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Posts posted by Visa4habibi!

  1. Not having a bad day, try having a bad half year! And it keeps getting worse and worse! And I'm talking about good kids (no drugs, good grades)! When they are separate - they're fine, but together - i don't know what to do with them and how to deal with them! It's like talking to my foot - I bet it'll hear me and understand much better!

    I'm just not used to having 2 teenagers at the same time - one used to live with the ex, but decided for whatever reason to be with us. Without a man in the house and no father figure around.... I'm just glad they're not girls! I imagine at the ages we're at it would be even worse!

    Do they see their dad at all throughout the week? If not why don't you set up a schedule? I count on every other weekend off to have "me time" and to regroup. Raising two kids alone is hard work and harder when you have a fulltime job on top of it all. You need a mental health day off every so often or you will start telling people that "kids suck". :dead:

    I'm sure you don't mean it and are just having a hard day. See if someone can take them for a weekend so you can have a break.

    No, doodle. They don't see him very often - they hate him now. And it's not because of me, I don't tell them that he's bad or anything. He complains about me, said 'she's dead to me' and still talks ####### about me all the time! That's one of the reasons my oldest got back to us and doesn't want to stay with ex.

    The ex cares about our kids so much, he owed a Christmas and a B-day present from 2005 to my son up until recently. And what did he do? Instead of getting him an I-pod or something cool, he gets him a cheap a... clock for maybe $10!!!

    So, they're both discusted with my ex and don't want to have to do anything with him. I keep telling them that he's their father. I know I missed mine when he left!

    Ok, let me re-frase what I said be4: "TEENAGERS SUCK!" not kids. They were pretty sweet and nice when they were kids. And you're right, I need some alone time, when I get home it feels like a war zone - they argue or do something noisy all the time. Maybe, I'm just tired of everything, don't know.

    And now this 'snow day' is catching up with me - i have to work extra time on top of 50 hour week!

  2. It's a start! Great news, now .... get some patience! I'm not being negative, just realistic. I run out of patience and now got onto medical prescriptional helpers, stronger than mint tea. Haven't seen my husband for 9 months and not even getting excited about anything!

    I'm even getting used to this not going anywhere process!

    Anyway, didn't mean to rain on your paraide. Good luck, hope you'll get there way faster then me!!! Way to go, girl!!!

  3. Not having a bad day, try having a bad half year! And it keeps getting worse and worse! And I'm talking about good kids (no drugs, good grades)! When they are separate - they're fine, but together - i don't know what to do with them and how to deal with them! It's like talking to my foot - I bet it'll hear me and understand much better!

    I'm just not used to having 2 teenagers at the same time - one used to live with the ex, but decided for whatever reason to be with us. Without a man in the house and no father figure around.... I'm just glad they're not girls! I imagine at the ages we're at it would be even worse!

  4. baraka - 'enough' or 'ok' ->surprised nobody said that yet!

    waheshni - 'i miss u'

    dush (with 'u' pronounced as in alphabet) - 'shower'

    kuli (same 'u') - eat

    bsmilia - what you're supposed to say be4 eating, taking a shower or whatever good thing you're doing if you're a muslim(a)

    aji nti (nta) - reply to 'aji' - you come here, 'nti' for a man, i think, 'nta' for a woman

    behher - 'how ru doing?' (i think)

    bliati - 'later'

  5. My patients told me to stay home today - I have 3 patients and none of them wants to see me getting out there on the icy road!!! YEY, my patients! SNOW DAY ROCKS!!! But I'll have to go see all of them on other days, so probably, no Sunday off for me!

    This day would rock even more if my kids were at school or at least would be doing something productive. Instead, they argue with each other and me, not wanting to help out. I don't know what I'm even doing here, they're so bad, they don't deserve me suffering here without my husband! I'd rather go to Morocco then hear one more argument today!

    I'll end up doing what I can and shoveling all the snow by myself and mad at them even more!

    Having kids is so over-rated!!! Kids suck!!! Even the good and smart ones!!!

  6. I agree with everybody, you should wait and see what's really going on and not worry yourself, let alone your Moroccan relatives. Something might get lost in translation, it might turn out to be nothing when you get home, inshallah and you'll worry everybody for no reason.

    I wouldn't be able to have a nice vacation having these thougths on the back of my mind (i'm sure it'll be more than just on the back of your mind). Maybe, you should tell them something, cause they'll know there's something going on even with the language barrier - I spoke with my MiL in english and she spoke arabic, and we knew what was going on... when we needed to. So, I'd suggest you tell something, but sugar coat it somehow - let them know you're worried, but it's not definite... OK. I hope it all goes well and you'll be fine, inshallah


    That girl is soooooooo ADORABLE! I hope I won't become a grandma soon, but when I do, I want a girl like your Lexi, jmagayreh!!!


