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Posts posted by Private

  1. This is the best trend every. I am in a libo myself. I found great price tickets for 2 people on Iberia. Iberia is about 200 less than Air France. The thing is Iberia is about 3 flights compared to Air Frances two. Also I have flyer miles with Air France, I am almost a silver member. On top of this I am famliar with Air France and since I am taking my son I want to us something that I am familiar with. BUt should I just go with the cheapest flight? Has anyone used Ibeira how is the service, do they trip out when they see you are muslim like in France. I do not like the service from France to Morocco or visa versa. But to go to Chicago and then to Spain and then Morocco, I do not know.

    If this is your first flight and you care about price go with the easiest one. I know french so I like the traveling to France and the french movies and the little layover I get, it is like a little pop quiz you know. I think the food is good, becuase I just can not wait until they feed me. The service from America to France is good, but that airport is crazy. I think using the website you get the best prices and when you buy online it is good to. The key is to wait for the sales right now Air france has a sale and the fares are normally cheaper. Happy shopping!!

  2. No ELW wins I mentioned good things to it was 11 good things and 12 bad so technically I evened out. Well me and her are the same but I will tell you whoever was not able to get the soda they wanted, I totally feel your pain. I hate when they have Pepsi instead of Coke. I love coke and I hate pepsi.

    But I have two more good things.

    #12 I got free legal help for my fiance and I.

    #13 I got to see the movie Dream girls and I loved it. And now I can join and make interesting comments on the movies. My friends and I love to analze.

  3. OK.

    #1 I have an a-hole of a instructor in Business Law and I hate this class. He wants you to turn in things that he never said before. You are suppose to read his mind he is trying to fail me and I am only 4 classes away from completing my BA. I hate PH.ds.

    #2 My stat class is online and while taking a test the computer did something and it locked me out of the exam becuase of this, I have to redo another one or apply for an extension.

    #3 I had lost a lof of weight and then I visisted my fiance and he feed me so much that I gained weight and more. He likes the more weight however, my employer is the US Navy and I have to weight in and be 20 lbs less.

    #4 Along with weighting in I have to make a certain on this run and I have not ran in a long time.

    #5 I went to Europe on a deployment and everything could have went wrong did. Even though the storm is over, and I have settled my issues. I am still I guess on defense because of what happened. (They tired to blame me forever thing and make me look bad, however it was a big table of miscommunication and I could was receieve.)

    #6 Trying to pay off debt and I am trying to do the emergency plan that I have prepared for the immgration and maybe moving to Morocco.

    #7 Being a parent sucks.

    #8 My brother made my parents upset. He just joined the military and he came home from training and did not visit them or spend any time with them and he is going to Iraq.

    #9 The Navy had the never to ask me to volunteer for Iraq. (After they denied my fiance, yeah right.)

    #10 I will say confusion. I am just not sure what to do with life at this moment. Relationship problems, immgration; it is so easy to throw away and very hard to continue sometimes. (I hope this makes sense.)

    #11 My ex- best friend. IF you only knew what he did. It makes loneliness worse, also being the fact that he is my fiances cousin.

    #12 The guy I dated before how told me that he was not ready for marriage, got married!!!! Talk about the spit in the face. But this is not a problem. I think it is begin alone. The time difference makes communication hard sometimes and also we both work a lot.

    Other than this things are ok.

    #1 I requested an extention for my Business Law class. I just took the grade for the math

    #2 I started a great work out plan and I think I will be able to stick to it.

    #3 Everyone is healthy it would suck if everyone was sick and I have issues too you know.

    #4 I got my mother and step father a fabolous gift which got me the daughter of the year award.

    #5 I went to Jumah today for the first time in about 7 weeks.

    #6 I spent Eid with Italian muslims, more Italian Moroccan.

    #7 I can say I have been all over Europe now.

    #8 I am going to Bahrain in Auguest.

    #9 I have the money to go to Morocco.

    #10 I got good advice on my plan for Morocco.

    #11 I am back in teaching at the Mosque after my long time away and now I have more students. They missed me and I missed them. They are great kids.

    So I guess my life is 50/50!!!

  4. Sorry, but knowing during the interview you never know. If you happen to be there and they just say let me talk to her or when you call the congressman office and maybe someone knows french and greats you or makes a statement in French you never kow who knows what. I am studying Arabic and I was like maybe i should try to send in Arabic, and he asked me to send it in Arabic using the translation sites. I refused because you never know, our interview at the AOS may be Arab and know it very well and then you look stupid. You talk in french so the communication is there however I would improve it if you think you need to.

    My fiance has cousins in the area and I meet them before I meet him. I do not know them just the one that I am friends with. they asked him how does he have in the US and he said my fiance. Never mentioned the cousin, I am not sure if it is a red flag. However if they give me the notes that I request through the FOIA, then i will be sure to share the information with you and everyone else on the board.

