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Sidney and Dennis

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Posts posted by Sidney and Dennis

  1. 7 minutes ago, acidrain said:

    I would really encourage your friend to get some legal advice because I could see the situation ending badly for him otherwise.


    The fact he filled out a waiver for a separate illegal entry is going to raise a huge flag for his file. I would presume they would be looking at all his entries and departures into the US with more scrutiny because of that.


    If they ask your friend "did you leave the US to Costa Rica on a plane in 2009" his two options aren't good. He could answer 1) yes I left and when pressed he would have to admit he came back to the US illegally which then could lead to all sorts of bans and repercussions. One of the conditions with an immigration petition is the information provided is truthful 2) if he lies and says "no that wasn't me" they would ask him to produce evidence he never left the US. Since he wasn't in the US he has no evidence. If he gets caught lying to a consulate official or fabricating information that could lead to all sorts of problems such as a lifetime ban.


    He is really rolling the dice going into that interview.

    He had a lawyer or has a lawyer and he was weary of him going to the interview 

  2. 15 minutes ago, IcezMan_IcezLady said:

    Not true... have you forgotten all about CBPS at the airports or you are suggesting that it is possible to skip them at the airport.

    Regardless that’s irrelevant to the question I was asking anyway either way my friend was illegal and flew to his home country with zero problems so clearly they didn’t really care too much

  3. 34 minutes ago, NigeriaorBust said:

       They are kept track of passenger info since 9-11 for sure.  We had an AOS reported as  denied years ago here  because the person bought a round trip ticket on a K1 didn't cancel the return and the airlines mistakenly reported him as on the plane.  They know.  He may have someone at the interview to take him into custody .   Hope he leaves instructions on what to do with his stuff if he doesn't return home.

    Wow yea maybe this will be a lesson for my friend i don’t know. I hope it doesn’t come to this but it’s wrong to lie 

    Just now, Going through said:

    Let us know how the interview turns out.

    Ok I’ll let you know

  4. 10 minutes ago, aleful said:

    did he or did he not disclose in the waiver that he left and returned? if he didn't. the waiver was approved based on a lie


    he didn't disclose that he left the country and returned for a second time


    now what happens at the interview, that's another story, the officer may deny him based on information received, and the waiver will be voided, it won't be of use



    He did not disclose he left and came back a second time no. He is stupid for lying but yea I wanted to know if they would find that information in the interview anyway. I understand because of his lie there’s the risk of the ban but I was just curious if they would find out 

  5. 4 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    Specifically, you are asking if the US government will know he entered Costa Rica.  The answer is probably not.  The issue is whether the US Government knows he was in and left the US.  Those are different questions.  You've already been told the consequences of making a material misrepresentation to an immigration official or on an immigration form.


    For example, the US government may or may not know I entered the Philippines on November 1st, but they do know I boarded an international flight from Seattle to Taipei on October 30 based on the airline passenger manifest.  If your friend traveled overland illegally into and out of Mexico on the way to Costa Rica, there's no way to know whether his presence in the US was known or not, without more information.

    Ok so pretty much they are aware probably that he boarded a flight on said day from nj to Costa Rica even tho he said he continuously has been in the us since 2001... so do you think it’s possible they approved his 601 a just to get him back to his home country to deny his visa

  6. 18 minutes ago, TNJ17 said:

    Don’t they ask for your entry card back when you fly out? At least that’s always been the case when I have flown out. That’s how they keep record of who’s overstaying or who’s illegal. 

    They don’t ask for anything other than a passport to fly out of the us to ur home country... they see he was going home so they probably don’t care too much 

  7. 1 minute ago, aleful said:



    it doesn't matter, how does he justify 8 years? where has he lived and worked? also, if he ever opened a bank account, drove a car, worked in those 8 years, had a card, he lived here for 8 years, he can't lie about that, and if he is caught in a lie, so long petition



    Yes I understand and Again thank you for replying burn he had a 601a waiver approved for unlawful presence here for being here since 2001 so is it possible that the embassy will find out he left in 2009 @aleful

  8. 21 minutes ago, aleful said:

    if he didn't disclose his first entry, he lied and committed misrepresentation, he isn't eligible for a waiver until he stays in his country for 10 years at least


    if there is proof that he was here in the US all those years he will be denied. he will have to wait 10 years until his spouse can file for him again



    Thank you @aleful but he said he was here in 2001 but never told the people he left in 2009 so is it possible that the embassy will see he entered his home country in 2009 

  9. My friend is about to have his ir1 interview overseas. He came here in 2001 illegally but left to go back to Costa Rica in 2009 on a plane and then came back to the us illegally again. He had his 601a approved but I’m not sure if he told his lawyer he came illegally twice. So when he goes to his interview in a few weeks will the officer find out he left the us in 2009

  10. 12 minutes ago, Joluwa said:

    I picked up my immigrant Visa and I was given a package,please can I travel through any airport I want in America or must I only travel through the airport of the state my spouse is living?? Please I need explanations cos my spouse is living at Michigan city and I want to arrive at Houston Texas first.

    No you can go thru any airport you want 

  11. 36 minutes ago, CatherineA said:

    I just asked my husband and he said it was 3, maybe 4 for the blood tests-- and you need the results from that before going for the exam. We just wound up getting him a hotel for the week :/

    I'm not trying to be nosy but did he pay cash

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