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Posts posted by yakyakscully

  1. On 9/20/2017 at 2:45 PM, KateWB said:

    Looks like I will need to do that. As there is no way to access the mail at my old address and Royal Mail will not redirect packages like that! Roll on receiving the NOA2 for me to be able to contact them to change my address!!

    Hi Kate - I'll have to change my fiance's address in the UK as well. As the petitioner, I couldn't find anywhere to do it on the website, so I plan to call as soon as I have an NOA2. Keep me updated with how things go for you! I'm about a month behind you in the process. :) 

  2. I've done something similar. If you fill out the I-129F on a computer in Acrobat, it actually dictates what you can fill in depending on your answers. I entered "N/A" where I could on the computer and the places where I felt it was needed by hand (i.e. my fiance does not have a middle name but the form would not let me enter special characters in many of the spaces). I left any "IF" questions that did not apply blank.

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