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Posts posted by denali1022

  1. I for one am not ready to give up this country to Putin. Call me an old fashioned corny patriot if you want

    Yeah you die hard democratic patriots. Loved all the american flags waving in the back ground of the DNC. That was a nice touch. Didnt see too many of you guys in uniform with the rest of us. Probably too busy practicing the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance. Crafty old patriots you.

  2. ..in favor of a candidate that has expressed doubts about NATO, secrecy over his financial ties to Russia, that has lobbied on behalf of Russian interests in the Republican platform. A candidate that refuses to release any tax returns.

    As opposed to a candidate that has expressed more than just doubts about even the most basic of human rights such as gay marriage (not anymore though right), secrecy over her own financial ties to Russia, that has lobbied on behalf of Saudi Arabia on a democratic platform. A candidate that has refusef to release and then subsequesntly deleted government documents and emails and then lied about it.

    Yeah you've convinced me. IM WITH HER TOO!!

    Still excited to see thise emails!! :D

  3. Who would benefit from a release of DNC documents on this day? This is the most obvious...


    If there were no agenda then why not release them when stolen?

    Dramatic effect obviously. You dont walk in the room and drop the punchline. You build up to it. The real question is what was really stolen? We have no idea. Have we seen it all yet? Oh i think not. The good stuff is yet to come.

    Who performed the breach and stole the data?

    Who knows but according to Director Comey at the FBI stated there probably will be no evidence to even prove a breach just as he said about Hillarys basement servor. It was ever bit as secure as the government owned servors according to her.

    What money has been loaned to Trump projects from Russia and Kazakhstan?

    No idea. Good question though. How much money have the clintons received from Russia? Equally good question.

    Why did Trump representatives only intervene with one and only one RNC platform item, the amendment that called for sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine.

    Maybe he understand the situation there better. Honestly idk and idc. Sorry

    What will be the Trump policy on NATO? He is apparently is putting new conditions on the alliance.

    Whatever it is i dont think it has anything to do with Russia. Just my opinion. Hes a business man and i think he sees it as a failing financial endeavor.

    What are the connections between Manafort and Putin?

    Kissing cousins most likely. Trump strikes me as a kisser so maybe that was the appeal.

  4. Again, the perceived ease of it, has nothing to do with how well your spouse will be vetted or how well anyone else's spouse is vetted compared to yours from any other country. Your process will be easier and faster than even our process went, and vetting will have nothing to do with that. Imagine the number of applications from the Philippines that just flew right on by, got their visa within a few months and already married (there was one that was approved within days), while tons of others from the ''easy'' countries just sat still endlessly waiting.

    I believe you just made my point for me. Waiting isnt the same as vetting. All applicants ahould be vetted just as i was when i received my security clearance imo. They talked to my family members, classmates, neighbors, former employers and coworkers amongst others. So with that said do you really think your husband was vetted? I think not.

    I gave up nothing for ease of processing except for many sleepless nights without my loved one, time, money, and a great deal of other things. So does everyone. But none of it has to do with being vetted. To give my life for my husband? What wife wouldn't give her life for her husband, if she loved them, just as my husband would (and has given up a great amount of things in his life to come to America). 15 minutes or so is all an officer roughly gets at the USCIS to trudge through your paperwork (and that's after the 'vetting'). Would it be nice if they had longer? Of course, but it still has nothing to do with vetting. The vetting will keep happening on a continual basis until completion.

    You need to go back and read my post. I didnt ask what you gave up. I asked what are you willing to give up im order to allow everyone to immigrate here unchecked beyond what they are doing now. Are you saying you would voluntarily allow your family to be slaughtered by the next radical islamist that just wants his fair share of virgins? Are you really saying that? Like you said yourself, you gave up nothing. Imagine giving up everything as many already have.

    There are many things that need to be fixed with all aspects of immigration, but none of these aspects are being talked about by politicians. It's sound bytes to get likes and votes. Nothing more. When he talks about French and Germans let's be honest.. we know exactly the who in these countries he's talking about. It's easy to see through doublespeak pandering. He's not just talking about Muslims in Muslim countries, or refugees going to other countries, he's talking about anyone that's ethnically Muslim of any country, whether they be natural born or otherwise. So what vetting would be suggested to be done than what is already done already? He's not talking about vetting, he's talking about a de facto ban and trying to spin it pretty. That's not going to stop violence within our country already by it's own citizens or our interestingly enough, homegrown terrorist groups.

