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Posts posted by denali1022

  1. I have been reading lately that the embassy in Manila is not asking for financial docs. Im missing my tax returns and im having a hard time figuring out how to get them. The interview is at the end of the month but im worried i wont be able to get them to my fiance in time even if i find them. How risky will it be if she shows up without them and what recourse will i have if they ask for them? Thanks in advance.

  2. I'll go against the grain and tell you that I would do exactly what you are doing. I'd take the evidence that I have on hand, which to me sounds quite compelling, and send it to anyone and everyone that could possibly look into her past when applying for another visa which she most certainly will do. I've used text messages in the past as evidence in court. Send it an then you can have the closure you are looking for. You will may never know of the eventual outcome but at least you put it out there. On the other hand they may one day contact you about this situation. I'd do the exact same thing.

  3. From what i read in the thread that is linked above it seems others have gotten through the process simply by bringing the divorce decree attached ot the CEMAR to the interview. We received our NOA 2 a week ago so we will find out soon enough. From all indications we should be good to go.

  4. You should be good to go. Send her home. File for the divorce now or later. It doesnt matter. You have only been married a few months. She isnt entitled to anything. No alimony. No assets. It will be faster if you can file now and have her served now while she is here. Divore only takes a few months.

    If you really think you need something in writing then hire a lawyer to represent you both. Make sure there is an enterpreter present. Have him write a legal agreement and that she is clearly knowledgable of what she is signing. I think this is completely unnecessary however.

    I agree with the above advice. Give her some money to get back on her feet when she gets home. Move on to the next chapter. Sorry to hear it didnt work out.

  5. @dennali1022. Couldn't have said it any better. My wife is very perticular of her Filipino freinds. If they aren't of good character she doesn't want to be around them.

    And thats one reason you guys are still going strong I'm sure.

    The fact is that if you came here for the right reasons then you don't need anyone besides your significant other. You will make new friends, start a new family, create a new life but all of it has to be done together as a team. Anything or anyone that isn't good for the marriage can't be allowed. Its so simple its stupid. Like her I will also have to turn my back on some of the people in my life because its counterproductive to what we are trying to build.

    BTW where the hell is my NOA2? hahaha

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