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    wify reacted to justhelping in Complete list of AOS interview questions   
    I think its better to get scared now and get over that fear, than to get "surprised" and scared by one of those unexpected questions during the interview.
    Interview requires you to answer interviewer's questions right away, you will bring unnecessary suspicions on yourself when you start to scramble for answers, or get caught by surprise by a series of repetitive questions. It doesn't make any sense to don't get prepared by going through all possible questions and scenarios - after all it's your future and wellbeing in this country is at stakes. Also, when you pay top dollar for a good lawyer, he will go through all of these questions with you before interview anyway to make sure you are ready.
    Also, without preparation you can easily get answers with your spouse wrong on some of the most basic questions, just go through this list to see for yourself.
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    wify reacted to justhelping in Complete list of AOS interview questions   
    I recently passed AOS interview and wish the same to everyone in community!
    I thought some people would find it helpful if I post my list of questions that I used for preparation. It is also available in .doc format attached on the bottom of this post.
    Development of Your Relationship How long have you known each other? How did you meet? When did we meet in person? Where did you meet the first time? Who approached the other and how? Did you make arrangements to meet again? Did you exchange phone numbers? When did you meet next? Where did you go? How did you get there? Describe it. Did you and your spouse go anywhere together at that time? Where did you go for dates? Where were you living at the time? Where was your spouse living? Did your wife visit you before the marrige and where? What did the two of you have in common? When did your relationship turn romantic? When was the last time you had sex with your wife? where was the last place you had sex with your wife? What kind of birth control do you use? What color is your wife underwear today? How long was it before you decided to get married? Who proposed to whom? Why did you decide to have a [long, short] engagement? Did your parents approve of the match? Why or why not? What do I love about my fiance? The Wedding Why was my fiance's first marriage not working out? When did my fiance propose? When did you decide to get married? Where were you at the time? Did you live together before marriage? Where were you living at the time? Where was your spouse living? When did you decide to get married? Where were you at the time? Where had you purchased these rings? Did you and your spouse purchase them together? When and where did you get married? How did you and your spouse get to the church, courthouse, etc.? Was there music or other entertainment? How many people attended your wedding? Who were the witnesses to the ceremony? Who were the bridesmaids/groomsmen? Did any of your, and your spouse's, family members attend? If so, who? Did each of your parents attend? Did you exchange wedding rings? Do you have any photos of the ceremony and /or reception? Did you have a reception after the ceremony? Where was it held? Describe the reception. How late did the guests stay? If you did not have a reception, what did you do after the wedding ceremony? Describe the place where you lived right after the marriage. Number of bedrooms and bathrooms; furnishings; color of walls, floor coverings, appliances, etc; type of air conditioning, heating, etc; # of telephones, televisions, etc. Do you have cable television? Did you go on a honeymoon? If so, when and where? Regular Routines Who gets up first? At what time? How many alarm clocks do you set in the morning? Who makes breakfast? What do each of you eat for breakfast? Does your spouse drink coffee in the morning? What day is your garbage picked up? Who cleans the house? How often do you have to do laundry and who does it? When do you do laundry and when was the last time it was done? Who takes care of paying the bills? Do you have a cat, dog, or other pet? Who feeds it? Who walks it (or cleans its kitty litter box, cage, etc.)? Do you and/or your spouse attend regular religious services? Where? Where do you keep the spare toilet paper? What time do the working spouse or spouses arrive home? The Cooking Where do you shop for groceries? Do you go together with your spouse? How do you get there? Who cooks the meals at the house? How many times a week on average do you eat out? What is your favorite restaurant for special occasions? For weekly outings? What is your spouse's favorite/least food? What is your favorite/least food? Is there a particular food that you eat every week? Does your spouse drink coffee? If so, does he or she use cream and/or sugar? Do you have a barbecue grill? Do you use it? Other Family Members What are the names of family members: parents, brothers and sisters? Have you met each other’s parents? How often do you see each other’s parents? When was the last time you saw them? Where? For how long? How