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Posts posted by Private

  1. I think that to join this group people should have to update there timelines. I am trying to see a pattern that the emabssy may have and it is hard becuase people do not updte. The time section should pop up as soon as you sign on; because when people do not update they are not contributing to the purpose of the website. The website is for us to get information from each other. I also would like to see with the pending and issued visas, if we had a disappoved section, that way we see hom much they are disapproving. This would be good for anybody because you can see that they are disappoving this many and maybe if you know this you can get in contact or find out why. When you find out why, then you can make sure you have a fool prove packet or plan better. Alhamdullah I found a very nice woman and she has helped me alot, and I have been able to help someone else. She told me how to set it up what to say she even hleped me write the paragraph 18. She is a wonderful woman and this site linked me with her. But that is because she updated her information and she contributes to the site. I think that we shold all contribute and that I a chart with approvals and disappovals would be helpful. And maybe have the country you can click on it and it will guide you to the groups or the embassy section. It would be really nice if we can get fancy and some of the woman will tell what they thinked happened to why they past or what happened to why they failed. Like large age difference, visitin more than once, etc. Just a suggestion. But this is a great website and my fiance is using it to. I want give a big thanks to the creator and inshallah you will more people. Great website and please keep up the good work. (L)

  2. A salam wualikum VJ Friends, Especially those going thru Morocco,

    Well, after 3 months of AP, we are finally out! I sent Casa an email asking if it was Visa Time yet, and they replied that my fiance is scheduled for an interview next week.

    What do ya'll think. Do we dare hope they will issue a visa? And he has to come clear from the other end of the country. Counting Dr's appt., and 1st interview, this will be his third trip.

    Would love some feedback.

    Trying not to go crazy before next week!



    TEll us about the interview? And why no review I think that everyone should update there timelines, we are here to help each other and I am looking at the timeslines and people just get the information they want and leave. I think I will start a post. I pray that you have a good interview and when are you going, your timeline say you already went. Please tell us how it went?? We go in October; I am bitting my nails. Happy to know of the interview but I am concerned about things. Anyway, I wish you the best and I will make du'aa for you.

  3. if u sure he is coming soon, so i think its better idea save cash, but if u still in process and in long waiting game, i think going there would make him happy, plus if u really can afford it

    His interview is Oct 17 and I am not sure but if no word by December I was thinking to buy for February 1st. But I am not sure. I want to go soon becuase I miss him so much but when he gets here I know that the english school will cost a lot.

  4. Meriem,

    That was a beautiful pic of the two of you. I loved the dress.

    Congrats on your wedding and may you have a lifetime of happiness.

    Is your husband adjusting well ?


    What kind of cermony did you have, i assumed you where muslim. The dress is beautiful where did you get? I think you two are a nice couple and I am curious are you two close in age? Sorry to be nosey but you seem to have had a painless visa journey. (I am not sure I am assuming again.) You where beautiful and it looks like you had a very scenic ceremony. I am happy for you and I wish you guys the best inshallah, and I hopefully I will posting my wedding photo soon.

  5. I have a simple yes or no question and it seems as if they refuse to respond to you, they continue to repyl the FAQ or information sheet but this is not what I am requesting. I just want to know if they have the case. When I looked up on DHL there was no mail sent to Casablanca on the date that I was approved. There was some on the 31st and another person heard back from them. I do not like this part of the process and I am not sure if they are just pulling my legs because they want to or not. If I could punch one of them I would right now. I just want a yes or no, is that so hard. I think they could make this process better if they did what the visa centers here do, like track it and you can sign up for automatic emails or something. But to sit and get nothing this is not cool. I am truely upset becuase I replied back and told they did not answer my specific question and then they send an email back wanting more info. my case number is not enough? Why do they say email when they are not oging to responsed, that is crazy? I got an ext because they forwarded me to someone 4172, but I am sure this is a voice mail box that does not get answered. MEAN girls please give me something, I am not sure what I am looking for but if I can not talk to you then who can I talk to?

    I think it is I am just oging with the assumption. Until I say someone else post, I do not know inshallah everythign will be okay, but I swear this is making me not want to do this anymore. My heart can not take this, it is too much. How does this to not be with your loved one. I am not sure why things are the way they are but I pray that America gets off of its high horses. I did contact two my representative and my senator.

