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Posts posted by Valabum

  1. When you file your taxes every year, the "normal" form is a 1040. If, however, you don't plan on taking any deductions, bells or

    whistles, you fill out a 1040EZ. It's basically slapping the info straight from your W2 and onto a form and voila.


    I think it would be nice to have an "EZ" equivalent just for the I-129. My petition, for example, was only for my fiancé and myself. No kids, no previous arrests, no translators needed, no bells or whistles. I think I wrote "N/A" more often than I wrote actual words!


    It could at least help move things along, I think, if there were an EZ form and a designated desk/corner/floor of the USCIS that only processes those.


    The poor folks over there are swamped anyway...might be nice to be assigned to the EZ desk every now and again!

  2. Are you a US/UK couple?


    I (US) provided three photos, a copy of my plane tickets and receipts of things I bought in the U.K. while I was there with my initial petition. My fiancé did not supply anything extra during the interview and we were fine. No chat logs whatsoever!


    If your relationship seems rather easy to file (for instance, you've been together a while already, no police record, no medial issues, no children immigrating as well, etc) I'd suggest you just save the paper!

  3. I kept my married name after my divorce. I am well-known in my region and have used this name for 15 years. It just wasn't practical to change my business card, work email address, drivers license, etc. knowing full well I was going to change it again with my future spouse. One change is enough so I'll do it when we marry!


    It shouldn't be a problem at all to use your maiden as your middle, unless you were filling out some kind of legal form and needed your full birth name. 

  4. Thanks everyone! 


    Its been such a long, long wait - since the first time I ever laid eyes on him in a photograph 24 years ago and thought "I'd like to get to know that guy better!" - To meeting him in person 13 years later and striking up a conversation because I still wanted to get to know him! From developing a crush but being too shy and waiting 10 years to do anything about it - from finally putting on my "big girl panties" and telling him I've fancied him since I was a kid - from being in a nearly skype-only relationship for two years - now he's finally coming home to be with me!


    It feels so bizarre! When I was a kid, his sister sent me a photograph of herself and him sitting together at the kitchen table, and I used to stare at it and think "oooh he's so cute! Hee hee! If we ever married she would be my sister!" I can't believe it's actually, actually, actually happening! Somebody pinch me!

  5. My fiancé was there on Dec. 22. According to him, the wait was the longest/hardest part. He said he was there for roughly two hours overall, but the actual interview portion took about five minutes - the rest was just waiting for his number to be called.


    As JFH said, it is more like you're catching someone up on your life rather than being "interrogated." From what my fiancé told me, they asked him about my job and they jibber jabbered about that for a few minutes, and I think a lot of the details of his answer answered many of the follow-up questions. I don't recall him telling me any more questions related to my job or income apart from "what does she do?"


    Now, my fiancé and I met because I was childhood pen pals with his sister and miraculously we kept it up over the years before the ease of email or the internet! He and I have known each other existed for 24 years, but we first met in person 12 years ago when I flew to visit her and luckily he just happened to be around one day! It was another 10 years before I mustered up the courage to tell him I developed a crush during that visit - but I finally did and the rest is history! The interviewer DID want to know more details about that since it's a pretty unusual story! Basically he asked about the sister and whether or not I am still friends with her and when I visited him in December 2015, did I see her too, how does she feel about everything....but really as he described the interview, the questions came naturally as if you were telling anyone else in the world a story like that! 


    After about five minutes of that kind of thing, the officer said he "was sorry but.....it looks like you have packing to do! I'm approving your visa!" As I've read a lot of the reviews it does appear that many of the officers joke at the end. It sounds to me like a very friendly and somewhat upbeat experience considering how nerve-wracking it feels!



  6. 4 hours ago, CRamak said:

    It's midnight here. My fiance just picked up his passport at his hometown location in India. The CEAC status STILL says "administrative processing", but the passport had the visa in it. AHHHHHHHHHH THANK GOD!!!! I am in tears.. in a good way this time. Thank you all for your good wishes. I am shaking!! Now just to get him here asap! I am BEYOND relieved and happy. 

    Hallelujah!!!! Congratulations!!!!!


    It must feel like you can finally breathe now! Well done!

  7. Valabum,

    I know it tends to be expensive, well because anything is more than free, but I know that in the UK if you go private you can speed things up! Is this an option for him? Or with all the other expenses is it out of the budget? Another option, I believe, is that he can reach out to his old doctor if he can find them and have them fax the records to Knightsbridge. I know finding him might be hard, but there was someone previously who had a similar type issue and that worked for them. I will try and find the post and link it for you so you can read exactly what they did regarding the doctor moving.

    Just trying to think of options for you!

    That's definitely an option but that would severely eat into our budget. It's a hard decision to make but for now we are just going to wait. I told him the same as I said here - we were approved in 46 days, far earlier than expected. This isn't a "delay," it's just.....coming out even.

    I don't like it though. I don't like it one bit. We were on a fast track to being together by Christmas.

    I think that's what bothers me the most. I got my hopes up and was convinced he'd be here by Christmas. Now this is sort of like a slap in the face - and my poor guy now feels guilty he ever sought treatment in the first place, knowing its come back to haunt him.

