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Cat wiff Tassels

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    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to jklm2010 in Support and Rant Thread July 2015 come join us!!!   
    Hi everyone!
    I just wanna say that I have been in a long distance relationship for over 5 years now.
    I had already applied for a fiance visa for him but a certain someone who hated my (then) fiance ruined the whole case for us and we had to withdraw.
    Now after we got married and all the family drama is over with, we are in the last stages of the CR1 process.....and it is ABSOLUTE TORTURE
    I hate NVC for being so unpredictable.
    After 5 years of tumult and separation and tears I realize that this new month of July or August could be life-changing for the both of us and
    could finally close this stupid gap.....I just want to tell other long-distance couples to hang in there please and have faith.
    If this is truly the person that makes you happy, fight for them through everything that's trying to separate you guys, fight the distance, and fight the grudges
    and egos that keep you back from approaching them and saying you're sorry or that you love them even if they were wrong. Blame the distance and not being
    able to hug them through a tough situation. Value your relationship more than your egos. Hang in there everyone and I hope that everyone get's united with their loved ones soon!
    Best wishes
  2. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Just in case don't want to miss anyone!

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    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
  4. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    OMG I hope so, God willing all will go well but I can't not be nervous and scared until I know what the verdict is. Thank you so much sweet heart so very kind of you!
    You both made me cry, thank you so much your prayers and those of our friends mean the world to me. I'm eternally greatful!
    Awwwwwwwwwww BRosa you made me cry even more thank you so much, boy I maybe nervous and scared but I feel hopeful with all your prayers and well wishes. One tomorrow then the day of truth, LOVE YOU ALL!
    Hello well if your IR-1 or CR-1 go here http://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/134-ir-1-cr-1-spouse-visa-case-filing-and-progress-reports/on the top upper right side of the posts it will say "Start New Topic" click on there and for the Emotes go to the first page there are links there just copy and paste but make sure it's for forums it will say above the link you copy and paste. By the way to the tread.
    Poor thing that your little guy has to go through this but how lucky he has you to take care of him. Oh yes the Vet is very expensive it's really getting out of hand. God bless him hope he gets better soon. OMG you have Rats wow well then I bet they live another 6 months and your friends will get to have fun with them and yes the move would be way to stressful poor little dears.
    Bless your heart for your kind words thank you so much I hope your right.
    Thank you, TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY so much for your prayers and I hope so I'm just dying!
    Unfortunately every single step is torture and there is nothing anyone of us can do about it. But this will soon be over for you.
    Awww Luvmytater, how can I every repay you, what a sweet and kind heart you have TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY Thank you so much God bless you and I'll do the same for you!
  5. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Oh sweet heart what a mess they need to fix this it's not your fault and don't wait to be called keep calling and say Mari "asked me to call her" I used this and it worked great they may ask you what it's about but it's just to remind her. Don't bother talking to the Reps. Yes I would have the Senator's office work on your case it can't hurt the worst that can happen is you get a letter from them telling you what you found out before their letter like I did. My Senator did nothing told them what they could do with their help and a few days ago after months of NOTHING a letter from them saying I have hahahahaa CC. I'm sure your Senator will do much more than mine since it seems they were ready to help you. Mine could care less so much for the might Barbara Boxer.
    I don't understand how they can be so heartless they don't have an ounce of humanity in them.
    Thank you so much for your prayers they mean the world to us and we need them more than you know. I'm so nervous someone hit me over the head with a hammer please!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    There is a saying, the squeaky wheel get's the oil you need to call every day and you should ask to speak to a supervisor and no they wont think your stupid they will think your interested in your case and you will call them until you get an answer. The process is horrible but you have to be proactive in your case or you will get no where. So please call, you should be calling at around 11 am Eastern Standard time and then again at about 7 pm Eastern Standard because what doesn't happen in the morning happens in the evening. I and many here will be praying you get your answer soon. your so close!
    Unfortunately they aren't trolls they just don't care about anyone else or who they hurt while they are looking after their own interest. But no worries we don't need them we're in a much better place than they can ever be.
    Awww thank you sweet heart your so kind but it's people like you and everyone in this thread that make it what it is and I'm so happy we found each other.