    I'm with you here, girl. I'm fed up with casa and nobody knowing s.... They don't tell me if they got his papers sent back there (after 6 months here) on Aug 16 or not, just tell me to contact NVC. Casa is terrible and there's only one person who replies on time, but still doesn't give enough info. Well, what else can we do?

    I'm tired of buggin all the offices and just letting it all go the way it is until November, that's my goal. Then I'll probably either quit the whole mess or go back to Morocco for a visit.



    From: IV, Casablanca [mailto:IVCasablanca@state.gov]

    Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:41

    To: Mosley-ferebee, Erica AZ2 VR53, QA

    Subject: RE:

    Dear Madam

    Thank you for your e-mail. We would like to inform you that your fiancé has been scheduled for an interview on October 17, 2006 at 8.00.


    IV Casablanca


    YA Aallah. I am not sure what happened but I am just glad that it was not a FAQ, I am very happy but I feel like now we are on for a fight. Inshallah our interview will go well. I guess I can worry about this one later. (Dorothy ;))

  6. I have a simple yes or no question and it seems as if they refuse to respond to you, they continue to repyl the FAQ or information sheet but this is not what I am requesting. I just want to know if they have the case. When I looked up on DHL there was no mail sent to Casablanca on the date that I was approved. There was some on the 31st and another person heard back from them. I do not like this part of the process and I am not sure if they are just pulling my legs because they want to or not. If I could punch one of them I would right now. I just want a yes or no, is that so hard. I think they could make this process better if they did what the visa centers here do, like track it and you can sign up for automatic emails or something. But to sit and get nothing this is not cool. I am truely upset becuase I replied back and told they did not answer my specific question and then they send an email back wanting more info. my case number is not enough? Why do they say email when they are not oging to responsed, that is crazy? I got an ext because they forwarded me to someone 4172, but I am sure this is a voice mail box that does not get answered. MEAN girls please give me something, I am not sure what I am looking for but if I can not talk to you then who can I talk to?

    I think it is I am just oging with the assumption. Until I say someone else post, I do not know inshallah everythign will be okay, but I swear this is making me not want to do this anymore. My heart can not take this, it is too much. How does this to not be with your loved one. I am not sure why things are the way they are but I pray that America gets off of its high horses. I did contact two my representative and my senator.

  7. I have a simple yes or no question and it seems as if they refuse to respond to you, they continue to repyl the FAQ or information sheet but this is not what I am requesting. I just want to know if they have the case. When I looked up on DHL there was no mail sent to Casablanca on the date that I was approved. There was some on the 31st and another person heard back from them. I do not like this part of the process and I am not sure if they are just pulling my legs because they want to or not. If I could punch one of them I would right now. I just want a yes or no, is that so hard. I think they could make this process better if they did what the visa centers here do, like track it and you can sign up for automatic emails or something. But to sit and get nothing this is not cool. I am truely upset becuase I replied back and told they did not answer my specific question and then they send an email back wanting more info. my case number is not enough? Why do they say email when they are not oging to responsed, that is crazy? I got an ext because they forwarded me to someone 4172, but I am sure this is a voice mail box that does not get answered. MEAN girls please give me something, I am not sure what I am looking for but if I can not talk to you then who can I talk to?

  8. That is easier said than done.

    Hello Girls !!

    I have a good news to share with you...

    today, i emailed the consulate in Casablanca ONLY ONE EMAIL (i used my work address, as jerseygal did ) and I got an answer 2 hours later...

    my interview is on 19th october at 8:00am !!! :dance::dance:

    I don't know why they give us this quite far time??!! nearly 6 weeks from now :blink: ... anyway, we're excited about the news ... at least we can plan according to a specific date !!

    good luck for you all

    I am happy for you :dance: but I am extremely upset, my package was approved on the 29th and sent out around this time and I keep getting a stupid FAQ, they have returned my email in the past 2 days. And you get an interview date? I am not liking this one bit and I am going to make a fuse. I work with the governement and I sent an email and I got no response, in the past two days. I am starting to think they did something to may case or it never left, the US. :crying:

    Don't compare your cases! Each is different and it will only make you upset if you see someone with what you think you should have... no two are the same!

