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Posts posted by Cherie1215

  1. I agree with "it depends on the CO and how he/she sees the case" but it is also important to address and overcome the reason of denial and to present yourself well. My visa was denied 3 times on May &a June 2017 but it was approved yesterday on my 4th attempt. 


    Do not lose hope :) 

  2. Hi everyone, thought I would share my experience here. I actually had 3 denials before that. 


    May 2017 - denial

    June 2017 - 2 denials 


    Despite all the advice given I still went for the interview yesterday on 8/11/2017 (my 4th attempt) because I believe my circumstance have improved so I just want to try again. Fortunately, my visa was approved. The interview was a long and intense one. 


    Here's the Q & A,


    - Why do you want to go to the US?

    For tourism


    He scanned my passport.


    - You have been here many times. 

    Yes, this is my fourth time. 


    - Why do you keep coming back?
    My circumstance has improved so I come back. 


    - How has it changed?
    I have save enough funds for my trip and also I have funds that I'm not using for the trip such as FD and investment. I traveled to other country two months ago and came back. I am a distributor of coni beauty which is a malaysia product that was launched last month. 


    - Why do u think the reason of failing? 

    I did not have sufficient savings however I have build up enough funds now for my trip. 


    - How much have u save?
    15 thousand (RM)


    He was flipping through my passport to see my visa stamps from other countries especially on my J1 visa page for very a long time. 


    - Why do u keep wanting to go to USA? 
    Because I work there last year and the park is really beautiful so I really wish to see it in snow. 


    - How long are u going?
    2 weeks


    He left his counter with my passport to discuss with his colleague for a very long time (I assume he is discussing it with his colleage). After he came back, he was typing in the computer for very long. 


    Then he asked


    - Are u still living with your parents?


    - Do u still take money from them?
    No I never take money from them since 4 years ago when I was in college because I have my own income from my business. 


    I saw him grabbing a paper and was feeling so nervous that I will be getting the 214(b) paper again. 


    "Do not misused the visa or I will come after you" He then pass me the instruction paper on how to collect my passport later on.


    I was very shocked to hear that and still couldn't believe it till now. It feels so surreal! Right now I'm waiting for the passport to be delivered to my doorstep. 


    Thank you everyone for the advice, I truly appreciate it! 

  3. Hi everyone, 


    Its been a few months and I believe there is a changes in my profile but I am not sure if it will help me.


    1. I have traveled to other country for vacation and came home.

    2. I am now fully focusing on selling beauty products and accessories (leather shoes/bags), no longer selling clothes. All ready stocks on hand.

    3. I have collaborated with new supplier in my country to sell other new beauty products. 

    4. I have build a down-line distributors team of 10 which I did not have back then. (MLM).

    5. My monthly income has increased due to the new products that i am selling and also the expansion of distribution team.

    6. I am able to afford the trip (have always been able to afford).


    Are these a significant changed to overturn the previous refusal? Would appreciate any insight. Thank you.

  4. 16 minutes ago, NuestraUnion said:

    There you go. If you have friends and family that can care for the business while you are away for long periods of time then your business is not a strong tie. Do you see the point we are trying to make here?

    Got it. That was last year before I started focusing 100% on my business though. 


    Those 25 dropship agents were also recruited from this year. I have lots of business plans coming up (already had 2 events this year) therefore I had to change the duration to only 17 days. How should I present strong ties on this? 


    Will a letter from my supplier stating that my presence is needed helps? 

  5. 8 minutes ago, NuestraUnion said:

    That is all good but then it leads to this question by @Boiler.....



    What's gonna happen to those dropship agents and suppliers if you are gone for 2 months?

    My partner(friend) and mother are able to help and take care of it when I'm away. Last year I travel to UK for almost a month and US for 4 months (work and travel) but my business operations are still going well. 


    I came home and participated in exhibitions and meetings with suppliers etc. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, mcdull said:

    It seems to me the VO finds your business model and income concerning. whilst 4,000 Malaysian Ringgit is an above decent salary in Malaysia, it  is merely 1,000 USD  a month. I will find it's hardly convincing that someone makes less than 1,000 a month could afford a two-month long trip to the states. It's like somebody working at McDonld's here saying that s/he is going on a two month long trip to Switzerland or Norway.


    I think you might want to shorten your trip two two weeks or wait till your circumstances are changed.

