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Posts posted by Mootak

  1. Hi All, Joining the group late with the March filers.


    I'm travelling all the way from NZ to visit fiance at Easter, because I'm travelling with a large crowd, I want to take advantage of the 'two bags per passenger' allowance and bring as much stuff as possible. Saves me on freight bring my stuff, when we finally get approved! I am worried customs will think I'm planning on staying with the amount of luggage we're bring for a short stay -_- should I be? 


    Oh and to all those selling your belongings.... I read somewhere, one good way to help homesickness is to make sure you have some familiar things. Could be worth bearing in mind, that'll you want some of your own things in the new foreign country. Or unless, your thinking you'll breeze through the homesickness stage like a charm. I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts on how they're preparing to manage that. Because I know I'm going to miss NZ but want to make the best of new life with hubby! :wub:

  2. Has anyone had experience with taking lots of personal belongs on a 'visit' trip? I'm from NZ and visiting with my fiance at Easter and because there's a few of us all travelling together I want to take advantage of the two suitcases per passenger, and bring across a lot of my personal belongings? I'm worried customs will pick us up and think I'm planning on staying with the amount of luggage -_-

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