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Posts posted by AP16

  1. Well I met my fiancee with a line... I hit on her making reference to a certain book and add "if you understand this reference, I'll marry you". It was clearly a joke. We added the screenshots of this conversation because it's how we met. What do you guys think?

    I honestly can't believe this would cause trouble. They have more important things to care about. IT would be the extreme ridiculous being denied because of it.

  2. I reviewed the prior threads and all said AOK. Even though its been a while for us to enjoy the process, I will go back to the original plan. Give then everything and anything including the kitchen sink if you think it will help, the trick is to avoid a RFE, interview just to past go and or a denial. Just my personal opinion as a "guy" in a related occupation.

    What do you mean by "interview just to past go"?

  3. Opinion question for those who have been here a while: Do you guys think I'm going to have problems with not having enough evidence for a bona fide relationship or other grounds for denial?

    I have not been here for a while, but I don't think you'll have problems. You guys lived together, there's no way someone can just assume there's not enough proof of relationship. You're fine.

    Good luck, by the way.

  4. In some countries it's a valid assumption. Immigration is a privilege, not a right.

    And you say it shouldn't be necessary to front load and the same time you're upset about them not checking the evidence you brought.... A lot of times they look at what you sent to USCIS. That's why a lot of people, especially the ones who've been here a while, tell people to front load their application. Then the new people come and try to tell people it's not necessary and that they should only send in the bare minimum and then get upset when they are denied because of lack of evidence.

    This assumption is not valid in any democratic country in the world. There's a basic principle in pretty much every legal system stating that everyone's innocent until proven guilty. Potential immigrant or not, it doesn't matter, everyone means everyone, as stated also by the principle of no discrimination of any kind. This is in US Constitution and in my country's Constitution.

    And I did not contradicted myself as you suggested. I'm saying it shouldn't be necessary to frontload your I129-F petition because the K-1 process is basically divided into 2 parts, and within this time new evidence is likely to be produced by the couple, with new visits. It is indeed my case: only after our petition was sent, I met my fiancee's family and we exchanged rings (since it's common in my country for both to wear engagement rings). So, there we go, new evidence. That's why I'm saying evidence should be looked at both by the USCIS and by the CO at the interview, since the relationship is not halted while parts wait for the visa to be processed.

    Just my thoughts. It's my job to look into legal details, sorry. I hope USCIS or the DOA are not peeking at Visa Journey ?

  5. It shouldn't be necessary to frontload the petition with personal records of your relationship, but since US immigration is anything but reasonable and they work with the illegal and unconstitutional presumption that you're trying to pull a fraud, plus the fact that the CO simply ignores all the evidence you take to the interview, as if they were able to read your mind in less than 5 minutes just by asking short questions, you can never be too careful.

  6. Thank you everyone for answering! I will follow what it seems to be the consent and just leave the job for once I have the visa and permit, being legally able to work.

    About what is being discussed, my opinion is that it would be reasonable that a job offer shown together with strong proof of bona fide relationship would help the case, since it would be evidence that the beneficiary can definetely make a living without becoming a public charge. Then again, I know it's not how it works.

    It just makes me uncomfortable that my fiancee has basically to show proof that she can be also my mom once I'm in the US, like I'm an uneducated child. I fought and studied hard to have an education that allows me to thrive wherever I need to, and I would like that my degree would prove to the CO that I don't need to immigrate to make money. Brazil has not been a third world country for some years now, and the days when people here would desperately try to run away to United States are long gone (In time, I know that no one here accused me of doing so).

    Anyway, I have the answer I need, this post is just to show my opinion about how I think it SHOULD be. But I will follow everyone's advice, thank you very much!

  7. Based on the VJ processing times you have about a month or more to go, they are currently processing early April filers and I see you filed in the second half of May. Not saying it`s not possible but with USCIS you never know what might pop up. If your embassy has a long wait time for interviews that might take a while as well,...

    If you don`t want to get disappointed, try not to guess too much when your case will be approved.

    Either way I think you have your answer anyways, good luck !