    It would appear you are incorrect. This entire thread is about a politician talking about the very thing you said they arent talking about. Hes talking about cracking down on immigration from countries that arent cracking down on their own immigration. Makes sense to me. Remove them from the visa waiver program until they can get their stuff together. Im all for it.

    Strange enough though, how is it your philosophy on immigrants isn't applied to guns though? After a supposed 'thorough background check and vetting' with numerous laws and supposed restrictions, one could obtain a whole stash of weapons so long as they had enough time and money. But yet, year after year, so many are murdered at the hands of both legal and illegally obtained guns. The majority of our mass shooters were all legally obtained and passed the 'thorough background vetting'. But we as Americans, are supposed to shrug and sigh and say that's okay, so long as majority are the good owners, the bad apples getting through is just what happens.. oh well.

    Ah yes another (im assuming) liberal that thinks they know about gun laws. This is my backyard and its fun to play in. Im a lifetime nra member and an executive in the firearms industry. Lets play. How many guns have you purchased? What process did you go through to purchase it? If you havent then on what experience are you basing this on? Again you make my points for me. You dont like the current background checks unless it benefits you. Ok for immigration purposes but not for gun purchases. After all its only easy for some but not for others so the system must be good enough....your words.

    Men far greater than me, you (no offense), and your husband.....and just about anyone you ever have or ever will meat made sure that firearms will forever be allowed to be owned by american citizens. Not because they wanted us to shoot targets and hunt but so that we have the power to protect ourselves...yes even you....from our own government when that governement no longer represents us. No other object is made mention anywhere in the constitution in that regard. Do you think it was important to them? Did they mention anything about immigration at all? For that purpose alone i will say one has no bearing on the other. In fact i would say that comparing the two not only hurts hurts your argument but rather solidifies my own.

    And lastly i will point out that dui deaths each year is higher than firearm homicides. Vehicular deaths overall are higher annually than firearm related deaths. We havent done a single thing other than prohibition and raising the drinking age to curb dui deaths and absolutely nothing to curb vehicular deaths. How many of those cars were purchased legally? How much of the booze was purchased legally? None of which is a constitutional right.

    Bad people do bad things and ususally to good people. Why in the world would you oppose keeping the bad people away from your loved ones?

    Btw. Good debate. Im enjoying your insight. You make me think and thats always a good thing. ?

  5. Hows $500 for that bridge sound to you? Who am i to judge? Im one of the guys that had to go get shot at to protect this country. I think ive earn a little bit of a right to decide who it is we are risking our lives for. I think ive earned the right to have at least some assurance that my wife and kids will be safe while im over there. Maybe you think im wrong. Again just another one of your constitutuional rights that i hope everyone is grateful for.

    You said its not easy for everyone. Whats your definition of not easy? How long is too long to wait? Yes some will still get through the process with even the most evil of intentions regardless of the process. So do we just throw up our hands and so oh well?

    So wheres the line? What are you willing to give up for ease of processing? Your life? The life of your wife and kids? My life? Im sorry but im not willing to give up any of that just to make it "easy" for the good people. Im not wiling to allow a few really bad ones in so that we can allow the majority of good ones in. In the end someone pays with everything they have. Im not ok with that at all. Maybe you are.

  6. You see a direct correlation? There is an amandment that says that a non regulated immigration policy is necessary to the security of a free state? Did i miss that part in school?

    We currently have gun control. Not to the extent that some would like but its regulated nonetheless. You must be 18. You must not have a restraining order against. You cant be an illegal alien. On and on it goes and i didnt even mention the background check or touch on NFA items.

    I can see where you are trying to go but its a major reach. I could come back at you with...so you think we shouldnt have a driving test because there are already bad drivers on the roads?

  7. Your fiance has already been vetted and will continue to be vetted all the way until they decide to apply for citizenship. All of us who have immigrant spouses have. How do you think they got here?

    Yup and if its as easy for everyone else as it has been for us then we have a problem. Do you really think they took the time to take a hard look at her or even my parents when they immigrated here legally? If you do then i have a bridge to sell you on some beach front property in nebraska. Lets be honest. They see what we show them and know what we tell them. Just look at all of the fraudulant marriage and visa posts just here on vj. Make it tougher. Im fine with that even if it effects me personally. I cant seem to find the down side.

  8. Be prepared to have a backup plan after you land in phil. I know two people that have flown there to meet someone they met online only to find that nobody was at the airport to meet them. Online scams are rampant and is viewed as a means of income now im sorry to say. Watch out for the "i live with my cousin and my neices and nephews" story as well. I hate to be a cynic but ive met so many people that have been burned. Even my fiance will warn you to be extremely careful with your money.

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