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Posts posted by JustShootIt

  1. Hello guys, long time since original post but here was my experience at the poe two days ago.

    Entered immigration area, and used the APC kiosk for the second time. Since all my fingerprints and picture had been manually taken on my first visit, and everything matched when the machine took them, my receipt didn't have an "X" across the page.

    I was directed to the really short queue for processing and was through immigration in 5-10 mins

    Conversation with the officer went like this:

    Me: Good afternoon

    Officer: Good afternoon, how are you today?

    Me: I'm good thank you

    *hands officer passport and APC kiosk receipt*

    *officer compares picture of passport to me and glances at receipt*

    Officer: Are you here for business, pleasure or anything else?

    Me: Pleasure

    Officer: How long are you here for?

    Me: x days

    Officer: Who are you visiting?

    Me: My boyfriend

    *smiles, stamps passport and apc receipt and hands them back to me*

    Officer: Have a nice stay Mr x

    I was granted the full 90 days even though my duration of stay isnt even close to that.

    So all in all, a quick pleasant experience through the process.

    I did take a letter of employment, bills, future appointment letters, bank statements showing I could support myself as well as a reasonable amount of cash for my stay. Just in case there was any question of my intentions by the officer.

  2. No, not secondary. But certainly a very lengthy interview in which the officer asked a whole host of probing questions: relating to how we met, who I was, how long we had known each other, where did we meet, what he and I did, my family, each family's members name that lived in the house, the phone number, the dog's name, what each family member did for a living, how much money did he have on him, his travel insurance and tickets, about his family, what trips we planned to take. For each question he had an answer, even though he was nervous and his accent was a fair bit thicker back then.

    This was probably due to his age and being his first visit to the US, and the fact he was coming to visit and stay with a female 'friend'. The reality is at the time I was indeed his best friend, so he told no lies there. When our relationship changed the officers never had an issue, beyond always advising not to marry or overstay, but that was the first and only time there was ever any grilling. Keep in mind that was also a long time ago. For our wedding we had many UKers come over, many that was their first trip to the US, a few were unemployed/college, and young. They were barely questioned at all, and our best man was so nervous and mumbled to the officer I don't think they even understood a thing he said. :P

    Ah right. Because my boyfriend lives with room mates, and currently lives in a different state to any of his family(and he's not even out as gay to them because of their very conservative views. I do however know his parents names) I guess that could be an indication that he is in no way even ready to get married. May I ask his age at visiting? I am 24 but look way younger than I am (I've been told I look 17 MAX by so many people it's actually starting to get on my nerves, and I also think this may have been why the CBP officer on my last visit didn't even bother probing me as to why I was visiting) but this is my visiting a second time to the same airport/city/state so it's bound to raise some questions, ironically I had no documentation to prove my ties to the UK except my planned stay at a hotel for 4 days(I wanted to book a hotel for safety reasons for the first few days as it was our first time meeting) and my return flight.

  3. OP: Deep breath and relax a little. Chances are you will be just fine. Honesty is always the best policy, and make sure you have your return ticket, travel insurance, and any other proof that would assist you should you ever be asked questions. In the lengthy number of years my husband visited me - no matter his age, the status of our relationship, or his employment or non employment - none of it mattered too much at all. His first visit was quite a grilling and after that there was no more but basic questions. There are horror stories, and while you can keep them in mind, I often think trouble for people starts when they lie simply out of the fear of being denied for being honest or in their terror they haven't answers for questions being asked.

    Anyway, let us know how it goes.

    Good luck to you two :)

    Thank you very much. Grilling? Do you mean secondary? or just by the first officer he came into contact with? As you can probably tell from my posts, I do get quite anxious and do suffer some anxiety, though I currently do not require medication. Ah yes, travel insurance document is something else I can add to the list. I do also plan getting a letter from my employer that they expect my return.

    I don't know if the OP is around still but here's my experience.

    I have entered the USA on the VWP in excess of 60 times. I am married to a US citizen and we are currently going through CR-1. I have very few ties to home. I rent a room from a family friend - don't even have a tenancy agreement. I don't have a car. I don't have children or pets. I work remotely from the room I rent and the job could be done anywhere in the world (in fact we do have people in various parts of the world doing this job for the same employer). I have never been asked to prove ties to the UK. Never been questioned more than the usual "where/why/how long" apart from once but even that wasn't full secondary questioning. They opened up my bag and asked a few more questions then sent me on my way. And I have always been completely honest and said I was visiting my boyfriend/husband.

