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Posts posted by jamerican

  1. Go Ray… Whoo dat man be putting it down he gets lunch served ta him with a smile….LOL

    Good Morning All….

    Question when you first kissed yuh mate could he kiss or did you have to work with him?

    Quana yuh hush mi knoa yuh answa already…. LOL

    He was a great kisser, so much so that I didn't even care that we were in the middle of the square in Ochi by the clock tower... :blush:

  2. Get this, I called myself changing the pattern lock on my phone and can't remember what it is so there is an option to enter in my email to unlock it and it won't work either!!! :crying::angry::crying::angry:

    On another note....I am keeping the secret/surprise!!! He did ask "are you sure you aren't coming down?" I was very adament almost indignant saying with what $$$? Explaining that if we get an interview in the next couple of months I will need to come then...and reminding him that I am a student and not working... :bonk::rofl::rofl::rofl:

  3. Ells...I sooo understand how you are feeling....I got ahold of some referbished phones one time and brought them down to sell. Well, Kevin (the x) sold a couple to cousins and one to a coworker. We never heard the end of that...6 months later the cousin called K's mom who then called K to say she wanted her $$ back because the phone broke...(calling the mom was a ploy because she didn't have the nerve to call directly) :blink: SIX MONTHS LATER!!!! and then the co-worker said shortly after buying it,(when he was broke) that he needed his $$ back because he was broke and shouldn't have bought it....of course he had used it and it was all scratched up... NEVER AGAIN :angry:

  4. Hello all....How everyone's weekend is going well. It is a beautiful day out here in the Pacific NW....

    My massage yesterday was GREAT from the Groupon coupon I got.... Nat, I disabled the daily emails so I am not tempted to buy the deals you might want to try that. Ells, thanks for sending that email to them but I am really just glad that you signed up because I bet you and lehi will get some great deals.

    Not remembering who asked about our interview but we have some more forms to send in before we get case complete...I did a boo boo and ordered Michaels birth certif online thus we are trying to correct it by having him get it there...so, I plan on picking it up when I am there next week (told michael to send it back with my vj "Friend" who is bringing down his phone).

    Ells, your weekend plans sound fun...yall should just drive another 4 hours and you will be up by me!!!

    JQ, remember my purse!! Have fun in LA...what I wouldn't give to be shopping in Santee Alley right now!

  5. Hello everyone.... This term is DONE...FINISH! Did well on all of the tests so I feel REALLLLLLLL GOOOOOD. Anyone ever go onto the website www.groupon.com ? It is a site where you log into your city and there are daily coupons for services or restaurants offered to groups of people. I have bought a couple so far and I am using my first one today for a $90 heated/aromatherapy massage for $45! The other coupon I got was for an indian restaurant $35 for $15. OMG just looked at today and the deal today in my town is $750 worth of lazer hair removal for $99....I want this soooo bad...

    If any of you do sign up if you list my code since I referred you I will get $10....http://www.groupon.com/r/uu844133 either way I just think it is a really good site so if not...no problems just wanted you all to be aware of it.

    Didn't mean this to sound like an infommertial... :hehe:

  6. Mawning Afternoon Yardies :star: Thank you all for all your support :thumbs::yes: my Hubby came home and just fit right in :luv: it was so easy to get the kids up and dressed and out the door and Fat has been very good and when he slips my hubby calls his name once and he's like :innocent: i am going to post my review soon so you all can get the details but it was quite a journey and very emotional for us :crying::yes:

    BTW I HATE THE NEW VJ!:angry:

    Congrat MsSheka....Glad all is going well and I can't wait to hear your story...

  7. I haven't been on all day. :crying: Hope it won't take too long to catch up.


    Attention Morning Star purchasers!

    Today I had 2 morning star spicy black bean burgers for lunch (just the patties) & it was delicious! I had the thought: I've never seen coupons for this brand, though, & it's too pricey to get regularly.