    Yes, I saw that my case might be updated on early august...

    I think my embassy doesn't have a long wait time for interviews, at least for tourist visas is really fast. And since there are not many K-1 here, I assume it will be quick.

    Anyway, I have my answer! Thank you very much, best wishes!

  8. Ok, thank you everyone!

    there is so much time in between now and getting your NOA2 for the K1, getting interviewed, moving to the US, getting married, applying for EAD/GC that it really doesn`t matter.

    I had no job offers but I`m still doing fine now after we are married. It is your partner, or their cosponser, who has to prove right now that they can provide for you until all these months have gone by and you have that EAD or greencard in hand. Your job offers, income, bank account,.. don`t really matter at this point.

    Well, I just hope that there's not that much time between now and our NOA2... I'm hoping I can be interviewed as late as september!

    Thank you anyway!

  9. A job offer will not help or hurt your chances of getting a K-1. It's not a factor in granting your visa.

    The job offer will help you with expediting the EAD when you apply for AOS.

    I thought about that because it would show that, after I'm legally able to work, I can make a living without becoming a public charge.

    So you think it doesn't matter at this point?

  10. Hello everyone!

    I'm a 25 years old brazilian guy going through K-1 process right now. I created this topic to ask if presenting evidence of a job offer at the interview would be good or bad for the case. I speak english fluently and I graduated from law school here in Brazil in april. I have the chance now to apply for a job at an attorney's office, starting to work, OFF COURSE, after I get my work permit. Here's my line of thought: it could either help our case, since it would be evidence that I can provide for myself and my fiancee in USA or it could be bad, because the consular officer can just assume that I'm going through K-1 for immigration benefits and work only.

    So, what do you think?

  11. Super tranquilo aqui no Brasil. Também pesquisei em relação a isso na minha época e nunca ouve nenhum caso sequer negado relatado com relação ao visto K1.

    Isso me deixa mais tranquilo, obrigado:)

    Vc sabe se costumam pedir comprovante de renda do beneficiário? Ou só da minha noiva no caso, cidadã americana?

  12. I'm still waiting for NOA2, I can say that we did sent some call logs from Skype. But I think the best we have when it comes to Skype it's a picture that her dad took of us sleeping facing each other through Skype. We always do that, just leave the computer on next to us and go to bed, feels a lot closer, easier to endure the distance.

    I would suggest that, some pics you take from each other while talking on Skype.

  13. Now that this horrible tragedy in Orlando happened , the Visa process that was highly scrutinized after the SB shooting just went out the window since the shooter was born and raised in the US. I love my country but damn there are no doubt so many leaks to plug in our security of our country. RIP to all those that passed ....

    Oh my friend, it's not your country specifically... every government in the world does that. When happens, they fail to address the problem itself in it's various causes to simplify as much as they can, so voters can hear and believe that something is being done to solve the problem overnight. Basically the government is saying "someone is to blame, but not me. Point fingers somewhere else".

  14. PedroKiske,

    My fiance was beyond his belief and said the exact same thing you have said,he really didnt expect that i would get denied that easily and you are right,for some of us, travelling all the time is not something that everybody can do especially when it comes to money wise of perhaps some other family matters too,we're devastated,but we are learning to accept it and working on to do whatever we can to make this happen.

    Well I hope everything goes well for you and you can overcome all this injustice in the end. Be strong and fight for your relationship!

  15. Totalmente razoável e pertinente conhecer a família e o lugar que você quer morar né? Mas muitos brasileiros abusam do visto de turista, então eles julgam todo mundo por esses que estão errados. Uma recusa de visto de turista não vai influenciar no seu k1, fica tranquilo!

    Gostaria de te perguntar mais uma coisa: vc acha que o pouco tempo em que eu e minha noiva nos conhecemos, em dezembro , só tendo nos encontrado pessoalmente 2 vezes, poderia prejudicar o processo do visto? Temos bastante fotos e até com família, a mãe dela veio visitar minha família aqui esse mês. Mas fiquei com medo depois que vi uma postagem aqui no fórum.