    I wouldn't worry about being discriminated against for being in a same-sex relationship. It's the 21st century. Look at my profile picture - that's not actually a picture of us but that is how we look and dress (Victorian gothic style) - we certainly stand out in a crowd - my husband has waist-length hair and we are heavily tattooed. Never had a problem at POE.

    That is reassuring, thank you.

  4. You are not engaged or married. You need to relax ? It's not that serious. Your going on vacation with your family....

    You are just visiting.

    I could understand if you was engaged or married but your not.

    Maybe you might find comfort in a forum for visiting the USA on VWP and not and immigration based forum??

    You're right. I know I am overthinking this. I'm gonna leave this forum for a bit :P as it's stressing me out!!

    You are not engaged or married. You need to relax ? It's not that serious. Your going on vacation with your family....

    You are just visiting.

    I could understand if you was engaged or married but your not.

    Maybe you might find comfort in a forum for visiting the USA on VWP and not and immigration based forum??

    You're right. I know I am overthinking this. I'm gonna leave this forum for a bit :P as it's stressing me out!!

  5. Also! I have a trip that is paid for and pre-booked for August to a completely different area of the USA with my mum and friends + children. I figure that they already have this information to hand though.

    If i was to also supply CBP with this information should I be questioned, how would this look? It has been made clear to me by the people I am going with that he is not allowed to come because this is a family-close friend only holiday.

  6. Well both me and my husband are same sex and I've never had an issue with POE because of that and I've been to see him in 6 times within the past 12 months and he's been to the uk 3 times in the past 12 months too.

    I've never been asked about ties to my own country.... In fact the only thing I've been asked is what work I do.... Only been asked this twice.

    Apart from that no lies have been told to the officer nor have I been asked what my plans are. Now I'm not expert and I don't know what their screen tells them about me or if they already know I'm going through a petition or not?

    But I've always entered the USA either nyc Atl or Sanford Orlando.

    Hope this eases your concerns ?

    Plus I wouldn't worry as its not like you are even engaged as of yet. But sounds like your planning on immigrating as you say your not engaged yet but your boyfriend is trying to sort "things" out with the IRS.

    Yes I agree but we are still unsure. Naturally when we first started the relationship, we did say that either one of us would have to eventually move to the others country, we don't want to do the whole LDR forever because what would that be?. But this is not now. Whenever we start talking about the future, it usually ends quickly with " but whatever,i'm sure it will sort itself out" It is going to take time for him to sort these things out (he hasn't even started) and I am genuinely not in the position to even think seriously about moving right now, I simply cannot as I have a duty to my employer, especially because my employer is about to pay to put me through training (and I wish to further my career) and I also do not want to leave my mum in an even worse position than she is in now, I am the only family she has.

  7. Why do you think you will be interrogated this time?

    Well, mainly browsing these forums and reading the horror stories o.o They got me pretty worried! I think maybe that they will see that I visited fairly recently (it'll be around 2 months since I last visited) at the time I visit so would that be considered frequent? I don't know.

    I would much prefer to go prepared than be unprepared at risk of being turned away at the POE if they do delve further into my reason for visiting! Theres all sorts of things going against me!

    When I visited last time, the CBP officer just looked at me, did the usual fingerprints and photo and sent me on my way! He didn't even want my blue customs declaration! No words, nudda. I highly doubt I'm likely to get someone like that again!

    Also a few concerns... If he does ask:

    1) Same sex - I'm sure there is bound to be some sort of discrimination!

    2) Young age

    3) Apparent lack of ties to my country!

    Also! I have a trip that is paid for and pre-booked for August to a completely different area of the USA with my mum and friends + children. I figure that they already have this information to hand though.

  8. Hello I wonder if you all could help.

    I will be visiting my now boyfriend at the end of may for 2 weeks. I have previously stayed in the US for 9 days via the VWP. My main concern is trying to show ties to my home country (which is the UK). We do not plan to get married (i.e. nobody has proposed) YET as it is a bit too soon and he also needs to sort his stuff out with the IRS.

