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Posts posted by garya505

  1. Hello everyone,

    I appologize if i've made same thread. I've read about the K-1 visa and pregnant case in this forum. However, my case is slightly different from others. Here goes:

    My petition has been approved and the Department of State National Visa Center (NVC) has scheduled an interview for my fiancee next week, February 27th, 2008. My fiancee is 9 weeks pregnant. . Questions :

    1. Should i contact the USCIS office to inform about this pregnancy ?

    2. Will my case be delayed ?

    3. Should my fiancee tell her interviewer that she is 9 week pregnant ?

    4. Will my child be automatically granted US citizen when he/she is born ?

    5. What necessary steps should i follow up during this process ?

    I will always welcome all your feedback and instruction. Your help is greatly appreciated. I'm worried that if i'm doing it wrong, i will jeopardize the process of getting my fiance here. Forgot to mention, I am US citizen and my fiancee is Vietnamese citizen. Thanks again.

    don't even think about telling them about the pregnancy, because they might ask for DNA test for the baby, meaning u will have to wait till the baby is born, to have the test done, and as u already know, this will take forever. Just pray that everything is done before she has the baby

    Wrong. The medical exam results will go to the Consulate. Lying about that will cause problems.

  2. They have been known to ask for DNA evidence at that Consulate. That means waiting for the birth, even though it is a Citizenship issue rather than a Visa Issue. Welcome to HCMC.

    The notarized statement from the USC father is an excellent idea and I would get on that post haste. Also, if the fiance is 9 weeks pregnant, there better be documentation that the USC was in Vietnam with her at the time she conceived. If not, a whole other can of worms is opened, so make sure your evidence of that trip is close at hand with the letter.


  3. do you have one of those swings gary?

    Ya, we have a swing and a bouncy seat too. Sometimes the swing gets him sleepy but sometimes it gets him excited. :o

    I might add that I don't mind the crying, but my wife gets upset. I think a little crying is normal. I'm just getting more ideas for her. (L)

    I gave this cute little Slumber Bear (with silkie) to my little niece. It plays womb sounds in response to a baby's cries or movements. My sister-in-law is still ecstatic over it and swears it's really helped them (first time) parents.


    We have one of those too. Sometimes I sleep with it though. :lol:

  4. My kids loved thier swing. They were also colicy and I'd put a peppermint in a bottle of water and it calmed hem down prety quick. I had one of those Momma bears that had the sounds of the mothers womb. It worked like a charm! Put me to sleep too!

    Hmmm, peppermint in water, I hadn't heard that one before.

  5. Actually I have to disagree on one point above. If the medical exam shows that the foreign fiancee is pregnant, and the CO suspects the USC might not be the father or might not know about the pregnancy, it could cause a delay while the CO confirms that the USC is aware of the pregnancy and still intends to marry the beneficiary. I'm not speculating here, as I have direct knowledge of such a case. I'm sure it depends on the Consulate, but it's better to be prepared. Just in case, I would give the fiancee a notorized letter from the USC stating that he is aware of the pregnancy, that he is the father, and he still intends to marry the fiancee. Anyway it will do no harm to have such a letter even if it's not needed.

    ETA: Hint - FedEx.

  6. It is worrying that whenever this happens, there are many people who simply throw up their hands and say "Oh well", clearly they don't associate that the right they enjoy and defend does have negative, unintended consequences on our society.

    That's not to say that guns should be banned, as I say I think given the context of US society and history its a tad more complicated than that - and a larger question than can be answered simply by looking at a few extreme people and incidents. It does seem to be the case that some of the folks who defend the right to bear arms simply don't want to admit in anyways whatsoever that it has any negative, consequence on society.

    Many of the hard-liner gun rights people do so because they know many of the anti-gun crowd want a complete ban on individual ownership. In other words, "give them an inch and they go for a mile" applies here. Some of the anti-gunners will even admit that's what their real goal is. So, you have stand-off situation and neither side will budge.

  7. No, absolutely not. My "right" is to own a firearm. I do not accept that my right makes any implication towards a complete fruitloop murdering innocent people. Why should responsible firearms owners like me and many others on this thread take any responsibility for the actions of madmen?

    Just saying its a side-effect of the right they (you) enjoy. It doesn't make you responsible for the actions of others, but it's there nonetheless.

    Many of the rights we enjoy have such "side affects". For example. according to the CDC in 2003 there were 43,340 deaths caused by motor vehicles (unintentional) and 11,920 deaths caused by firearm homicides. Note that approximately 40-50% of motor vehicle deaths are alcohol-related.

  8. Up until 2 years ago my extended family was all Caucasion. We now have two "mestizos" in our family, one Mexican/Caucasian and one Philipino/Caucasion.

    Funny story. We have a friend who is Navajo (mostly). When my wife met him she said "he doesn't look like an American". After I stopped laughing, I gave her a long American History lesson. I think she gets it now.

  9. I will go out on a limb and say that people who gun down innocent strangers want to die. Why they wish to take several people with them is unknowable. It could 'simply' be mental illness, but there may also be a desire for some kind of noteriety, general anger, a disconnect due to violent video games, etc... Arming students isn't going to be a deterrant as these people already know that they're not coming out alive. How many turn the guns on themselves afterwards anyway?

