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Posts posted by rlt

  1. I´d like to call Vermont too.

    I wonder if USCIS will update the status of my petition online when they receive it.

    Is everybody checking that?

    Also, if anyone find out VSC´s phone number plz post here. I´ll also call them.


    it depends on who answers the phone call.

    I talked to this USCIS officer on friday who said he knew about the recalled petition but no one there told him about what will happen to them. And that I was his 6th phone call about the same subject that day.

    He also said that in "military terms" he´s only a private there and doubted if USCIS will let them know what´s going on.

    Anyways, we already know that USCIS is the one receiving the recalled petitions.

    Should we call them and ask now about VSC? If they are processing I129F´s cases or not?

  2. Ok.. I just got off the phone with the NVC officer.

    She said the Consular Officer is wrong. The NVC won´t do anything with the returned petitions rather than forward them to the right Service Center.

    Also, she said it´s impossible for them to know if my petition got to NVC yet. They don´t keep any record of returned petitions and they do not check any of them. They only keep records of when they receive it from USCIS and fwd them to the Consulate.

    That means, my Consulate doesn´t know everything.

    That also means, that might be the reason why you guys waiting for a NOA2 from Vermont are waiting longer than expected.

    And, of course, that mean we should keep calling USCIS. They are the ones who recalled the petitions, who will perform this security check.

    Could anyone from the US please call their toll free line asking for information?

    1 800 375 52 83


  3. Exactly.

    But I still wonder about things.

    Last week I called NVC and they told me they shouldn´t receive anything back, since they don´t perform any security check. He said the only thing they do is to assign a case number. And if they receive something they will simply fwd it to the right Service Center.

    Is that true?

    That goes against the information I got from the Consulate. But I do believe them. When I called, first thing I said was "i´m one of the people whose petition was returned to the USA"

    And she said "We did not receive it back yet" as if it wouldn´t take long.

  4. OK !!!


    The Consullar Officer sounded really calm and like she knew what she was talking about.

    First: She said they returned it via FEDEX, and that they have probably received it by now.

    Second: SHE SAID THEY SENT IT TO NVC! She told me the NVC won´t be forwarding this to USCIS. That might explain why USCIS has no clue about what´s goin on.

    Third: The reason why his is happening is simple: They didn´t security check the american citizen. That´s the only reason why they recalled the petitions. She said they (the consulate in Rio) thought they could do it just by checking their names, without requesting the petition back, but NVC wanted they returned.

    Fourth: When I said "yeah, I think they are looking for people who met uinder a IMB or filled multiple petitions" she said she doesn´t think so. They just need to check the american citizen and that´s it.

    Fifth: She said the Consulate will contact me as soon as they get te petition back, which should not take long.

    Sixth: I know this doesn´t explain why Vermont is working so slow right now. But for the first time I hope this won´t be a snow ball.

    I hope it helps you too.

    And yes, of course I´m calling the NVC today.


  5. Honetly, I would be relieved.

    I doubt that the Consulate in Rio will send it via FedEx.

    When I was waiting for packet 3 they told me they sent it by regular mail.

    As the waiting is long and we don´t hear anything, I´m now worried that it will take about a month for my petition to arrive there.

    Yours will be there this week!!! And I think you should keep checking the status of your case online again...

    Anyways, did your Cnsular Officer tell you where did they ship to? If to your Service Center or to NVC?



    No, all petitions were recalled.

    We THINK they are looking for people who met online or have applied for multiple k1s.

    But they recalled all petitions that had left the Service Center.

    Please tell us what USCIS told you!


  6. Ok.

    If what we need is time, let´s remember it´s been already 12 days since the first person got a phone called saying their interview had been canceled.

    I think that is enough time.

    Today is a business day, after a very frustrating weekend.

    We have to call them, we have to call evryone, arrange appointments, do whatever it takes.

    I mean, they didn´t decide do recall the petitions and did it on the same day. So they are talking about this situation for at least 2 weeks. They should be able to give us information today.

    My USC fiancée was gonna schedule an appointment with the Service Center (you can easily do that on the USCIS website by clicking on INFOPASS APPOINTMENT). It´s a free service.