  9. Hello Girls !!

    I have a good news to share with you...

    today, i emailed the consulate in Casablanca ONLY ONE EMAIL (i used my work address, as jerseygal did ) and I got an answer 2 hours later...

    my interview is on 19th october at 8:00am !!! :dance::dance:

    I don't know why they give us this quite far time??!! nearly 6 weeks from now :blink: ... anyway, we're excited about the news ... at least we can plan according to a specific date !!

    good luck for you all

    I am happy for you :dance: but I am extremely upset, my package was approved on the 29th and sent out around this time and I keep getting a stupid FAQ, they have returned my email in the past 2 days. And you get an interview date? I am not liking this one bit and I am going to make a fuse. I work with the governement and I sent an email and I got no response, in the past two days. I am starting to think they did something to may case or it never left, the US. :crying:

  10. My parents know I do not care about what they think, so they do not even bother. They also asked why did I not send them plane tickets and when I showed them pictures they say I look like I am in love, and they said that he is trying to use me they will F**** him up. Besides my immediate family I have not told a lot of people. My job knows and other people, but I think I am more embrassed than anybody else. (I know this sounds dumb.) However, it has not completely hit me that I am doing this. I also think that in the society that I live it is not considered normal behavoir. But I am trusting Allah and I made salat istarkatra before I made the dicussion so I am just going with it.

  11. We went through the K-1 process so not sure if it makes a difference. On 3/4/05 our petition was sent to Casa. On 3/21/05 the consulate verified they received our petition and gave me the interview date. My then fiance received the packet 3 on 3/31/05.


    My case was sent processed on the 29th of Aug and I think my application is with yours at least I hope so. I noticed a few things about the shippment which makes me think that it is not to many petition in that shipment. I pray that mine is in there and please let me know if you get any word concerning your case. Casa is good for not answering questions. I have a question when they get the case do they send you a letter telling you they received it?

  12. hello everybody

    so till now no pk3 from the usa consulat...so i decide to go tomorow to the consulat my self and try found out what suck there and maybe try even the pick the pk3.. i just want to know if somebdy wanna go..so tell me then we can meet there....thnx you :thumbs::thumbs:

    run!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forrest run!!!!!!!!!!

    (there is a light on , but no one is home............)

    My fiance needs to go, we did not know if you can go and they will let you in.

  13. Are you the petitioner or the beneficiary?

    From one of your posts yesterday, it appeared you were the beneficiary.

    I am the petitioner and I am a female on Active Duty. This is what I meant by this, I know there are tons of woman who try to get men here. I meant as far as I have seen I have never seen a military female petition for some one and if there is one I would like to know about the expreience.

  14. I called it was a waste of time. The waste your money and I do not think they understand detailed questions. I have never been so upset they are truely what everbody say they are. I wonder if they think they are super powerful or something. I have been overseas with other people in the military and they act like they are all that when we are in a poor country and in a rich one they are like wow they are all that. I am assume this is a unverisal aditude so now that I see that they think that they are all that we have to really get ready for this. This is crazy you call speak to someone and they transfer your call to a stupid voice recording. I just wanted to know if they received my case. Okay I am officially pissed and now I am going to go on a hunt. There has to be some benefit to being in the military. Tons of men get women here I have never heard of a woman marrying a foreign national. So anyway, if anybody knows anything please let me know.

  15. I am having problems, my case was sent to Morroco and I am very happy it has been in the flow for 22 days. And I am Scared of somethings, one getting the papers together, my fiance f*** up at the interview, security checks, and when will he get the interview. I am concerned if they received it or not and if he can go and pick up the package 3. Also I am in the military and I am having a hard time with getting the income requirement, I meet the requirement the past two years but not 2003. However, I make more money than what service members report for taxes. I have my pay stubs, however the military gave me a letter saying my paygrade and stuff. I was wondering if I should try to explain in a letter to them or what, or will they now what all the techincal stuff means? Like my pay stub it is set up differently than regular peoples. And my letter they will not but income they just put hte grade and my obliagtion time. I have my stuff, put I am unsure. I want to send a statement and get it noterized but I am not sure if they will look at it. I want to call them but I am sure I will get the run around.

  16. Usually touches stop after your NOA2 however many people are touched right after they get approved. The NVC doesn't touch I don't think because I think all they do there is give you a case number.

    Call the NVC!

    I called and my case was sent to the consulate. What is the next steps I am getting things together for him now, does anyone know about the paper work and what is needed so that he can have it when he gets it.

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