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Posts posted by Spoonernator

  1. On 3/8/2018 at 3:20 PM, Royce91 said:

    Hey guys, from the time we sent out our initial petition this website has been amazing at helping us know what’s going on and everyone else’s experience. It has helped ALOT and it’s amazing that we can all come together and help each other out going through the same experiences!! Thanks so much guys! I thought I could do my bit and write about my experience with the K1 medical and interview in London.




    scheduling my medical was pretty easy and straight forward. I was able to call and book for about two weeks later.

    The place is close to Bond Street station and was easy to find.

    My experience here was very nice which was very important because it put me at ease and I was optimistic about the whole k1 experience from then on. I was expecting stern, robotic people who can deny you if you say or do something wrong and then your whole visa will be denied! 🙈. 


    When i arrived (early), I checked in at the reception, the receptionist was very nice and gave me a form to fill in which asked about my medical history. When I took that back she gave me a little cup to pee in. And then I was asked to wait in the waiting area where they were about 10-15 other anxious looking people! The waiting area has water and some magazines and was comfortable. 

    After about 10 minutes a very friendly man called me in for the chest X-ray. This took about 5-10 minutes and I was told he was happy with my X-ray. I was asked to go back out into the waiting area. After about 15 minutes a nurse called me up. She was friendly too but not as nice as the X-ray guy. We went through my vaccinations and my medical history. I needed two vaccinations for the vaccinations requirement- she gave me the option of getting them there or deferring until I get to the U.S as k1 applicants are not required to fulfill this requirement now. I chose to defer and was given a paper to give to the officials in the US when I apply for my Adjustment of Status. 

    Then I was sent out again into the waiting area and after about 5 minutes a doctor called me in. He asked me if I needed a chaperone and I said no. He weighed me, did an eye test and asked me to change into one of those hospital gowns and leave my underwear on (they don’t check your genitals anymore) he asked me if I ever self harmed and I said no then asked me to show him my arms. Checked my neck and mouth and took my blood then asked me to lay down. He felt my belly and twisted my legs (checking joints) we chatted as he did all this. Then we sat down and went over my medical history and he told me my results would be with the embassy in 5 working days.


    i was asked to go back to the waiting area to wait for the receptionist to call me and I would be ready to go. I sat down and chatted to a man in the waiting area who was also there for a k1 visa. 5 minutes later I was called and paid my fee at the reception and I was done. In and out of there in less than an hour.


    The Interview  6March2018



    My interview was for 11.30 and I arrived at vauxhall station (10 minute walk to embassy) SUPER early at 9.30. I walked around to the embassy to see how long it would take me to walk there. Then I walked around and found a Pret A Manger where I sat and had a sandwich and drink (I was so nervous I wasn’t even hungry but I knew I had to eat because I didnt know how long I would be at the embassy!). I left at half 10 and walked over to the embassy. A nice building with lots of construction around and armed police guarding the area. I was turned away for being too early :( and refered to a Waitrose down the road which had a cafe. I went there and there were lots of Americans and people going for interviews (they were carrying folders like me). At 11 o’clock I made my way to the embassy and was finally let in! Lol. 

    there was NOBODY there. No queue nothing. So I went straight through the airport style security and outside and walked on fursther into another building which was the actual inside of the embassy. I was given a number stuck onto my DS160 and told to go up a lift into the 1st floor. When The lift opened it was a huge waiting area full of people. I was confused. There were TV screens everywhere which told you which window to go to. My number was already on the screen (it doesn’t flash or make a noise you have to look for your number on the screen and the corresponding window you should go to.)

    i went to my window where a friendly but serious (if that makes sense) man asked me for my passport, birth certificate, affidavit of support and my instructions page. Entered things on the computer and asked me to sit and wait to be called again.


    i was sat down for 2 minutes when a young American lady called me over. She asked me for my police certificate and my fiancé’s previous divorce certificate.

    she then asked me;

    how we met

    what he does for work

    if he has been here

    if I have been to America

    if he owns a house in America 

    what I intend to do when I get there


    Then she told me my medical results have not been received yet:( but she approved my visa!! :D!!!! As long as my medical was all good. Super happy!! I had to ask her to confirm it’s been approved again!


    And I was free to go. I was there for 10 minutes. 


