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Posts posted by jediknight

  1. nyseness, relax, look at my signature, i waited 159 days for the NOA2 approval. proof of relationship doesn't come until later. delays are due to backlogs, service centers and security checks so just be patient. if you look at the thread below you'll see that there are people who have been waiting since 9/11/06 and earlier without approval so just take a breather.



  2. james, while there might not be different instructions for each specific country, the NVC has two basic sets of instructions: One for Standard Post Processing and one for Appointment Post processing. as I stated in my earlier post, some consular posts have the NVC process the documents and send out interview appointment letters and for other countries the civil documents are turned in to the consulate and the consulate mails out the appointment letters.

    Selecting BGT (Bogota) from the list directs you to the Appointment NVC Processing Instructions which requests that all civil documents be sent to NVC.


    Selecting some other countries, BNK-Bangkok for example, will direct you to the Standard NVC Processing Instructions which tell you not to mail the civil documents to the NVC.



  3. i'm sooo happy for you both. please let us know how things develope and continue. i'm sure you'll be spending more time with her and less here but fill us in when ever you get a chance. estoy seguro que estan muy felices, felicitaciones y suerte con el futuro.

    oh by the way, how was the trip, was she nervous, didi she cry alot upon saying goodbye to her family? how did it go with immigration? were they polite? were you with her all the way through immigration and customs?


  4. i just spoke to my wife and she was able to get the certificado judicial the same day. she called in the appt yesterday, paid the 28,900 pesos fee at bancafe, took her pictures, cedula and payment receipt. her appt was for 12 noon but like many things in colombia she had to wait. they asked her why she needed it, where she was going to travel, they asked for her cedula and told her to wait. a little later they handed it to her. she then went to servientrega and mailed it to me today, i should get it next week. i'm glad she didn't have to wait the 30 days wait time in barranquilla many have posted here, maybe they've changed the process? anyway, gracias a Dios que no tiene que ir a bogota. the certificado migratorio we'll get before the interview in bogota.


  5. mononoke,

    clarification, i haven't received the ds230 yet so i cannot confirm what exactly is being requested. i am only going by what the state dept website is listing here http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3176.html and by what the cs reps have told me on 3 separate calls made to them telling me that the required docs have changed.

    also, i cannot confirm the situation with the bogota accepting or not accepting phone calls since i've never made any to them. information about this was posted by someone else and not me


  6. looking at the website the addresses seem to be correct. for the certifcado judicial you don't need anything other than making the appt by phone, paying the 28,900 pesos, cedula and 2 3X3 pics. my wife went to foto japon and they said that the 3X4 size with blue background is ok.

    as for the migratorio, from the website it says that you need to make a written request explaining the info needed and for what, along with copies of cedula, passport, payment


  7. careful with what people who "just" got the visa say because it seems that the requirements for the supporting documents for the DS230 just changed also, so they maybe giving you info that is outdated.

    from what i've been reading, the copy of the passport was all that was needed before but that changed a few weeks ago. i also called NVC twice and was told the same thing, that additional docs needed to be sent. also, that link you posted states the same thing, so i would go by what NVC and the website is telling us. my wife is going to the DAS this week to try to get the certificado judicial, i already have the birth certificate and marriage certificate. it's frustrating how they just change things without notifying anyone but what doug says makes alot of sense. i guess they are trying to get as much of the documents ahead of time so as not to turn people away who show up to the interview unprepared. it's stuff we needed to get anyway, just a little sooner now. thank goodness I was able to find out before sending the DS230 out.


  8. this is what has been driving me crazy this past weekend. it seems that the required documents sent with the DS230 have changed per that link you posted. my wife will be going to the DAS in barranquilla for her certificado judicial. as for the translations, i'm not 100% sure but i think that if the docs are in spanish there is no need for translations, i remember reading it somewhere, look back on page 3 of this thread for a post by bradyvicky dated jan 25, read point 2. can anyone confirm that the docs don't have to be translated?


  9. mononoke, from what i've been reading, DAS is national so it should be good if people have lived in more than one city. also, maybe you should call NVC also and ask to see what they say but NVC told me that they only need a national poilice certificate and would only need additional ones if the applicant has lived in more than one country. i called on 2 separate occasions and was told the same thing. i'm going to call this week and ask again. i wish things were more clearer and not so confusing. take care


  10. L4W, how long did your wife have to wait before getting the certificates? i read somewhere that it can take up to a month in barranquilla and 3 days in bogota.

    Mononoke, NVC told me that they needed a national certificate, i hope this is the one my wife can get in barranquilla so she won't have to goto bogota


  11. L4W, was the police report referred to as the Certificado Judicial? I went to the DAS website and it lists a Certificado Judicial as one of the documents people can get at their offices. Did your wife need or get an entry/exit certificate? Is this even necessary if my wife has never left the country? I remember seeing it on the list of documents needed in the packet people receive before the interview.



  12. it seems that my wife now has to send me the police certificates from the cities she has lived in since 16y/o so i can send them with the DS230 to NVC. my question is...

    my wife is living in barranquilla and lived in bogota for 2 years, does anyone know if can she get a police certificate from bogota in barranquilla or does she have to fly to bogota to get that?

    is there a national police certificate that she can get in barranquilla that shows she lived in bogotaor shows that she is cleared in bogota? if she does have to get the certificate in bogota, can someone already in bogota go for her, perhaps with a notarized letter authorizing that person to get that certificate? i just hope she doesn't have to make such a trip just to get that. any advice is appreciated. mil gracias.


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