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Posts posted by smilesammich

  1. 20 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    It seems from this earlier post its ok to slap anyone you deem a racist also. Not just Nazi's. You have a very wide definition  of racist, so its ok for you to slap lots of people you disagree with





    always with the old posts without context. are you trying to convince me that i go around assaulting people i disagree with or support that behavior in others? cause it's not going to happen. i have no control how you, and others, choose to interpret my posts. i try but it's proving pretty pointless since it seems most threads come back to this same tired back and forth.


  2. 24 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    Just fo da record

    Ferguson effect' legit? Police laud FBI report that says cop killings 'new norm'




    the fbi report concerns 50 police killed in 2016  63 total cases. it looks at if the killer had expressed wanting to kill cops in the past or if they killed because they didnt want to go back to jail. the report didnt mention the 'ferguson  effect' that i read.

    police killed in the line of duty is not at all normal, if you look at the numbers. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    Here is another thing to consider. The person who was responsible for having the most Nazis killed during world war 2 was Stalin. So if we assume this false narrative of punching Nazis is true for a moment that still doesn't automatically make antifa the good guys here any more than Stalin was a good guy. Antifa still fits the definition of a terrorist group even if we pretend they are just punching Nazis (which is a false narrative).

    the vast majority of those nazis are dead. i'm only concerned with present day nazis and those willing to stand up to them now.

  4. 16 minutes ago, jg121783 said:

    I know you like antifa want to classify anyone you disagree with as a Nazi but that doesn't make it so. I would argue antifa themselves act like Nazis or at the very least brown shirts. They are by definition a terrorist organization and there is no way to side step that. The brown shirts and Nazis of the 1930s and 1940s had all sorts of nasty names and classifications for people they opposed to justify their assault of political opponents. And they had people like you who were fooled into believing they had a righteous cause cheering them on.

    i don't classify anyone who disagrees with me as a nazi. that has been repeated here numerous times, got any proof to back that up? have i called anyone a nazi? no. stopped reading after your first statement, which is a total lie.

  5. 4 minutes ago, jg121783 said:


    You mean as long as they classify the people they assault as Nazis whether or not they really are it's all good with you. 


    But you seem to by defending their acts of assault as "punching Nazis".


    I haven't seen one.


    Eagles fans in this case are vandals and criminals but not terrorists. Their criminal activity isn't geared towards creating terror for a political end goal. Antifa on the other hand fits the definition of terrorists perfectly.


    1. 1.
      a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    no that isn't what i meant.


    i've only defended punching nazis. that won't change.


    i don't really care if you're worried about nazis feeling terrorized by antifa. cry me a river.

    9 minutes ago, Satisfied said:

    Any chance you could find it in your heart to disavow both hate groups? 

    i'd have to believe antifa is a hate group, which i don't.

  6. 1 minute ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    When you have to justify a wrong by equalizing it with another wrong. You have vacated the mortality of your position. 


    The Nature Boy 2018

    i'm not 'justifying' anything. i'm just saying, no one is calling for philadephia eagles fans to be classified as terrorist organizations. no one is screaming 'omg the violence we will witness if the eagles win again!"

  7. 9 minutes ago, Sonea said:

    Whats your view on Ann Coulter or Ben Shapiro? Antifa in Berkeley blocked both (though Shapiro did come back later).


    my view is that they're idiots. and i honestly don't pay either any attention. 


    eta: it wasn't just antifa that shut them down. many protesters weren't affiliated with antifa.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Bill & Katya said:

    When a group chooses to fight against free speech, they better have a very narrow definition of that speech and considering how loose the fascist group that calls themselves antifa I think it is a good bet they will violate their own definitions.

    meh. i'd rather be on the side of those fighting nazis, imperfect as they are, than be on the side of those supporting a nazis' right to spread their murderous intent. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, 2018JNJ said:

    Can you cite any major democrat disavowing antifa, blm, splc, or other such groups that spread hate and discord?


    Edit - Wikipedia ?? 



    well i'd have to first be able to agree with you that these entities spread hate and discord. i certainly don't.


    yeah wikipedia, anything in a wiki article can be independently verified if you have doubts.


    According to Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at the California State University, San Bernardino, Antifa activists participate in violent actions because "they believe that elites are controlling the government and the media. So they need to make a statement head-on against the people who they regard as racist".[7] According to Mark Bray, a historian at Dartmouth College sympathetic to the antifa movement's goals, the adherents "reject turning to the police or the state to halt the advance of white supremacy. Instead they advocate popular opposition to fascism as we witnessed in Charlottesville".[38]

    The idea of direct action is central to the antifa movement. Antifa organizer Scott Crow told an interviewer: "The idea in Antifa is that we go where they [right-wingers] go. That hate speech is not free speech. That if you are endangering people with what you say and the actions that are behind them, then you do not have the right to do that. And so we go to cause conflict, to shut them down where they are, because we don't believe that Nazis or fascists of any stripe should have a mouthpiece".[7] A manual posted on It's Going Down, an anarchist website, warns against accepting "people who just want to fight". It furthermore notes that "physically confronting and defending against fascists is a necessary part of anti-fascist work, but is not the only or even necessarily the most important part".[40]