  5. i know this question is wayyy in advance but when my fiance gets his interview inchallah... if the interviewer asks him what languages *I* speak.........what should he tell them? i'm okay in french but not fluent, and i speak a little arabic. our conversations include all three languages. if anyone listens to us they'd laugh. should he just tell them i speak french. end of story? how would they even know anyway if i do or don't? i won't be at the interview. and our emails are 100% in french.

    also my fiance has a cousin here in the US. he doesn't live in my city and i'm not even sure if its a 1st oe 2nd, 3rd cousin....... will this affect him? do they ask if its immediate family or not? should he say anything? he hardly ever talks to this cousin anyway. i would hate for it to be a red flag.

    thanks ladies:)

    Be careful because this is very important. Do not say that you are okay in this language, say that we speak this. Honesty is not the best in this case. Pick a primary language. He can tell them you know some Arabic and you practice with him; however you communicate in the language he can best express himself in. I know that there is one lady there that supposedly knows French, however, she does not speak it well. I believe from what my fiancé told me that she does not understand it well, either. When you hear something all day long say something you pick it up, if people speak French around her a lot she will pick up some of the words however that does not mean she is fluent. She normally gets a translator, the translations from my understand is not that great from what I heard when it comes to Arabic.

    I email my fiancé in French and they asked him "does she speak French better than you speak English." He told her that he helps me in French and I help him in English. Even though this is true, I believe he is not confident enough to speak and I know he is not the best at expressing himself in English. I will compare it to a Jay-Z lyric, he says that he can not force a drop from my eyes so he has to make the words cry. Your fiancé may need to give them some feeling that he may not be able to express in the deficient language and they will take that deficiency and tear a hole in that interview. Also the American culture, he needs to understand that it is ok to be aggressive and to refuse to do it in the language he is not comfortable in. This is one of the most important things ever and he has to really show them they can not push him around. (Again I think this applies to that-bleep-that works there.)

    Also, we chat in English but emails are in French. French I have to force on him because he gets so excited to know that he understands and that I understand him when he speaks English. However, he did the interview in English. (He was not given any alternative, if she sees that you understand they continue to talk to you in English and become upset when you do not want to continue.) So from the beginning you pick one and go from there. If she asks him something in English, either do not respond or reply to her in French. I am not sure about anybody else's experience I just speak about my own. If they look like they are having a bad day then STICK TO THE LANGUAGE THAT YOU CAN EXPRESS YOURSELF COMPLETELY IN. He needs to be able to add all the love and kiss statements he wants. The lady saw our emails and she gave them back to him, because she was not able to read them. He asked me about a word that she said he thought it was English. When he told me the word I was like what. Facility, then I realized that she was trying to say congratulations in French however she was not able to pronounce the word correctly. I find this to be odd because it is a French speaking country so she should be able to practice it you know. I laughed because I know she had to have come off like she is so well put together. As far as Arabic and French, I completely understand you. There are some words in Arabic that do not have a good translation so sometimes we will use that word because it fits best to us.

    Right now I am in the group with Moroccan Arabic, so imagine that MSA, Moroccan, French, and English. I am curious are you improve you skills threw learn aids or are you taking classes. I am trying to really learn the languages so I am taking non-credit courses at the college. They remove the pressure of test and they give you what you want to know. I prefer to work on my French because I understand Creole which is a dialect of French, so listening and speaking is okay. However, I want to improve my abilities to write. To my surprise I read very well in French. I went to the library and got some French novels and my fiancé and I discussed them.

    As far as Arabic, I have heard some people say they speak to there fiancé in Arabic and unless you have a job that requires it or you are traveling like with the Peace Corp; I personally believe that they do not believe that we know it that well and they question this a lot. French of course is easy for us and it is taught in schools nation wide. I would have him explain to a point but if you email in French keep it French and if he is learning English he can say he is learning however he can not say that you have a deficiency in the primary language. I hopes this is not to much or not to bad but this is just from my experience. One thing my fiancé told me was that she asked the same questions in different ways and this upset him and also frustrated him. I believe it is because he felt like he was not getting his point across the first and then the interview went down hill from there. So please pass this to your fiancé.

  6. Well right now with taxes I am so annoyed my employer said they would have our w2 by the 12th and then they changed it to the 22nd. I am planning a trip to Morroco with it. I know I have a enough time however I just hate waiting. Today should be interesting, I love Thrusdays because tomorrow I get off and I go to Ju'mah. I wonder do a lot of you ladies go to Ju'mah or take Fridays off? I was thinking of returning to Philly, I miss it so much up there. The Muslims community is awesome and I miss all of my friends. :(

  7. LOL, I talked to my husband last night about where he would go on a honeymoon. He said Spain and Turkey, because of the history. I said, but what about hajj, and he's like :blink: Honeymoon is for romance, and you can't really have romance on hajj :lol: Looking like I'll be going on my hajj honeymoon by myself.