do each of you get along with your parents-in-law? On important holidays, do you buy individual gifts for your parents-in-law? Do they buy individual gifts for you? Home Technology How many land-line telephones are in your house? Where are they? Do you have an answering machine on your home telephone? Who checks the messages? How many televisions are in the house? In which rooms? Do you watch shows together, or separately? Name one show that you always watch together. Do you record any television shows? Do you subscribe to a DVD rental service? Do you have internet? Who is your provider? Does your spouse listen to the radio? What station? Do you have a camera? Who uses it most often? Who takes pictures at important family occasions? How many cars do you have? Do you have a garage? Who parks in it? Do you use a garage door opener? In the Bedroom Describe your bedroom. Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his or her clothes? Where are the bathroom towels kept? Where do you keep the dirty clothes? Do you have closets in your bedroom and how many? Are the closets built insede the walls or not? Do you have a regular mattress, futon, or waterbed? What size is your bed (Twin, Queen, or King)? How many windows are there in your bedroom? What color are your spouse’s pajamas? Who sleeps on each side of the bed? What form of contraception (birth control) do you use? When was your wife’s last menstrual period? Do either of you read or watch television before going to sleep? Do you have lamps next to your bed? Have you ever had an argument that resulted in one of you sleeping in another room? Who, and which room? Do you leave any lights on when you go to sleep at night? The Rest of the House Do you have windows in the kitchen and in the bathroom and how many? How many keys opens the doors to your appartment? Do you live in a home or apartment? Who pays the mortgage or rent? How much is it? How many people live in the house? Is there a carpet in your front hallway? What color?Is your sofa a regular one or does it have a pull-out bed? What type of curtains or window coverings are in your living room? What color? How many staircases are in your house? How many sinks, toilets, and showers are there in your house or apartment in total? Where do you keep extra rolls of toilet paper? Where do you keep your dirty clothes? What is the color of the laundry bag? Do you have a shower curtain or a glass door? Where did you get the furniture? Was it already there, did you buy it, was it a gift, or did it come from your, or your spouseâs, previous residence? Have you ever had houseguests sleep there? Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen? Do you have any pets? What kind, what are their names, and describe them? What public means of transportation is closest to where you live? How many floors are in your building and what floor you live on? Do you have a fire escape where you both live? What color is the microwave? What colors are your: refrigirator, kitchen table, coach, computer, etc? Celebrations What is husband's birthday? What is wife's birthday? What did you do for your spouse’s last birthday? What did you give/get as a gift for a birthday? When is your wedding anniversary? When is your first date anniversary? What religious holidays do you celebrate together? What’s the most important holiday of the year in your household? Where do you typically celebrate it? What did the two of you do last New Year’s Eve? Fourth of July? Have you and your spouse gone to see a movie or other form of entertainment lately? When, and what did you see? Do you go to church with your wife and where? Joint stuff Do you have a bank account together? Where? What kind of account? (Checking, savings). Did you file a joint tax return this year? Do you have a copy with you? Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as the beneficiary? If so, do you have a copy? Do you have any utility bills, or receipts from items you have purchased together? Do you own any property together? What property? Did you bring copies of the documents with you? Where do you live now? (If different from where you lived right after the marriage, then go over the same questions as above). How much is the rent? When is it paid? How do you pay it? When did you move into your present appartment? How long have you lived in your current address? What kind of automobile do you and your spouse have? Describe them. Have you taken any trips or vacations together? Do you have photos from these trips? What other documentation do you have to show that you are living together as husband and wife? Where did you get the furniture? Was it already there, did you buy it, was it a gift, or did it come from your, or your spouse's, previous residence? Do you know your spouse's family members? If so, which ones? If your spouse has children from a previous marriage, their names, ages, where they live, and where they go to school, if applicable. Did you go to the doctor with your spose for medical examination for the interview? Where was the medical examination done? How much did you pay for medical examination? When was the medical examination done? Knowing each other How old both of you? Name