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Posts posted by 1luv

  1. thanks everyone..babies dem good! they got their days and nights mixed up tho...up all night and sleep all day....

    i'm not really a religious person...a christian yes, but not much into going to church, etc...but just wanted to thank the Lord for blessing us so richly with these beautiful girls! Our family and friends have been so supportive and amazing, the girls are healthy, we are so happy....and loving every minute of this journey!

    I thank all of you for sharing in this adventure with us as well! I believe the fun has only begun!!

    on another note, i have not heard anything back about my LOC paperwork nor has our check cleared...over 2 weeks ago i mailed it....kinda wondering what the heck is up with it...

    Glad to hear Finesse!

    I hope u hear something soon? What is LOC btw :blush:

  2. Okay here is the question...when hubby wants to have a sexy party and you aren't down for it how do you not have one. There is no stopping Mikel I sure have tried to stop him like if I was trying to hold out on him or something but it is useless.

    Well my hubby is the energizer bunny! :devil: I just lie there, until he starts touching my spot. This gets me everytime:blush: Btw I never heard him say he is neva in the mood :rofl:

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