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Mick & Janni

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Posts posted by Mick & Janni

  1. From what I read in the guides I get the feeling that the petitioner should send the beneficiary a copy of the whole package, not to bring to the interview so much, but to go through it so both know what kind of papers/info the embassy has.

    We collected all the info and sent in our package when we were together in the US so we both know exactly what was in it and don't really see the need for me to have a copy of the whole thing. I have the originals of every copy we sent in though, which I will bring to the interview just in case.

  2. But if you're a woman and you were never called to do military service or anything - you don't need to bring military papers, right?

    It's only if you did military service or were called to do military service but got out of it somehow that you need to bring those papers?

  3. Hi you guys

    Im currently waiting to do my interview on the 24th of March. So frekkin' excited and incredibly nervous too. We really want to get married on the 30th of April, but if there is one thing we have learned in this process; always assume the worst. And never ask questions about why they do stuff the way they do......it will just make you agitated, stressed and extremely sad. :P

    Oh well, it haven't been that bad. So far it has gone pretty smoothly (7,9,13) from when we applied back in September. We are just hoping, that the last part will be smooth too.

    I wanted to ask you about the interview. I have read the posts about it on another forum but I would like to know when you arrived on your interview date, and how long you waited for?

    Im driving in from Älmhult, Sweden on the same day and have my dad and brother with me, so it would be nice with some kind of idea of how long everything will take.

    Did I mention I am nervous?


    I don't know if you've read the reviews yet, but if you haven't there's a link here: http://www.visajourney.com/reviews/index.php?cnty=Sweden&cty=&dfilter=5

    I'll be going from Älmhult myself (or close by at least) but I'll be taking the train. It helps having a friend who lives in Sthlm, I'll have my very own personal guide. :P

  4. They have it though, right? You just can't check it? That would freak me out. I hope it still goes through ok and it's just an error on their system with your receipt number. Keeping everything crossed for you.

    I sure hope they have it! But yes, no way to check it and when we call USCIS they don't know anything either. So at this point all we can do is wait and hope nothing's wrong. I think I've freaked out a few times already, haha :P

    I hope both you and us get our NOA2 this week, fingers crossed. :dancing:

  5. It did this for me too all the way until NOA2 approval. After that I could check the status.

    Good to know that someone else from here have had the same issue and that everything worked out fine.

    It's just annoying when they send you the NOA1 and tell you that you can check your status when you get the NOA1 hard copy, and then you can't. They shouldn't fool people like that.

    Not sure if you have any use of being able to check your status once you have your NOA2?

  6. We've used this guide a lot for the i-129f packet: http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide

    But that guide is for the USC, is there a guide for the foreigner regarding the K-1? Is there a guide about what packet 3 is and what to do with it? I haven't yet figured out if it's only the DS-160 and an electronic pass photo or if there's something more to it.

    I've already seen the checklist thanks to Maria, so that part of it is very clear to me. Packet 3 is still a bit of a mystery though, I've seen it mentioned many times but that's about it.

  7. We've tried our receipt number via the app, website and via phone/customer service. Every place we could come up with.

    I guess we have to keep waiting - I just don't want to spend even more time waiting if it is in fact missing. We're already two months behind if that's the case.

    "It might just not be in the system yet", we don't get that answer when we call in. If that was the case I assume they would've told us just that. =/

  8. Maybe, it all just seems a bit odd to me. We got some special kind of customer service when we called the other day because it's been more than 45 days since our NOA1 - and they couldn't find anything either, as if it doesn't even exist. They searched for our receipt number and both our names several times but nothing.

    Let's just say it is missing, when do we send another one?

  9. I'm confused have you got NOA2? And you think it's lost from CSC to NVC?

    From what I understand you get the NOA1 when it's registered at the Texas Lockbox thingy? And after that it gets transfered to California Service Centre? If so, I have a feeling it got lost between Texas and CSC as there are no traces since the NOA1, and when calling USCIS they have zero info about our peition. I assume they never got it. I could be wrong about how it works though?

    It says "Case not found" when we try to check our status (both on app and on their webpage), and when calling them we get the same answer.

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