    Then I was just looking at the grocery store ads today and see that Kroger has Morning Star products for $2.49 each if you buy 8. That's way better than the $5 something I paid for those 4 patties.

    How much do their products typically cost regularly & when on sale?


    Also, no word on cell phone. So that I'll have a cell phone when picking Steven up tomorrow, I went ahead & got a new SIM card and put it into an older phone.

    Nat....I don't normally pay more that $3 for the box of 4 patties...lemmi check my receipt....

    ok, I can't find my receipt but I remember I thought they were higher than normal...so, maybe spent $3.50???

  8. no plans for me YET... think i wanna go dancing tonight.. gotta figure out how imma break it to roger that i will be having fun while he is at work :whistle::rofl:

    I wish I lived near you....just go on out dancing on the drop of a dime---U GO GIRL!!!!

    This just made my mouth water...thanks Irie!!!! Now I am going to have to go and get one.

    in regards to that shamrock shake......I had one yesterday cause I too was craving one and I got half way through and some sort of "pineapple like" item came up the straw...... :angry: so I bout lost my lunch and threw the rest away!!!

    Good Luck tomorrow Just.....

    I haven't changed my name yet and I've been married over a year. LMAO Now, I'm like why change it now because I love my name. :rofl: Maybe one of these days.

    I haven't changed mine either BUT...he hasn't even gotten here yet so honestly I don't feel married (I aint doin nothin) but anyyyyyywayyy, I also didn't want my name to be different from my childrens so I will go hiphenated as Pope-Reid.

    doesn't it???? oohhh you sound all ROCKEFELLERISH did anybody see "who is clark rockefeller"?

    irie.. i would be the same!!!!

    Chaquana Grant Gayle, you, islandwoman, dillon, and shemmy are my sisters from other mothers LOL

    Uhhhh Quanna.....???? u forget someone??? :angry:

    dills i asked u earlier, what did u end up doing last night..

    HEYYY.. i got my 6th star sometime between yesterday and today.. that only took like 6 mnths LOL

    Thats cause you chatty chatty :rofl:

    That sounds like a lot of work! :help:

    :yes::yes: True!

    I bet he is! I'm very happy that Lehi has no regrets about leaving home. Of course, he still misses it at times but I tell ya, if we had all the same foods here, I think he'd hardly miss it at all. He was talking last night about when we go, bringing back a suitcase full of bulla bread! :lol::no:

    Will put on the list to bring you some....actually HIM some, it's michaels fav also but I think it's nasty.

  9. Q, I be looking t the clock. LMAO He says I'm on FB and VJ too damn much and so when he leaves, I log on or do whateva I want to at that point. He hard the nerve to ask me if I could bring his lunch up to the job at midnight last night. I was like what yuh tek mi fah.... He said I'm just playing and I hung up in his ear. This morning I said you weren't playing you really thought I was going to get out the bed at 12pm and bring you lunch. ###### naw... I'm kind, but not that damn kind. He got the game twisted. :angry:

    Girl....you should have brought it up there wearing nothing but a raincoat!!! :rofl: and if he is anything like mine...he'd say...."why you troubling me?" bet he wouldn't ask again!!! ....or maybe he would hmmmmmmmm :rofl:

  10. Alarm set to ring in 3 hrs. Why am I STILL awake? I did just finish Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. I'd started it years ago & it sat on the book shelf half read until now.

    Nat, for some reason when I was reading this I was reading it real fast as if you were on speed or caffine.... :rofl:

    Good Morning!

    Good Job on the test Jamerican and good luck today!

    Nat, I swear in the 2 days since changing clocks back... I cannot get to sleep at night. I am up until midnight and then tired when I have to get up in the morning. It is so annoying. Although in your case it seems your getting alot of work done.

    Also, when Louis was in SLU I didnt sleep well then either. Even though he works nights... it was different when he was in a whole other country! Maybe you will be super sleepy tonight and can get to bed early. Don't drink that Earl Grey before bed.... caffeine! :)

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!

