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Posts posted by TucsonBill

  1. As far as I can tell, as long as you have:

    K1 visa application and supporing required documents

    Affidavit of support and supporting required documents

    Proof of continuing relationship and intent to marry

    Meical exam paperwork

    Police Report etc - everything on the checklist - divorce decrees, fiances birth certificate with traslations if necessary

    Sounds good to me! Just read through all your instructoins again verey carefully, including the checklist, and make sure you have everything IN DUPLICATE - ie make photo copies of original documents and be ready to show the originals if they ask to see them.

    Good Luck!


  2. As I read the guidelines, the assets would 'seem' to be sufficient.

    Has the co-sponsor taken 'family leave' or quit thier job, or are they self employed? I took family leave once, (to help care for my mom who was dieing), which Congress passed a law on, and if I remember right, if thats the case, your co-sponsor would still be employed and should still be able to get a letter form the employer regarding present position, salary etc.

    I'd submit past tax returns and explain the situation.

    Not enough infomation to really offer further suggestions unless you want to explain a little more in detail.


  3. IE:

    The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:

    Certification by Translator

    I typed name , certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled .


    Date Typed Name


  4. If the old translation shows a different reference number on it, I'd go the extra mile and get the new one translated too. It might look fishy having a 'translation' that does not match the document being translated, or that has a date on it that preceeds the actual document you will use. I'd go the extra mile and get the new one translated.

    As I understand it, anyone who is bi-lingual in French and English could translate it for you, simply by attesting that they are competant to do it and signing it in the proper manner as described. That should not take two weeks.


  5. This just got much worse for me in that I may have a breakup on my hands due to this whole visa process. I'm heartbroken. I am so confused and hurt. I have no control over this process, have to wait and hope like all of you, and it's killing my relationship. I don't know what to do anymore.

    Maybe its just me, but I look at your timeline, and things seem to be moving along 'normally'. My God, because of the IMBRA law, some couples have had to wait 9 months just to get their NOA2 after the new rules were implemented!

    I'd suspect there might be something more going on than just the frustration with the process. Exactly what is it that you, or he, are so worried about? I tend to lean towards thinking that if the relationship can't handle the visa process, how on earth are you ever going to make it as a couple when 'real problems' come along in life that you have to face together?

    It could be too, that you are just getting to know each other better now, and finding out that you're not a match, sad as that may be, facing it may be better than forging ahead when you or he is not sure.

    Just seems to me there is something more going on here than meets the eye, either that, or one of you is way over reacting.


  6. This just got much worse for me in that I may have a breakup on my hands due to this whole visa process. I'm heartbroken. I am so confused and hurt. I have no control over this process, have to wait and hope like all of you, and it's killing my relationship. I don't know what to do anymore.

    Maybe its just me, but I look at your timeline, and things seem to be moving along 'normally'. My God, because of the IMBRA law, some couples have had to wait 9 months just to get their NOA2 after the new rules were implemented!

    I'd suspect there might be something more going on than just the frustration with the process. Exactly what is it that you, or he, are so worried about? I tend to lean towards thinking that if the relationship can't handle the visa process, how on earth are you ever going to make it as a couple when 'real problems' come along in life that you have to face together?

    Just seems to me there is something more going on here than meets the eye, either that, or one of you is way over reacting.


  7. Okay, sorry if this post is not the most coherent, but I am freaking out a bit. My fiance had his medical exam today, got his records, we were very excited that it feels like it is all coming together. Well, he called the consulate to see what the wait times were for interview appts (like I said, he was excited/anxious) .... while he was on the phone with the guy, he asked a question about his police certificate. Basically, he had a driving while impaired charge from 20 years ago when he was young and stupid :) 20 years ago!!!!!!! Anyway, the consulate guy told him, because he has a criminal charge, he has to be fingerprinted and the records sent off to Ottawa which could take up to 6 months to receive.

    Is there anything we can do to expedite this? Also, is this charge anything that would get the visa denied?

    Oh god I feel sick now. No sleep tonight.