  7. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Well you and Kels2487 are almost half way there so great you guys could be on day 1 so your getting there, just take a deep breath guys and pray it's all we can do right now. I for one will be here for you until you get out of this mess.
    SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's my way to get more prayers!!!! .................................................
    Well thank God for that and with that I mean your over 8 months, I'm praying it's your time at long last. Can you ask them why they don't tell people why they are in AP seems very cruel to just let you sit there and suffer. Please ask, ty.
  8. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Thank you and it's my husband that is having the interview and I don't know who couldn't like him so God willing will be well.
    Wooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooo finally someone is helping mine did NOTHING for us so very happy girl now they wont be able to say UMMM we didn't receive you e-mail SOB's.
  9. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Awww TwoChickies what beautiful words and sentiment thank you very much and I know how you feel and it's as valid as anyone else's nor more and no less. I was so happy living with my husband for almost two years but the worry for my parents was torture so there is no reason to feel your situation is any less painful than ours. I'm grateful you joined us each member adds to the feeling and knowing we are understood.
    It has been my pleasure and honor to have made this thread for all of us and it belongs to all of us. I've been privileged to know such wonderful and helpful people in VJ Saylin, Dewheels, and every single one of you have brought to much comfort to me and so many others. Let's keep praying for each other!

    Hummmm is your anniversary before or after the interview? Did you ask your husband which would make him feel better? I wish I could go for the interview but I don't know what will happen. If I was sure we would be coming home together I Would but I can't make two trips it's way to expensive.
    Oh I know what you mean I rarely venture out of this thread for that very same reason.

    Woooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooo congratulations yes that is your Scan date Feb 10, nice date.
  10. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    There you go and you will have many, many anniversaries to come, wish I could be with my husband for the interview, sad they don't let us in to be with them. Well at least at some of the Embassies. So all set I'm guessing your going to book your flight soon?
    At the airport in Nigeria Luvmytater and husband!
  11. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Oh my, call again if you get the same idiot hang up wait a minute and call back I know it's a pain but if she's rude then it's worth it and if you look at my time line below you can complain about her to that e-mail.
    If you got Lydia during the day from 7 to 3 then try the night shift 3 to 12 ask for Mari shes a very nice supervisor so at least she wont be rude. Not sure what to say about resending but if you wait and they insist on you resending then God only knows. Will be praying this is fixed in a timely manner.
    Read your other post, don't believe a word the reps tell you the mean one is just a nasty idiot and she shouldn't have spoken to you that way nor said what she said.

    Cairo Embassy doesn't let the Petitioner in either, since I don't know what will happen I choose (God willing) to come back with my husband for the POE.

  12. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    I don't want this kind of problems on this thread we are all under enough stress with out this kind of comments. You maybe high fraud but so are many of us, I was offended so next time maybe you should explain yourself better or better yet not come to this thread. If you continues I will as the mods to permanently ban you from this thread. I warn you one more nasty post and that's it.

  13. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Hahahaa OMG I bet and same with me but Arab country I'll have to wait hahaha
    You know many don't even say why they put people on AP which is even more cruel and why revoke, why would they just not ask your husband to have the Passport fixed for Pete's sake? OMG I'll be praying all goes well and you get your Visa soon sweet heart.
    Thank you sweet heart and Happy Valentines day to you and everyone. Praying next year we will be with our husbands and wives. God bless us all bar non.

    Hahaha my pleasure my dear friend naughty minds think alike
  14. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    I third that !
  15. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Your welcome precious!
    Thank you very much and the same to you wishing you much love and joy and Happy Valentines day.

    Happy Valentines day sweetness may next year see us all us together with our loved ones.
  16. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Will do your highness, always wise and we will get right back to it. Happy Valentines Day!
  17. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Woooooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooo excellent, so close now, congrats!
  18. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Awww good for you taking your cat with you, you have no idea how people just abandon their pets when they move so proud of you. Hummm did the Vet put your little one on Antibiotics? That should take care of it and something to actually put in the cats ear to make it go away quicker. I have used Hydrogen Peroxide but they don't like it so I have had to wrap them in a huge towel so they didn't kill me. Ask you Vet what he/she thinks. Shhhhh might not like it because your not buying meds from them, we shall see.
    Yup my dear time will fly buy we have three days to go and I'm dying over her I'm so very nervous I can't stand it!
    Hahaha the way you put that was just too adorable and thank you same to you my dear.
    Awwwww thank you, you to our sweet BRose hope much love and happiness for you and all our VJ friends.