    According to Beinart, antifa activists "try to publicly identify white supremacists and get them fired from their jobs and evicted from their apartments", in addition to "disrupt(ing) [sic] white-supremacist rallies, including by force".[41]According to a Washington Post book review, antifa tactics include "no platforming", i.e. denying their targets platforms from which to speak; obstructing their events and defacing their propaganda; and when antifa activists deem it necessary, deploying violence to deter them.[39] According to National Public Radio, "people who speak for the Antifa movement acknowledge they sometimes carry clubs and sticks" and their "approach is confrontational".[42] CNNdescribes antifa as "known for causing damage to property during protests".[7] Scott Crow, described by CNN as "a longtime Antifa organizer", argues that destroying property is not a form of violence.[7] The groups have been associated with physical violence in public against police[43] and against people whose political views its activists deem repugnant.[44] Antifa activists used clubs and dyed liquids against the white supremacists in Charlottesville[45]and caused property damage.[7] In one incident, an apparent antifa supporter punched white supremacist Richard Spencer in the face as he was giving an impromptu street interview[46][47] and on another occasion, in Berkeley, it was reported that some threw Molotov cocktails.[7]

    Apart from the other activities, antifa activists engage in mutual aid, such as disaster response in the case of Hurricane Harvey.[48][49] According to Natasha Lennard in The Nation, antifa "collectives are working with interfaith groups and churches in cities around the country to create a New Sanctuary Movement, continuing and expanding a 40-year-old practice of providing spaces for refugees and immigrants, which entails outright refusal to cooperate with ICE".[50]


  10. 2 minutes ago, 2018JNJ said:

    Define that please.



    you want me to define hate speech, or just hate. because i think you can google it yourself. you can also read the link i posted a few posts up, has some quotes from actual antifa activists - of which i am not. 


    democrats and antifa are not synonymous and the vast majority of democrats do not at all support antifa's approach. but i get why trump is trying to pull this false comparison off.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    How many times has there been antifa problems on college campuses? Every time a conservative speaker is asked to come to the college antifa comes out in force and causes more damage. 


    Antifa in its US guise is anti free speech, just because they supposedly protected religeous leaders in Charlottesville shouldn't give them a free pass for everything. But yet they are the darlings of the left, it's the hypocracy of the left I don't understand. 

    i don't think it's when a conservative speaker goes to a college (milo/richard spencer aren't just vanilla conservatives). i think you're relying too much on conservative media to tell you the truth about these incidents.


    antifa is not anti free speech, they're anti hate speech. 


  12. 12 minutes ago, Sonea said:

    There has been more violence in the streets in the past year then any other year since the LA Riots IMO.


    ANTIFA has been a new force since the last election in the US. I guess the question to ask is, have their been more supremacist and facist demonstrations in the last year or is the spotlight just on them now? (Probably the former)



    antifa is not new. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States)

  13. 17 minutes ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    I get it nazis are bad no disagreement here.


    Antifa doesn't seem to discriminate who it hurts or what it damages, equal opportunity violence for all organisation. So no one will care when the shoe is on the other foot and conservatives start trashing the place, free violence for all.

    antifa didn't trash charlottesville when they were there defending peaceful protestors against nazis..they protected religious leaders as the police stood by and did nothing. i don't buy the whole conservative push to demonize antifa.

    anyway, antifa isn't that big of an organization. trump is just using them to scare people. oddly enough, nazis and other assorted racist groups don't seem to bother conservatives anymore.

    2 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    Notice how the anti police violent BLM group went away as soon as the election was over 

    they haven't gone away. and they're not anti police.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Nature Boy Flair said:

    Yes and its ongoing. The prediction of butthurt was real

    um what? where's the violence? i'm not seeing it.

    10 minutes ago, Mr&Mrs G. said:

    No need to be afraid,


    Conservatives can just wear black masks and go beat up on some people, smash a few windows, possibly trash a college or two to vent. Quite a trendy thing to do these days and barely makes the headlines in most media outlets



    as long as they're punching nazis it's all good with me.

  15. tds takes on new meaning. lol



    US President Donald Trump has warned that his policies will be "violently" overturned if the Democrats win November's mid-term elections.

    He told Evangelical leaders that the vote was a "referendum" on freedom of speech and religion, and that these were threatened by "violent people".

    He appealed to conservative Christian groups for help, saying they were one vote away from "losing everything".

    Mid-term elections are widely seen as a test of the president's popularity.

    Mr Trump has been battling negative publicity after his ex-lawyer and former campaign chief were convicted earlier this month.

    An audio recording of Mr Trump's closed-door meeting with Evangelical leaders at the White House was leaked to US media.

    During the meeting, Mr Trump said the mid-term elections were not just a referendum on him but also "on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment [guaranteeing basic freedoms]".

    "It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa - these are violent people," he said.

    Antifa - short for anti-fascist - refers to groups of far-left protesters who fight far-right ideology and regularly clash with far-right demonstrators.

    The US president has previously criticised left-wing groups, infamously saying that there had been violence on "many sides" after a white nationalist killed a left-wing demonstrator at a white nationalist protest in Charlottesville last year.



    be very afraid!

  16. 1 hour ago, Nature Boy Flair said:


    I aas m surprised anyone would take this stinking pile of bating seriously. 

    i didn't post this as bait. i thought the interactive map was cool and i could also relate to the article, as high rent is a topic i discuss irl often. ive been a renter for 21 years at this point so i've witnessed some significant changes. im actually baffled at some of the responses posted here. rent is ridiculously high in comparison with wages. it was high when obama was was in office too. this article really isn't about trump, or negating all the winning.

  17. 19 minutes ago, Randyandyuni said:

    I'll ignore the snark and answer anyway


    I didnt say live on welfare I was showing ways people could get help while improving their status


    I lived in areas where welfare was the family business, I do not support that but do support helping people when they are down, social welfare programs are meant to be a safety net, not a way of life


    Don't assume people don't read what they respond to, disagree with my conclusions I could not care less but don't make assumptions about things you cannot support, it come across as arrogant and dismissive

    my assumption is based on the responses that i've received, which have little to nothing to do with the article i posted - including your list of available welfare/charity.

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