    Well, noone else has replied - the only thing I can think of is that if I'd have ever had 'any' criminal charge, I think that, in lieu of all the immigration laws, I'd have been so paranoid I'd have asked this question alot earlier. Not much you can do now except wait, and continue with the process. I know I asked my fiance, when discussing the police report, if she'd EVER had any problems at all with the police. Did you ask? Did you know about this before and just 'assume' that it was so old that it wouldn't matter or something?

    It just seems to me, that this is the kind of information the process is DESIGNED to uncover, and knowing that, you should have, (at least one of you), already been prepared for this to happen.


    Yes, I knew about the charge. My fiance was upfront about it from the beginning. However, I didn't mention this the last post (like I said, was not thinking coherently), but we HAD contacted a representative at the national call center to ask about this because we WERE concerned about the charge and how it might affect the process. We were told to follow the packet 3 checklist and get the court records .... NOTHING was said about him needing fingerprints. By the info. we were given, we thought that it would be okay if we had court records to show how long ago the charge was and the type.

    I have posted this before and I will say again, I wish I had found this site earlier .... it seems during this process, I have received conflicting information from different sources (not just this example). Yes, maybe I should have been more paranoid and not trusted the information I had received, but I guess I was naive and, at the time, trusted the info. I was given. Argh!!!

    Well, I dont know about Canada, but I had to be fingerprinted recently for one of the professional licenses I hold, as I have had to do in the past, and it doesn't take 6 months. I just go down to the police station, they do it on the spot, and I submit my fingerprints to the proper authority who forwards it to the FBI, they run them through the database and I get my new license. The entire process takes about 2 weeks. Again, I dont know about Canada. Maybe they have to to manually compare fingerprints or have really slow compuers up there... (Just kidding!) :P

    I hope all goes well, and that it doesnt take 6 months.


  8. ooops .. it seems that I didnt actually reply anything in my last post and it seems that Im confusing everyone! Sorry bout that. What I meant was that I have a certified copy and I took it to a notary, who made a copy of the certified one and notarized the copy he made saying that it was an exact copy of the original document. Thats ok right?

    I went to the Arizona court house to get a certified copy of my divorce decree and it was not sealed with anything 'gold' - it was a regular raised stamp seal that was hard to see on a photo-copy machine, but thats what I sent with my I-129F (copies). What I did was use a flat-bed document scanner and did the scan in high-resolution color mode, and the stamp was visable on the copies made that way. Also, the court officer also had a back colored stamp that he used on the back of the last page of the decree he used that had the date of the certifification on it. He did that right over the back of the raised stamp on the front of the last page where it was hard to see. Look at the reverse side of the raised, embossed stamp and see if maybe your court did the same thing.

    At any rate, I think the only time you actually have to use the original is at the interview.


  9. Okay, sorry if this post is not the most coherent, but I am freaking out a bit. My fiance had his medical exam today, got his records, we were very excited that it feels like it is all coming together. Well, he called the consulate to see what the wait times were for interview appts (like I said, he was excited/anxious) .... while he was on the phone with the guy, he asked a question about his police certificate. Basically, he had a driving while impaired charge from 20 years ago when he was young and stupid :) 20 years ago!!!!!!! Anyway, the consulate guy told him, because he has a criminal charge, he has to be fingerprinted and the records sent off to Ottawa which could take up to 6 months to receive.

    Is there anything we can do to expedite this? Also, is this charge anything that would get the visa denied?

    Oh god I feel sick now. No sleep tonight.

    Well, noone else has replied - the only thing I can think of is that if I'd have ever had 'any' criminal charge, I think that, in lieu of all the immigration laws, I'd have been so paranoid I'd have asked this question alot earlier. Not much you can do now except wait, and continue with the process. I know I asked my fiance, when discussing the police report, if she'd EVER had any problems at all with the police. Did you ask? Did you know about this before and just 'assume' that it was so old that it wouldn't matter or something?

    It just seems to me, that this is the kind of information the process is DESIGNED to uncover, and knowing that, you should have, (at least one of you), already been prepared for this to happen.


  10. As for myself and Pao, we seem to still be in the middle of our 'blooming' - things have been great! We've had a few frustrations with the process, but it has not affected the relationship between us. Neither of us is so young or naive that we honestly believe that we'll never have any problems, but thank God, we have not had any yet! Additionally, we did not start this process thinking it was going to be any peice of cake, but honesstly, thus far, our jouney has not been that bad.

