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Posts posted by picobenz

  1. It was extremely quick. All I can say is, thanks be to God. I don't know if my husband turned on the charm or what but whatever he did worked. When he got the visa in hand he took a picture to show me and it was processed the next day. Maybe the guy that interviewed him was in great spirits...my husband was the first person that day to be interviewed for immigrant visa type...I told him that, that could either work for us or against us...never know how people sleep the night before and how they will wake the next morning.

    And yes...the ticket prices are getting more expensive. Remember U.S. holiday is coming up and that might play a factor. Also, when searching and you close out your browser make sure to delete your cookies and temp internet files..close out, go back in and perform a new search. From what I have seen the airlines typically change their prices twice a week (higher or lower). Some people say Tuesday is the best day to shop and some say Wednesday's...but I have seen prices change late Friday and again late afternoon Saturday. You have to be on it like maggots to rotten meat...(I know that's gross but that's the only analogy that came to my mind and my mom always uses it).

    eewww, magnet to steel
  2. Days went by fast...right!

    You know I am not going to say, "wish you luck" because luck to me is game often dealing with happenstance. How can this be chance/happenstance when you were already predestined to be where you are? Your (our) steps were ordered before you (we) took your first breath.

    So what I am going to say to you (Petes30, Princesslee and Picobenz), HE will never take you to anything that HE is not going to see you through. We've affirmed it! Now just go hear the CONFIRMED....APPROVED. IT ALL WILL BE WELL!! Many..many blessings (muah)

    And this is for all that are continuing to wait...

  3. So status update. After approval at interview checked visa status and it stayed on Ready for 6 days then changed to Administrative Processing for the 22nd day now with the latest update being today. Looking back at post in my country's portal some people got their passport with visa in hand in 5 days and latest a week. Everyone says not to worry but I can't help to. I understand the Embassy is handling alot of cases but I'm still bothered by how long mine is taking. Really want to be with my wife for my birthday and my step child's graduation. Though it's out of my hands I feel like I am letting them down

    You can the embassy and ask.
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