and Date of Birth of wife. Name and Date of Birth of husband. Where was he born? Where was she born? When did my fiance divorce? Do I have any brothers and sisters? Does my fiance's have any brothers and sisters? Do you know your spouseâs family members? If so, which ones? If your spouse has children from a previous marriage, their names, ages, where they live, and where they go to school, if applicable. Where do my fiance's parents live? Does he have children? Do you know how old they are? Do you plan to have children with your wife? Where have you lived in the past 5 years? What was your last address outside the USA? Who are your employers for the last 5 years? Where does your spouse work? What days of the week? What hours? What is the salary, if you know? When did your spouse begin working with her present employer? Where do you work? What days of the week do you work? What hours do you work? What is your salary? When did your begin working with her present employer? What is your telephone # at work? What is your spouse's telephone # at work? When was the last time your spouse got a vacation from work? When was the last vacation you and your spouse took together? Has your spose ever travaled since you got married? Where and when did she travel? How long did her trip last? Do you or you spose smoke and what kind of cigarettes? Does your wife use any medication? Do you or your wife have any scars or tattoos? If so, where on the body? Was your spouse inspected by US immigration officer at the point of entry? What is the name of your spouse's prior husband and the date their marrige ended? Day Before Did you or your spouse go to work yesterday? If so, at what time did you and/or your spouse leave the house and return? Did you eat dinner together last night? Did anyone else have dinner with you? What did you have? What time was dinner served? Who cooked it? Did you watch TV after dinner? What shows did you watch? Did you have the air conditioning or heater on? At what time did you go to bed? Who went to bed first? Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat? Did you or your spouse take a shower? Did you come to the interview together? Who drove? I hope this will help in your preparation! questions.doc
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    wify reacted to HSX in AOS Interview for Green Card Through Marriage   
    Hi All, 
    I wanted to share my recent experience at the USCIS LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIELD OFFICE and the overall AOS Process. 
    I applied for my spouse for her green card with PD of June 1, 2017.  At that time we were living in Washington, DC so the Fairfax Office held jurisdiction. We received an RFE on June 24, 2017 asking for another person to sponsor the Affidavit of Support form.  On October 13, 2017 we moved to LA and on November 6, 2017 we received a letter inviting us for an interview at the LA officer on December 12, 2017.  I have heard of other people in LA waiting longer for us, I am not sure if LA received our files fast and they just scheduled us right away.  
    Anyway, interview was set at 8:15 AM.  We both arrived 30 minutes prior to allow time to go through security screening.  At around 8 AM we had already checked in and we waited for IO (Immigration Officer) to call us. We waited on the room that has a lot of windows, has a TV and a pleasant view of LA, great place to wait, it relaxes so much (personally).
    We waited for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.  At around 9:15 we were being called by officer F. (wont say entire last name for privacy).  Very pleasant guy, greeted us and first took copies of our ids. Then nicely schooled us about driving in CA with a DC license as we no longer were residents of DC but we explained that we had just moved and were still busy with work. He was very nice about this, not mean at all.  The he proceeded by swearing in, my spouse (the immigrant ONLY). Then took picture of her and took her fingerprints.  
    Then asked my wife about address on I-485 and  we told him that it had changed and he changed it on the system on the spot. Asked questions about i-485 and proceeded by signing form and stamping them.
    Then asked for Birth Certificate and I-94 as well as the translation of it.  IO never asked about I-130 or any other form.  He focused just on the beneficiary. Then asked only 1 questions about the relationship. 
    1) How we met and 2) Why does she want to remain in the US. 
    Then asked if we wanted to provide more documentation to prove our relationship and we gave more, but we did not provide any pictures. Then we were asked to step outside and wait to be called again. Then about 10 minutes after were called in again and were told that he was waiting for entire A File as my wife has a pending asylum and then with a smile congratulated us but never said anything else. So left it on the air.  However, he said within 30 days once files were in he would send approval and we would need to withdraw my wife's asylum application.  
    1) Officer was very polite and likes that WE BOTH interacted with each other replied to his questions FIRMLY, LOOKING AT HIS EYES and TRUTHFULLY. 
