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Posts posted by linafinn

  1. Thank you Suss!! Yeah I dont have anything stronger than alvedon... I tried citodon once and it worked wonders but I've just been too lazy to go to the doctor and get it prescribed myself :')

    It feels really liberating to get rid of all your stuff haha. Im only bringing 2 suitcases with clothes and other belongings. I've given the rest of my clothes to charity and thrown away my other old stuff. My mom wanted to keep my furnitures so she can have that haha

  2. Thank you, me too!

    I'll be moving as soon as I get the Visa. I don't want to book the ticket before I get it (just in case anything happens), so I guess in 2 weeks?

    I've been unemployed since July and no one have been wanting to hire me since I'm leaving anyways, I also live with my mom so I don't have any contracts or anything that keeps me from leaving whenever I get the visa :)

  3. Thank you so much! I arrived an hour early and the interview took less than 10 minutes. The officer was super nice and not intimidating at all!

    He asked:

    1. What I do for a living

    2. What Sean does for a living

    3. How we met and when

    4. Since we met on a game called Dota 2 he asked if the first Dota one wasn't good enough lol

    5. Why I want to marry him

    6. If we consider ourselves funny people (lol)

    7. When we plan on getting married

    8. And then jokingly asked about a photo that Sean's mother took of us from a security camera (she is a security manager) when we were on our way to meet her. His question was "Did you guys rob a bank or something?"

    9. If I found it weird that she took the photo. I said no because his mother is hilarious and weird (in a good way of course).

    And then he said that the visa will be issued as soon as they receive the results from my medical!

    Almost started crying infront of him when he said that.

    So I had a really good experience and I'm glad that I'll finally be able to sleep properly. I've been on complete edge this entire week so I'm really glad its finally over. For now :)

  4. Aaaand I was approved!

    On the train home now haha

    Or technically he isnt allowed to approve me because they havet received my medical yet but the doctor confirmed that it was sent this Monday so they'll receive it either today or tomorrow. But the officer said that he'll officially approve it once he receives it

    Damn phone I think I just double sent that, my apologies lol

  5. Aaaand I was approved!

    On the train home now haha

    Or technically he isnt allowed to approve me because they havet received my medical yet but the doctor confirmed that it was sent this Monday so they'll receive it either today or tomorrow. But the officer said that he'll officially approve it once he receives it

  6. I don't even trust my mailman... I was waiting for a letter from my doctor to give to the doctor at the medical (I was treated for depression a while back) and the mailman just put the letter in another gate of my apartment building (to which I have no access to) on the pin wall so anyone could've taken my letter that contained my personal number amd highly private information. The letter wasnt even adressed to the wrong place, the mailman just couldnt be bothered going to the next gate thats 5 meters away... So I'm a bit bothered by that lol

    Luckily my childhood friend saw the letter and brought it to me. She had just gotten back from her vacation the same day too so I was really lucky!

  7. Omg I'm gonna give them hell with my evidence... No it's not 100 pages of ONLY chat logs, it's mixed with like photos and stuff too. I meant all the evidence combined :rofl: But I do believe about 60 of them consists of chatlogs.... uhm.... maybe I should re-organise the folder tomorrow since I need to print out more recent stuff too.... :oops:

  8. Hahaha! Might as well be safe than sorry!

    Yeah I already have a 2 kg folder with bank statements and evidence and Im not even done... How much evidence did you bring? Because I already have almost 100 pages of chatlogs, call logs from whatsapp, printed pictures, receipts, print screens of our skype video conversations... I dont know where to stop or how much is enough lol

  9. Thanks you both! Yeah I've got that impression as well, that the interview is the easiest part and that the interviewer is really nice so that's a bit comforting. I'm still nervous though :P I mean it's my future they are deciding on...

    I'm a time pessimist when it comes to super important meetings so I'll probably end up being there at 7... I was like 2 hours early to my medical, they managed to squeeze me in though because of a no-show (THANK YOU RANDOM NO SHOW-ER <3).... But yeah I'm gonna keep myself as occupied as possible tomorrow with printing out more evidence and all the other papers so that I don't have time to freak out about it :P

  10. Good luck, linafinn, you'll be fine! The interview is very easy and is over so quickly it's not worth any worry. They're all very friendly too (apart from the guy in window 6 who was quite rude while he denied everybody but one during the 2 hours I was there, hahaha).

    I'll post a review when I get the time. If you're going to stay at a hotel close by and haven't booked one yet I'd recommend STF Gärdet, only a 15 minute walk on a wide grovel path across the field and you're right by the embassy. VERY convenient and it's not the most expensive choice either. I think the absolute closest one is Villa Källhagen.

    Thank you!!! Yeah I feel the nerves are about to kick in now :'(

    I already live in Stockholm (about 20 min from the central) so I'm really lucky. Especially since I've seen people from all across Scandinavia going to this specific consulate to have their interviews :/

  11. Yes when you went through the booking of the interview there was a question that asked for the address where you want your passport sent. It asks for your home address, but I can't imagine they actually send it straight to your home. They probably send it with "recommendation" or whatever it's called so you have to go to the nearest kassaservice and pick it up (with valid ID).

    Thanks! :D

    But wait do they keep your passport at the interview or do they just make a copy of it and then give it back before you leave? I'm asking since I only use my passport as ID (yes I'm very inconvenient :rofl: )

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