    Thanks Irie :thumbs:


    Happy Anniv 1luv

    Good morning ladies

    Lawny- I had a dream about you last might lady. God Bless you and your family. (F)

    Tee- i hear you about putting a wraps on it, I am because dont want it following me, due to falsification.

    Happy anni 1 luv

    Im good always thanks for asking

    hows married life?

    :ot: Listen yall

    I feel like fighting hubby. Why do he feel like he can do what ever he want to do and make decisions, and I can't say anything.

    1. But when I tell him Im going to JA for 5 days (heck no you going for 3) or

    2. My sis b-day today so she went otCali so I told her I will come Fri/Sat to spend it out there with here and we both come back home and he tell me(no you not going anywhere so get it off you mind)

    He always got something to say. If I wanna go somewhere its a problem to hang with my girls but when he goes with his friends and I dont say anything, he makes that decision sometimes and dont even ask me.

    I might have to kick his azz like I did, somoa slam momma. :rofl:

    Do any of yall have that problem? They feel like they are the man so they make all the decisions?

    He spends his money anyway he want and feel like he dont have to get the approval from me. Which is ok because we have separate bank accts and joint for bills and savings and thats going great. But Im talking 100's of dollars yall. But anything I want to do he can say yes or no.

    Im in a delima.

    Because Im going anyway :dance::help::ot2:

    Now I know my hubby isn't here so things may change but girl....I have the opposite prob...well almost, Michael is soooo laid back all he says to me when I am going out is "NO RUM" cause he knows me :blush: Even if he tells me he doesn't like something (unless he is talking about food) he is so soft about it I find myself not paying much mind :blink::whistle: I know that is bad but like I said it is a lot different LD...we will see....I would just suggest having a serious sit down and put it out on the table...then compromise. On a side note......I am finding it very hard to believe that you are not outspoken about this to him...WOW, he got you whipped!!!! :rofl:

    Plus if anyone know about California they have some great mall and swapmeets but Im going to downtown LA for the garment district. need some JA outfits and spring clothes. :angry:

    OMG I love going to santee alley!!!!!get me a purse!!!

    JQ, be careful with the sensus taking. Do you go door to door? 2 women were assaulted here in Maine while taking sensus questions. But I know you could handle it. :)

    I also think you should be able to do what you want. I know we are married now and we should talk about what we want to do or buy etc.. but to ask permission... I dont know about that. My mom always says "Louis is letting you go out"... I am like #######? I dont ASK if I can go out... LOL And Louis doesn't make that an issue.

    Jew... I set up Louis' FB, we have the same password etc and can go on each other's for whatever reason. He is always asking me to delete stuff, or reply to e-mails... because he says he takes to long to type.

    I saw an e-mail from "an old friend" from st Lucia. I did not like what she had to say and he deleted her... I am glad for that! I don't think you should worry about snooping... hubby shouldnt have anything to hide!! 1

    Speaking of FB. Louis posted a sappy love song on his page and said it was for "his lovely wife" .. LOL

    I think he knows he made me mad the other day and that was his way of saying sorry. awwwww

    thats so sweet!!! I set up Michael's too....he doesn't even go on it very much...

    girl it hard.. i wanted to go out last night, but im learning not to spend every dollar cuz i can LOL..

    roger is irking me tho cuz he has an $18 check from his job.. he had come in and signed some papers and they paid him for his time :dance::dance: girl everytime i look at it, im like.. WHY ISN"T THAT IN THE BANK.. he said he will just wait till he get his check on friday and put them both in the bank :blink: girl do you know all the plans i had for that $18, i just keep passing it on the dresser and it calls my name LOL..i am not a frivolous person w/ money, but you better believe i will FIND something i can do w/ any dollar i find.. :bonk:

    Quanna...sounds like you got a good match for you!!! I am hoping for the same in mine!!! only time will tell.