    I think it would be wonderful I do not understand how some people like to separate the two. Religion is a big party of our lives, it even dictates sex so I am not sure why it would be a bad thing. I know that during the Hajj it should be no intercourse however afterwards which I believe it covers 5 days should be free to do what you want. I think it would bring the couple together and remind you of the common bond that we share (along with about a billion other people). I think it is funny but I love it when my fiance and talk about the sunnah and some other issues that effect us with your lives. Along with holding my hands. But you know men.

  8. After reading many of Private's posts and getting to know her writing style a bit, I didn't take her comment to mean anything personal against the OP. I took it to mean she couldn't "get happy" for her because she is drained from her own situation, but she still wished her luck and said it was a good thing not everyone is going through really ugly processes (just what Kiyah suggested).

    I don't know the OP, but reunion is wonderful, congratulations.

    I am very happy to see that someone can read. But lets not make this trend about my comment.

  9. Hajj and Medina (F) What better way to start a life together for two muslimeen than to visit the kabba and the Prophet (saws)?


    But in terms of romance, I would say Dubai. If money was no object, a week spent in Burj al Arab


    Or Turkey, because my husband and I are both history buffs and Turkey has a ton of history.

    I would love to go hajj as a honeymoon, hit it right on the dot. I hope that once Yassine gets here and when we get through the process and he can travel we will do this. Inshallah. I wonder most of how sex would be after the hajj, you can not have it during however once it is over. I would think that it would really be a spritaul event. (I hope this is not bad to say this.)

  10. I love starting the Wednesday thread so I can use this pic :lol:


    What a mess today in Houston ..everything is shutting down because of ice on the roads. Today was the first day of fully being back at work for me since the holidays and no notice that work would be closed until a few miutes ago. I know I should be happy but its just going to make a more difficult rest of the week.

    I think I am going back to bed now.

    Wow you are in my hometown, I do not miss it. I am her at the Andrews Air Force Base, and it is below freezing but nothing is shutting down, just put on some layers.

  11. I love starting the Wednesday thread so I can use this pic :lol:


    What a mess today in Houston ..everything is shutting down because of ice on the roads. Today was the first day of fully being back at work for me since the holidays and no notice that work would be closed until a few miutes ago. I know I should be happy but its just going to make a more difficult rest of the week.

    I think I am going back to bed now.

    Wow you are in my hometown, I do not miss it. I am her at the Andrews Air Force Base, and it is below freezing but nothing is shutting down, just put on some layers.

  12. JP is right to stick this out with you he muct really care. Right now me and my fiance are trying to prepare ourselves for abotu 6 year sepration and he is trying to get me to move to Morocco. I love his brain, I am a geek, he is so smart and it is more of a natural smart. Becuase he has no street smarts ( I hate this.) But he is funny and he is very different in his opinions. Like they wanted to do Henia for me and I told him that I did not like and he said he did not like it either. I told him well lets get Henia Tatoos and he was like cool! So we got fake tats!!! We also have a lot in common, but he is a softy. I know that I will the one discplining our child, he would not step on fly you know. He is sweet, but he has his a hold moments. One thing I like to is he is not afriad to be himself and neither am I. We fight each other all the time. He says it is just us getting to know each other when it is all over with. But I think I have a pretty good picture of him. My parents are cool with it and my son loves hi. The sterotypes that I think I had to break down was ..... I can not really thinik of any becuase I really do not care. My mother is worse than yours so opinion does not matter much. I have made great choices in life and I will do my best in everything that I do. My family seems to accept what you will accept, I do not entertain stupid converstaion and I am open about a lot of things so it has always been on the table. My family is important and I am trying to bridge out relationsihp and in a funny way this has brought us closer together. It was great to see my mother so supportive after the interview.

  13. AS you get more in the process you begin to learn about the intentions of the SO. And you begin to hear about the stories of other people. I will tell that I have been contacted before for a visa marriage and at first they seem very nice but there intentions come out. I had a guy from Iran find me and I talked to him he was cute and nice but his intentions came out soon. I feel when the SO knows more about the process than you then something is not right. I was told that the K-1 was easier and quick to get and that some people that I know here in the states used it to get here quickly.

    Well, if you think about it when one person comes it seems like a flow starts. I heard of an Indian guy who had helped about 150 people get to the states. He go some of his family and his children and new wife and the children brought people and the family that came brought people, etc. He came married to an American divorced about 4 years later and then he went home and got married. This behavior is more common than I thought, but to me it is so sick.

