was not enough and she needed to see the actual receipts that we're paying. Now I'm so frustrated with myself bc I had every single piece of paper with me they might need to see but didn't think of printing out those receipts!

    I was told to expect RFE in the mail. After more than a year of wait...more wait....:(



    i dont think that should be an issue. As long as you send them your proof of payments you will most like to pass your interview. 


    I am under see the same boat with you. I am waiting from IRS for the final bill. Then I will apply for payment plan and make my first payment this month and the second payment in August and will document them. Hopefully it won’t be a problem


    i would say don’t stress and supply them what they need. It might take couple more weeks but Heyy !! In the end you will go through this. There are millions of people owe to IRS and under payment plan. As long as you are responsible that’s what matters

  9. Hey guys,


    after long thoughtful consideration, I decided to attend my interview on Aug 13th as scheduled, rather than trying to rescheduling.


    i am trying to organize everything before the day comes as the anxiety escelates every other day.

    @sunshinestate2013 you were in Miami Field office as I will attend my interview there as well. Are there any suggestions you could give me since you recently completed your interview ??

    one thing I came about on the forum that some places suggest to have 2 passport size pictures while other claim that it’s not necessary .. did they ask pictures from you ?apart from that anything you could remember to be more prepared ??


  10. 1 minute ago, Moemiami said:

    Can you provide us with your priority date??


    congrats on your letter. If I were you I wouldn’t reschedule. you still have time maybe you can fix your issue with IRS instead of placing you again in the queue!!


    consulte with an attorney, there are many free consultation in Miami area and online as well!!



    thanks for for your feedback. I don’t think it’s a major problem that I need to go through a lawyer where I had to pay a fortunate. 

    There is a chance If I can’t get them done in order by the interview, then they will not go further until I provide the documents and etc where it can extend for another 3-4 months. 

    I think it’s better if I reschedule. I believe they would schedule to end of September instead of August. 

    I just want to guarantee it when I walk into the interview. 


    By the way, anyone knows how far does it extend if you request to reschedule ? And how to do t ? 

  11. Congratulations @sunshinestate2013

    I am glad that the interview went well. 

    I have finally received my interview letter yesterday for August 13th. 


    However, I am thinking about requesting for rescheduling. Unfortunately it came to the time that, I found I owe taxes for 2017. And when I was going through deep at my previous tax returns. Some years, my retard accountants put me as US Citizen in LLC returns. 

    Now I have to request for installment plan for the tax I owe and I have to amend the previous returns that claimed me as US citizen. 


    Hopefuly it wont become a problem. Unfortunately most of the accountants don’t care or have no knowledge even though I tell them I am not US citizen, they either forget and don’t care... and put me as US citizen by mistake..

    so I thought it will be better to reschedule until I fix them.

    what are your thoughts on these issues ? 

  12. @sunshinestate2013


    Not yet on my side. I told you I was planning on scheduling an infopass but it keeps telling me that there are no available appointments at the moment everytime I check lol. I am assuming my case either got stuck at background check or my folder just fell in the back of an oficer’s desk and praying that one day he decides to clean up a bit and realizes that there is a folder that needs to be processed 🤣🤣🤣. 

    Anyhow looks like this summer will be full of waiting for me but will definitely keep you guys posted. Also @sunshinestate2013 Your detailed posts about your future interview will help all miami fo filers so if you can give as many as possible for us, that d be great.

     Overall I m still happy about the journey. This journey is the last step of many previous hardship we ve been through. That’s why I am determined to enjoy this long ride instead of complaining. To insist myself to look at the full side of the glass , i am thinking that it’s actually good that I am waiting because everyday of waiting makes me more patriotic of this great country. I realize how important it is and stress of thinking if I’ll get denied my life would be devastated, makes me think of how I am used to this country and how I actually love this country , to live here and desire to be a loyal citizen of this land. Also they are planning on coming with redesigned us passport soon, so instead of being a citizen now and receive the current book , I ll prolly end up around the time frame where new us passports will be issued ahaahaha :))) 

  13. Hi,


    The problem is my case is still at NBC and if i schedule a infopass from my local field office, there is nothing much that they can do i believe. Also I have created an account at USCIS website, and the found out that they scheduled and canceled my interview on the same day, so that’s why I did not receive any letter yet. I believe i relate it to since it’s been already passed a year from my fingerprint and the life of background check is 1 year maximum, they hold my case to run background check again. As you may know background checks good for a year and all of us have been waiting more than a year will go through background check one more time. 

    I am thinking to file another service request claiming that my case is now outside of processing time since may filers already started receiving their letters. 

    But thanks for your help also...

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