    I called Knightsbridge as my results should have been there (my medical was 8 working days ago) and they told me due to The bad weather this past week (Beast from the East, you know, the snow we had last week that stopped the whole country) their couriers could reach them and there was a delay but they assured me my results would be arriving today. 


    So so that was my experience and I hope it helps you out! If you have any questions inbox me And good luck!!

    thank you for this post made me feel way more comfortable for my medical tomorrow :) :) 

  2. 13 hours ago, theirishman said:

    Hey so I would appreciate if someone could help me! I got my NVC case number today and immediately rang up for my medical in London and got offered an appointment this saturday 24th, which naturally I took as I thought was super quick. Now Im in a predicament as I assumed My fiance or myself would receive an email of our case number- which we havent yet, as she just rang up and asked for it and they gave it to her.. Are we supposed to get one? The medical is in like 3 days so I obviously need something to prove my case number. NVC told my fiance that I the beneficiary would receive something from the embassy when it was ready but thats what I need for the interview.. I thought it was something else for the medical? did anyone receive a confirmation email or letter from NVC about the case number? Please help!


    I will also be going to London for everything. i havent received a letter or any information on my NVC as yet. 


    i need to check my post today if i receive anything will let you know 



  3. 14 minutes ago, Spoonernator said:

    this is the exact same thing that happened to me. we have recieved the paper copy but have not received any update on the uscis webisite or the APP i have got. 


    just going to wait and see what happens. its only been a week since we got approved so hoping it will just sort itself out but who knows. 



    ok i was trying to quote on another post my bad :(


    also really happy this thread has started up :) 

  4. 5 hours ago, Ranim&Corey said:

    Thank you for your support ! But I think he is giving up on me after he met a girl who's working with him and he sees her everyday for 8 hours. He was honest with me and told that he likes her because she hears him when he talks and there are a lot of common things they share.  He said he felt connected to her because he has touched her and whenever they are together, he feels happy and not worried about his life. He started dating her for only 3 days ago but they have seen each other at work 2 weeks ago ( btw he just got this new job in two weeks ago)

    Everytime I call him now , all he does is crying and sabbing , breaking things and keeps saying that he is so tired and not okay. He said that he feels miserable , sad and disappointed for a while ago . He has been like that for 2 days now. Im in pain and he has said a lot of things that hurt me and broke my heart. Im in a situation where I don't know how to make a decision whether I leave or stay? Whether I give him time to heal himself  or just leave him ? We have been arguing a lot this month before all this happened because we are missing each other a lot and not being able to manage time to talk . He is tired of the feelings he get whenever we argue. Told me that I am the only person who could hurt him. I think he's making wrong decisions right now because of the way he feels.  Running a way  from the bad feeling that he feels by going out with this girl. He doesn't have a lot of friends , he doesn't go out and do things because he said I don't allow him to do things that he likes which is not true or that I didn't mean to make him feel this way, and that I let him fly under my own conditions :( 

    He always at home and spending his day on a political forum called "Conspiracy outpost " and all he does is  posting things there and talking to people online. I really I do feel him and I know why he is like that. It's been almost 10 months that we haven't been together physically. I had to leave back after I finished my school in May 2017 and sent our petition in August.

    All I said to him that Im not going to take him serious because its clear that he is confused and emotional. Making a quick decision and being misled by his emotions. 

    We are still talking and texting each other but it hurts me every day when I know he is with her. Her being in his life now was a choice for him. And the only reason why Im still with him because I do believe that we are happy whenever we are together physically. I understand what made to this situation and that because of the longing and distance. 

    He does not want to cancel the visa and said that lets see what god can do for us and he doesn't know what will happen after he tried to brake up with me 2 times whenever he was crying and upset. 

    I really Im confused don't know what to do. My heart is telling to be with him because I love him but his heart is telling him to continue getting to know this girl. 

    i am so sorry you are going through this especially on top of everything else as this whole process is so hard to deal with anyway. 


    is there no chance that you both can meet up sooner than later? i can not comment on your relationship. But if he is already dating this girl isnt it better for you to find someone who truly loves you and would be by your side no matter what. 


    only you can make the decision and when you do it will be the right choice. we are all here for you. 



  5. 17 hours ago, Ranim&Corey said:

    My fience just told me that he is not happy with our situation and that we will never get the approval.. He also said that he met a girl 2 days a go at work who actually made him feel connected to her and more happier .. He was complaining about the us being a part for so long. I think he's just confused now and can't be patient anymore :( 

    so I think if I got the approval soon, he might feel better about our relationship. 