    I heard of several Moroccans using people and it seems like the men get more of this than the women. I talked to a lawyer and he told me that with the MENA group a lot of the men come to the states on the K-1 or marriage visa and when it is time to do the AOS a lot of them are filing without the woman. They break up and they claim that there was type of abuse. This was amazinag to me, I also heard of some stories but you do not see these things until you get more in the "game" I will say. They talk to each other and share information and I feel like they find a certain person. I have to say that this is not the case in every relationship, but I did heard about some people helping folks get papers. I meet someone that told me that there sisters friend offered to help him come to the states. My nouth just dropped to the floor and now he is getting married to a Moroccan women and bring her here. It makes me so anger because it seems like if you do the wrong thing then you get it. I meet someone that came illegal are a citizen now and they flew through Casa.

    I hate this very much becuase it is so sad to see that people are really that desparate. I have heard of people from Canada, Great Britian and other developed countries doing the same thing. I would love to know where they get there findings also, but I think it comes from complaints that are filed. I have seen on the interenet a lot of people complaining about being used, etc and I am sure that when the relationship goes south, most US citizens will feel like they got used and if they are anger report. From my understand there are 100 of cases that we do not hear of on Vj and that on average about 70% of them denied. My fiance told me only two people where placed on the good AR and one lady got the visa.

  14. I will say that from my interview they did not believe that I was muslim. They told him something to the extent that how can they tell I wear hijib and that the photos did not matter because I could have worn it just to hook him up with a visa. So I have to prove that I am muslim too. I would suggest that if you do not have a muslim name or muslim orgin you should address this in the orginal petition #18 and to incldue the certificate of Shahada, etc. along with photos with hijib. I have to say that there is never a straight answer they do not follow a certain pattern if they want to give it to you then you get it and if they do not you do not. I heard of them given 5 questions like what is her name what is your name, where does she live and how did you meet and that is it. Then my fiance was the extreme of being questioned for about 45 minutes. I heard that they even asked this guy to write down his fiance mother name (hint she had a strange Eastern European name).

    I mean when I filed my petition I was careful in my selection and I was told to not provide to much information. Well now I think after seeing how it went that I should have provided too much. I mean the person that gave me the advice flew through the process however, it did not work for me. I called the State Department and I was told that the consulate officers follow trends, so they classify individuals and group you before you even hit the door. Therefore, I suggest that if you think you fall in to a group (and you can tell the trend by looking on here) then I would cover that before it goes to the consulate. The Consulates Officer is not suppose to return a petition for a reason that the USCIS was aware of so remember this. A quick mention of that we discussed this and that about our relationship and we feel like it will not hinder our future because our beliefs are so simliar etc. Will give you a leg up. (I think.) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF #18.

  15. Just curious there could be somethings that maybe you think it is. The reason why it was returned. I am hearing from a lady that sometimes it is best to just withdraw a petition and refile. You are through Vermont right? I got an email telling me that the got the case back. I am getting ready for the big one. Chia, and others that did the rebutall it would be good if you guys can post your letters to the various agenecies you wrote and also the rebutal letter. I am getting ready to start mine and maybe I will share it on here. Ahmed&Ella will you show us or tell us what you sent to them.

    when he got 221g letter they told him that they needed more proof of relationship like i told you...are you asking me to tell you what i sent for proof... well i wrote a letter telling them how real our love was and that age is no matter when you really love some one ans sent them all our conversations on the computor and more pictures,and phone bills and letters he wrote in the mail...everything i could possibily think of to show that we were continuing our relationship....yes i am through vermont..annd im being told that some officer has it, along with alot of others..sitting on his desk..waiting to get processed to get sent back to casablanca....but just have to wait for this to be done.....

    Ahmed&Ella I am not sure if you sent it to the embassy or the service center. So it id was teh service center then I am curious about the letter. The letter is important and you said that you did not know why they denied you and then you say you spoke about the age difference. This was the question I was asking, what you thought there reasons where and what you said. I think it would be cool to see what some people wrote. I guess because this is the denial trend, it would also be cool to make good use and we can tell our stories and also why we thought we where denied and what we have been doing and what we did. This would be good for the trend.

  16. Just curious there could be somethings that maybe you think it is. The reason why it was returned. I am hearing from a lady that sometimes it is best to just withdraw a petition and refile. You are through Vermont right? I got an email telling me that the got the case back. I am getting ready for the big one. Chia, and others that did the rebutall it would be good if you guys can post your letters to the various agenecies you wrote and also the rebutal letter. I am getting ready to start mine and maybe I will share it on here. Ahmed&Ella will you show us or tell us what you sent to them.

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