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othman and lavon

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Posts posted by othman and lavon

  1. Hello. I used my new married name on all paperwork filed. I also had kept my previous married name but when I filled out all forms for uscis I put my new married name. Where it says something about previous names used I put my maiden name and my previous married name there. After I had already sent it off I decided to call uscis to ask about the family name and I was told it was alright to put my new married name as my family name. After all I am filing for my husband. The marriage papers sent in with the forms supports my new last name.


  2. limah, we loved ur comments. It made me and my husband laugh. I also agree with u about wanting to hear the sexy voice of my husband. Better than the phone is getting online using cam and the microphone. That is what we do. We NEED to see each other. It has REALLY help our marriage alot.

    Lavon (F)

  3. to tanya I am so sorry for how things are going for u. Also to hichamslove and it can apply to anyone else who sometimes feel like giving up ...........be patient................ my handsome who is also in Morocco always tells me to be patient instead of me telling him. It just really helps a relationship when the couple can spend everyday online for at least an hour. The longest we spent was 4 hours I think. Yes, I do work fulltime but I make that commitment to him. We might miss two or three times a month but if we do I still call him for a few minutes. Anyways, dont give up hope ...................be patient............ and if it is meant to be then it will happen and ya'll will be together. Heck, last year I never imagine after I started talking to him that I would actually get to go to Morocco and I did this year. Good luck to everyone and Best wishes!!

  4. The form I used was the ones that they sent to me from their forms center. It had carbon in between the pages and I tried to write as hard as I could. But , I am worried cuz it did not go all the way through real clearly. I guess I wil get an RFE for it. Guess I should have just made copies of it and label the bottom of each page as they had it. Shoot..........


  5. Ahlan, I am so glad to see a bunch of posts from ladies who have hubbies in Morocco. My husband lives in Safi. We met online June 2005 and June 10th I got to meet him. We got married while I was there for 3 weeks. What truely helps us is being able to meet each day online or if we cant, I call him for a few minutes. He always tells me to be patient about the visa processing. Well, I got to run to take my kid to school. Basslama

    Oh that was June 10th of this year. we talked for nearly a year first.

  6. Yes they are giving me the runaround!!! I got the letter today from the social security administration and it is even address to me with my married name on it. The letter says ...we are unabled to process a name change with the foreign certificate provided. the state of Texas at this time is verifying information concerning the matter................I called the 1-800 number and talked to a lady. I told her what the problem was and what all is listed on my marriage certificate. My date of birth, my place of birth, my mothers name, even my divorce information from previous marriage. She did see what the problem was She also asked if I had brought other proof of my new name like car insurance and I told her yes. She told me it should have been issued ..I was advised by her to get in touch with the local social security office. dang the delays.............

    Oops I made a mistake in my last post. The lady at the social security office who I talked to on the phone

    DID NOT see what the problem was with issuing my new card with my new married name on it.

  7. My marriage deed was issued by the Kingdom of Morocco, Ministry of Justice, court of appeals of Safi, Family court. All of that was listed one under the other on the paper. The translator is accredited to the courts is what is in the upper left hand corner. Also I made copies of front and back of all the pages and stapled it exactly like they had it. I brought the original marriage papers along with a copy so the lady could see both at the ss office and she sent the copy that I made. So, I dont know why the delay on it. Thanks for the help everybody. I called the drivers license number that heina gave to me but I was told to call back tomorrow to talk to someone who can help with my question.

  8. Yes, I am an american citizen born and raised in Texas. I did go to the social security office and filled out the form to change my last name. But, they told me they had to send off the application and copy of marriage certification to the district office and then I was told they are waiting for confirmation from Morocco that it is valid. Dang the delay. It has been two months since I went to the social security office. Has any of the ladies who went to Morocco and gotten married there been able to get their drivers license and social security card with their new married name on it?

  9. This is for the ladies who married in Morocco. Since coming back from Morocco I tried to get my drivers license with my husbands name on it. But, the Dmv told me they do not accept foreign marriage license. They told me to go to the social security office and get my card with my new last name on it then they can give me the new drivers license. The other option they told me was to do a legal name change at the court house which cost money. Well, the social security office told me they had to send a copy of the marriage papers to the district office. I was told they should know in about a month. I called again over a month later and was told they are waiting to hear from Morocco to see if it is a valid license. Has anyone else experienced this? I am anxious to use my husbands last name.. :angry:

  10. Ahlan, I am so glad to see a bunch of posts from ladies who have hubbies in Morocco. My husband lives in Safi. We met online June 2005 and June 10th I got to meet him. We got married while I was there for 3 weeks. What truely helps us is being able to meet each day online or if we cant, I call him for a few minutes. He always tells me to be patient about the visa processing. Well, I got to run to take my kid to school. Basslama

  11. I sent the I-129F certified/ return receipt and did not receive anything in the mail. I thought I was suppose to get something in the mail. But no problem since I got the NOA1. It did not take as long as getting the NOA1 for the I-130. The I130 had been transferred from TSC to CSC. For that one I did not send it certified/return receipt. ALso I should have sent them priority mail.

  12. I have two tattoos. I love tattoos but not too excessive. My husband will not get any cuz he is muslim. I wanted to get his name on me but he does not want me to. :crying: oh well. I dont think of it as a jinx at all.

  13. yes I guess the DMV is idiotic about this. I need to call another one and see what they tell me. I am anxious to have my name changed legally. I used my married name on all the forms sent in to uscis. The lady at the ss office even had me to sign my married name to the application for a new card. I sure hope the social security office accepts my foreign marriage license and sends me my new card with my married name.

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