    But of course that's silly! Just the fact he hasn't seen a therapist in ages is more important than anything else! It's kinda like "keep up the good work!"

    Meanwhile I'm unhappy but...what else can you do?

  8. Well I'm devastated. Actually, that word doesn't even come close.

    My fiancé had his medical this week. His regular doctor was kind enough to submit his entire file from 1980-whatever to present.

    Problem is, there's a truckload of things missing. It's inconsequential, but that time he broke his leg as a kid? It's disappeared! It's like it never happened! His vaccination record is also missing, which isn't a huge deal but only a pain that he must get some shots again.

    The most important thing of all is missing - his most recent evaluation for depression. Ugh, he hasn't even seen a therapist for AGES! To make matters worse, the therapist had moved to another country since then as well!

    So now he has to see his GP in November, who will refer him to someone for a new evaluation. In other words, we're delayed indefinitely.

    I'm more than a little annoyed because I suffered depression as a teenager (I'm nearly 37 now) yet no one is studying me under a microscope! Nor have they ever! When I mention it to doctors, they kind of shrug their shoulders like its a pretty common and routine occurrence! I'm sure it's especially common for teenagers too, but cmon!

    I don't mean to make light of depression - I just don't jump to conclusions that every single sufferer must be suicidal. It feels like he's considered guilty before being proven innocent!

    However, on the bright side, the doctor at his medical this week was very understanding. She apologized that she couldn't forward the case along, and then asked how we met. She said our story sounded "like a fairy tale," and apologized again that the process has become so complicated for us just to be together. So that was nice to hear!

    The only consolation I'm getting is knowing everything else up until now has moved very quickly - faster than we imagined. Maybe with this delay, we'll come out even. Not early, just even.

  9. I've got the coolest thing to tell you guys!

    The number 24 has mysteriously popped up EVERYWHERE since my fiancé and I got together. For instance, we reconnected online Dec 24, 2014, I told him I was in love with him one month later on Jan. 24. By Feb 24, we were "official" and "out" to friends and family. My flight receipt ended in 24, I had seat number 24 on the plane, his immigrant number begins with 24....it just goes on and on! It's our lucky number!

    I finally received my NVC letter yesterday. As I read the embassy address to him, he shrieked and said "read it again! Slower, sweetheart!"

    24 Grosvenor Square!

  10. I just got home from visiting my fiancé in Australia. It's so painful to say goodbye and to leave such a gorgeous country.

    Good news is we are just about waiting for an interview date, so hopefully it will be a brief time apart (as I wish for all of you: speedy permanent reunions!!).

    Tasha and everyone else waiting, sending you good thoughts for this week!!

    Welcome back!!!!

    It's so hard. Our "song" is Billy Joel's "The Longest Time." I was fighting back tears on the flight home, and decided to listen to the free music Delta provided along the way.

    Pop in the earphones...."The Longest Time" was on. Ugh. Worst flight ever.

    But let's look on the bright side! It's almost all over!

  11. I did the same thing yesterday! I knew I should wait another week since I had only gotten my NOA2 on the 7th, but I couldn't help it. I called and got my case number and invoice number! They said to call back next week or check next week and the application should be sent to Casablanca. Hearing "you'll be dealing with them from then on" was brilliant!

    Habibi and I have really had to step up our wedding planning!!

    There was just something about her saying that line that felt so surreal!

    This whole thing feels so bizarre. My childhood pen pals brother - my teenage crush - that guy I met on a sofa 11 years ago and didn't have the guts to tell him how I felt....I'm telling this person on the other end of the line his full name, birthday and my own. We're getting married!!!!

    It was so awesome when I told him. I have a cold at the moment, unfortunately!

    I say "She asked for your birthday, and she said, - cough cough - LDN....."

    He replied, "Oh! Did she add the coughs too?" Haha!

  12. Sooooo, my fiancé and I agreed to be mature and patient while waiting for the case number to arrive in the mail.....

    Hahaha - who are we kidding? I'd had enough waiting and called today!

    Not only did I get the number, but the case was sent to London a week ago! Whoo hoo!!!!!!

    I wanted to cry when the operator kindly said "You'll be dealing with London from now on! Have a nice day!"

    I can't wait to tell him!!!!

  13. I've just received my NOA 2 and I'm getting everything together I need to mail over to my sweetie.

    On the second page of the I-134 affidavit of support, do I inherently add my assets in the column (for instance, real estate and mortgage info) or is this similar to the I-864 where you add it only if you plan on using it as income? I don't plan on using any assets to meet requirements, so I wasn't sure if the I-134 wants to know about it anyway, or only if I need it as an extra leg up!

    The second question is age....I feel dumb asking this! Naturally I'm preparing these forms in advance to mail to England. By the time my fiancée needs to use them, it's very possible that I would have had my birthday, so should I give my age now and sign and date accordingly - or add one year and sign and date in advance?

    Or leave those two spaces blank and have my fiancé fill that in when he schedules the interview?

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