    2) The more you ask questions as the process goes when you don't understand, the more he gets the impression that you are prepared and gives him the impression that relationship is BONA FIDE. 
    3) Officers like preparation and if they feel that you are prepared, then they will ask less questions. 
    11 Tips:
    1) Prepare, Prepare and Prepare for many weeks if not months before.
    2) Treat it as a Job Interview. We dresses conservatively professional as FIRST IMPRESSION MATTERS.  What they tell you in school is true! DRESS FOR SUCCESS! 
    4) Never contradict the officer, if you are 100% sure that IO is wrong say something like "Officer may I please explain..." or " Officer with due respect, I would like to clarify that..." They will LOVE that you do this because it shows them that you are about the details and if you are truthful about minor details then chances that entire application is truthful is very likely. 
    5) Make sure you interact with each other, if one cannot find something, the other should jump in and help and look at each others in the eyes whenever interacting. Smile with each other, you two are couple and a beautiful smile is always welcome! 
    6) Remember,  a smile almost always starts with a smile! IO's are humans, they pay bills, they have feelings, they have a family, they feel just like you feel! 
    7) Always prepare for unexpected questions and think before answering, and AGAIN as you answer look at him / her in the eye.
    8) When talking about the relationship itself, the other spouse should always add to the story confidently and without contradicting the other.
    9) When greeting the officer, make sure you say " Officer [Name] I'm [Name], nice to meet you'
    10) ENJOY this moment, I promise it is not as bad as you see online, UNLESS you are not being honest. 
    11) ALWAYS think, that you are about to become a PERMANENT RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In summary, 
    I am very happy that we did the interview in LA, it processes faster than Fairfax, VA as there are much more officers. As we were being interviewed, I enjoyed the experience and the conversations.  This should be a NATURAL conversation.  Just as if you were speaking to another professional co worker.  Eat before you go to the interview and treat this very seriously, respect the process and know that this is the day that will life will change.
    In our case, we were not given a decision on the spot as entire A files had not made it to the office , but this is not a bad thing AT ALL. its just like going to the doctors, sometimes doctor needs time to think about a treatment or simply want to leave the good things for the end as they have other more serious cases to decide.  Even if you are not given a decision, MAKE SURE that you say thank you and SMILE to the officer. And possibly ask, "Officer in how long should I expect your decision" or "Officer, is there any other information or documentation that you require from us?" 
    I hope this helps and if any of you is also waiting for your A files let me know how long is taking or it took! 
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    wify reacted to APGG94 in Marriage Based AOS Experience - Approved   
    We had out interview today at the San Antonio office. We got there at 9:20 and it was packed but moving quickly.  Our interview was scheduled for 9:45 and we were called in around 10:00. The officer was a nice man who chatted with us about small things like my husbands veteran status. Very short interview with basic questions:
    - full names
    - parents names
    - place of birth
    - where do you work
    - spouses full name and birthday
    - how we knew each other
    - what we loved about one another (I cried when this question came up and I spoke about how loving and patient and caring my husband is for going through this whole process with me... looking back I’m a bit embarrassed but oh well)
    - a lot of I485 have you ever questions
    The officer then asked to see our photos and evidence that we lived and were together. Asked who was in one group photo and asked who the baby was in another. He asked for joint bank account statements and also took a copy of our updated lease. He asked us if we planned on starting a family soon. 
    He then said he was going to recommend us for approval and pass it onto his supervisor to have the last say. 
    Outlined how to go about getting conditions removed and applying for citizenship. He even suggested that since I’m young I could go back to school and do a lot of things for myself as a citizen. By 10:25 we were walking out of the office and at 11:15 I got multiple text updates stating that my new card was being produced.  Overall 5/5 experience. 
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    wify reacted to Jaytee404 in My AOS through marriage Interview experience   
    Hello everyone, 
    I just wanted to share my interview experience since while I was waiting for my interview to be scheduled this page helped me alot.
    My interview was scheduled for Sept 26th 2017 in San Jose,.CA for 9am.