    They want to be famous, or they're getting some sort of revenge on the people they kill because of some perceived wrong they've done to the murderer. Or, they think their victims are the devil. :devil:

    Maybe. The Columbine killers, the Virginia Tech shooter and this latest one, Steven K, all have their own pages on Wikipedia. If you're the sort of person that feels that the world has neglected you, for whatever reason, these incidents do tend to live on after your otherwise uneventful life. Some people, it seems, would rather check out, in their own minds at least, in "a blaze of glory". Sadly, the relatively easy access to guns in this country makes that choice available to them.

    Unfortunately that is the reality - regardless of what people feel about guns and gun control. In this context defending the right to bear arms essentially implies that you have to accept that your "right" is worth the ensuing 'broken eggs'. Conversely, supporting gun control implies some sort of broad legislation based on a relatively rare, but high-visibility incident - gun crime is a problem in this country, but these incidents make up a very tiny percentage of that.

    So, I guess if you banned and confiscated all guns, you could reduce the number of these "broken eggs".

  10. I will go out on a limb and say that people who gun down innocent strangers want to die. Why they wish to take several people with them is unknowable. It could 'simply' be mental illness, but there may also be a desire for some kind of noteriety, general anger, a disconnect due to violent video games, etc... Arming students isn't going to be a deterrant as these people already know that they're not coming out alive. How many turn the guns on themselves afterwards anyway?

    That's true. Someone asked earlier if the perp didn't have access to firearms would he go on a similar rampage with some other weapon. I have to say, I doubt it - given the suicide component that seems to be pretty consistent with the phenomenon.

    At a guess - I'd say that without a gun, the perp would probably just off himself.

    Why would he just kill himself? Whatever reason he had for killing them, he had it whether he owned a gun of not. Why not just drive his car into a group of NIU students waiting for a bus?

    Well as pointed out its all speculation, but there does seem to be a very specific pattern of behaviour involved in these incidents which always seems to involve the perp offing himself, rather than being apprehended by the authorities.

    Driving your car into people doesn't offer the same easy-checkout - so as far as that goes the suicide does seem to be a key part of the process. Without a means for the guy to take as many people with him before he offs himself, the guy can only turn his anger/depression inward.

    I'm not saying that these incidents are reason enough to ban guns (as I say I think its a bit more complex than that seeing as this kind of psychotic-break shooting spree represents a very small proportion of gun crime) but I don't think we should pretend that the firearm is for the most part, the tool of choice for these maniacs. For obvious reasons.

    Sounds logical. I wonder if the nuts use the same logic. :wacko:

  11. I will go out on a limb and say that people who gun down innocent strangers want to die. Why they wish to take several people with them is unknowable. It could 'simply' be mental illness, but there may also be a desire for some kind of noteriety, general anger, a disconnect due to violent video games, etc... Arming students isn't going to be a deterrant as these people already know that they're not coming out alive. How many turn the guns on themselves afterwards anyway?

    That's true. Someone asked earlier if the perp didn't have access to firearms would he go on a similar rampage with some other weapon. I have to say, I doubt it - given the suicide component that seems to be pretty consistent with the phenomenon.

    At a guess - I'd say that without a gun, the perp would probably just off himself.

    Why would he just kill himself? Whatever reason he had for killing them, he had it whether he owned a gun of not. Why not just drive his car into a group of NIU students waiting for a bus?

  12. I will go out on a limb and say that people who gun down innocent strangers want to die. Why they wish to take several people with them is unknowable. It could 'simply' be mental illness, but there may also be a desire for some kind of noteriety, general anger, a disconnect due to violent video games, etc... Arming students isn't going to be a deterrant as these people already know that they're not coming out alive. How many turn the guns on themselves afterwards anyway?

    They want to be famous, or they're getting some sort of revenge on the people they kill because of some perceived wrong they've done to the murderer. Or, they think their victims are the devil. :devil:

  13. The hoover always worked for me. Run it around and you can clean, whilst drowning out the baby's cry! :P

    :lol: And when that didn't work, I'd turn up the stereo too!

    Gary, babies LOVE to be bundled up snugly (like you see in the hospital). It makes them feel they are back in the confines of the womb and quiets them. :thumbs:

    I've used the bundling but I haven't done that lately. They taught us that at the hospital.

    Does anyone know at what age that doesn't work anymore?

  14. My little guy really likes riding in a stroller (I think it's the motion) but music doesn't seem to do anything for him.

    He likes being rocked too.

    Funny story. My wife often falls asleep with one hand on the babies rocker so she can rock him to sleep. Last night my wife was sleeping with her arm on my shoulder. When I woke a couple of times and moved a little, she would push my shoulder like she was rocking the cradle. It was hilarious!

    How old is he now? Could he be cutting his first teeth?

    Only 2 months so no teeth yet. We have a lot of things we do that work, but I'm always looking for more and better ideas. My wife has this idea that she always has to quiet him when he cries. Sometimes he just needs to unwind and go to sleep so I leave him alone for a while and he's out!

  15. My little guy really likes riding in a stroller (I think it's the motion) but music doesn't seem to do anything for him.

    He likes being rocked too.

    Funny story. My wife often falls asleep with one hand on the babies rocker so she can rock him to sleep. Last night my wife was sleeping with her arm on my shoulder. When I woke a couple of times and moved a little, she would push my shoulder like she was rocking the cradle. It was hilarious!

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