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Status Replies posted by Oliversmom

  1. congratulaions on  finally getting this far

    we did the online in September and i have tried to change our immigration status to naturalization pending but 

    how do you do this?

    can't see how on editing my timeline


    1. Oliversmom


      Hi Jeanne.  I just pushed the "edit profile" button on my profile page and then just changed to naturalization pending.  We sent bank statements, car titles in both our names, insurance in both our names and a rental letter from our landlord as we don't have a lease and tax transcripts.  Hope it is enough.  It was funny that we ended up with a day off together to file it.  The night before I started trying to pass a kidney stone and was in so much pain Saturday I asked him to stay home from work.  He did and when I started feeling better we filed the papers.  We never get a day off together.  He is off on Wednesday and Thursday and I am off on Saturday and Sunday.  We were talking about how much time has passed for us.  We started talking in 2011.  We got married in 2013.  He was here in 2015 and now it is Citizenship time.  It has been quite a journey but so worth it and we are really happy.  I hope Adil gets his Citizenship too.  You guys have REALLY had a LONG LONG journey!  Congratulations!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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