    First and foremost we were 12 minutes late,  second I didn't have my passport with me ( I had lost my passport 3 weeks prior to my interview). I applied for a replacement which was sent 5days prior to my interview through DHL express, it was supposed to be delivered on the 25th but was stuck at customs in L.A ( I did not sleep, I was panicking)
    Anyway, I decided to go to the interview still even if I was gonna be turned away.  We were at security by 9:12am 😓, they let us in, and told us to wait  ( 5 people ahead of us,  so pheww). The interviewer called my name at 9:42am. He smiled and greeted us, asked how our morning was going as he walked us to his office ( I relaxed then because he was friendly and cheerful).
    He swore us in and asked us to sit. He asked me to say my full name, then asked for my ID, then asked my husband for his.  He then asked for my passport and I told him I didn't have it and the whole story of why and handed him tracking details and police report, he didn't even look at it,  but asked if I had a copy of my old one or copy of I-94, which I did and he looked at them and said that's good enough..phewww! He asked my husband what my name was,he asked me what my husband's name is, he asked me how old my husband is and when his birthday is and he asked my husband the same about me. He noticed our bdays are a day apart and he was like nice, so how do you celebrate? We said apart, and he said if you have one birthday you will save more money lol. He then moved on to the no questions about terrorism etc ( it was so funny because he has humor and was making funny faces and laughing with us). He asked if i was arrested, i said yes for dui, he wrote that down and asked if i was in a jail or detox,I said detox for 2 hours, if im still on probation and how much I had to pay. He asked if I learned my lesson and i'm nolonger taking such risks, I agreed and assured him and he said good.He then asked how I got to the US, what visa, date, port of entry, when I left and re-entered.  What I'm doing with my life and school. He noticed that I fell out of status,  so he asked for those dates and time frame, then asked if I plan to graduate and so we talked about that and my job. He asked my husband where btw worked,  whay my father's name was and what year her passed away, he asked him where I was born (city) where muy mom lives, what her name is and how old is she. If he spoke to her and when last. He asked me the same about muy husband and his parents ( he was basically asking all the questions from the biographical page) which we both didn't get right,  especially when it came to parents ages, he encouraged us to guess atleast and we were all just smiling. He then asked me to sign the form that I had answered.  He then asked me to tell him how we met, where, when,  did he propse, when did the relationship get serious, first date, where we ate. When we did our first anniversary, our last trip together,  when we moved in together ( I made a mistake there,  I wrote down the time we were partially living together but answered the date we got on the same lease) he challenged me on thst and I explained the confusion, which he said no worries I understand how that happened. He asked my husband what our joint sponsors name is ( which he said he just referes to him as grandpa as I do) and then he laughed. He asked me for documents that have both or names on, I handed him or savings account and checking,  medical insurance forms, cable bill, pictures  ( I was giving him one at a time and he kept asking "what else" until there was nothing else). He scanned the bank statements closely.  He asked who came to our wedding, what we did after, he pointed at a bbq group pic and asked my husband what my friend's husband's name is, my husband can't pronounce his name right ( difficult African name) so he explained to the officer how he calls him bra and not his name because he doesn't want to disrespect him.. He laughed so hard about the bra part.
    He looked at a picture of us at brunch, he liked it and said we are a good looking pair, he asked where we were and how looking ago that was.  
    He looked att everything and said that's out guys, everything looks good, I'm a new interview only 3 weeks here and I'm not authorized to approve anyone on the spot yet, and my supervisor will have to go through the file to see if I got all the documents required, but everything looks good so far, I'll recommend you for a green card,  it just had to go through him and you should receive your card in 2-4weeks. He wished me luck in school, shook our hands and walked us out. 
    It was so pleasant to have him interview us,  he was so friendly and shares my husband's sense of humor,  it felt like we were having a chat with one of our friends.
    Ps: he asked us to show him a text we shared September 15th * we didn't Havre phomes as the letter said no cellphones allowed* he said he thought they were allowed because a few people in the wait area had them. 
    It's been 2days since my interview and my case status still says as of Aug 25th nterview has been scheduled.
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