  19. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    I'm so nervous only 3 more days for the interview because for me on the West Coast of the US my husbands appointment is the 18 Th of Feb at 9:30 pm, while it's Feb 19 Th at 7:30 am for him. Please everyone keep us in your prayers I'm so nervous, wish I could have been there for him and not just sitting here waiting.

  20. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in Jan 2015 Support and Rant Thread   
    Sweet, hope they hurry up then congrats and WOW great conversation.
    Ok well you can't confirm your CC without this first.

  21. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Welcome to the February Support and Rant Thread, we are hear to help and comfort each other through this very difficult and arduous journey. You can complain, get angry and cry here you can ask questions and we will do our best to answer them but links below will be helpful to you in this process please use them. Also feel free to be happy and announce good news of any kind we are here for each other happy or sad.

    There is no such thing as off topic here, this is your thread, we are family and will stand by your side when you need us.

    ***** If you need questions answered during your NVC processing please go to the NVC Filers - February 2015 thread:

    Please on this http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/534417-nvc-filers-february-2015/
    Saylin aka has for you

    it is full of very helpful information you will need for this part of the process, read it over and over again.

    When you are done with NVC and receive Case Complete you will need to go to Dwheels thread, for those waiting for
    interviews she's a sweet heart and is extremely helpful, link: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/534425-march-2015-interviews/
    Please also read the first page here carefully so you will be prepared and it will answer a lot of you questions.

    Please call Her Dwheelsness her Majesty or just plain Her Dwheelsness She is royalty you know.

    Let the games begin. This way


    Links for Emotecons use them as freely as you wish.

  22. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Fantastic hope it continues this way.

    No fears you should be hearing something soon and you can call NVC can't hurt.
    Did you call? The squeaky wheel does get the oil.
    Let's all pray for a mild winder back East. Why the heck don't they move to Ca for Pete's sake!
    Your very welcome sweet heart, just know we're here for you and to the thread!
    Sorry if I've missed someone I might not know your new.
    Thank you my precious angle I pray all goes well, all had gone so wrong that I'm very nervous and scared at this point have seen a lot of AP's for Egypt.
    Thank you for your prayers you have no idea how much they mean to us.
    Hello my angel are you safe at home yet? I'm doing ok just scared Feb 19 Th is the interview for my husband, wish I could be with him. How are you doing these days?
    Awww I'm sorry that was my fault I have the flu and not feeling great just forgot to start the new thread and it was locked so sorry precious! Thank you for all the beautiful and positive thoughts and prayers same here praying for everyone to have better days with less wait and a positive Visa outcome.
  23. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in March 2015 Interviews   
    Wonderful so happy to hear all went well, same with my husband had his medical today and all went well. He had three vaccinations, blood test and X-Ray but no mention of TB test but then I wasn't there so have no clue. I'm getting really nervous Feb 19 Th is coming up fast. Wish I could sleep until after the interview hahaaa.
  24. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Awwwwwwww thank you so much my dear friend what a lovely thing for you to do to keep DutchmansLady and I in your thoughts.
    I bet your little girl is so excited but still must be bittersweet leaving her friends. And yes the mind is something else but thank God your stress will be something totally different now. I'm just so happy for your I don't have words to express how much right now.
    Please keep us in your prayers, my husbands interview is Feb 19 Th, hope your home stress free by then.
    Oh God bless you my friend thank you very much for your prayers and kind words, I know they will reach God . My prayers are with you and I pray your journey is a smooth one with no checklists or bumps in the road.
  25. Like
    Cat wiff Tassels reacted to Soloenta in February Support and Rant 2015   
    Geezzzzzzzzz another Holiday oh #######, what is the holiday? We all need to get a government job they get all holidays pretty much off.
    But your CC will come and you'll be so happy it wont seem so bad.
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