    Please pray for us 

    I’m sorry to hear this. I’ve been living apart from my fiancé for three years due to him being in the military. It’s been tough but  Were now at a stage where I can join him. Which is exciting and we can finally be in the same place.

    At no stage have I or my fiancé decided to give up. We’ve pushed and carried on and supported each other through each other’s good and bad days. 


    Keep your head up and I hope he doesn’t give up ❤️❤️


    Also excited for all these approvals not long guys 

  6. 38 minutes ago, CLEVERSON said:

    Hello everyone.
    My first post here, I am a filing cabinet of August 25.
    It's so good to hear that everything is going a little faster now.
    I would just like to share my happiness with you, for I am going to visit my love on February 6, and best of all, I will stay 40 days. And our birthdays are in February and we still have Valentine's Day.
    Inspiring for this because it will recharge my energies after a wait of 10 months to be able to kiss it again, and to be able to await the rest of this process.

    Soon we will all be together with our loves, living a life full of happiness, is what I desire each and everyone.

    my love is coming to see me on February 6th also so a good day for us both. enjoy your time together :)

  7. 22 hours ago, Naes said:

    No no ban,you will only explain what happened if they ask. And after k1 you will enter with that. Don't worry some people here got rejected visa (not even esta) quite a few times. 


    Being denied An esta would only mean (if you can't solve this) that you would need a visa to travel to us next time you want to travel. And well normally people get travel visa but in your case that'll be k1 :) 

    Just an update spoke with CBP i cant get an esta so i would have to apply for a travel visa. But it is all good as the fiance is coming to see me :) just one rubbish day for myself. thank you though :)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Naes said:

    This may effect your visit to US, but won't effect your k1 so first of all don't worry about that.


    it is a mistake so try reapplying in 24 hours and don't panic before that.


    if there's no way to resolve it, it will be sad that you won't be able to go. But August is just around the corner for approvals :) 


    good luck!!! Let us know

    Oh my god thank you Naes I’ve been reading info where it says that I can be banned etc complete panick and melt down happened this afternoon. 


    But that has brightened up my day a Lil bit :) 

  9. Hey all, 


    so its been a deppressive day for myself, my parents gave me some money to go see my fiancé for a few weeks in February. And I’ve been really excited.  I had to reapply for my passport and I’ve been panicking about getting that for the time intended to go away. 

    Anyway it arrived today was super happy. Had to re-apply for my ESTA Visa to visit. Last year I was denied the B2 travel visa hence why we’ve gone down the fiancé visa route as that was what we were told todo.

    So I do the ESTA Visa on my phone ( huge mistake ) thought I clicked yes to ever been denied a visa before. Didn’t realise I had put no. Stupidly didn’t check it. Sent it off. Saw once the confirmation came up and I’ve emailed everyone to rectify my mistake. Because there is no one you can call!!! 

    ESTA Visa denied. My fiancé calls up to try and see if we can figure things out because it’s a mistake they have said I can’t reapply for another two years. 

    Now on some places it says you can reapply after 24 hours. 


    Now im panicking that I’ve completly ruined the K1 visa for myself.  Any info on what todo would be great.



  10. Just now, noraliz73 said:

    My mother was so sarcastic recently when I was buying my fiancé a winter hat and gloves.  She said, "Come on do you really think he is ever going to be here to use that?"  I guess the waiting gets stressful for the family members too.  Or, maybe it's just people think that it's easier than it is to bring someone here.  Maybe it is because he is Muslim and she thinks he will never get accepted.  Sometimes it feels like it is all a dream.  Waiting and hoping is all we can do.

    hhahaa yup i know exactly where you are coming from. I explain to friends and family that it just takes a while but i dont think they understand how difficult and how long it actually takes to get the visa. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Michelle M said:

    I have been following the June forum and there is movement in June. However, they have processed some June 14th cases as of yesterday. Based on that I probable won't get approved until February (NOA1 dated August 7th).  When I started this I figured that by mid January the would have the visa in hand and already be in New York.  The waiting is torture because I cannot make any real plans or discussions because we just don't know. 

    completely understand everyone wants to know when were getting married when am i going to the states etc. im just like i have no idea. Just waiting and hoping it comes round quick thats all we can hope for :)

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