  11. Back from school....80 out of 100....I am toooo happy about that because kinesiology aint easy at all!!! Plus I am OLD... :whistle: and mi nah memba much...

    Jam Q...DANG GIRL...... :wacko: That was some grocery shopping experience! What I am wondering-why is the store pressing charges? Shoot...that's the security guard's job to maintain the public...normally they just watching for shoplifters he should be glad he had something to do! :bonk:

    ok, 2 tests tomorrow...Anatomy and Physiology lab and lecture so gonna go study about the Nervous System and cells :blink:

  12. LOL @ that pic and they feel that way sometimes too :yes:

    :wow: @ your friend!

    so you had the reduction surgery, how was it,how much did you have removed, do yo have a scar?

    Before surg. I was a DD with no shape or form (I know... tmi) but now I am a true b and if I want more I wear padded but I can go without and I LOVE that! :thumbs: Almost no scar, but then it has been 9 years.

    Jamerican--you might also want to try El Greco in MoBay...it's a little more than Toby's, but it includes a full kitchen. PLUS they give you free passes to use the beach across the street. No problems. We've stayed there several times and we've always enjoyed!

    Jamerican--you might also want to try El Greco in MoBay...it's a little more than Toby's, but it includes a full kitchen. PLUS they give you free passes to use the beach across the street. No problems. We've stayed there several times and we've always enjoyed!

    Thanks will look into El Greco...

  13. Okay now yall really gonna give bunz a heart attack! lol... I never had back pains until right before I was in a car accident.

    I have a confession to make.... I have a herniated disc in my neck and when I had the car accident it aggrivated it. I also sleep crazy like with my hand under the pillows which cause me to pull down on my breasts while sleeping. Well the doctor thought this is what caused the herniated disc, but I think its due to my younger days, I used to like having my hair pulled! blink.gif I was too embarrased to admit that to the doctors. Apparently its not good though because twice theyve tried to schedule me for surgery blink.gif and I ran.

    Ive thought about a breast reduction but they want me to lose some weight first... I aint too keen on losing weight right now so I guess no reduction for me.

    I wrote a nice long reply to this then the damn computer/site froze up :angry:

    Basically I wanted to say that the excuse/reason that you need to loose weight prior to breast reduction is crazy....I do understand for any surg. there are risks but also your health and quality of life are important too and the longer you wait to reduce them ... the more the wear and tear on your body.

  14. where i wanna see/read it lol

    Bunz yes the size does exist rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif I think I put Bunz into shock lmao

    My good friend has 44J...and she is only 5'2".... has such a hard time finding bra's cause she doesn't like to order them online due to every company sizes a little different. I am just glad not to have that problem...had mine taken down after having Alanah 9 years ago....that was a load off of my back ...REALLY :rofl:

  15. Has anyone seen the show on BET with the Dad from Every body hates Chris? I saw it last night and it was really cracking me up...I am trying to figure out his family though. Looks like he has 3 younger kids but then some older ones too? I know he has been married to his wife for 20 years. That is awesome.

    I started watching this last week when he asked her to "Remarry/renew vows" it was a very nice ceremony...

    Weird news...

    This guy Louis worked with back in St Lucia has been missing for a few days.

    They found his head on the beach!! Ewww!



    Decameron is on the beach. Sandals. Holiday Inn Sunspree.

    Decameron is booked....Sandals nor Holiday Inn are in the budget...Looking at Toby's or there are a couple B & B (not on beach of course)....don't know what to do...

    Yall know I beat her azz like a drum in a run a way slave contest.

    Details soon come, It gets good. And whats so killing about it my cuzzin posted it on FB the actual fight from her cell phone. :bonk::wow:

    Im like Biotch we are pending litigation and you post the fight. But then you see her drop the cell phone when the biotch tried to slam me backwards.

    Girl you gotta finish this story......