    My main concern is being able to show ties to my home country. I have a job (which i'm also due for promotion in April), I am 24 years old, he is 23 years old and I live with my mum and I am required to help her towards costs of living, bills, rent, food etc. There is no way that she would be able to cope without me at this current time as we also have two pets. She has also recently suffered a little bit of ill health, but that is being sorted with an operation in April/May. I have talked to her about putting me on the water utilities bill, Tv/Internet/Broadband and the tenancy agreement which she is happy to do. She is also a secondary user on one of my credit cards. At the moment, I just give her money for those things. I will also have my itinerary printout showing my return flight.

    I will also be taking around $750 in cash and two credit cards.

    Should I be questioned about my stay I do intend to be up front and tell them I am visiting my boyfriend (even though I've read all the horror stories of people being denied POE based on saying that they are visiting a loved one) On my last visit I was asked no questions at all. We only started getting to know each other in January and begin "officially" dating in February. We met on an online game.

    Is there anything else I can do to prove that I do not intend to stay beyond those two weeks?

  9. Ok thank you.

    I will be visiting again at the end of may for two weeks. I travel from London Heathrow to George Bush int'l, houston, texas. On my last trip I was not asked any questions at all.

    If I am asked the purpose of my visit, I will tell them I am visiting my boyfriend. I will be staying for 2 weeks (as i am restricted how long I can visit because of work). I will make sure to have a print out of my itinerary showing my return flight. I only take around $500 plus two credit cards (combined credit of £4500). My boyfriend is one year my junior. My boyfriend will be waiting to pick me up in arrivals as he did last time (I felt a bit sorry since the VWP queue was 2 hours long last time)

    Is there anything else I will require? From reading the forums it seems its good to have a letter from the employer showing stating that they expect your return to work, showing you have ties just incase. As for family, I only live with my mum but she requires that I pay my keep as we would struggle otherwise, as well as a two pets to look after.

    I am not sure if this would be sufficient enough to prove my ties to my country should they question it.

  10. I have another question.

    If my partners friend was to co-sponsor, do they have to be living in the same household? As they do not.

    Which forms would they need to fill?

    Edit: This is for the CR1

    There seems to be so many forms for different situations. While we are only preparing for when/if the time comes, it would reassure us to know beforehand.

    Edit again: It seems they would each file a I-864, is this correct? I was looking at the I-184A for a moment :oops:

  11. Disclaimer: I'm not a tax professional.

    I'm just a regular person. Small business owner (3 years) and self employed (10 years) so I have some experience with the whole paying taxes thing - its not so straight forward for those of us who aren't the single employer/salaried.

    But that's why its important to get someone who is well versed in tax law AND a bonus if they have expertise in the freelance field.

    Don't know where your fiancé lives, but do some research. I'd avoid the HR Block type places. There are accountants that specialize in self employed filers. That will be a good resource for now and years to come.

    Thank you. We've spoken and he's going to get onto it right away. He has had on the book jobs in the past 3 years also and he will file for. Year 2 and 3 he may not have the income requirement, but for year 1 he is looking to see what he can do. Hopefully his friend can come up with some creative accounting. Will this matter much? And like I said, he will be on the books, receiving weekly pay stubs and w-2 at the end of the tax year from now on.

    He's told me that one of his close friends (who is also a cpa) who I have met would be willing to co-sponsor if he can't figure this all out. He is a business owner so earns way more than enough. His taxes are all in order (minus the off the books bit I guess) Would this be acceptable to immigration do you think?

  12. I'm self employed too. But I pay taxes and report my income.

    Are you saying he doesn't pay taxes?

    Because that's fraud and illegal. Doesn't even come into any bearing for the visa. Might even be in hot water for back taxes.

    You're going to need significant proof for the beneficiary form.

    Just making a declaration or getting a letter isn't enough.

    Also Really. Pay taxes. I mean why mess around with that?

    To qualify for a sponsorship that means he needs to be taking home a serious income. You need to get your IRS situation worked out first. As in ASAP.

    Yes I agree. His "boss" literally just gives him cash in hand directly from the takings after the job is done. It's good money, enough to sponsor somebody but it all means nothing if he isn't doing his taxes. etc. since he will be unable to declare it without incriminating himself. I had a quick look, and apparently employers meant to give something called a "w-2" detailing the any wages paid etc. He does not receive any of this. I did read that there is a specific amount he has to earn before he has to file though....but his income exceeds that.. but he has no record of it.