    Unfortunately because we decided that she is coming to my country (so we can be together for 5 days because of this turnaround) she will work for 12 a day this week and won´t be able to make it.

    Please, if any of you petitioners could schedule an appointment, that would be great and I think it would be easier to find out more.

    Anyways, I´m calling the brazilian Consulate within 2 hours.

    I´ll post here whatever they say.

    Can someone please call the USCIS now?

  7. Thank you guys. Thank you so much.

    But you have no idea of how hard this hit me. I have already bought her the plane ticket and at least until she comes next week I can breath and think of something else.

    I really dn´t se this getting over soon. The Consulate in Brazil sends their mail as regular mail. So I think the USCIS officer was right: "give us at least 30 days to receive it and call again".

    But thank you so much.


  8. If they know we are claiming for an explanation they will say something.

    Since my interview was canceled, everything changed in my life.

    I am spending the money I saved to buy my plane ticket to bring my fiancée to spend 5 days in Brazil next week.

    I think spending time together will make us stronger to wait for "who knows how long".

    I need to know what´s going on. I can´t live like this. Did you guys realize that this is the first time since the beggining of this journey, that we don´t know what´s gonna happen?

    I mean, not that the money is the most important thing here, but we spent a lot at this. Is this even legal? To recall petitions and don´t say a word?

  9. Luis&Laura, I only think Vermont might have stopped processing I129F´s because there´s no notice of any approval lately.

    The other Service Centers are still processing, but they still have petitions dated before March 6th.

    Maybe none of the Service Centers are procesing any petitions dated after the IMBRA law.

    THAT´S MY GUESS. It does make sense to me, after all I´ve been researching.

    The reason for me can´t be because they are waiting for the recalled petitions. The petitions only started being recalled 10 days ago, and they got frozen before that.

    I think they are still waiting to know what to do.

    Maybe when they do they will realize that they didn´t need to recall it, I don´t know.

    But if that´s the atcual situation at USCIS, it´s the worst it could be. Because it means they don´t know what to do about the new law yet.

    I´m sorry.. this is how I react to situations like this. I can only think it looks really bad.

    But THEY NEED to let us know, what is happening with ALL petitions submitted after March 6th.

  10. You should receive a letter stating your interview date.

    But everything´s upside down...

    The Consulate in Rio mail everything through regular mail.

    I only got packet3 ten days after they sent me.

    And I got my interview date only because I called them, since I never received Packet4.

    That doesn´t matter much now, since it got canceled, but anyways. If the Consulate never contacted you and your petition was sent to them, it makes sense to me that they assume they don´t need to inform you that.

    I think they should, but... you know what I mean.

    You can avoid all the speculation by calling them at 55 - 21 - 3823-2021

    The waiting time is around 30 minutes, but once you provide your case number, they will let you know where your petition is, and if it was one of the 20 recalled.

    I´m calling them again tomorrow. I already know they wíll say they have sent my case back and will contact me when they hear from USCIS.

    But I wanna know how long they think it will take for USCIS to receive. And where did they sent it to. If it was to NVC or to the VSC directly.


  11. I think it´s pretty clear now why the petitions recalled come from the VSC.

    Only Vermont has approved petitions dated after March 6th.

    At some point, USCIS realized their mistake and started doing this new sec. check to the petitions they already had there.

    But all others forwarded by them were no longer considered approved.

    That´s the pattern, I think.

    Also, as my opinion: they needed some time to adjust (or maybe they are still adjusting) to the new law, and probably because of this new law, the whole proccess is gonna take longer from now on.

    The petitions that never left VSC should be approved soon, unless they are still trying to find out what to do. Or if they will proces the recalled petitions before the ones already there.

    I think we will only know these answers when someone who got their petition recalled gets contacted either by USCIS, NVC or the Consulate. Maybe for a rescheduled interview, for a new NOA1 or for a RFE.

    Seems like Vermont has stopped processing the I129F´s. We should call them and ask if this is true.

    Thank God tomorrow is a monday...

    I need to know what´s going on. I really do.

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