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Posts posted by Fadae

  1. 23 hours ago, AngelieBalidbid said:

    Ohh okay! Thanks! So we need to answer it brieftly for the 129f form and make another letter for "Our Love Story" part, right?

    I totally did a short (1 page) story telling about how we met and then realized that it needed to be more about meeting in the last two years :D So I just altered the ending to include meeting, it doesn't have to be a love letter/story, it can literally be just facts. But I think it shows my love with my time and effort put into that letter. So just double check the instructions and make sure the letter fits the criteria. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Roel said:

    K3 is no longer used. 


    You might want to check how long exactly was he out of status in the US. There is a possibility of him having a 3 year ban. 


    Also since he clearly overstayed his tourist visa- it's no longer valid. He cannot use it anymore. 

    I'm pretty sure this is correct, the tourist visa becomes invalid. I think it's because of the intent, it was change from visiting temp. to asking for long term/permanent  and that goes on record. So if he was to try to get another one, it would most likely get denied because they already know that attempted to stay here. And it would potentially make getting the K-1 hard because it's considered a non-immigration visa.

  3. Hey y'all, I have a couple questions that hopefully someone will know the answer too.


    So last year, I was going to school and working mostly full time but still didn't quite make the 125% above poverty mark. So I'm having my dad fill out a I-134 as well, since he makes well above that for the amount of people in the household. But I now make (starting in Jan.) well above the 125%. Do I still need a joint sponsor? Since my tax returns from last year will only show what I made then...


    Next question, can I just use my past couple monthly bank statements or do I need to go into the branch and ask for a special document containing all the requirements?


    Thanks ahead of time for any insight you can give! They only gave us 3 weeks notice before our interview and I'm such a mess XD (15 more days!!!) 

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