  16. LOL I got the black bean burgers today too.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!!

    So funny, I just ran to target cause I was out of them too!!!

    I need suggestions yall..... So, I am doing well keeping the secret about me surprising Michael.... When I got my new phone in December I told him he could have my blackberry but I wasn't gonna pay to have it sent and we just dropped it. I told him he should be here by summer so just keep using his old phone. Well anyway, I told him I found a VJ friend who was heading down and will carry it for me/him. :innocent: I keep stressing though that he can't be late or else he won't be able to get the phone and a "surprise" I am sending... :whistle:

    IT IS KILLING ME KEEPING THIS SECRET....but it will be sooooooo good seeing his face!

    Here is where I need the advice... I am only gonna be there 3 nights which is the shortest ever!!! I don't want to spend alot of time traveling so I am thinking of a place in Mobay. The problem is I am a beach person...I love being able to just leave the hotel and walk out on the beach....Is there any place like that in Mobay? I stayed on the strip my very first trip and that was cool but now I am not feelin the walking across the street and paying to go onto the beach... :help:

  17. They had nerve lol

    mine is about 6ft 5 too lol

    Where yall find all these tall Jamaican men??? Michael aint no shorty but daaaangggg 6'5"?? I'd be able to wear all my heals no problem!!

    Good morning yardies:

    I took the test from hell this morning. I found the paper test to be harder/confusing more than the computerized test. Ive been praying all along and I must say that as I was taking it, I had a calmness in my spirit, so prayerfully I hope I did well. Thanks for all the encouragement and support. Special thanks to Brooke :)

    Girl....you got this!!!

    Hey Yardies!

    Tee, I know you Aced that test girl.

    Nat: I hope hubby did good on his test for school.

    Howard Stern has always been a total idiot so I don't expect any better from the dumbazz.

    For those of you that were here last year you'll find this funny. This morning hubby turned to me and said honey you know what I want for dinner today. I say what? He says Baked chicken, rice and broccoli........................................................................

    ... :wacko:

    I sat up and said yuh one raasclott idiot... Yuh just ah tell mi sey yuh tiyad of rice an chicken. :rofl: He looked at me and said Mich, how much time mi tell yuh fi stop telling mi bad wurds... :bonk:

    Finesse, this is your last weekend preggo.. :dance: Do you have someone's contact so somebody can let us know when the babies arrive?

    ...Howard Stern has no business talking about anyones looks PERIOD! I didn't even listen to it either Nat cause I overheard a radio show host talking about it.....

    Mich-that is so funny...I get that response too, guess we have dutty mout :innocent:

  18. Im about to lose my mind... Something told me to go on my son's page and his girlfriend left him a comment so then I clicked on her page, low and behold she has under the profile picture....IM PREGNANT AND IM LIVING EVERYDAY SUCCESSFUL!!! #######?????Then psycho girl(the one who kept saying she wasn't and then she was going to keep it) called me yesterday morning while I was driving to work talking bout "I just called cause I haven't talked to you in a while" Look B, forget the formalities are you pregnant or not... she kept the baby!!!!!!!!! and now this other broad might be pregnant? Imma be a grandma twice in one year???? *FAINTS*

    someone hand me a knife so I can "sterilize" my son :blink:

    ohhh honey.....I have no clue how you must be feeling so I aint even gonna lie. Just remember it is HIS responsibility...you can be supportive with love but step back and if he is man enough to make them...he better be damn ready to support them!!! (I know easier said than done....)

  19. ok....I DID IT..... I came home last night after class (and after meeting up with some classmates for a couple of margaritas).....got on line..... AND....... bought a ticket to JA!!!!! March 28th - April 1st. :blush: I know it is just a quick little trip....and I have never gone for such a short period of time due to the time it takes to get there from the west coast...... :wacko: feeling a bit nervous..... :blink: but really excited :D ... I want to surprise Michael....but my I can't keep a secret :(:o:( .... anybody gonna be there then????

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