    I've changed my duration to 17 days due to a business trip I'm attending after the vacation (explained in my second interview) 


    It's my mistake for presenting my low bank balance during the first interview because I have two accounts. I never thought of income issues because my initial plan was to spend my vacation hiking in the national park (I won't need a lot)


    I now have a total of $7000 available in my accounts and it's increasing daily due to my business transactions. Is financial change a changed in circumstances? 

  7. 2 hours ago, NuestraUnion said:

    You can apply as many ties as you want but unless your situation changes you will still be denied.


    In my opinion, here is your problem. Yes you have a business, but it is an online business. This means if you decide to use the visitor visa to come to the US and stay and live and work, you will not lose your business. All you need is a laptop and wifi. A strong business tie is like a factory plant that manufactures products that has lots of employees.


    You changing your dates won't help. You getting someone in the US to help, won't help. There is no sponsoring of a visitor visa. It is a immigrant misconception. There isn't a certain amount of money in the your account that will guarantee an approval.


    Also, you are young and single. Do you own a home or rent? Or do you live with family? These are all things that are working against you.


    Now, the fact that you are going to travel to other countries help a lot. I say go to other countries for you conferences and tourism. She that you are well traveled and don't overstay your visits. Build ties to your country. Are you interested in returning to school?


    P.S. What is the country of your origin?

    I am from Malaysia. It is an online business but I have 25 dropship agents I work closely with so I am responsible for them and their customers. I also run events with my suppliers in my country to exhibit products to reach to more customers and potential agents. So it's impossible for me to just leave and stay there because I need to deal with stock purchasing and stocks delivering. 


    I live with my parents. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, az2014 said:

    You sound very desperate to go to the USA.


    Why are you so desperate?


    Doesnt sound like your circumstances have changed, will be easy decision for a 3rd denial.

    Just wanted to travel (I love traveling) and I do not want to miss the opportunity to travel with my friend (she is from other country).


    The officer mentioned about financial so I thought it's probably due to the low balance in my acc during the first time? 

  9. Hi I went for my first interview in May. These are my interview questions. I'm 23, self employed running a business for 4 years. I travel 2-3 times a year with a good travel record including UK and Australia.  Went to US last year under J1 never overstay. All my family members are here with me. 


    My DS160 was screwed during first time because I didn't know I need to put self employed. Set travel period 2 months with self financing. 


    Why do u want to go to USA
    - For visiting


    How long do u want to go 
    - two months 


    So you're graduated but unemployed?
    - I am doing an online business 


    What kind of business ? What do u sell?
    - I sell clothes, bags, shoes and beauty products 


    How long have u been doing it?
    - 4 years 


    Where do u get your stocks from ?
    - china 


    What is your monthly income?
    - three to four thousands (in my currency MYR)


    (I have two bank accounts. She only reviewed the one with lower balance) 


    Do you have a business model? 
    - no because order when the customer place order.


    What is your monthly income? 
    - three to four thousand 


    Sorry I can't proceed your visa under 214(b).



    I went for my second interview after one month. This time I put 17 days duration, parent financing, self employed under business and traveling with a friend. These are my questions. 


    I see you have failed a visa before?
    - yes as I did not provide sufficient evidence to support my statement for the first time. 


    (I forgot the question)
    - I am planning to travel on the 18/7 to 3/8 with my friend to sfo,la and San Diego. This is a copy of my friend visa... (she immediately said "NO I don't want to see your friends visa. This is about you not your friend. I want to know about you")


    You have changed you travel duration? (Previous 2 months now 17 days)
    - yes I'm planning to travel from 17/7 to 3/8 for 17 days in sfo, la and San Diego.  


    How has your situation changed? 
    - I have a business event to attend in August to China and a few business activities for the next 6 months. I am also traveling to china next year in march with my family. I brought my flight ticket. 


    She typed a lot on the computer and said sorry she couldn't give me a visa. I asked why, she said because there's no significant change in my profile. 


    I asked what kind of changes should I have. She said changes like getting married or getting a masters degree. I replied "but I'm a self employed. What can I change" 


    she said "your financial show a low balance last time" 


    i told her its because i didnt get to present during my first time but i brought them with me now. However she said it's over because I didn't present it during the interview. 


    I would like to try for the third time. Is financial changes a changed? She only saw a balance of $1000 during my first interview (I have 2 acc, only review 1) 


    But now I have approx $7000 balance, $12000 fixed deposit and an investment in equity fund. Didn't not present during my second interview as I was focusing on business plan and family ties. 


    What are my chances? Any advice please. 

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