  7. And here I thought it was somehow MENA related and wanted for sure wear red for that!

    I have red scrubs, sure, I'll wear them. How about we invent something unless it's already out for girls who can't wear a hijab some kind of unity day? I'd love to participate in that!!!

    My nasty patient keeps saying that she'd chase any muslim from her house in a heartbeat! :lol::jest: :jest: :bonk: :bonk: :dance:

    Little does she know....:lol::dance:

  8. I had no problem with Moroccan passport photos - sent them the way I got them!!! NO REF for that or anything else! They are actually about the size I'm used to from Russia. So, I didn't worry too much, as long as the height is right. I know what you're talking about, the widht is a little smaller, but it was fine.

    I also used the same photos for 129 and 130 and they got approved.

  9. My husband's B-day wasn't recorded on time, they did it over 3 years later! His B-day is somewhere in February, but nobody knows and in papers it says 01/01! I know it doesn't help you, but I just thought it's kind of funny!

  10. I'm not a morning person either, but not sleeping at night is no fun when you have to get up and go to work, I'll tell you that. I'm like a zombie for about one/one and a half hours from when I get up. And I always make my bed and cover 'mohamed' pillow, and i envy that it gets to stay home. Which is totally crazy. But I guess, we wouldn't be here on VJ with our problems if we weren't at least a bit crazy - to go and meet a guy who knows where and fall in love with him...

    I consider that at least a little bit crazy. Don't gang up on me now, girls - I'm just like you!

    That's what I kept telling my husband, that we both were crazy when we met online and started all this.

  11. I use Al-Fatiha. That's all I know for now. It does get me relaxed and then I just fall asleep. Could you PM me, RAHMA what you're talking about? I'd like to learn more. I saw something that you're supposed to say 100 times a day, but don't remember what. What you're talking about looks kind of like it.

    Oh yeah! I went to Target with my son, it was fun! They got lots of nice imported stuff, mostly from China and India. Very nice! Got some stuff, mostly useless stuff - something on clearance. They didn't have anything made in Morocco, but I did get a camel for $5.99 and some nice Chinese bowls. My son is a very slow eater, and they have soup bowls with lids. Look pretty neat.

    Then we went to Subway and got 4 1/2 hoagies for $9.99.

  12. I actually have a few of him oils and i put them on whenever i miss him. That helps a little. Too bad my patient hates one of my oils. I also make some Moroccan dishes and mint tea a lot! Not that I'm there, but tricks my brain or takes me to a 'happy place' :D

    And no, Doodle, I can't go! My son's 14, another one one 18 but has his problems (lots of problems - spent too much time with the ex - years). So, now I'm stuck! as much as I hate it, I'm stuck! Maybe there is a way, but leaving my kids doesn't seem to be a good one...

  13. Actually, I think it's GEG's pics that got me eating for 2 days! So, thanks for no food pictures! It's almost 3 pm and I haven't eaten anything yet!

    And pictures of Moroccan places make me sad. Guess, everything makes me sad these days. Now I have to get to Target and get my son to the Haircuttery. They have some nice things at Target from around the world but not for long! Dont' worry, i'm not in a buying mood, but if I find something that looks Moroccan... who knows. I'm trying to get my bedroom redecorated myself to look Moroccan for whenever Mohamed's coming.

    OH YEAH! MY CAT IS BACK!!! constantly crying for attention and trying to start a war with the older cat and a kitten. Hope my son's not letting any more cats out!


  14. Doodle, I thought only I was that crazy! :lol: :lol: :lol: Welcome to the club. I actually keep his clothes in a ziploc bag, so they still have his scent. But I do have "mohamed" pillow. I've never been like that! I never talked baby talk before I had my kids and was pretty down-to-earth at least in that.

    My bedroom is the lonliest place in the house, my cats might come in, but then they leave. I don't sleep with pets - I have enough problems sleeping as it is. I just stare at the ceiling for good 30 minutes - and I'm so tired! Have to make myself turn the light off and get under the covers. Then I manage to turn it back on. That goes on and on sometimes for a while. The trick is to let myself believe that 'mohamed' pillow IS him and that I am hugging HIM. Then I can go to sleep! How crazy is that? I laugh at myself but this helps! Also I don't have coffee after 3 pm,know for sure it affects me. When I know I don't have to get up too early, I might take antihistamine - that gives me a headacke in the morning, but helps me have at least some kind of sleep.

    Now I just called him and told about the lawyer, that nothing can be done! I don't know if he's crying, but he's not talking. We had longest pauses on the phone and he sounded crashed! I had to tell him something - he's been asking me to get a lawyer for a long time and made me promise to get one this week!

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