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Posts posted by Mags

  1. People need to learn to tell the difference between problems with a computer and problems with the software on the computer. The Dell running slow after six months could be tied to no defag being done, no disk clean up being done or other issues.

    Defag? Nah, my PC doesn't smoke.... :P

    I HAVE done a defragmentation and disk clean up....numerous times.

    Dell USED to be exceptional...until they started using cheap labour and stuff. Went down hill after that. That's why they are so cheap...and the quality HAS dropped. And I ain't even going to start on HP...I shall leave that to my fiance... :lol:

  2. omg the ladies here like pear necklaces and ain't shy 'bout it



    PEAR necklaces? :wacko::lol:

    :lol::lol: u dont no 4 realz?

    Hmmm, I think YOU don't know! :lol:

    Pears are green, Pedroh... :lol:

    Nor do they smell of ammonia..... ;)

  3. Oh great!

    Well hopefully the new Dell Inspiron has been improved or something. I like it so far.

    My Dad uses Dells and Hp's where he works and he said both are great. He said he never had a problem with his Dell and I guess he found this one for a good price so that's that.

    Yeah, I only really purchased a Dell cos it was cheap and I needed a laptop quick to replace my old desktop. It was fine for the first 6 months or so, then just started to slow up and then became pretty unresponsive to many commands. Now it just does what it wants to be honest. It gets swear words thrown at it on a regular basis. If you could get done for Computer Abuse I'd be guilty as charged... ;)

    This MAY be because I have something evil on it (despite running pretty good scans on it), I really won't know til I get to the USA and my own personal computer expert (i.e. my fiance :lol: ) gives it the once over.

  4. The people on Rant #2 sound absolutely perfect for each other; both as idiotic as each other... :lol:

    Please don't let them reproduce....

    Here's the betting they will have at least 8 children who will be just as retarded as they are.... ;)

    I'm so glad you all think the same as me! Someone told me I was shattering their dreams.. I think I'm just being realistic.

    The worrying thing is #2's ARE planning on reproducing at the earliest opportunity. It now turns out he has a bad criminal record (which could explain why they don't want to do the visa route). He's a complete

    d!ckhead and in his words "can't wait til she's here and I can keep an eye on her". There's no trust and he's a control freak... I can't help but think she's heading for a life of hell. She even admitted he can be a bit of a psycho. Anyone in Arizona want to go slap some sense into her?

    Some peoples children...

    They sound like they are an accident waiting to happen to be honest... :yes:

  5. Among name brands, IMO, the best are HP etc

    *coughs* Any minute now....I can hear him coming. Cian hun.....come on, come to the pretty thread, you know you wanna. :lol:

    I just recently got a Dell Inspiron and it's heaven!

    Yeah, my mom's had a Dell Inspiron for about 4 years now and it hasn't given her any problems yet :thumbs: they're good computers.

    Well, my Dell is ####### and it's an Inspiron. Year old. They also charge you very little for printers and you think you have a bargain...until you need new ink cartridges and find that they are extortionately priced. THAT's why they are so bloody cheap.

  6. Such a biased poll! The only reason that I might possibly not remove my shoes is that I am rude, inconsiderate, my feet smell or my socks are dirty? How about "I just don't"? I don't necessarily remove my suit jacket either, why must my shoes be removed?

    Of course if I go to someone's house and they ask me to remove my shoes, I do. Or if we arrive together and they take their shoes off as they enter, I do the same. But I don't think it's rude or inconsiderate of me not to do so if no one tells me it's expected.

    Why are you really frustrated about this? If you want people to remove their shoes when they enter your house, ask them to do so. Sheesh.

    Er...it's just a poll you know. Yes, the OP obviously has had problems in the past due to people not taking off their shoes (which I personally can understand btw), but it certainly ain't worth YOU getting your knickers in a twist.... :)

    Pssst...smelly feet!! :lol:

  7. :lol: I had to empty the mouth of a patient suffering from dementia yesterday....she eats and forgets to swallow...mushed up food and dentures to boot...the only tip I got was "you should wear gloves when you do that" :P:P

    TMI TMI!!! :P

    (btw that IS a good tip!! :yes: )

  8. HI and thanks for all your concerns.

    I did put an RSVP on the invitations. The school said they could not give me the bames of the children, so i had to in good faith, let them do it and hand them out.

    Funnily enough ive just had one call from a parrent saying there child will be coming:O...talk about leaving it till the last minute!

    Thanks again..

    Well hopefully it'll turn out all right in the end. Wishing her a lovely day regardless. :)

  9. It really depends on my mood....I am a film freak so I can't say I have a favourite genre....I even like the odd musical :lol:

    Yup, REALLY depends on my moods. Can't stomach really gory films though. Comedy, thriller, action etc etc. Love a good cry too. I'll give most of them a go. Love films. :)

  10. Well, in the UK people who come into your home ask if you want them to take their shoes off. If it is raining outside and you enter a home that has a nice beige or pale coloured carpet I KNOW I'd have a coronary if someone traipsed muddy/wet footprints over it.

    Just good manners. People don't tend to do it automatically, but they do ask. Most of the time. I always say "No, it's all right."...as long as it isn't raining outside of course.

    But...if someone entered my home, didn't ask AND it wasn't raining, I'd be fine about it.


    That's true....whenever I go into anyones home I always ask if they would like me to remove my shoes. I would never ask anyone to remove their shoes but would hope they are considerate enough to if they have muddy boots/shoes...although I have made it a rule with my son's friends that they always remove their shoes cos I have beige carpets upstairs and they are mucky little buggers.

    Yep, no shoes allowed upstairs (beige carpet!). All my son's friends do it automatically now... :yes:

  11. Well, in the UK people who come into your home ask if you want them to take their shoes off. If it is raining outside and you enter a home that has a nice beige or pale coloured carpet I KNOW I'd have a coronary if someone traipsed muddy/wet footprints over it.

    Just good manners. People don't tend to do it automatically, but they do ask. Most of the time. I always say "No, it's all right."...as long as it isn't raining outside of course.

    But...if someone entered my home, didn't ask AND it wasn't raining, I'd be fine about it.


  12. ALL babies look like this when they are born. They are a purpley/red, have swollen facial features and will be covered in blood and mucus. Oh...and they'll be yelling their heads off (which in my experience, didn't stop for TWO years). If you're expecting a baby to pop out pink and cuddly...think again!

    This sculpture is spot on in my opinion.

  13. I ran mine through the copy bit of the fax machine at work, as the photocopier had something wrong with it that I hadn't a hope in HELL of fixing or sorting out. So toner? Hell if I know.... ;)

    The woman at the consulate didn't bat an eyelid at it...so it is obviously something they are used to.

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