    Pao's major in college was English, so we can communicate very well and that's been a big plus of course. And, being so far apart from each other, communiate is about all we ever get to do. I think we know more about each other than many couples do who are already married!

    We're both Christian, and I think that has helped. Pao converted from Buddhism when she was in college, and I think that will help a bit with the 'cultural' adjustment. I've already agreed to things like 'no shoes in the house' (which I kinda like), and she's agreed to try some 'real' Mexican food :) We're just going to try to blend the best of both cultures into our lifesyles and go from there.

    She has a seven year old daughter with whom I've also managed to develop a good relationship, (she's never had a relationship with her natural father). I can only hope and pray this continues once she gets here and I have to say something like "NO" - hehe - to TV before homework or something like that. I also have a 14 year old daughter who has always wanted a little sister, and she's already demonstrated her ability to care for younger children; every one she babbysits for always wants her to come back. She has a natural way with children who are about Pao's daughters age.

    So... I feel pretty dogon lucky and happy right now, and so does Pao. We've sort of come to the conclusion that ours was a 'match made in heaven' :D


  11. Hey everyone. I was wondering about gathering the necessary information after the NOA2. I have only worked for a few months (my first job ever, before that, I was working on and off at my relatives and parents places, but not for paid). Do you think this will still be okay? What should I do then if I do not have any tax returns because I have been only working for these few months. I will have a co-sponsor because I do not have enough financial income. Thanks!

    If you have a co-sponsor, this should not be a problem. The tax returns are just ONE of a list of items you can present, and are not necessarily necessary in all cases. I think it's more important the co-sponsor to have the tax returns if necessary. I'd still get a letter from my employer, stating your salary, how long you've worked there, and whether your position is permanent or temporary.


  12. I just want to say how much I appreciate everyone here in this forum, especially you old timers who have hung around to help newbies like I was when I first found VJ. Finally, we have our interview date now, its getting very exciting now for both of us. This forum has been priceless, I don't know how I would have gotten this far without you all - THANKS!


  13. YAY! Finally - got our interview date, Jan 24th - that late in the month kinda sucks but at least we're on the schedule now :) We have our 'NON-legally binding ceremony set for Feb 17, and she WANTED to give 30 days advance notice to her employer, but she does not think it will be a problem that she wont be able to now... oh well!

    Thanks everyone for your help and advice!



  14. I-129f - $170

    Visa application - $100

    I-485 (AOS) - $325

    Biometrics - $70

    I-765 (EAD) - $180

    A lifetime with your soulmate - PRICELESS


    To the OP:

    These are the costs as far as the government fees go, the rest depends on just how much you want to spend - hehe. I've been trying to keep myself busy in the mean time (waiting) by remodeling my whole house! Add to that all my trips to Thailand, up-coming wedding costs, bringing her and her daughter here... and .... I'd rather not say! :lol:

  15. I would suggest that Carrie contact her Congressman or House Representative. She will need to submit a privacy waiver so that they may make inquiries on her behalf. This has helped others who have been given the run around like you have. I'm so sorry that you guys have been going through this! Its so ridiculous! Good luck.

    I agree, there is a specific proceedure your fiances congressman can follow to initiate an inquiry into the status of your petition, and it invoves your fiance signing a form akin to an 'authorization to relase information' (authorizing the USCIS to relase information about your case to your congressman). 8 and a half months IS a long time to be waiting, and is well outside the normal processing times for an I-129f, even given your particular circumstances IMHO. Others have followed this route with a successful outcome.

    Good Luck!


  16. Hi I have a quick on the I 129F form for my fiance. I am planning on attaching a separate sheet of how me and my fiance met. I was wondering what you would title this sheet? And also how would i refer this sheet on the I-129f Form Question #18 so they know to look at the attached sheet. Your reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


    This is what I put on mine:

    Attachment to I-129F, Question 18:

    Statement of (petitioner name) regarding (beneficiary name).

    Good luck on your journey. :)

    I also put my name, address, SS# and phone number on each continuation page in jus in case it got detached from the file, and in the space on the I-129F i put "See Attached Continuation Page" - I also included the continuaiton pages on the title / table of contents page of my petition.


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