    He will need to figure out his last 3 years of taxes. Not just going forward.

    Yes, thats what I'm hoping he will do because he has no choice really xD If he wants to sponsor me. Is it still possible for him to file taxes for those 3 years without anything else to "prove" his income or? Would they take his word for it? Or do they need to see the w-2 slips? I assume they do. I honestly think this is going to screw us over.

  13. Whether he is paid on or off the books he still has to file taxes, just different if he is effectively self employed.

    Would you be able to elaborate on this? I'm not savvy with how the US deals with taxes. Are you saying he should declare this income as self employed? If he can somehow declare what he's earned in the last year at least (showing it meets the 125% requirement) would this be sufficient? He can easily get a letter of employment from his boss starting from now, and as I said from now on he will be on the books so everything from now on he will be able to declare. I will obviously bring this up with him when we speak later .

  14. Option 1 is fine.

    Option 2 is out, it's illegal.

    Option 3 is oka

    Option 4 is also an option but you'd have to look into those costs etc.

    You guys need to decide WHERE you want to marry once you decide that you do want to marry.

    CR1 takes longer, but you get a green card upon entry. Takes about a year after marriage certificate is in your hands. K1 is faster to visa but takes longer to green card because you have to adjust your status. You won't be able to work or travel outside the USA for about 90 days after marriage and filing the AOS. You have 90 days to marry upon entry. We have a comparison chart so you can decide what is best for you two as a couple.

    No that medical issue won't be cause for denial. Sounds like you have it well documented and the medical, the dr would need a note from your doctors about your meds etc... basically detailing that you're not a danger to yourself or others.

    Thanks for your input. Option 2 is definitely out of the question then. I assume that is because of the intent? What were to happen if he proposed at a time I was there and we got married quickly then? Because technically I do not know when he will propose and he sure as hell won't tell me when he is going too. But I suppose because I know he will at some point I would be expecting it. Oh its all so confusing.

    I would hope to be off the medication and stable by time the medical comes around. I figure the less variables the better. But I am sure my GP would be willing to do that as I do have a good relationship with them. Do the medical examiners have access to my medical records? or will they take my doctors word for it?

  15. Hi

    Me and my same sex partner have been in a relationship since the beginning of this year. We have known of each other on and off for at least a year though. Mainly short interactions. We met on an online game. But that has obviously changed since the start of this year where we are constantly in skype calls/whatsapp when he's working etc. You could say we are glued to each others hip, not literally of course.

    We have already decided that we do want a future together after our initial meet and we do have plans to meet again in a month so we can spend a another couple of weeks together over in the US, and then he will be visiting me and my family in London around june-july. He has not proposed as of yet (though he has given me a "promise ring") but has told me he intends to propose at some point soon. We have briefly looked at the various visas, ways to get around immigration etc.

    My questions are as followed....

    He is paid off the books, so has not filed tax returns. He would obviously like to declare this income so he can use it to get me here quicker, but will not be able to make this years tax return. Is there any way around this? He is in the process of getting put on the books with his boss because he knows he needs to in order to sponsor me, so will he be able to prove his income with a few months worth of pay stubs? or will we have to wait until next year when he can file taxes?

    Our initial research indicate that we could either 1) I travel on the VWP, marry and return home. Then we go through the hoops for the IR-1/CR-1(Preferred option) 2) Travel on VWP, marry and file for adjustment (our least likely route, as the risk is too great should it be denied 3) apply for the K-1 fiancee visa. 4) We go through the UK marriage visa process

    Where we should get married? the UK or US? Is either one particularly easier than the other? We would much prefer to settle in the US as he has a good job and earns more than the 125% required to sponsor me and I do not meet the UK's 18,600 sponsor requirement.

    Also, what are the cost and time differences for the K-1 and IR-1/CR-1 visas? Is one easier than the other?


    I have suffered on and off with neurotic depression, otherwise known as dysthymia (long term, low grade depression) and was previously medicated with fluoxetine 20mg + Mirtazapine 15mg. This has recently been reduced to Mirtazapine 15mg by itself and I am on the road to recovery, holding down a job well and am generally happy. I have never been hospitalized because of this. Is this likely to cause me to fail on medical grounds? I have no other health issues.

    Any helpful advice would be much appreciated.

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