  16. Estava demorando tanto assim... Mas desde o fim de março de 2015, as petições i129f estão sendo exclusivamente adjudicadas no california service center. Acho que você tá confundindo service center com field office, acho que são só 5 no total, eles lidam com várias petições, da parte de verificar os requisitos básicos, preparar a documentação para os field offices, que são mais para entrevistas pra pessoas que já estão aqui.

    Eu tinha visto de turista e tirei enquanto já conhecia meu hoje marido, mas na época a gente não tinha plano concreto de se ver ou tinha estabelecido nosso relacionamento. Eu estava fazendo pos graduação, estava trabalhando em um lugar bem conhecido, ganhando bem, apartamento próprio, poupança, etc. Se você é jovem e ainda dependente, realmente eles não veem razão de você voltar, é complicado, mas infelizmente acontece porque tem tanto brasileiro por aqui ilegal, que não cumpre as regras. Aí uns perdem pelos erros dos outros.

    Meu processo aconteceu no ano passado, enviamos nossos documentos no início de maio, fiz os exames em setembro e entrevista em outubro. Viajei em dezembro, casei em março e mandei meu aos em maio. Demorei em todos os passos, mas está tudo dando certo, lentamente, mas esta. Você pode dar uma olhada na minha timeline pra datas mais precisas.

    Estou por aqui se precisar de alguma dica.

    Boa sorte!!

    Fico feliz em saber que está td dando certo pra vc! Parabéns!

    Sim, eu tenho 25 anos... sou recém formado em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Na época ainda estava na faculdade, então não entendi como podiam pensar que eu poderia ficar ilegalmente lá com um curso superior a concluir aqui. E realmente nunca tive essa intenção, não quero morar sem documentos em lugar nenhum. Minha intenção era só conhecer a família dela pessoalmente.

    Vc acha que a recusa do visto de turista prejudica o processo do K-1?

  17. Sim, se ela puder e quiser, ela te acompanha sem problemas na entrevista.

    Três meses é bem pouco comparado aos 9 meses, 1 ano, que estava levando pro texas service center aprovar as petições, e você já esperou 45 dias, está agora mais perto do que longe.

    Sei quanto é difícil a espera, dar tchau em aeroporto, ter saudade... Mas tudo isso vale a pena. E, mesmo sendo bem complicado, tem que ter muita paciência ou a gente acaba doente ou ficando doido kkkkkk

    Vai dar tudo certo! Boa sorte!

    Nossa, no Texas demora tanto assim?

    Nosso caso foi mandado pra California, o que eu não entendo, já que existe um service Center em Omaha, NE, onde minha noiva mora. Não entendo porque não dividem entre todos os service center.

    Eu fiquei paranóico com a imigração dos EUA pq tive visto de turista negado em março... ainda estava na faculdade e apresentei renda boa da minha família, a agente consular me negou sem nem olhar meus documentos, me disse que eu deveria tentar de novo quando estivesse trabalhando...

    Enfim, essa demora é mt complicada. Passamos 15 dias juntos, td perfeito, pra voltar agora a depender de Skype e internet lenta...

    Vc já tem o visto? Quanto tempo demorou?

  18. Uns 3 meses. Paciência e boa sorte.


    Estou tentando ter paciência. É mt difícil, minha noiva veio me visitar e foi embora ontem, é difícil demais não poder ir junto.

    Vc sabe se posso ou devo fazer a entrevista junto com a minha noiva? Esperamos que td esteja pronto em setembro e que eu possa voltar com ela e acabar com a distância, que tá mt difícil pra nós dois.

    Uns 3 meses. Paciência e boa sorte.


    Estou tentando ter paciência. É mt difícil, minha noiva veio me visitar e foi embora ontem, é difícil demais não poder ir junto.

    Vc sabe se posso ou devo fazer a entrevista junto com a minha noiva? Esperamos que td esteja pronto em setembro e que eu possa voltar com ela e acabar com a distância, que tá mt difícil pra nós dois.

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